555 resultados para ADP
This work quantifies, using ADP and rating curve techniques, the instantaneous outflows at estuarine interfaces: higher to middle estuary and middle to lower estuary, in two medium-sized watersheds (72 000 and 66 000 km(2) of area, respectively), the Jaguaribe and Contas Rivers located in the northeastern (semi-arid) and eastern (tropical humid) Brazilian coasts, respectively. Results from ADP showed that the net water balances show the Contas River as a net water exporter, whereas the Jaguaribe River Estuary is a net water importer. At the Jaguaribe Estuary, water retention during flood tide contributes to 58% of the total volume transferred during the ebb tide from the middle to lower estuary. However, 42% of the total water volume (452 m(3) s(-1)) that entered during flood tide is retained in the middle estuary. In the Contas River, 90% of the total water is retained during the flood tide contributing to the volume transported in the ebb tide from the middle to the lower estuary. Outflows obtained with the rating curve method for the Contas and Jaguaribe Rivers were uniform through time due to river flow normalization by dams in both basins. Estimated outflows with this method are about 65% (Contas) and 95% (Jaguaribe) lower compared to outflows obtained with ADP. This suggests that the outflows obtained with the rating curve method underestimate the net water balance in both systems, particularly in the Jaguaribe River under a semi-arid climate. This underestimation is somewhat decreased due to wetter conditions in the Contas River basin. Copyright. (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Nel presente lavoro di tesi sono state messe a confronto le ATP sintasi wild-type e γM23-K in cromatofori del batterio fotosintetico Rhodobacter capsulatus sotto gli aspetti funzionale e regolatorio. Si pensava inizialmente che la mutazione, in base a studi riportati in letteratura condotti sull’omologa mutazione in E. coli, avrebbe indotto disaccoppiamento intrinseco nell’enzima. Il presente lavoro ha chiarito che il principale effetto della mutazione è un significativo aumento dell’affinità dell’enzima per l’ADP inibitorio, che ne determina il ridotto livello di ATP idrolisi e la rapidissima reinattivazione in seguito ad attivazione da forza protonmotiva. Il residuo 23 della subunità γ si trova posizionato in prossimità della regione conservata DEELSED carica negativamente della subunità β, e l’introduzione nel mutante di una ulteriore carica positiva potrebbe determinare una maggiore richiesta di energia per indurre l’apertura del sito catalitico. Un’analisi quantitativa dei dati di proton pumping condotta mediante inibizione parziale dell’idrolisi del wildtype ha inoltre mostrato come il grado di accoppiamento del mutante in condizioni standard non differisca sostanzialmente da quello del wild-type. D’altro canto, è stato recentemente osservato come un disaccoppiamento intrinseco possa venire osservato in condizioni opportune anche nel wild-type, e cioè a basse concentrazioni di ADP e Pi. Nel presente lavoro di tesi si è dimostrato come nel mutante l’osservazione del fenomeno del disaccoppiamento intrinseco sia facilitata rispetto al wild-type. È stato proprio nell’ambito delle misure condotte sul mutante che è stato possibile dimostrare per la prima volta il ruolo fondamentale della componente elettrica della forza protonmotiva nel mantenere lo stato enzimatico ad elevato accoppiamento. Tale ruolo è stato successivamente messo in luce anche nel wild-type, in parte anche grazie all’uso di inibitori specifici di F1 e di FO. Il disaccoppiamento intrinseco nel wild-type è stato ulteriormente esaminato anche nella sua dipendenza dalla rimozione di ADP e Pi; in particolare, oltre all’amina fluorescente ACMA, è stata utilizzata come sonda di ΔpH anche la 9-aminoacridina e come sonda di Δψ l’Oxonolo VI. In entrambi i casi il ruolo accoppiante di questi due ligandi è stato confermato, inoltre utilizzando la 9-aminoacridina è stato possibile calibrare il segnale di fluorescenza con salti acido-base, dando quindi una base quantitativa ai dati ottenuti. Noi riteniamo che il più probabile candidato strutturale coinvolto in questi cambiamenti di stato enzimatici sia la subunità ε, di cui è noto il coinvolgimento in processi di regolazione e in cambiamenti strutturali indotti da nucleotidi e dalla forza protonmotiva. In collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica dell’Università di Friburgo è in atto un progetto per studiare i cambiamenti strutturali presumibilmente associati al disaccoppiamento intrinseco tramite FRET in singola molecola di complessi ATP-sintasici marcati con fluorofori sia sulla subunità ε che sulla subunità γ. Nell’ambito di questa tesi sono stati creati a questo fine alcuni doppi mutanti cisteinici ed è stato messo a punto un protocollo per la loro marcatura con sonde fluorescenti.
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung der Bedeutung der Poly(ADP-Ribose)-Polymerase 1 (PARP 1), der AP Endonuklease 1 (Ape 1) und des Xeroderma pigmentosum A (XPA) Proteins für die DNA-Reparatur in Säugerzellen.Zunächst wurde der Einfluss der PARP 1-Aktivität auf die Reparatur verschiedener DNA-Modifikationen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen erstmalig, dass eine Hemmung der PARP-Aktivität nicht nur eine deutliche Verlangsamung der Reparatur von Einzelstrangbrüchen, sondern auch von oxidativen Purinmodifikationen und Pyrimidindimeren zur Folge hat. Interessanterweise erfolgte diese Verlangsamung der DNA-Reparatur nicht in Csb-defizienten Zellen. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Aktivierung der PARP 1 und das Csb-Protein zusammen an einem neuartigen Mechanismus beteiligt sind, der die globale Reparatur verschiedener DNA-Modifikationen beschleunigt.Weiterhin wurde die Bedeutung der Nukleotidexcisionsreparatur als back-up Reparatur von 8 Hydroxyguanin untersucht. Dazu wurden normale und XPA-defiziente Fibroblasten des Menschen mit einem hOgg1-anitsense Konstrukt transfiziert und dann in diesen Zellen die Reparaturkinetiken oxidativer Basenmodifikationen bestimmt. Dadurch konnte eine Beteiligung des XPA-Proteins an diesem Reparaturweg ausgeschlossen werden.Außerdem wurden die Auswirkungen einer AP Endonuklease-1-Überexpression in XRCC1-defizienten Zellen auf die Reparatur von Einzelstrangbrüchen untersucht. Die Reparatur der induzierten Einzelstrangbrüche war in XRCC1-defizienten Zellen erwartungsgemäß deutlich langsamer als in XRCC1-profizienten Zellen. Die Überexpression der AP Endonuklease 1 in XRCC1-defizienten Zellen führte zu einer teilweisen Beschleunigung der Einzelstrangbruchreparatur.
The molecular basis for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), a relatively common complication of heparin therapy, is not yet fully understood. We found that pretreatment of platelets with AR-C66096 (formerly FPL 66096), a specific platelet adenosine diphosphate (ADP) receptor antagonist, at a concentration of 100 to 200 nmol/L that blocked ADP-dependent platelet aggregation, resulted in complete loss of platelet aggregation responses to HIT sera. AR-C66096 also totally inhibited HIT serum-induced dense granule release, as judged by measurement of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) release. Apyrase, added to platelets at a concentration that had only minor effects on thrombin- or arachidonic acid-induced aggregation, also blocked completely HIT serum-induced platelet aggregation. Furthermore, AR-C66096 inhibited platelet aggregation and ATP release induced by cross-linking Fc gamma RIIA with specific antibodies. These data show that released ADP and the platelet ADP receptor play a pivotal role in HIT serum-induced platelet activation/aggregation. The thromboxane receptor inhibitor, Daltroban, had no effect on HIT serum-induced platelet activation whereas GPIIb-IIIa antagonists blocked platelet aggregation but had only a moderate effect on HIT serum-induced dense granule release. Pretreatment of platelets with chondroitinases but not with heparinases resulted in concentration dependent inhibition of HIT serum-induced platelet aggregation. These novel data relating to the mechanism of platelet activation induced by HIT sera suggest that the possibility should be examined that ADP receptor antagonists or compounds that inhibit ADP release may be effective as therapeutic agents for the prevention or treatment of complications associated with heparin therapy.
An ADP-ribosylating toxin named Aeromonas salmonicida exoenzyme T (AexT) in A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, the etiological agent of furunculosis in fish, was characterized. Gene aexT, encoding toxin AexT, was cloned and characterized by sequence analysis. AexT shows significant sequence similarity to the ExoS and ExoT exotoxins of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and to the YopE cytotoxin of different Yersinia species. The aexT gene was detected in all of the 12 A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strains tested but was absent from all other Aeromonas species. Recombinant AexT produced in Escherichia coli possesses enzymatic ADP-ribosyltransferase activity. Monospecific polyclonal antibodies directed against purified recombinant AexT detected the toxin produced by A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and cross-reacted with ExoS and ExoT of P. aeruginosa. AexT toxin could be detected in a wild type (wt) strain of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida freshly isolated from a fish with furunculosis; however, its expression required contact with RTG-2 rainbow trout gonad cells. Under these conditions, the AexT protein was found to be intracellular or tightly cell associated. No AexT was found when A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida was incubated in cell culture medium in the absence of RTG-2 cells. Upon infection with wt A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, the fish gonad RTG-2 cells rapidly underwent significant morphological changes. These changes were demonstrated to constitute cell rounding, which accompanied induction of production of AexT and which led to cell lysis after extended incubation. An aexT mutant which was constructed from the wt strain with an insertionally inactivated aexT gene by allelic exchange had no toxic effect on RTG-2 cells and was devoid of AexT production. Hence AexT is directly involved in the toxicity of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida for RTG-2 fish cells.
Clostridium difficile is an antibiotic-associated emerging pathogen of humans and animals. Thus far three toxins of C. difficile have been described: an enterotoxin (ToxA), a cytotoxin (ToxB) and an ADP-ribosyltransferase (CDT). In the present work we describe the first isolation of CDT producing C. difficile from Equidae with gastro-intestinal disease. Out of 17 C. difficile strains isolated from Equidae, 11 were positive for the genes tcdA and tcdB encoding ToxA and ToxB. In addition four of these 11 isolates were positive for the cdtA gene encoding the catalytic subunit of the ADP-ribosyltransferase CDT. Interestingly none of the isolates derived from canines (41 isolates) and felines (4 isolates) harboured the cdtA gene. In C. difficile field isolates which contained the cdtA gene, ADP-ribosyltransferase activity could also be detected in culture supernatants indicating expression and secretion of CDT. All strains were associated with intestinal disorders, but no association was found for the occurrence of toxins with a specific clinical diagnosis.
In aerobic eukaryotic cells, the high energy metabolite ATP is generated mainly within the mitochondria following the process of oxidative phosphorylation. The mitochondrial ATP is exported to the cytoplasm using a specialized transport protein, the ADP/ATP carrier, to provide energy to the cell. Any deficiency or dysfunction of this membrane protein leads to serious consequences on cell metabolism and can cause various diseases such as muscular dystrophy. Described as a decisive player in the programmed cell death, it was recently shown to play a role in cancer. The objective of this review is to summarize the current knowledge of the involvement of the ADP/ATP carrier, encoded by the SLC25A4, SLC25A5, SLC25A6 and SLC25A31 genes, in human diseases and of the efforts made at designing different model systems to study this carrier and the associated pathologies through biochemical, genetic, and structural approaches.
Ca2+ released from presynaptic and postsynaptic intracellular stores plays important roles in activity-dependent synaptic plasticity, including long-term depression (LTD) of synaptic strength. At Schaffer collateral–CA1 synapses in the hippocampus, presynaptic ryanodine receptor-gated stores appear to mobilize some of the Ca2+ necessary to induce LTD. Cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) has recently been proposed as an endogenous activator of ryanodine receptors in sea urchin eggs and several mammalian cell types. Here, we provide evidence that cADPR-mediated signaling pathways play a key role in inducing LTD. We show that biochemical production of cGMP increases cADPR concentration in hippocampal slices in vitro, and that blockade of cGMP-dependent protein kinase, cADPR receptors, or ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ stores each prevent the induction of LTD at Schaffer collateral–CA1 synapses. A lack of effect of postsynaptic infusion of either cADPR antagonist indicates a probable presynaptic site of action.
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sec7 protein (ySec7p), which is an important component of the yeast secretory pathway, contains a sequence of ≈200 amino acids referred to as a Sec7 domain. Similar Sec7 domain sequences have been recognized in several guanine nucleotide-exchange proteins (GEPs) for ADP ribosylation factors (ARFs). ARFs are ≈20-kDa GTPases that regulate intracellular vesicular membrane trafficking and activate phospholipase D. GEPs activate ARFs by catalyzing the replacement of bound GDP with GTP. We, therefore, undertook to determine whether a Sec7 domain itself could catalyze nucleotide exchange on ARF and found that it exhibited brefeldin A (BFA)-inhibitable ARF GEP activity. BFA is known to inhibit ARF GEP activity in Golgi membranes, thereby causing reversible apparent dissolution of the Golgi complex in many cells. The His6-tagged Sec7 domain from ySec7p (rySec7d) synthesized in Escherichia coli enhanced binding of guanosine 5′-[γ-[35S]thio]triphosphate by recombinant yeast ARF1 (ryARF1) and ryARF2 but not by ryARF3. The effects of rySec7d on ryARF2 were inhibited by BFA in a concentration-dependent manner but not by inactive analogues of BFA (B-17, B-27, and B-36). rySec7d also promoted BFA-sensitive guanosine 5′-[γ-thio]triphosphate binding by nonmyristoylated recombinant human ARF1 (rhARF1), rhARF5, and rhARF6, although the effect on rhARF6 was very small. These results are consistent with the conclusion that the yeast Sec7 domain itself contains the elements necessary for ARF GEP activity and its inhibition by BFA.
Temperature lability of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGP; glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase; ADP: α-d-glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase, EC, a key starch biosynthetic enzyme, may play a significant role in the heat-induced loss in maize seed weight and yield. Here we report the isolation and characterization of heat-stable variants of maize endosperm AGP. Escherichia coli cells expressing wild type (WT) Shrunken2 (Sh2), and Brittle2 (Bt2) exhibit a reduced capacity to produce glycogen when grown at 42°C. Mutagenesis of Sh2 and coexpression with WT Bt2 led to the isolation of multiple mutants capable of synthesizing copious amounts of glycogen at this temperature. An increase in AGP stability was found in each of four mutants examined. Initial characterization revealed that the BT2 protein was elevated in two of these mutants. Yeast two-hybrid studies were conducted to determine whether the mutant SH2 proteins more efficiently recruit the BT2 subunit into tetramer assembly. These experiments showed that replacement of WT SH2 with the heat-stable SH2HS33 enhanced interaction between the SH2 and BT2 subunits. In agreement, density gradient centrifugation of heated and nonheated extracts from WT and one of the mutants, Sh2hs33, identified a greater propensity for heterotetramer dissociation in WT AGP. Sequencing of Sh2hs33 and several other mutants identified a His-to-Tyr mutation at amino acid position 333. Hence, a single point mutation in Sh2 can increase the stability of maize endosperm AGP through enhanced subunit interactions.
Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase [PARP; NAD+ ADP-ribosyltransferase; NAD+: poly(adenosine-diphosphate-d-ribosyl)-acceptor ADP-d-ribosyltransferase, EC] is a zinc-finger DNA-binding protein that detects specifically DNA strand breaks generated by genotoxic agents. To determine its biological function, we have inactivated both alleles by gene targeting in mice. Treatment of PARP−/− mice either by the alkylating agent N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) or by γ-irradiation revealed an extreme sensitivity and a high genomic instability to both agents. Following whole body γ-irradiation (8 Gy) mutant mice died rapidly from acute radiation toxicity to the small intestine. Mice-derived PARP−/− cells displayed a high sensitivity to MNU exposure: a G2/M arrest in mouse embryonic fibroblasts and a rapid apoptotic response and a p53 accumulation were observed in splenocytes. Altogether these results demonstrate that PARP is a survival factor playing an essential and positive role during DNA damage recovery.
Depletion of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) increases the frequency of recombination, gene amplification, sister chromatid exchanges, and micronuclei formation in cells exposed to genotoxic agents, implicating PARP in the maintenance of genomic stability. Flow cytometric analysis now has revealed an unstable tetraploid population in immortalized fibroblasts derived from PARP−/− mice. Comparative genomic hybridization detected partial chromosomal gains in 4C5-ter, 5F-ter, and 14A1-C1 in PARP−/−mice and immortalized PARP−/−fibroblasts. Neither the chromosomal gains nor the tetraploid population were apparent in PARP−/− cells stably transfected with PARP cDNA [PARP−/−(+PARP)], indicating negative selection of cells with these genetic aberrations after reintroduction of PARP cDNA. Although the tumor suppressor p53 was not detectable in PARP−/− cells, p53 expression was partially restored in PARP−/− (+PARP) cells. Loss of 14D3-ter that encompasses the tumor suppressor gene Rb-1 in PARP−/− mice was associated with a reduction in retinoblastoma(Rb) expression; increased expression of the oncogene Jun was correlated with a gain in 4C5-ter that harbors this oncogene. These results further implicate PARP in the maintenance of genomic stability and suggest that altered expression of p53, Rb, and Jun, as well as undoubtedly many other proteins may be a result of genomic instability associated with PARP deficiency.
Brefeldin A (BFA) inhibited the exchange of ADP ribosylation factor (ARF)-bound GDP for GTP by a Golgi-associated guanine nucleotide-exchange protein (GEP) [Helms, J. B. & Rothman, J. E. (1992) Nature (London) 360, 352–354; Donaldson, J. G., Finazzi, D. & Klausner, R. D. (1992) Nature (London) 360, 350–352]. Cytosolic ARF GEP was also inhibited by BFA, but after purification from bovine brain and rat spleen, it was no longer BFA-sensitive [Tsai, S.-C., Adamik, R., Moss, J. & Vaughan, M. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 305–309]. We describe here purification from bovine brain cytosol of a BFA-inhibited GEP. After chromatography on DEAE–Sephacel, hydroxylapatite, and Mono Q and precipitation at pH 5.8, GEP was eluted from Superose 6 as a large molecular weight complex at the position of thyroglobulin (≈670 kDa). After SDS/PAGE of samples from column fractions, silver-stained protein bands of ≈190 and 200 kDa correlated with activity. BFA-inhibited GEP activity of the 200-kDa protein was demonstrated following electroelution from the gel and renaturation by dialysis. Four tryptic peptides from the 200-kDa protein had amino acid sequences that were 47% identical to sequences in Sec7 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (total of 51 amino acids), consistent with the view that the BFA-sensitive 200-kDa protein may be a mammalian counterpart of Sec7 that plays a similar role in cellular vesicular transport and Sec7 may be a GEP for one or more yeast ARFs.
Apoptotic and necrotic cell death are well characterized and are influenced by intracellular ATP levels. Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), a nuclear enzyme activated by DNA strand breaks, physiologically participates in DNA repair. Overactivation of PARP after cellular insults can lead to cell death caused by depletion of the enzyme’s substrate β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and of ATP. In this study, we have differentially elicited apoptosis or necrosis in mouse fibroblasts. Fibroblasts from PARP-deficient (PARP−/−) mice are protected from necrotic cell death and ATP depletion but not from apoptotic death. These findings, together with cell death patterns in PARP−/− animals receiving other types of insults, indicate that PARP activation is an active trigger of necrosis, whereas other mechanisms mediate apoptosis.