897 resultados para A357,LPBF,ECO,ball-on-disc,tribologia,attrito,usura
PURPOSE. To evaluate the effect of disease severity and optic disc size on the diagnostic accuracies of optic nerve head (ONH), retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), and macular parameters with RTVue (Optovue, Fremont, CA) spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SDOCT) in glaucoma. METHODS. 110 eyes of 62 normal subjects and 193 eyes of 136 glaucoma patients from the Diagnostic Innovations in Glaucoma Study underwent ONH, RNFL, and macular imaging with RTVue. Severity of glaucoma was based on visual field index (VFI) values from standard automated perimetry. Optic disc size was based on disc area measurement using the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph II (Heidelberg Engineering, Dossenheim, Germany). Influence of disease severity and disc size on the diagnostic accuracy of RTVue was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) and logistic regression models. RESULTS. Areas under ROC curve (AUC) of all scanning areas increased (P < 0.05) as disease severity increased. For a VFI value of 99%, indicating early damage, AUCs for rim area, average RNLI thickness, and ganglion cell complex-root mean square were 0.693, 0.799, and 0.779, respectively. For a VFI of 70%, indicating severe damage, corresponding AUCs were 0.828, 0.985, and 0.992, respectively. Optic disc size did not influence the AUCs of any of the SDOCT scanning protocols of RTVue (P > 0.05). Sensitivity of the rim area increased and specificity decreased in large optic discs. CONCLUSIONS. Diagnostic accuracies of RTVue scanning protocols for glaucoma were significantly influenced by disease severity. Sensitivity of the rim area increased in large optic discs at the expense of specificity. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011;92:1290-1296) DOI:10.1167/iovs.10-5516
The effects of different tempering temperatures (300-600 degrees C) on abrasive wear resistance of mottled cast iron were studied. Abrasive wear tests were carried out using the rubber-wheel test on quartz sand and the pin test on Al(2)O(3) abrasive cloths. The retained austenite content of the matrix was determined by X-ray diffraction. The wear surface of the specimens was examined by scanning electron microscopy for identifying the wear micromechanism. Bulk hardness and matrix hardness before and after the tests were measured. The results showed that in the two-body (pin-on-disc test) system, the main wear mechanism was microcutting and high matrix hardening was presented. The wear rates presented higher correlation with the retained austenite than with the bulk and matrix hardness. In the three-body system (sand-rubber wheel), the wear surfaces presented indentations due to abrasive rolling. The wear rates had better correlation with both the bulk and matrix hardness (before and after the wear test) than with the retained austenite content. There are two groups of results, high and low wear rates corresponding to each tribosystem, two-body abrasive wear and three-body abrasive wear, respectively. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In 1983, Jager and Kaul proved that the equator map u*(x) = (x/\x\,0) : B-n --> S-n is unstable for 3 less than or equal to n less than or equal to 6 and a minimizer for the energy functional E(u, B-n) = integral B-n \del u\(2) dx in the class H-1,H-2(B-n, S-n) with u = u* on partial derivative B-n when n greater than or equal to 7. In this paper, we give a new and elementary proof of this Jager-Kaul result. We also generalize the Jager-Kaul result to the case of p-harmonic maps.
Las barreras térmicas poseen unas propiedades mecánicas y tribológicas limitadas. Los tratamientos térmicos de sintetizado pueden utilizarse como una posible solución para su mejora. En el presente trabajo se evalúa la evolución de diversas propiedades tribológicas y mecánicas, a diferentes tiempos de sinterización, a temperatura de 1.000 °C. Se observa que el sintetizado produce un aumento de la resistencia al desgaste, de la dureza y del módulo de Young. A partir de los ensayos ball-on-disk, realizados utilizando un par friccionante de ZrO2 y de acero, se han estudiado los mecanismos de desgaste dominantes para cada uno de los pares friccionantes. Se ha observado que la delaminación entre partículas y la fractura frágil durante el proceso de desgaste son los mecanismos principales que controlan el proceso. Los caminos de desgaste estudiados mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) e interferometría de barrido de luz blanca (SWLI) han permitido cuantificar el desgaste en cada uno de los casos. A fin de poder estudiar los recubrimientos de ZrO2 mediante SEM y SWLI ha sido necesario realizar una metalización con oro para así aumentar la conductividad eléctrica y reflectividad de las muestras.
This paper investigates the effect of voluntary eco-certification on the rental and sale prices of US commercial office properties. Hedonic and logistic regressions are used to test whether there are rental and sale price premiums for LEED and Energy Star certified buildings. The results of the hedonic analysis suggest that there is a rental premium of approximately 6% for LEED and Energy Star certification. A sale price premium of approximately 35% was found for 127 price observations involving LEED rated buildings and 31% for 662 buildings involving Energy Star rated buildings. When compared to samples of similar buildings identified by a binomial logistic regression for LEED-certified buildings, the existence of a rent and sales price premium is confirmed albeit with differences regarding the magnitude of the premium. Overall, the results of this study confirm that LEED and Energy Star buildings exhibit higher rental rates and sales prices per square foot controlling for a large number of location- and property-specific factors.
Drawing upon an updated and expanded dataset of Energy Star and LEED labeled commercial offices, this paper investigates the effect of eco-labeling on rental rates, sale prices and occupancy rates. Using OLS and robust regression procedures, hedonic modeling is used to test whether the presence of an eco-label has a significant positive effect on rental rates, sale prices and occupancy rates. The study suggests that estimated coefficients can be sensitive to outlier treatment. For sale prices and occupancy rates, there are notable differences between estimated coefficients for OLS and robust regressions. The results suggest that both Energy Star and LEED offices obtain rental premiums of approximately 3%. A 17% sale price premium is estimated for Energy Star labeled offices but no significant sale price premium is estimated for LEED labeled offices. Surprisingly, no significant occupancy premium is estimated for Energy Star labeled offices and a negative occupancy premium is estimated for LEED labeled offices.
Two simulative test methods were used to study galling in sheet forming of two types of stainlesssteel sheet: austenitic (EN 1.4301) and lean duplex LDX 2101 (EN 1.4162) in different surface conditions. Thepin-on-disc test was used to analyse the galling resistance of different combinations of sheet materials and lubricants. The strip reduction test, a severe sheet forming tribology test was used to simulate the conditionsduring ironing. This investigation shows that the risk of galling is highly dependent on the surface texture of theduplex steel. Trials were also performed in an industrial tool used for high volume production of pumpcomponents, to compare forming of LDX 2101 and austenitic stainless steel with equal thickness. The forming forces, the geometry and the strains in the sheet material were compared for the same component.It was found that LDX steels can be formed to high strain levels in tools normally applied for forming ofaustenitic steels, but tool adaptations are needed to comply with the higher strength and springback of thematerial.
O primeiro registro para o Atlântico Sul ocidental de uma espécie do gênero Malacoraja Stehmann, 1970 é feita com base na descrição de Malacoraja obscura, espécie nova, proveniente do talude continental do Sudeste brasileiro dos estados do Espírito Santo e Rio de Janeiro em profundidades de 808-1105 m. A espécie nova é conhecida através de cinco exemplares e é distinta de seus congêneres pela sua coloração dorsal composta por numerosas manchas esbranquiçadas e pequenas na região do disco e nadadeiras pélvicas, por apresentar uma fileira irregular de espinhos ao longo da superfície dorsal mediana da cauda a qual persiste em espécimes maiores (desde a base da cauda até dois-terços do seu comprimento numa fêmea de 680 mm de comprimento total, CT) e uma região pequena desprovida de dentículos na base ventral da cauda (estendendo somente até a margem distal da nadadeira pélvica). Outros caracteres diagnósticos em combinação incluem a ausência de espinhos escapulares em indivíduos maiores, número elevado de fileiras dentárias (64/62 fileiras num macho subadulto de 505 mm de CT e 76/74 numa fêmea de 680 mm de CT) e de vértebras (27-28 Vtr, 68-75 Vprd), coloração ventral do disco uniformemente castanha escura, duas fenestras pós-ventrais na cintura escapular, fenestra pós-ventral posterior grande, forame magno circular e dois forames para a carótida interna na placa basal ventral do neurocrânio. Machos adultos não são conhecidos, porém uma descrição anatômica de M. obscura, sp. nov., é fornecida. Comparações são realizadas com todo o material conhecido de M. kreffti, com a literatura sobre M. senta e com material abundante de M. spinacidermis da África do Sul; M. obscura, sp. nov., assemelha-se mais a M. spinacidermis do Atlântico Sul oriental em esqueleto dérmico, coloração e tamanho. Malacoraja é monofilético devido à sua espinulação e apêndices rostrais conspícuos e é aparentemente composta por dois grupos de espécies, um para M. obscura e M. spinacidermis e outro para M. kreffti e M. senta, porém a elucidação das relações filogenéticas entre as espécies necessita de mais informações anatômicas, principalmente das duas últimas espécies.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Thermal spray WC-based coatings are widely used in the aircraft industry mainly for their resistance to wear, reworking and rebuilding operations and repair of worn components on landing gear, hydraulic cylinders, actuators, propeller hub assemblies, gas turbine engines, and so on. The aircraft industry is also trying to use thermal spray technology to replace electroplating coatings such as hard chromium. In the present work, WC-Co coatings were built up on an AA 7050 aluminum alloy using high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) technology and a liquid nitrogen cooling prototype system. The influence of the spray parameters (standard conditions, W19S, increasing the oxygen flux, W19H, and also increasing the carrier gas flux, W19F) on corrosion, friction, and abrasive wear resistance were also studied. The coatings were characterized using optical (OM) and scanning electron (SEM) microscopy, and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The friction and abrasive wear resistance of the coatings were studied using Rubber Wheel and Ball on Disk tests. The electrochemical studies were conducted using open-circuit potential (E(oc)) measurements and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Differences among coated samples were mainly related to the variation of the thermal spray parameters used during the spray process. No significant differences were observed in the wear resistance for the coatings studied, and all of them showed a wear rate around 10 times lower than that of the aluminum alloy. The results of mass loss and wear rate were interpreted considering different mechanisms. Comparing the different spray parameters, the oxygen flux (higher flame temperature) produced the sample which showed the highest corrosion resistance in aerated and unstirred 3.5% NaCl solution. Aluminum ions were detected on the surface almost immediately after the immersion of samples W19S and W19F in chloride solution, showing that the electrolyte reached the substrate and galvanic corrosion probably occurred. For sample W19H, aluminum ions were not detected even after 120 min of immersion in NaCl solution. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Although titanium and its alloys own good mechanical properties and excellent corrosion resistance, these materials present poor tribological properties for specific applications that require wear resistance. In order to produce wear-resistant surfaces, this work is aimed at achieving improvement of wear characteristics in Ti-Si-B alloys by means of high temperature nitrogen plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII). These alloys were produced by powder metallurgy using high energy ball milling and hot pressing. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction identified the presence of α-titanium, Ti6Si2B, Ti5Si3, TiB and Ti3Si phases. Wear tests were carried out with a ball-on-disk tribometer to evaluate the friction coefficient and wear rate in treated and untreated samples. The worn profiles were measured by visible light microscopy and examined by SEM in order to determine the wear rates and wear mechanisms. Ti-7.5Si-22.5B alloy presented the highest wear resistance amongst the untreated alloys produced in this work. High temperature PIII was effective to reduce the wear rate and friction coefficient of all the Ti-Si-B sintered alloys. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Eco-labels and certification are one of the many environmental policy tools that have been under scrutiny in recent years. This is because the damages of environmental degradation are becoming more apparent over time. Hence there is a pressure to come up with tools that help solve even small parts of the problem. Eco-labels have been around for over 30 years. However the market, the environment and eco-labels have changed drastically during this period. Moreover, in the last 5 years there has been a sudden increase in eco-labels making them more visible in the market and to the average consumer. All this has made evident that little is known about the effectiveness of eco-labels as environmental policy tools. Hence, there is a call to find answers regarding the actual effects of eco-labels on the market and on the environment. While this work cannot address whether eco-labels have an environmental impact it addresses the effects of eco-labels on the markets. Moreover, this work aimed to find the role of law in eco-labelling. In addition, it aims to find a legal solution that would improve the performance of eco-labelling and certification.