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Vol. 3, shipping list no.: 2003-0285-P.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Available via Internet from: http://www.gao.gov


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"July 2008"--Letter of transmission.


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Cover title.


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Amb aquesta publicació es pretén, d'una banda, homogeneïtzar els documents administratius que es produeixen a la UdG, tant des del punt de vista formal com textual, per contribuir a la imatge de qualitat de la UdG, i, d'altra banda, oferir un recurs a les persones de la UdG que han de redactar documents administratius, amb la intenció que produeixin textos tan eficients com sigui possible. Els diferents documents administratius es presenten classificats en tres apartats: textos dels òrgans de govern unipersonals, textos dels òrgans col·legiats i textos comuns a tots dos òrgans. De cada document se'n fa una descripció acurada, se'n presenta l'estructura i se'n donen alguns exemples. Un dels trets més importants de la publicació és que ha estat elaborada per tres serveis de la Universitat: el Servei de Llengües Modernes, la Unitat de Gestió Documental, Arxiu i Registre i l'Assessoria Jurídica, els quals hi han aportat els seus punts de vista respectius, propis de les disciplines de què tracten


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El texto analiza la forma en que la Constitución vigente regula la estructura, atribuciones y funcionamiento de los organismos de control y propone la forma en la que el tema debe ser tratado en una nueva Constitución. Para ello, se considera necesario tomar en cuenta la naturaleza de cada institución, lo que implica quitar a la Procuraduría General del Estado el carácter de órgano de control, y establecer un sistema de control fuerte concentrado en una única institución y no, como ocurre actualmente, disperso en varias entidades. La eliminación de la Comisión de Control Cívico de la Corrupción se muestra por ello como necesaria y, para contribuir a la independencia de la Contraloría General del Estado, poner especial atención en el período de funciones del Contralor, a fin de que éste no coincida con los períodos presidenciales. La utilización de las nuevas tecnologías para informar a la ciudadanía y permitir su participación en el control de la gestión pública es, también, indispensable.


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Em 26 de maio de 2015, foi sancionada a Lei nº 13.129/2015, que promoveu verdadeira reforma na Lei nº 9.307, 23 de setembro de 1996, a Lei de Arbitragem. Dentre as modificações introduzidas no direito arbitral brasileiro, possivelmente a mais importante delas é aquela prevista no § 1º do art. 1º da Lei de Arbitragem, que passou a admitir indistintamente o uso, pelo Estado, da via arbitral para dirimir conflitos relativos a direitos patrimoniais disponíveis, permitindo a inserção da correspondente cláusula compromissória nos contratos administrativos em geral e, inclusive, em convênios, contratos de gestão e termos de cessão e de permissão de uso. A presente dissertação de mestrado tem por objetivo, precisamente, o de permitir uma melhor compreensão do alcance da regra prevista no art. 1º, § 1º, da Lei nº 9.307/96, verdadeiro marco regulatório da arbitragem no setor público, e propor, concretamente, linhas de ação voltadas para fomentar o emprego do procedimento arbitral nos conflitos envolvendo a Administração Pública, em especial a regulamentação do instituto no seio da burocracia estatal.


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The observations of Michel Foucault, noted Twentieth Century French philosopher, regarding modern power relations and orders of discourse, form the framework utilized to analyze and interpret the power struggles of AIDS activists and their opponents--the religious and radical right, and the administrative agencies of the 'Liberal' welfare State. Supported by the tools of sociolinguistic inquiry, the analysis highlights the success of a safer sex campaign in Houston, Texas to illustrate the dynamics of cultural and political change by means of discursive transformations initiated by the gay micro-culture. The KS/AIDS Foundation, allied with both the biomedical community and gay entertainment spheres, was successful in conveying biomedical cautions that resulted in altered personal behavior and modified public attitudes by using linguistic conventions consonant with the discourse of the Houston gay micro-culture. The transformation of discursive practices transgressed not only the Houston gay micro-culture's boundaries, but the city boundaries of Houston as well. In addition to cultural and political change, moderate and confrontational gay activists also sought to change the cognitive boundaries surrounding 'the gold standard' for clinical research trials.^ From a Foucauldian perspective, the same-sex community evolved from the subordinated Other to a position of power in a period of five years. Transformations in discursive practices and power relations are exemplified by the changing definitions employed by AIDS policy-makers, the public validation of community-based research and the establishment of parallel track drug studies. Finally, transformations in discursive practices surrounding the issues of HIV antibody testing are interpreted using Foucault's six points of power relations. The Montrose Clinic provides the case study for this investigation. The clinic turned the technical rationalities of the State against itself to achieve its own ends and those of the gay micro-culture--anonymous testing with pre and post test counseling. AIDS Talk portrays a dramatic transformation in discursive practices and power relations that transcends the historical moment to provide a model for future activists. Volume 2 contains copies of fugitive primary source materials largely unavailable elsewhere. Original documents are archived in the Harris County Medical Archives in the Houston Academy of Medicine located in the Texas Medical Center Library, Houston, Texas. ^


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In 1996 and in 1997, Congress ordered the Secretary of Health and Human Services to undertake a process of negotiated rulemaking, which is authorized under the Negotiated Rulemaking Act of 1990, on three separate rulemaking matters. Other Federal agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, have also made use of this procedure. As part of the program to reinvent government, President Clinton has issued an executive order requiring federal agencies to engage in some negotiated rulemaking procedures. I present an analytic, interpretative and critical approach to looking at the statutory and regulatory provisions for negotiated rulemaking as related to issues of democratic governance surrounding the problem of delegation of legislative power. The paradigm of law delineated by Jürgen Habermas, which sets law the task of achieving social or value integration as well as integration of systems, provides the background theory for a critique of such processes. My research questions are two. First, why should a citizen obey a regulation which is the result of negotiation by directly interested parties? Second, what is the potential effect of negotiated rulemaking on other institutions for deliberative democracy? For the internal critique I argue that the procedures for negotiated rulemaking will not produce among the participants the agreement and cooperation which is the legislative intent. For the external critique I argue that negotiated rulemaking will not result in democratically-legitimated regulation. In addition, the practice of negotiated rulemaking will further weaken the functioning of the public sphere, as Habermas theorizes it, as the central institution of deliberative democracy. The primary implication is the need to mitigate further development of administrative agencies as isolated, self-regulating systems, which have been loosened from the controls of democratic governance, through the development of a robust public sphere in which affected persons may achieve mutual understanding. ^


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"To ensure economy and efficiency of federal government opertions by establishing a moratorium on regulatory rulemaking actions, and for other purposes"