996 resultados para AFFECTED SIBLING PAIRS


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The role of germline polymorphisms of the T-cell receptor A/D and B loci in susceptibility to ankylosing spondylitis was investigated by linkage studies using microsatellite markers in 215 affected sibling pairs. The presence of a significant susceptibility gene (lambda ≤ 1.6) at the TCRA/D locus was excluded (LOD score < -2.0). At the TCRB locus, there was weak evidence of the presence of a susceptibility gene (P = 0.01, LOD score 1.1). Further family studies will be required to determine whether this is a true or false-positive finding. It is unlikely that either the TCRA/D or TCRB loci contain genes responsible for more than a moderate proportion of the non-MHC genetic susceptibility to ankylosing spondylitis.


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Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a common and highly familial rheumatic disorder. The sibling recurrence risk ratio for the disease is 63 and heritability assessed in twins > 90%. Although MHC genes, including HLA-B27, contribute only 20-50% of the genetic risk for the disease, no non-MHC gene has yet been convincingly demonstrated to influence either susceptibility to the disease or its phenotypic expression. Previous linkage and association studies have suggested the presence of a susceptibility gene for AS close to, or within, the cytochrome P450 2D6 gene (CYP2D6, debrisoquine hydroxylase) located at chromosome 22q13.1. We performed a linkage study of chromosome 22 in 200 families with AS affected sibling-pairs. Association of alleles of the CYP2D6 gene was examined by both case-control and within-family means. For case-control studies, 617 unrelated individuals with AS (361 probands from sibling-pair and parent-case trio families and 256 unrelated non-familial sporadic cases) and 402 healthy ethnically matched controls were employed. For within-family association studies, 361 families including 161 parent-case trios and 200 affected sibling-pair families were employed. Homozygosity for poor metabolizer alleles was found to be associated with AS. Heterozygosity for the most frequent poor metabolizer allele (CYP2D6*4) was not associated with increased susceptibility to AS. Significant within-family association of CYP2D6*4 alleles and AS was demonstrated. Weak linkage was also demonstrated between CYP2D6 and AS. We postulate that altered metabolism of a natural toxin or antigen by the CYP2D6 gene may increase susceptibility to AS.


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Large samples of multiplex pedigrees will probably be needed to detect susceptibility loci for schizophrenia by linkage analysis. Standardized ascertainment of such pedigrees from culturally and ethnically homogeneous populations may improve the probability of detection and replication of linkage. The Irish Study of High-Density Schizophrenia Families (ISHDSF) was formed from standardized ascertainment of multiplex schizophrenia families in 39 psychiatric facilities covering over 90% of the population in Ireland and Northern Ireland. We here describe a phenotypic sample and a subset thereof, the linkage sample. Individuals were included in the phenotypic sample if adequate diagnostic information, based on personal interview and/or hospital record, was available. Only individuals with available DNA were included in the linkage sample. Inclusion of a pedigree into the phenotypic sample required at least two first, second, or third degree relatives with non-affective psychosis (NAP), one whom had schizophrenia (S) or poor-outcome schizo-affective disorder (PO-SAD). Entry into the linkage sample required DNA samples on at least two individuals with NAP, of whom at least one had S or PO-SAD. Affection was defined by narrow, intermediate, and broad criteria. The phenotypic sample contained 277 pedigrees and 1,770 individuals and the linkage sample 265 pedigrees and 1,408 individuals. Using the intermediate definition of affection, the phenotypic sample contained 837 affected individuals and 526 affected sibling pairs. Parallel figures for the linkage sample were 700 and 420. Individuals with schizophrenia from these multiplex pedigrees resembled epidemiologically sampled cases with respect to age at onset, gender distribution, and most clinical symptoms, although they were more thought-disordered and had a poorer outcome. Power analyses based on the model of linkage heterogeneity indicated that the ISHDSF should be able to detect a major locus that influences susceptibility to schizophrenia in as few as 20% of families. Compared to first-degree relatives of epidemiologically sampled schizophrenic probands, first-degree relatives of schizophrenic members from the ISHDSF had a similar risk for schizotypal personality disorder, affective illness, alcoholism, and anxiety disorder. With sufficient resources, large-scale ascertainment of multiplex schizophrenia pedigrees is feasible, especially in countries with catchmented psychiatric care and stable populations. Although somewhat more severely ill, schizophrenic members of such pedigrees appear to clinically resemble typical schizophrenic patients. Our ascertainment process for multiplex schizophrenia families did not select for excess familial risk for affective illness or alcoholism. With its large sample ascertained in a standardized manner from a relatively homogeneous population, the ISHDSF provides considerable power to detect susceptibility loci for schizophrenia.


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Background: Factor analyses indicate that hoarding symptoms constitute a distinctive dimension of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), usually associated with higher severity and limited insight. The aim was to compare demographic and clinical features of OCD patients with and without hoarding symptoms. Method: A cross sectional study was conducted with 1001 DSM-IV OCD patients from the Brazilian Research Consortium of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (CTOC), using several instruments. The presence and severity of hoarding symptoms were determined using the Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale. Statistical univariate analyses comparing factors possibly associated with hoarding symptoms were conducted, followed by logistic regression to adjust the results for possible confounders. Results: Approximately half of the sample (52.7%, n = 528) presented hoarding symptoms, but only four patients presented solely the hoarding dimension. Hoarding was the least severe dimension in the total sample (mean score: 3.89). The most common lifetime hoarding symptom was the obsessive thought of needing to collect and keep things for the future (44.0%, n = 440). After logistic regression, the following variables remained independently associated with hoarding symptoms: being older, living alone, earlier age of symptoms onset, insidious onset of obsessions, higher anxiety scores, poorer insight and higher frequency of the symmetry-ordering symptom dimension. Concerning comorbidities, major depressive, posttraumatic stress and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders, compulsive buying and tic disorders remained associated with the hoarding dimension. Conclusion: OCD hoarding patients are more likely to present certain clinical features, but further studies are needed to determine whether OCD patients with hoarding symptoms constitute an etiologically discrete subgroup. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Obesity and related chronic diseases represent a tremendous public health burden among Mexican Americans, a young and rapidly-expanding population. This study investigated the impact of variation within eight candidate obesity genes, which include leptin (LEP), leptin receptor (LEPR), neuropeptide Y (NPY), NPYY1 receptor (NPYY1), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), GLP-1 receptor (GLP1R), beta-3 adrenergic receptor (β3AR), and uncoupling protein (UCP1), on variation in human obesity status and/or quantitative traits related to obesity in Mexican Americans from Starr County, Texas. The Trp64Arg polymorphism within β3AR was typed in 820 random individuals and 240 pedigrees (N = 2,044). The Arg allele frequency was significantly greater in obese versus non-obese individuals (0.20 versus 0. 15, respectively). In addition, within the random sample, the Arg allele was associated with significantly greater body weight (p = 0.031) and body mass index (BMI, p = 0.008) than the Trp allele. In the family sample, the Trp64Arg locus was also linked to percent fat (p = 0.045) but not to body weight or BMI. No linkage between obesity, diabetes, hypertension, or gallbladder disease and the Trp64Arg mutation was observed in families using affected sib pair linkage analysis or the transmission disequilibrium test. Microsatellite markers proximate to the remaining seven genes were typed in 302 individuals from 59 families. Sib pair linkage analysis provided evidence for linkage between obesity and NPY within affected sibling pairs (p = 0.042; n = 170 pairs). NPY was also linked to weight (p = 0.020), abdominal circumference (p = 0.031), hip circumference (p = 0.012), DBP (p ≤ 0.005), and a composite measure of body mass/fat (p ≤ 0.048) in all sibling pairs (n = 545 pairs). Additionally, LEP was linked to waist/hip ratio (p ≤ 0.009), total cholesterol (p ≤ 0.030), and HDL cholesterol (p ≤ 0.026), and LEPR was linked to fasting blood glucose (p ≤ 0.018) and DBP (p ≤ 0.003). Subsequent to the linkage analyses, the NPY gene was sequenced and eight variant sites identified. Two variant sites (-880I/D and 69I/D) were typed in a random sample of 914 individuals. The 880I/D variant was significantly associated with waist/hip ratio (p = 0.035) in the entire sample (N = 914) and with BMI (p = 0. 031), abdominal circumference (p = 0.044), and waist/hip ratio (p = 0.041) in a non-obese subsample (BW < 30 kg/m2, n = 594). The 69I/D variant was a rare mutation observed in only one pedigree and was not associated with obesity or body size/mass within this pedigree. Results of this study indicate that variation at or near β3AR, LEP, LEPR, and NPY may exert effects which increase obesity susceptibility and influence obesity-related measures in this population. ^


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We report the clinical characteristics of a schizophrenia sample of 409 pedigrees-263 of European ancestry ( EA) and 146 of African American ancestry ( AA)-together with the results of a genome scan ( with a simple tandem repeat polymorphism interval of 9 cM) and follow-up fine mapping. A family was required to have a proband with schizophrenia ( SZ) and one or more siblings of the proband with SZ or schizoaffective disorder. Linkage analyses included 403 independent full-sibling affected sibling pairs ( ASPs) ( 279 EA and 124 AA) and 100 all-possible half-sibling ASPs ( 15 EA and 85 AA). Nonparametric multipoint linkage analysis of all families detected two regions with suggestive evidence of linkage at 8p23.3-q12 and 11p11.2-q22.3 ( empirical Z likelihood-ratio score [ Z(lr)] threshold >= 2.65) and, in exploratory analyses, two other regions at 4p16.1-p15.32 in AA families and at 5p14.3-q11.2 in EA families. The most significant linkage peak was in chromosome 8p; its signal was mainly driven by the EA families. Z(lr) scores >= 2.0 in 8p were observed from 30.7 cM to 61.7 cM ( Center for Inherited Disease Research map locations). The maximum evidence in the full sample was a multipoint Z(lr) of 3.25 ( equivalent Kong-Cox LOD of 2.30) near D8S1771 ( at 52 cM); there appeared to be two peaks, both telomeric to neuregulin 1 ( NRG1). There is a paracentric inversion common in EA individuals within this region, the effect of which on the linkage evidence remains unknown in this and in other previously analyzed samples. Fine mapping of 8p did not significantly alter the significance or length of the peak. We also performed fine mapping of 4p16.3-p15.2, 5p15.2-q13.3, 10p15.3-p14, 10q25.3-q26.3, and 11p13-q23.3. The highest increase in Z(lr) scores was observed for 5p14.1-q12.1, where the maximum Z(lr) increased from 2.77 initially to 3.80 after fine mapping in the EA families.


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Gametic selection during fertilization or the effects of specific genotypes on the viability of embryos may cause a skewed transmission of chromosomes to surviving offspring. A recent analysis of transmission distortion in humans reported significant excess sharing among full siblings. Dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs are a special case of the simultaneous survival of two genotypes, and there have been reports of DZ pairs with excess allele sharing around the HLA locus, a candidate locus for embryo survival. We performed an allele-sharing study of 1,592 DZ twin pairs from two independent Australian cohorts, of which 1,561 pairs were informative for linkage on chromosome 6. We also analyzed allele sharing in 336 DZ twin pairs from The Netherlands. We found no evidence of excess allele sharing, either at the HLA locus or in the rest of the genome. In contrast, we found evidence of a small but significant (P = .003 for the Australian sample) genomewide deficit in the proportion of two alleles shared identical by descent among DZ twin pairs. We reconciled conflicting evidence in the literature for excess genomewide allele sharing by performing a simulation study that shows how undetected genotyping errors can lead to an apparent deficit or excess of allele sharing among sibling pairs, dependent on whether parental genotypes are known. Our results imply that gene-mapping studies based on affected sibling pairs that include DZ pairs will not suffer from false-positive results due to loci involved in embryo survival.


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The deficit syndrome is a subtype of schizophrenia characterized by primary and enduring negative features of psychopathology. It appears to reflect a distinct subtype within the syndrome of schizophrenia. Little is known about the familial or genetic aspects of the deficit syndrome. The purpose of this study was to determine whether deficit versus nondeficit subtypes are correlated in sibling pairs affected with schizophrenia.


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Objective. The heritability of disease activity and function in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) have been estimated at 0.51 and 0.63 (i.e., 51% and 63%), respectively. We examined the concordance of disease severity among family members in terms of disease activity, function, radiological change, prevalence of iritis, and juvenile onset. Methods. Disease activity and functional impairment due to AS were studied using the Bath AS Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) and Functional Index (BASFI) self-administered questionnaires; radiographic involvement was measured using the Bath AS Radiology Index (BASRI) scale. Familial correlation of BASDAI and BASFI was assessed in 406 families with 2 or more cases, using the program PAP. Parent-child and sibling-sibling concordance for iritis and juvenile AS were also studied in these families. Heritability of radiological disease severity based on the BASRI was assessed in 29 families containing 60 affected individuals using the program SOLAR. Results. Correlations between parent-child pairs for disease activity and function were 0.07 for both. Correlations between sibling pairs for disease activity and function were 0.27 and 0.36, respectively. The children of AS parents with iritis were more likely to develop iritis [27/71 (38%)] than children of non-iritis AS parents [13/70 (19%)] (p = 0.01). Parents with JAS were more likely to have children with JAS [17/30 (57%) compared to non-JAS parents 34/111 (30%)] (p = 0.002). The heritability of radiological disease severity based on the BASRI was 0.62. Conclusion. While correlation in severity between parent and child is poor, siblings do resemble each other in terms of severity, supporting the findings of segregation studies indicating significant genetic dominance in the heritable component of disease activity. Significant parent-child concordance for iritis and juvenile disease onset suggest that there are genetic risk factors for these traits independent of those determining the risk of AS itself. The finding of significant heritability of radiological change (BASRI) provides support using an objective measure for the observed heritability of the questionnaire-assessed disease severity scores, ASDAI and BASFI.


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Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a common, multifactorial disease with strong familial clustering. In Finland, the incidence of T1D among children aged 14 years or under is the highest in the world. The increase in incidence has been approximately 2.4% per year. Although most new T1D cases are sporadic the first-degree relatives are at an increased risk of developing the same disease. This study was designed to examine the familial aggregation of T1D and one of its serious complications, diabetic nephropathy (DN). More specifically the study aimed (1) to determine the concordance rates of T1D in monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins and to estimate the relative contributions of genetic and environmental factors to the variability in liability to T1D as well as to study the age at onset of diabetes in twins; (2) to obtain long-term empirical estimates of the risk of T1D among siblings of T1D patients and the factors related to this risk, especially the effect of age at onset of diabetes in the proband and the birth cohort effect; (3) to establish if DN is aggregating in a Finnish population-based cohort of families with multiple cases of T1D, and to assess its magnitude and particularly to find out whether the risk of DN in siblings is varying according to the severity of DN in the proband and/or the age at onset of T1D: (4) to assess the recurrence risk of T1D in the offspring of a Finnish population-based cohort of patients with childhood onset T1D, and to investigate potential sex-related effects in the transmission of T1D from the diabetic parents to their offspring as well as to study whether there is a temporal trend in the incidence. The study population comprised of the Finnish Young Twin Cohort (22,650 twin pairs), a population-based cohort of patients with T1D diagnosed at the age of 17 years or earlier between 1965 and 1979 (n=5,144) and all their siblings (n=10,168) and offspring (n=5,291). A polygenic, multifactorial liability model was fitted to the twin data. Kaplan-Meier analyses were used to provide the cumulative incidence for the development of T1D and DN. Cox s proportional hazards models were fitted to the data. Poisson regression analysis was used to evaluate temporal trends in incidence. Standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) between the first-degree relatives of T1D patients and background population were determined. The twin study showed that the vast majority of affected MZ twin pairs remained discordant. Pairwise concordance for T1D was 27.3% in MZ and 3.8% in DZ twins. The probandwise concordance estimates were 42.9% and 7.4%, respectively. The model with additive genetic and individual environmental effects was the best-fitting liability model to T1D, with 88% of the phenotypic variance due to genetic factors. The second paper showed that the 50-year cumulative incidence of T1D in the siblings of diabetic probands was 6.9%. A young age at diagnosis in the probands considerably increased the risk. If the proband was diagnosed at the age of 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15 or more, the corresponding 40-year cumulative risks were 13.2%, 7.8%, 4.7% and 3.4%. The cumulative incidence increased with increasing birth year. However, SIR among children aged 14 years or under was approximately 12 throughout the follow-up. The third paper showed that diabetic siblings of the probands with nephropathy had a 2.3 times higher risk of DN compared with siblings of probands free of nephropathy. The presence of end stage renal disease (ESRD) in the proband increases the risk three-fold for diabetic siblings. Being diagnosed with diabetes during puberty (10-14) or a few years before (5-9) increased the susceptibility for DN in the siblings. The fourth paper revealed that of the offspring of male probands, 7.8% were affected by the age of 20 compared with 5.3% of the offspring of female probands. Offspring of fathers with T1D have 1.7 times greater risk to be affected with T1D than the offspring of mothers with T1D. The excess risk in the offspring of male fathers manifested itself through the higher risk the younger the father was when diagnosed with T1D. Young age at onset of diabetes in fathers increased the risk of T1D greatly in the offspring, but no such pattern was seen in the offspring of diabetic mothers. The SIR among offspring aged 14 years or under remained fairly constant throughout the follow-up, approximately 10. The present study has provided new knowledge on T1D recurrence risk in the first-degree relatives and the risk factors modifying the risk. Twin data demonstrated high genetic liability for T1D and increased heritability. The vast majority of affected MZ twin pairs, however, remain discordant for T1D. This study confirmed the drastic impact of the young age at onset of diabetes in the probands on the increased risk of T1D in the first-degree relatives. The only exception was the absence of this pattern in the offspring of T1D mothers. Both the sibling and the offspring recurrence risk studies revealed dynamic changes in the cumulative incidence of T1D in the first-degree relatives. SIRs among the first-degree relatives of T1D patients seems to remain fairly constant. The study demonstrates that the penetrance of the susceptibility genes for T1D may be low, although strongly influenced by the environmental factors. Presence of familial aggregation of DN was confirmed for the first time in a population-based study. Although the majority of the sibling pairs with T1D were discordant for DN, its presence in one sibling doubles and presence of ESRD triples the risk of DN in the other diabetic sibling. An encouraging observation was that although the proportion of children to be diagnosed with T1D at the age of 4 or under is increasing, they seem to have a decreased risk of DN or at least delayed onset.


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Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease that affects up to 10% of women in their reproductive years. It causes pelvic pain, severe dysmenorrhea, and subfertility. The disease is defined as the presence of tissue resembling endometrium in sites outside the uterus. Its cause remains uncertain despite >50 years of hypothesis-driven research, and thus the therapeutic options are limited. Disease predisposition is inherited as a complex genetic trait, which provides an alternative route to understanding the disease. We seek to identify susceptibility loci, using a positional-cloning approach that starts with linkage analysis to identify genomic regions likely to harbor these genes. We conducted a linkage study of 1,176 families (931 from an Australian group and 245 from a U.K. group), each with at least two members--mainly affected sister pairs--with surgically diagnosed disease. We have identified a region of significant linkage on chromosome 10q26 (maximum LOD score [MLS] of 3.09; genomewide P = .047) and another region of suggestive linkage on chromosome 20p13 (MLS = 2.09). Minor peaks (with MLS > 1.0) were found on chromosomes 2, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15, and 17. This is the first report of linkage to a major locus for endometriosis. The findings will facilitate discovery of novel positional genetic variants that influence the risk of developing this debilitating disease. Greater understanding of the aberrant cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the etiology and pathophysiology of endometriosis should lead to better diagnostic methods and targeted treatments.


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While deficits in social interaction are central to autism, the sibling relationship has been found to provide a key medium for the development of such skills. Naturalistic observations of sibling pairs including children with autism and controls with Down syndrome were made across two time periods, twelve months apart. Consistent with the evidence on typically developing children, the amount and rate of initiations of both prosocial and agonistic interaction increased, but further analysis suggested that these interactions were stage-managed by the typically developing children. Results show social interaction and imitation in children with autism and the special role that sibling interactions can play. Longitudinal research on the acquisition of social skills in children with developmental disabilities is needed.


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The affected sib/relative pair (ASP/ARP) design is often used with covariates to find genes that can cause a disease in pathways other than through those covariates. However, such "covariates" can themselves have genetic determinants, and the validity of existing methods has so far only been argued under implicit assumptions. We propose an explicit causal formulation of the problem using potential outcomes and principal stratification. The general role of this formulation is to identify and separate the meaning of the different assumptions that can provide valid causal inference in linkage analysis. This separation helps to (a) develop better methods under explicit assumptions, and (b) show the different ways in which these assumptions can fail, which is necessary for developing further specific designs to test these assumptions and confirm or improve the inference. Using this formulation in the specific problem above, we show that, when the "covariate" (e.g., addiction to smoking) also has genetic determinants, then existing methods, including those previously thought as valid, can declare linkage between the disease and marker loci even when no such linkage exists. We also introduce design strategies to address the problem.


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Schizophrenia is a common disorder with high heritability and a 10-fold increase in risk to siblings of probands. Replication has been inconsistent for reports of significant genetic linkage. To assess evidence for linkage across studies, rank-based genome scan meta-analysis (GSMA) was applied to data from 20 schizophrenia genome scans. Each marker for each scan was assigned to 1 of 120 30-cM bins, with the bins ranked by linkage scores (1 = most significant) and the ranks averaged across studies (R-avg) and then weighted for sample size (rootN[affected cases]). A permutation test was used to compute the probability of observing, by chance, each bin's average rank (P-AvgRnk) or of observing it for a bin with the same place (first, second, etc.) in the order of average ranks in each permutation (P-ord). The GSMA produced significant genomewide evidence for linkage on chromosome 2q (P-AvgRnk


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Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease that affects up to 10% of women in their reproductive years. It causes pelvic pain, severe dysmenorrhea, and subfertility. The disease is defined as the presence of tissue resembling endometrium in sites outside the uterus. Its cause remains uncertain despite 150 years of hypothesis-driven research, and thus the therapeutic options are limited. Disease predisposition is inherited as a complex genetic trait, which provides an alternative route to understanding the disease. We seek to identify susceptibility loci, using a positional-cloning approach that starts with linkage analysis to identify genomic regions likely to harbor these genes. We conducted a linkage study of 1,176 families ( 931 from an Australian group and 245 from a U. K. group), each with at least two members-mainly affected sister pairs-with surgically diagnosed disease. We have identified a region of significant linkage on chromosome 10q26 ( maximum LOD score [MLS] of 3.09; genomewide P = .047) and another region of suggestive linkage on chromosome 20p13 MLS p 2.09). Minor peaks with MLS > 1.0) were found on chromosomes 2, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15, and 17. This is the first report of linkage to a major locus for endometriosis. The findings will facilitate discovery of novel positional genetic variants that influence the risk of developing this debilitating disease. Greater understanding of the aberrant cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the etiology and pathophysiology of endometriosis should lead to better diagnostic methods and targeted treatments.