266 resultados para ADIPOSIS DOLOROSA
El diagnóstico era claro: azúcar en la sangre, es decir, diabetes. Juan P., un hombre que durante cinco años enfrentó serios problemas de salud, creía haber encontrado la respuesta a su rosario de males. Pero la verdad era que su viacrucis hasta ahora comenzaba. Él, un colombiano de 45 años, trabajador de la construcción, que tenía problemas de obesidad, en 2003 empezó a tener cambios notorios en su salud: se cansaba fácilmente, no rendía en el trabajo, sentía mucha sed y orinaba con frecuencia. Síntomas que prendieron las alarmas. Angustiado, empezó la maratón de largas filas y de extenuantes madrugadas para lograr una cita médica. Finalmente, consiguió una fecha y hora para ser visto por el médico general. Tras una rápida valoración, vinieron los exámenes de laboratorio, los ayunos, las esperas y las inasistencias laborales. Luego de este ir y venir, por fin, Juan P. recibió sus resultados. Al parecer, tenía la respuesta en las manos: diabetes. El paciente, que finalmente sabía la causa de sus males, dio comienzo a una nueva vida basada en el tratamiento médico: una dieta sin harinas ni dulces por el resto de su vida. Pese a este estricto sistema, pasaba el tiempo y Juan P. no presentaba mejoría, todo estaba como al principio. Entonces, fue remitido a un especialista en endocrinología, quien le formuló un medicamento para controlar su azúcar. Otra vez, el paciente creía haber hallado la salida a su problema. Así pasaron tres años en tensa calma, pero un día, la paz se rompió otra vez. Empezó a tener una sensación de quemadura en la planta de sus pies, la cual se fue haciendo cada vez más intensa hasta impedirle dormir adecuadamente. Por tal razón, su rendimiento laboral fue disminuyendo hasta que, sin más remedio, fue despedido. Así, con los restos de esperanza que le quedaban, este hombre de 45 años siguió siendo valorado y tratado por múltiples especialistas, pero sin encontrar una respuesta certera. A pesar de que sus niveles de azúcar en la sangre (glicemia) estaban controlados, el dolor no cesaba, seguía ahí presente. Así vivió Juan P. varios años de su vida, siendo el reflejo de otros tantos colombianos que no saben que existe y que tienen una enfermedad llamada Neuropatía Diabética Dolorosa (NDD). Una patología de difícil diagnóstico y tratamiento.
BRUNO, S. S. ; SOUSA, M. B. C. . Modulação pela progesterona da sensibilidade dolorosa a estímulos mecânicos e isquêmicos em mulheres saudáveis e jovens. RBGO. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia , v. 30, p. 306-311, 2008
Objective: Identify the factors associated to the painful symptomatology and the quality of life and in dentists in the city of Teresina-PI. Brazil. Methods It was accomplished a cross-sectional study with 175 dentists registered with the Regional Council of Dentistry-PI from March to May, 2007. For characterization of the dentists we used a multidimensional questionnaire containing sociodemographic (age, sex) and professional information (time of service, journey to work). The evaluation of the presence of pain was performed by the Protocol of Painful Symptoms of McGILL. The WHOQOL-Bref was used to assess quality of life through physical, psychological, social and environmental domains. Results / Conclusions The painful symptomatology was reported in 69,7% of individuals, being observed in 77.3% of women and 60.3% of men. Body regions where pain was prevalent was the regions of neck (69,2%) lower back (69,7%). The dentists had high levels of self-perception of quality of life satisfaction and health. 96,0% of the individuals reported quality of life as very good, and only 16.6% reported dissatisfied with health. The Physical and Environmental domains showed values higher than the psychological and social domains. The painful symptomatology of studied dentists is associated with female sex (RP=1.28; IC95% 1.04-1.58; p<0.01). A multivariate analysis by logistic regression was performed and only the painful symptoms (OR = 2.51, IC95% 1,21-5,21) remained associated with the quality of life of these professionals when adjusted for other variables studied
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a non-inflammatory rheumatic syndrome characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain with palpable tender points, muscle stiffness, fatigue, and sleep disturbances. Patients with FM have hormonal changes that are directly correlated with symptoms of the syndrome. The neuroendocrine regulation may be impaired, with abnormalities in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis with various hormones showing changes in their levels. In women in fertile period, various gonadal hormones are associated with symptoms of the syndrome, but studies focusing only a population of women in post-menopausal period who do not use hormone replacement are rare. We developed an analytical cross sectional study to assess the plasma levels of cortisol and dehidroepiandrosterona sulfate (DHEA-S) with quimioluminescence method in a group of 17 women with FM and 19 healthy women in post-menopause who do not use hormone replacement and observe the correlation with the symptoms of pain through algometry, depression and physical functional capacity measured from the Beck Depression Index (BDI) and the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ). Three blood samples were collected in the morning (between 8:00 9:30) with an interval of 24 hours for the measurements of hormonal levels and biochemical profile. There were no immunological or lipid changes in patients with FM. Comparing the two groups, there is no difference in levels of cortisol and a tangential effect for DHEA-S (p=0,094) with the lowest levels in the FM. DHEA-S also correlated with pain threshold (r=0,7) and tolerance (r=0,65) in group FM. We found the presence of depressive state and low physical functional capacity in FM. It was also evident that women in post-menopausal period, DHEA-S should influence the symptoms of increased sensitivity to pain, but not the presence of depressive status and low physical functional
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A Síndrome Dolorosa Complexa Regional (SDCR), assim denominada a partir de 1994 pelo Consenso da Associação Internacional para o Estudo da Dor (AIED) e anteriormente denominada de várias formas, tais como Distrofia Simpático Reflexa, Causalgia, Algodistrofia ou Atrofia de Sudeck, é uma doença cuja compreensão dos limites clínicos, fisiopatologia e implicações de patogenia ainda é pobre. Disto resulta a enorme insatisfação não só para os pacientes como para os profissionais da saúde quanto aos métodos terapêuticos atualmente disponíveis. O objetivo deste trabalho é rever a literatura e atualizar um conjunto de informações com o intuito da melhor compreensão desta importante síndrome dolorosa. CONTEÚDO: Este é um trabalho de revisão da literatura nos diversos aspectos da SDCR, com ênfase em suas causas, definição e taxonomia, fisiopatologia, características clínicas, testes diagnósticos e propostas de tratamentos mais recentes. CONCLUSÕES: Poucos são os estudos controlados adequadamente, encobertos e aleatórios, publicados com grandes amostras, havendo muitas dúvidas sobre esta doença. Desta forma, ainda há enorme empirismo na sua terapêutica, e os resultados obtidos são insatisfatórios.
Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a new topical drug (EF028) in two separate presentations (aerosol and cream) in a comparative way with the already registered medication, Andolba® (benzocaine, benzoxiquina chloride benzeconio, menthol) and the negative control (hygiene), in the analgesic efficacy after episiotomy wound, reducing the requirement for systemic medication. Methods: 60 patients were voluntary post normal vaginal childbirth with episiotomy, were divided into four groups to comparatively assess the action of the product EF028 (cream and aerosol), Andolba® and soap, the efficacy of decreasing painful symptoms from daily use for 2 times a day for seven days. Clinical assessments and subjective pain occurred daily until the third postoperative day and on the 7th postoperative day. Results: The results showed that the drugs promoted a reduction of painful symptoms and there was no statistically significant difference (p <0.05) between presentations of drug EF028 (cream and aerosol) and Andolba® and the three products were significantly higher (p <0.05) to the control. Conclusions: The evaluated drugs EF028 aerosol, EF028 cream and Andolba® had similar efficacy in relieving the painful symptoms of the perineal region in postoperative episiotomy can be considered as indication for postoperative episiotomies. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora.
The cephalalgias are frequently associated with the temporomandibular disorders being common to find an increase of pain sensitivity in these patients. Thus, the objective of present study was to assess the sensitivity to palpation in patients presenting with chronic temporomandibular disorders comparing two groups one with headache and other without it, respectively. The temporomandibular disorders and the primary cephalalgias were diagnosed according the Diagnostic Criteria for the Research of Temporomandibular Disorders and by a questionnaire based on the International Classification of the Cephalalgias (2004). Location, assessment and grouping of muscular and articular areas for palpation were carried out according to the Diagnostic Criteria for above mentioned disorders, considering bilaterally the masseter muscle, the temporalis muscle, the cervical region and the temporomandibular joint. Sample included 213 (88.0 %) of women and 29 (12.0 %) men with a mean age of 37.41 years. The mean of number of zones positive to palpation in the groups without headaches, tension headache, migraine and daily chronic headache were: 12.43, 14.38, 15.21 and 15.62 (p= 0.107) (min 2 max 22). The areas of temporalis muscle showed significant differences among groups (p= 0.007). The number of painful points was not statistically different among groups and only in the temporalis muscle there were differences with statistical significant to palpation.
The patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is defined as a retropatellar or anterior knee pain, without another disease. It affects until 25% of the population, being more common in women and trained persons. As others pathologies, PFPS have been affected the training of elite and amateurs athletes. Thereby, the general purpose of this study was discuss the occurrence of PFPS as a sports injury, there prevention possibilities and the appropriate recovery training after injury. It had been developed a literature review addressing the specific characteristics of the syndrome, its diagnosis, its target population, its development, how it affects the training and which are their possibilities of prevention and treatment. © FTCD/FIP-MOC.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
El maltrato infantil atenta contra los derechos más básicos de niños, niñas y adolescentes. Tal como se documenta en el artículo central de este número de Desafíos abocado al tema, el maltrato infantil es una realidad masiva,cotidiana y subdeclarada entre la población latinoamericana y caribeña. Encarna en modalidades diversas, incluyendo agresiones físicas y psicológicas, violación y abuso sexual, y se da en el seno del hogar, en el barrio, en la escuela, en el trabajo y en instituciones de protección y justicia. El maltrato suele reproducirse de una generación a la siguiente, y los principales agresores son el padre, la madre u otro adulto en el hogar.
Introduction: Due to the high recurrence of pain complaints and the increasing incidence of musculoskeletal injuries and postural changes in dance practice, researches related to this issue gained greater importance in scientific community. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate complaints and pain threshold, postural misalignments and the incidence of injuries in dancers noting if there is a relationship between these variables. Method: Participants were 15 ballet dancers in Marília - SP. We used photogrammetry for postural analysis, the McGill Pain Questionnaire for pain location of the volunteer, algometry pressure for measuring the threshold of pain perception and Referred Morbidity to verify and characterize the incidence of injuries this population. In the data analysis we use to percentage to quantify the data from questionnaires and Pearson correlation test angles of photogrammetry correlating with the values of the threshold of pain perception. Results: 73.33% of dancers reported to have suffered some kind of injury in the last year. The area of greatest pain complaint checked at McGill, was the region of the foot (73.30%). Conclusion: There was an agreement between regions of injury and pain, however, there wasn’t a correlation between the threshold of pain tolerance and postural angles.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
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