936 resultados para ADVERTISEMENT CALL


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Environmental changes have put great pressure on biological systems leading to the rapid decline of biodiversity. To monitor this change and protect biodiversity, animal vocalizations have been widely explored by the aid of deploying acoustic sensors in the field. Consequently, large volumes of acoustic data are collected. However, traditional manual methods that require ecologists to physically visit sites to collect biodiversity data are both costly and time consuming. Therefore it is essential to develop new semi-automated and automated methods to identify species in automated audio recordings. In this study, a novel feature extraction method based on wavelet packet decomposition is proposed for frog call classification. After syllable segmentation, the advertisement call of each frog syllable is represented by a spectral peak track, from which track duration, dominant frequency and oscillation rate are calculated. Then, a k-means clustering algorithm is applied to the dominant frequency, and the centroids of clustering results are used to generate the frequency scale for wavelet packet decomposition (WPD). Next, a new feature set named adaptive frequency scaled wavelet packet decomposition sub-band cepstral coefficients is extracted by performing WPD on the windowed frog calls. Furthermore, the statistics of all feature vectors over each windowed signal are calculated for producing the final feature set. Finally, two well-known classifiers, a k-nearest neighbour classifier and a support vector machine classifier, are used for classification. In our experiments, we use two different datasets from Queensland, Australia (18 frog species from commercial recordings and field recordings of 8 frog species from James Cook University recordings). The weighted classification accuracy with our proposed method is 99.5% and 97.4% for 18 frog species and 8 frog species respectively, which outperforms all other comparable methods.


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Geographic variation in vocalizations is widespread in passerine birds, but its origins and maintenance remain unclear. One hypothesis to explain this variation is that it is associated with geographic isolation among populations and therefore should follow a vicariant pattern similar to that typically found in neutral genetic markers. Alternatively, if environmental selection strongly influences vocalizations, then genetic divergence and vocal divergence may be disassociated. This study compared genetic divergence derived from 11 microsatellite markers with a metric of phenotypic divergence derived from male bower advertisement calls. Data were obtained from 16 populations throughout the entire distribution of the satin bowerbird, an Australian wet-forest-restricted passerine. There was no relationship between call divergence and genetic divergence, similar to most other studies on birds with learned vocalizations. Genetic divergence followed a vicariant model of evolution, with the differentiation of isolated populations and isolation-by-distance among continuous populations. Previous work on Ptilonorhynchus violaceus has shown that advertisement call structure is strongly influenced by the acoustic environment of different habitats. Divergence in vocalizations among genetically related populations in different habitats indicates that satin bowerbirds match their vocalizations to the environment in which they live, despite the homogenizing influence of gene flow. In combination with convergence of vocalizations among genetically divergent populations occurring in the same habitat, this shows the overriding importance that habitat-related selection can have on the establishment and maintenance of variation in vocalizations.


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A new species of the shrub frog genus Raorchestes Biju, Souche, Dubois, Dutta and Bossuyt is described as Raorchestes kakachi sp. nov. from Agastyamalai hill region in the southern Western Ghats, India. The small sized Raorchestes (male: 24.7–25.8 mm, n = 3 and female: 24.3–34.1 mm, n = 3) is distinguished from all other known congeners by the following suite of characters. Snout oval in dorsal view; tympanum indistinct; head wider than long; moderate webbing in feet; colour on dorsum varying from ivory to brown, blotches of dark brown on flanks, brown mottling on throat reducing towards vent; inner and outer surface of thigh, inner surface of shank and inner surface of tarsus with a distinct dark brown horizontal band which extends upto first three toes on upper surface. A detailed description, advertisement call features, ecology, natural history notes and comparison with closely related species are provided for the new species.


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Bush frogs of the genus Raorchestes are distributed mainly in the Western Ghats Escarpment of Peninsular India. The inventory of species in this genus is incomplete and there is ambiguity in the systematic status of species recognized by morphological criteria. To address the dual problem of taxon sampling and systematic uncertainty in bush frogs, we used a large-scale spatial sampling design, explicitly incorporating the geographic and ecological heterogeneity of the Western Ghats. We then used a hierarchical multi-criteria approach by combining mitochondrial phylogeny, genetic distance, geographic range, morphology and advertisement call to delimit bush frog lineages. Our analyses revealed the existence of a large number of new lineages with varying levels of genetic divergence. Here, we provide diagnoses and descriptions for nine lineages that exhibit divergence across multiple axes. The discovery of new lineages that exhibit high divergence across wide ranges of elevation and across the major massifs highlights the large gaps in historical sampling. These discoveries underscore the significance of addressing inadequate knowledge of species distribution, namely the ``Wallacean shortfall'', in addressing the problem of taxon sampling and unknown diversity in tropical hotspots. A biogeographically informed sampling and analytical approach was critical in detecting and delineating lineages in a consistent manner across the genus. Through increased taxon sampling, we were also able to discern a number of well-supported sub-clades that were either unresolved or absent in earlier phylogenetic reconstructions and identify a number of shallow divergent lineages which require further examination for assessment of their taxonomic status.


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We describe adult morphology, advertisement call and some natural history traits of a new species of toad from the Pantanal, western Brazil. Rhinella paraguayensis sp. nov. belongs to the Rhinella margaritifera group, and is characterized by medium size, snout rounded in dorsal view, with a vertical apical ridge, supraorbital crests weakly developed, parietal crest not well developed, postorbital crest prominent, presence of a dorsolateral line of tubercles, tympanum evident, bony protrusions at angle of jaws, absence of vertebral apophyses and of projections on upper eyelids, and parotoid glands small. The new species is distinguished from other species of the group by geographic distribution and by the use of floating mats of vegetation as reproductive site.


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We describe a new species of Hylodes from Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, Conceicao do Ibitipoca, Municipality of Lima Duarte, State of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. The new species is a member of the Hylodes lateristrigatus group, and it is characterized by small size, snout rounded in dorsal view and protruding in lateral view, presence of vocal slits and sacs, upper surface of finger discs without well developed scutes, dorsum light brown to gray with dark blotches, and details of the advertisement call. Descriptions of the tadpole, vocalizations, and information on natural history are provided. The tadpole has a ventral depression anterior to the coiled intestine, as in other species of the genus. Hylodes meridionalis (Mertens), previously considered a member of the H. nasus species group, is transferred to the H. lateristrigatus species group.


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Cytogenetic analyses were done on specimens of Hyla marginata and on three populations of H. semiguttata differing in morphology and in the physical parameters of their advertisement call, as well as in individuals of Hyla sp. (aff. semiguttata). All specimens had 2n = 24 chromosomes with a morphology very similar to that of other 24-chromosome Hyla species. Hyla semiguttata and H. marginata showed the same C-banding pattern but were distinguished by the location of the NOR on pair 1 in H. semiguttata (in the three populations) and Hyla sp. (aff. semiguttata), and on pair 10 in H. marginata. The H. semiguttata populations did not differ cytogenetically, despite variations in their morphology and advertisement calls. Similarly, H. semiguttata and H. p. joaquini studied previously had identical C-banding patterns and NOR locations, suggesting that they are very closely related.


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We describe a new species of Cycloramphus of the eleutherodactylus group from the Ilha dos Alcatrazes, southeastern Brazil, with descriptions of advertisement and territorial calls and notes on natural history. Additionally, we describe the advertisement and territorial calls of C. eleutherodactylus. The new species is diagnosed by the following set of characters: snout truncate in lateral and dorsal views; head wider than long; eyes protruding; tibia shorter than thigh; and distinct advertisement call. The new species is known from a single population on the Ilha dos Alcatrazes, a 149 ha island about 35 kin off São Paulo State coast where these frogs are scattered in a small valley. The very restricted range of the new species of Cycloramphus and the declining quality of its habitat qualify this frog as critically endangered.


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A new species of leptodactylid frog is described from Parque das Mangabeiras, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, south-eastern Brazil. The new species is a member of the Hylodes lateristrigatus group, and is characterized by medium size, snout rounded in dorsal view and protruding in lateral view, presence of vocal slits and sacs, upper surface of finger and toe discs with well-developed scutes, a weakly developed stripe on the upper lip, dorsum, arm, leg, and foot dark brown with small irregular brown and black dots, and absence of red and yellow spots in live specimens. The descriptions of the tadpoles and vocalizations, and information on natural history are provided. Hylodes perplicatus (Miranda-Ribeiro), previously considered a member of the H. nasus species group, is transferred to the H. lateristrigatus species group.


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Social behavior of Hypsiboas albomarginatus was studied in the Atlantic rain forest, Municipality of Ubatuba, in the north coast of the State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Vocalizations of H. albomarginatus are described, including contexts in which they were emitted and temporal and spectral parameters differentiating advertisement from aggressive calls. Dominant call frequency was inversely correlated with male length and body mass but not with environmental temperature. Number of pulses per note was not correlated with any variable, and advertisement call amplitude was influenced by temperature and time. During chorus aggregation, males interacted acoustically by emitting advertisement calls in antiphony, or by emitting aggressive calls. Some disputes among males culminated in physical combat; males performed kicks and slaps on rivals' heads, in an apparent attempt to dislodge rivals from perches. Visual signals were also displayed during conflicts between males, contributing to an escalation of aggressive behavior. Visual signals were not recorded during courtship between males and females but may help in the accurate localization of the signaling male during aggressive interactions.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A new species of Pseudopaludicola is described from the state of Mato Grosso, western Brazil. The new species inhabits the transition zone between Brazilian Cerrado and Amazon rainforest in northern Mato Grosso, and is characterized by its medium size (snout-vent length 12-17 mm), lack of T-shaped terminal phalanges, toe tips not expanded laterally, presence of two antebrachial tubercles, and smooth upper eyelids. The advertisement call of the new species consists of a series composed of 11-74 non-pulsed notes. Mean dominant frequency is 3938 Hz. Each note presents a slight ascendant frequency modulation in its first half, and another ascendant modulation in its last half. We also present new data on the distribution and conservation status of Pseudopaludicola canga.


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Leptodactylus mystaceus, uma espécie com ampla distribuição geográfica pela América do Sul, é diagnosticada com base em exemplares do Estado de São Paulo, seu limite meridional de distribuição geográfica. Apresentamos aqui o primeiro registro da espécie para o Sudeste do Brasil, ampliando sua distribuição conhecida em cerca de 1.300 km ao sudeste. Também incluímos a descrição da vocalização de anúncio, informações sobre história natural, fotografia em vida e desenhos de caracteres morfológicos que auxiliam na identificação desta espécie.