1000 resultados para A-type Granites


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Os estudos geológicos desenvolvidos na porção leste do Subdomínio de Transição, Província Carajás, a sul da cidade de Canaã dos Carajás e a norte de Sapucaia, permitiram a identificação, individualização e caracterização de uma diversidade de unidades arqueanas, anteriormente englobadas no Complexo Xingu. A unidade mais antiga da área compreende anfibólio tonalitos correlacionados ao Tonalito São Carlos (~2,92 Ga), com foliação orientada segundo NW-SE a E-W, ou, por vezes, aspecto homogêneo. Geoquimicamente, diferem das típicas associações tonalito-trondhjemito-granodiorito (TTG) arqueanas por apresentarem enriquecimento em TiO2, MgO e CaO, baixos teores de Sr e similares de Rb para amostras com menores teores de sílica, que se refletem em razões Rb/Sr mais elevadas e Sr/Ba mais baixas. Os padrões dos ETR mostram baixo a moderado fracionamento de ETR pesados em relação aos leves, e anomalias negativas de Eu discretas ou moderadas. Seguindo na estratigrafia, e também como a unidade de maior expressão na área, ocorrem rochas de afinidade TTG correspondentes ao Trodhjemito Colorado (~2,87 Ga), intensamente deformadas, com foliações NW-SE a E-W. Intrusivos nesta unidade, ao sul da área, aflora um corpo de aproximadamente 40 km2, de rochas de composição leucogranodiorítica porfirítica denominados de Leucogranodiorito Pantanal, e seccionado em sua porção oeste por leucogranitos deformados de composição monzogranítica. O Leucogranodiorito Pantanal têm afinidade cálcio-alcalina peraluminosa, enriquecimento em Ba e Sr, e padrões de ETR sem anomalias expressivas de Eu e com acentuado fracionamento de ETRP, que refletem em altas razões La/Yb semelhante com a Suíte Guarantã (~2,87 Ga) do Domínio Rio Maria. Os leucogranitos revelam assinatura geoquímica de granitos tipo-A reduzidos, possivelmente, originados a partir da fusão desidratada de rochas cálcico-alcalinas peraluminosas durante o Neoarqueano. Além dessas unidades, na porção leste do Leucogranodiorito Pantanal, hornblenda-biotita granito neoarquenos tipo-A oxidados da Suíte Vila Jussara. Ainda correlacionáveis ao magmatismo subalcalino neoarqueano, na porção norte, ocorrem dois stocks graniticos. São tonalitos a granodioritos com assinatura geoquímica de granitos tipo-A oxidados similares a Suíte Vila Jussara, e monzogranitos com assinatura de granitos tipo-A reduzidos que se assemelham a Suíte Planalto. Ao norte da área ocorre uma associação máfico-enderbitica composta de hornblendanoritos, piroxênio-hornblenda-gabros, piroxênio-hornblenda-monzonito, hornblenda-gabros, anfibolitos e enderbitos. Essas rochas estão intensamente deformadas e recristalizadas, provavelmente por retrometamorfismo na presença de água de rochas de série noríticavii charnockítica de origem ígnea associada com outras variedades de rochas não necessariamente cogenéticas. Seu comportamento geoquímico sugere que os hornblendanorito, hornblenda-gabros e anfibolitos são toleíticos subalcalinos, enquanto que os enderbitos, piroxênio-hornblenda-gabro e piroxênio-hornblenda-monzonito têm assinatura cálcico-alcalina. As baixas razões La/Yb das rochas máficas indicam baixo grau de fracionamento, enquanto que as altas razões La/Yb dos enderbitos é indicativo de fracionamento expressivo dos ETR pesados durante a formação ou diferenciação dos seus magmas, e a concavidade no padrão de ETR pesados, indica provável influência de fracionamento de anfibólio durante sua evolução. Na porção central e centro-norte da área ocorrem biotita-monzogranitos peraluminosos, de assinatura cálcio-alcalina, que podem ser desdobrados em dois grupos geoquímicos distindo. Um tem altas razões Sr/Y e (La/Yb)n, mostram possível afinidade com o Granito Bom Jesus da área de Canaã dos Carajás. O outro tem mais baixa razão (La/Yb)n se aproxima mais do Granito Serra Dourada e do Granito Cruzadão também da área de Canaã dos Carajás. Essa comparação deverá ser aprofundada com dados geocronológicos e maior número de amostras.


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ABSTRACT: The eastern border of the Transition Subdomain of the Carajás Province is constituteddominantly of Archean tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG). Deformed monzogranites, similar to the Planalto granite suite, and metagabbros inserted in association mafic-enderbitic also occur. Paleoproterozoic isotropic granites and mafic dykes devoid of significant deformation crosscut the Archean lithologies. The TTGs are exposed as blocks or as flat outcrops in areas of low relief and commonly include quartz-diorite enclaves. The TTG rocks display gray colour and are generally medium-grained, showing compositional banding or, sometimes, homogeneous aspect. They show commonly a NW-SW to E-W trending foliation with vertical to subvertical dips and were submitted to NE-SW stress. Locally, it was identified a NE-SW foliation transposed to E-W along shear zones. In some instances, they exhibit mylonitic to protomilonitics features, registered in the oval form of plagioclase porphyroclasts or boudinated leucogranitics veins. Two petrographic varieties are recognized for this association: biotite-trondjhemite and subordinate biotite-granodiorites, both have similar mineralogical and textural aspects and are characterized by a poorly preserved igneous texture, partially overwritten by an intense recrystallization. EDS analyses revealed that the plagioclase is a calcic oligoclase (An27-19), with Or ranging from 0.6 - 2.3%. The biotites are ferromagnesian, with dominance of Fe over Mg (Fe / [Fe + Mg] ranging from 0.54 to 0.59) and the analyzed epidote presents pistacite contents ranging from 23 to 27.6 % and plot mostly in the range of magmatic epidotes. The trondhjemite shows all typical characteristics of Archean TTG suites. They have high La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios, suggesting they were derived from the partial melting of garnet amphibolite sources at high pressures (ca. 1.5 GPa) or, at least, that their magmatic evolution was controlled by the fractionation of garnet and possibly amphibole, without significant influence of plagioclase. The studied TTGs show similarities with Mariazinha tonalite and Mogno trondjemite, of the Rio Maria Domain, Colorado trondhjemite and, in at a lesser degree, to the Rio Verde trondhjemite, of the Carajás Domain. The granodiorites display a calc-alkaline signature and shows LILE enrichment, specifically K2O, Rb and Ba, when compared to the trondhjemites, but still preserving some geochemical features of the TTG. The geochemical data indicate that the trondhjemite and granodiorite are not related by fractional crystallization. An origin of the granodiorite by partial melting of the TTG rocks is also discarded. The granodiorite could, however, result of contamination of TTG magmas by lithosphere metasomatism or assimilation of sediments from subducted oceanic crust along trondhjemite liquid genesis. In the eastern portion of the mapped area, it was identified a small, E-W trending granite stock clearly controlled by shear zones. The rocks have mylonitic textures, characterized by ovoid-shaped feldspar porphyroclasts, wrapped by recrystallized quartz and mica. These granitic rocks have geochemical signatures of reduced A-type granites and are similar to the Planalto granite suite. Boulders of mafic rocks crop out locally in the northern portion of the area. These rocks show a dominant granoblastic texture, and are mainly composed of amphibole and plagioclase, with subordinate biotite and quartz. In the northern part of the mapped area, it was identified a body of isotropic granite without significant deformation and showing locally rapakivi textures. This granitic pluton was correlated to the Paleoproterozoic A-type granites, represented in the Carajás Domain by the Serra dos Carajás suite and Rio Branco Granite. These granites were not studied in detail. The geological and geochemical aspects shown by the Archean granitoids identified in the eastern part of the Transition Subdomain implies in the existence of significant TTG rocks in the Transition Subdomain. This reinforces the hypothesis that the Transition Subdomain could represent an extension of the Rio Maria Domain, but affected by crustal reworking events in the Neoarchean.


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Petrografia, suscetibilidade magnética e geoquímica do Granito Rio Branco, Província Carajás, sudeste do Pará, Brazil. O Granito Rio Branco é um stock paleoproterozoico intrusivo no biotita-monzogranito arqueano Cruzadão. Ocorre a oeste da cidade de Canaã dos Carajás, nas proximidades da mina de cobre do Sossego na Província Carajás. É constituído por sienogranitos não deformados e isotrópicos, hololeucocráticos, em geral de granulação média. A mineralogia é formada por feldspato alcalino pertítico, quartzo e plagioclásio. A biotita, intensamente cloritizada, é a principal fase máfica, acompanhada por flluorita, allanita, zircão, pirita e calcopirita como minerais acessórios. Albitização e, com menor intensidade greisenização, afetaram o granito, sendo a mineralogia secundária albita, fluorita, topázio, clorita, muscovita, siderofilita e óxidos e/ou hidróxidos de ferro. O Granito Rio Branco apresenta valores sistematicamente baixos de suscetibilidade magnética (SM) variando de 1,3 x 10-5 a 6,96 x 10-4 (SI). Geoquimicamente, é metaluminoso a peraluminoso, possui altas razões FeOt/(FeOt + MgO) e mostra afinidades com granitos ferrosos, tipo-A do subtipo A2. Os padrões dos ETR revelam um ligeiro enriquecimento de ETR leves em relação ao ETR pesados e anomalia negativa acentuada de Eu (Eu/Eu* = 0,08 - 0,13), resultando feição em "gaivota", característica de granitos evoluídos. O conjunto de dados obtidos demonstra o caráter evoluído do Granito Rio Branco e sua derivação a partir de líquidos reduzidos e enriquecidos em voláteis, causadores das transformações hidrotermais tardias. O estudo comparativo deste corpo com aqueles das suítes anorogênicas da Província Carajás sugere que o Granito Rio Branco possui maior afinidade com os granitos das suítes Velho Guilherme e, em menor grau, Serra dos Carajás. Por outro lado, é claramente distinto da Suíte Jamon. Embora apresente características similares às dos granitos especializados em estanho, não há mineralizações desta natureza associadas ao corpo.


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O Granito Seringa, com cerca de 2250 km2 de superfície afl orante, representa o maior batólito da Província Carajás. É intrusivo em unidades arqueanas do Terreno Granito-Greenstone de Rio Maria, sudeste do Cráton Amazônico. É constituído por dois grandes conjuntos petrográficos: a) rochas monzograníticas, representadas por bitotita-anfibólio monzogranito grosso (BAMGrG) e anfibólio-bitotita monzogranito grosso (ABMGrG); b) rochas sienograníticas, representadas por anfibólio-biotita sienogranito porfirítico (ABSGrP), leucosienogranito heterogranular (LSGrH), leucomicrosienogranito (LMSGr) e anfibólio-biotita sienogranito heterogranular (ABSGrH). Biotita e anfibólio são os minerais varietais e zircão, apatita, minerais opacos e allanita, os acessórios. O Granito Seringa mostra caráter subalcalino, metaluminoso a fracamente peraluminoso e possui altas razões FeOt/FeOt+MgO (0,86 a 0,97) e K2O/Na2O (1 a 2). Os ETR mostram padrão de fracionamento moderado para os ETRL e sub-horizontalizado para os ETRP. As anomalias negativas de Eu são fracas nas rochas monzograníticas e moderadas a acentuadas nas sienograníticas e leucomonzograníticas, respectivamente, com exceção dos ABSGrP. Mostra afinidades geoquímicas com granitos intraplacas ricos em ferro, do subtipo A2 e do tipo A oxidados. As relações de campo e os aspectos petrográficos e geoquímicos não são coerentes com a evolução das fácies do Granito Seringa a partir da cristalização fracionada de um mesmo pulso magmático. O Granito Seringa apresenta maiores semelhanças petrográficas, geoquímicas e de suscetibilidade magnética com as rochas da Suíte Serra dos Carajás, podendo ser enquadrado nesta importante suíte granitoide.


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The Tamboril-Santa Quiteria Complex is an important Neoproterozoic granitic-migmatitic unit from the Ceara Central Domain that developed from ca. 650 to 610 Ma. In general the granitoids range in composition from diorite to granite with predominance (up to 85%) of granitic to monzogranitic composition with biotite as the main mafic AFM phase. Geochemical and Pb-207/Pb-206 evaporation zircon geochronology studies were applied in a group of these abundant monzogranitic rocks from the region of Novo Oriente in the southern portion of the Ceara Central Domain. In this area the granitoids are weakly peraluminous biotite granitoids and deformed biotite granitoids of high-K calc-alkaline and ferroan composition, which we interpreted as primary magmas (segregated diatexites) derived from the partial melting of crustal material. The close temporal relation of this magmatism with local eclogitic and regional high temperature metamorphism in Ceara Central Domain point out to an orogenic setting, arguably emplaced during the collisional stage. Subordinate coeval juvenile mantle incursions are also present. This crustally derived magmatism is the primary product of the continental thickening that resulted from the collision between the rocks represented by the Amazonian-West African craton (Sao Luiz cratonic fragment) to the northwest and the Paleoproterozoic-Archean basement of the Borborema Province to the southeast along the Transbrasiliano tectonic corridor. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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New geochronological and geochemical constraints on Precambrian sedimentary and volcanic successions exposed in the western part of the Central Domain of the Borborema Province, NE Brazil, indicate the presence of two distinct tectono-stratigraphic complexes: Riacho Gravata and Sao Caetano. Both complexes and associated orthogneisses are referred in the literature as the Cariris Velhos belt, having depositional, extrusive, or intrusive ages within the interval 985-913 Ma. The Riacho Gravata complex consists of bimodal (but mostly felsic) volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks, muscovite+/-graphite schists, quartzites, and marble with local occurrences of banded-iron-formation. The Sao Caetano complex mainly consists of metagreywackes, marbles, calc-silicate rocks, and rare meta-mafic rocks. Meta-mafic rocks from both complexes have geochemical signatures similar to those of continental flood basalts, with epsilon Nd (1.0 Ga) values ranging from -1.0 to -2.8. Felsic volcanic rocks from the Riacho Gravata complex show epsilon Nd (1.0 Ga) values ranging from -1.0 to -7.4 and geochemical signatures similar to A(2)-type granitoids. New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon data from felsic volcanic rocks within the Riacho Gravata complex yielded ages of 1091 +/- 13 Ma and 996 +/- 13 Ma. In contrast, meta-graywackes from the Sao Caetano complex show a maximum deposition age of ca. 806 Ma in the northern part and ca. 862 Ma in the southern part of the outcrop area. The orthogneisses show epsilon Nd (1.0 Ga) values ranging from 1.0 to -4.2 with U/Pb TIMS and SHRIMP ages ranging from 960 to 926 Ma and geochemical signatures of A(2)-type granitoids. The data reported in this paper suggest at least two periods of extension within the Central Domain of the Borborema Province, the first starts ca. 1091 Ma with magmatism and deposition, creating the Riacho Gravata basin and continued intrusion of A-type granites to 920 Ma. A second rift event, which reactivated old faults, generated a basin with a maximum deposition age of ca. 806 Ma. Furthermore, the oldest granitoids cutting these metasedimentary rocks have crystallization ages of ca. 600 Ma. This suggests that the second rift event could be early Brasiliano in age. The resulting Sao Caetano basin received detritus from a variety of sources, although detritus from the Riacho Gravata complex dominated. Deposition ages of the Riacho Gravata and the Sao Caetano complexes are coeval with deposits in other basins of the Borborema Province (Riacho do Tigre in the Central Domain; Macurure and Maranco in the Sergipano Belt of the Southern domain). The Macaubas Group from SE Brazil and its counterparts in Africa, the Zadanian and Mayumbian Groups, in the western edge of the Congo Craton are also coeval. Closure of the Riacho Gravata and Sao Caetano basins occurred during the Brasiliano convergence (705-600 Ma). During the last stage of convergence, ca. 612 Ma, pull-apart basins were created and filled; final basin closure took place 605-592 Ma, after deposition ceased. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fifty m of basement rocks underlying 185 m of Neogene and Mesozoic sediments were drilled seaward of the Mazagan Slope about 100 km west of Casablanca during Leg 79. These rocks are metagranites with mylonitic textures consisting dominantly of quartz, plagioclase, and potassium feldspar. Chemically, they are strongly peraluminous. This along with the absence of hornblende suggest that these rocks are similar to the S-type granites. Petrographic and chemical data suggest the possible existence of a former weathering surface on top of the Mazagan metagranite.


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The Jinshajiang suture zone, located in the eastern part of the Tethyan tectonic domain, is noticeable for a large-scale distribution of Late Jurassic to Triassic granitoids. These granitoids were genetically related to the evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean. The Beiwu, Linong and Lunong granitoids occur in the middle zone of the Jinshajiang Suture Zone, and possess similar geochemical features, indicating they share a common magma source. SIMS zircon U-Pb dating reveals the Beiwu, Linong and Lunong granitic intrusions were emplaced at 233.9±1.4 Ma (2 sigma), 233.1 ±1.4 Ma (2 sigma) and 231.0±1.6 Ma (2 sigma), respectively. All of these granitoids are enriched in abundances of Si (SiO2 =65.2-73.5 wt.%), and large-ion-lithophile-elements (LILEs), but depleted in high-field-strength-elements contents (HFSEs, e.g., Nb, Ta, Ti). In addition, they have low P2O5 contents (0.06-0.11 wt.%), A/CNK values ([molecular Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O+K2O)], mostly<1.1) and 10000Ga/Al ratios (1.7-2.2), consistent with the characteristics of I-type granites. In terms of isotopic compositions, these granitoids have high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7078-0.7148), Pb isotopic compositions [(206Pb/204Pb)t=18.213-18.598, (207Pb/204Pb)t=15.637-15.730 and (208Pb/204Pb)t=38.323-38.791], zircon d18O values (7. per mil-9.3 per mil) and negative eNd(t) values (-5.1 to -6.7), suggesting they were predominantly derived from the continental crust. Their Nb/Ta ratios (average value=8.6) are consistent with those of the lower continental crust (LCC). However, variable ?Hf(t) values (-8.6 to +2.8) and the occurrences of mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) suggest that mantle-derived melts and lower crustal magmas were involved in the generation of these granitoids. Moreover, the high Pb isotopic ratios and elevated zircon d18O values of these rocks indicate a significant contribution of the upper crustal composition. We propose a model in which the Beiwu, Linong and Lunong granitoids were generated under a late collisional or post-collisional setting. It is possible that this collision was completed before Late Triassic. Decompression induced mantle-derived magmas underplated and provided the heat for the anatexis of the crust. Hybrid melts including mantle-derived and the lower crustal magmas were then generated. The hybrid melts thereafter ascended to a shallow depth and resulted in some degree of sedimentary rocks assimilation. Such three-component mixing magmas source and subsequent fractional crystallization could be responsible for the formation of the Beiwu, Linong and Lunong granitoids.


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Tin-polymetallic greisen-type deposits in the Itu Rapakivi Province and Rondonia Tin Province, Brazil are associated with late-stage rapakivi fluorine-rich peraluminous alkali-feldspar granites. These granites contain topaz and/or muscovite or zinnwaldite and have geochemical characteristics comparable to the low-P sub-type topaz-bearing granites. Stockworks and veins are common in Oriente Novo (Rondonia Tin Province) and Correas (Itu Rapakivi Province) deposits, but in the Santa Barbara deposit (Rondonia Tin Province) a preserved cupola with associated bed-like greisen is predominant. The contrasting mineralization styles reflect different depths of formation, spatial relationship to tin granites, and different wall rock/fluid proportions. The deposits contain a similar rare-metal suite that includes Sri (+/-W, +/-Ta, +/-Nb), and base-metal suite (Zn-Cu-Pb) is present only in Correas deposit. The early fluid inclusions of the Correas and Oriente Novo deposits are (1) low to moderate-salinity (0-19 wt.% NaCl eq.) CO2-bearing aqueous fluids homogenizing at 245-450 degreesC, and (2) aqueous solutions with low CO2, low to moderate salinity (0-14 wt.% NaCl eq.), which homogenize between 100 and 340 T. In the Santa Barbara deposit, the early inclusions are represented by (1) low-salinity (5-12 wt.% NaCl eq.) aqueous fluids with variable CO2 contents, homogenizing at 340 to 390 T, and (2) low-salinity (0-3 wt.% NaCl eq.) aqueous fluid inclusions, which homogenize at 320380 degreesC. Cassiterite, wolframite, columbite-tantalite, scheelite, and sulfide assemblages accompany these fluids. The late fluid in the Oriente Novo and Correas deposit was a low-salinity (0-6 wt.% NaCl eq.) CO2-free aqueous solution, which homogenizes at (100-260 degreesC) and characterizes the sulfide fluorite-sericite association in the Correas deposit. The late fluid in the Santa Barbara deposit has lower salinity (0-3 wt.% NaCl eq.) and characterizes the late-barren-quartz, muscovite and kaolinite veins. Oxygen isotope thermometry coupled with fluid inclusion data suggest hydrothermal activity at 240-450 degreesC, and 1,0-2.6 kbar fluid pressure at Correas and Oriente Novo. The hydrogen isotope composition of breccia-greisen, stockwork, and vein fluids (delta(18)O quartz from 9.9parts per thousand to 10.9parts per thousand, deltaDH(2)O from 4.13parts per thousand to 6.95parts per thousand) is consistent with a fluid that was in equilibrium with granite at temperatures from 450 to 240 degreesC. In the Santa Barbara deposit, the inferred temperatures for quartz-pods and bed-like greisens are much higher (570 and 500 degreesC, respectively), and that for the cassiterite-quartz-veins is 415 degreesC. The oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition of greisen and quartz-pods fluids (delta(18)O(qtz-H2O)=5.5-6.1parts per thousand) indicate that the fluid equilibrated with the albite granite, consistent with a magmatic origin. The values for mica (delta(18)O(mica-H2O)=33-9.8parts per thousand) suggest mixing with meteoric water. Late muscovite veins (delta(18)O(qtz-H2O)=-6.4parts per thousand) and late quartz (delta(18)O(mica-H2O)=-3.8parts per thousand) indicate involvement of a meteoric fluid. Overall, the stable isotope and fluid inclusion data imply three fluid types: (1) an early orthomagmatic fluid, which equilibrated with granite; (2) a mixed orthomagmatic-meteoric fluid; and (3) a late hydrothermal meteoric fluid. The first two were responsible for cassiterite, wolframite, and minor coluChange in the redox conditions related to mixing-of magmatic and meteoric fluids favored important sulfide mineralization in the Correas deposit. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O SW do município de Presidente Figueiredo, localizado no Estado do Amazonas, Nordeste do Cráton Amazônico Central, Brasil, hospeda granitoides do tipo I de idade entre 1890 a 1898 Ma (Terra Preta Granito, Suíte Água Branca), hornblenda-sienogranitos do tipo A (Sienogranito Canoas da Suíte Mapuera), rochas vulcânicas ácidas à intermediárias (Grupo Iricoumé) e granitos rapakivi de idades entre 1883 a 1889 Ma (Granito São Gabriel da Suíte Mapuera), e rochas afins (quartzo-gabro-anortosito e diorito), além de quartzo-monzonito Castanhal, milonitos e hornfels. A fácies quartzo-diorito do granito Terra Preta foi formada por processos de mistura entre um dique quartzo-gabro sinplutônico e um granodiorito hornblenda. Glóbulos parcialmente assimilados de sienogranitos hornblenda Canoas e seus contatos com o granodiorito hornblenda Terra Preta sugerem que o sienogranito Canoas é um pouco mais jovem do que o Granito Terra Preta. Xenólitos do sienogranito Canoas no interior do Granito São Gabriel mostram que o granito é mais jovem do que o sienogranito Canoas. Novas evidências geológicas e petrográficas avançam na compreensão petrológica destas rochas e sugerem que, além de cristalização fracionada, assimilação e mistura de magma, desempenharam um papel importante, pelo menos em escala local, na evolução e variação composicionais dos plutons. Tal evidência é encontrada no Granito Terra Preta misturado com materiais quartzo-diorito, félsico associado ao sienogranito Canoas e nos enclaves microgranulares intermediários, que apresentam biotita e hornblenda primárias, além de dissolução plagioclásio, corrosão de feldspatos, mantos feldspatos alcalinos, segunda geração de apatita, e elevados teores xenocristais em enclaves intermediários formados a partir da fragmentação de intrusões máficas. Análises petrográficas mostram que um evento deformacional registrado na parte Ocidental da área de estudo (com deformação progressiva de E para W) é estimado entre o magmatismo pós-colisional de 1,90 Ga e as invasões do Granito São Gabriel e rochas afins máficas/intermediárias (intraplaca). No entanto, torna-se extremamente necessário obter idades absolutas para este evento metamórfico.


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In this study, 103 unrelated South-American patients with mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II) were investigated aiming at the identification of iduronate-2-sulfatase (IDS) disease causing mutations and the possibility of some insights on the genotype-phenotype correlation The strategy used for genotyping involved the identification of the previously reported inversion/disruption of the IDS gene by PCR and screening for other mutations by PCR/SSCP. The exons with altered mobility on SSCP were sequenced, as well as all the exons of patients with no SSCP alteration. By using this strategy, we were able to find the pathogenic mutation in all patients. Alterations such as inversion/disruption and partial/total deletions of the IDS gene were found in 20/103 (19%) patients. Small insertions/deletions/indels (<22 bp) and point mutations were identified in 83/103 (88%) patients, including 30 novel mutations; except for a higher frequency of small duplications in relation to small deletions, the frequencies of major and minor alterations found in our sample are in accordance with those described in the literature.


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Pyrimidine-5'-nucleotidase type I (P5'NI) deficiency is an autosomal recessive condition that causes nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia, characterized by marked basophilic stippling and pyrimidine nucleotide accumulation in erythrocytes. We herein present two African descendant patients, father and daughter, with P5'N deficiency, both born from first cousins. Investigation of the promoter polymorphism of the uridine diphospho glucuronosyl transferase 1A (UGT1A) gene revealed that the father was homozygous for the allele (TA7) and the daughter heterozygous (TA6/TA7). P5'NI gene (NT5C3) gene sequencing revealed a further change in homozygosity at amino acid position 56 (p.R56G), located in a highly conserved region. Both patients developed gallstones; however the father, who had undergone surgery for the removal of stones, had extremely severe intrahepatic cholestasis and, liver biopsy revealed fibrosis and siderosis grade III, leading us to believe that the homozygosity of the UGT1A polymorphism was responsible for the more severe clinical features in the father. Moreover, our results show how the clinical expression of hemolytic anemia is influenced by epistatic factors and we describe a new mutation in the P5'N gene associated with enzyme deficiency, iron overload, and severe gallstone formation. To our knowledge, this is the first description of P5'N deficiency in South Americans.


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The over-production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) can cause oxidative damage to a large number of molecules, including DNA, and has been associated with the pathogenesis of several disorders, such as diabetes mellitus (DM), dyslipidemia and periodontitis (PD). We hypothesise that the presence of these diseases could proportionally increase the DNA damage. The aim of this study was to assess the micronucleus frequency (MNF), as a biomarker for DNA damage, in individuals with type 2 DM, dyslipidemia and PD. One hundred and fifty patients were divided into five groups based upon diabetic, dyslipidemic and periodontal status (Group 1 - poor controlled DM with dyslipidemia and PD; Group 2 - well-controlled DM with dyslipidemia and PD; Group 3 - without DM with dyslipidemia and PD; Group 4 - without DM, without dyslipidemia and with PD; and Group 5 - without DM, dyslipidemia and PD). Blood analyses were carried out for fasting plasma glucose, HbA1c and lipid profile. Periodontal examinations were performed, and venous blood was collected and processed for micronucleus (MN) assay. The frequency of micronuclei was evaluated by cell culture cytokinesis-block MN assay. The general characteristics of each group were described by the mean and standard deviation and the data were submitted to the Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, Multiple Logistic Regression and Spearman tests. The Groups 1, 2 and 3 were similarly dyslipidemic presenting increased levels of total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides. Periodontal tissue destruction and local inflammation were significantly more severe in diabetics, particularly in Group 1. Frequency of bi-nucleated cells with MN and MNF, as well as nucleoplasmic bridges, were significantly higher for poor controlled diabetics with dyslipidemia and PD in comparison with those systemically healthy, even after adjusting for age, and considering Bonferroni's correction. Elevated frequency of micronuclei was found in patients affected by type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia and PD. This result suggests that these three pathologies occurring simultaneously promote an additional role to produce DNA impairment. In addition, the micronuclei assay was useful as a biomarker for DNA damage in individuals with chronic degenerative diseases.


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Leaves of Passiflora alata Curtis were characterized for their antioxidant capacity. Antioxidant analyses of DPPH, FRAP, ABTS, ORAC and phenolic compounds were made in three different extracts: aqueous, methanol/acetone and ethanol. Aqueous extract was found to be the best solvent for recovery of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity, when compared with methanol/acetone and ethanol. To study the anti-inflammatory properties of this extract in experimental type 1 diabetes, NOD mice were divided into two groups: the P. alata group, treated with aqueous extract of P. alata Curtis, and a non-treated control group, followed by diabetes expression analysis. The consumption of aqueous extract and water ad libitum lasted 28 weeks. The treated-group presented a decrease in diabetes incidence, a low quantity of infiltrative cells in pancreatic islets and increased glutathione in the kidney and liver (p<0.05), when compared with the diabetic and non-diabetic control-groups. In conclusion, our results suggest that the consumption of aqueous extract of P. alata may be considered a good source of natural antioxidants and compounds found in its composition can act as anti-inflammatory agents, helping in the control of diabetes.


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To investigate the effects of a specific protocol of undulatory physical resistance training on maximal strength gains in elderly type 2 diabetics. The study included 48 subjects, aged between 60 and 85 years, of both genders. They were divided into two groups: Untrained Diabetic Elderly (n=19) with those who were not subjected to physical training and Trained Diabetic Elderly (n=29), with those who were subjected to undulatory physical resistance training. The participants were evaluated with several types of resistance training's equipment before and after training protocol, by test of one maximal repetition. The subjects were trained on undulatory resistance three times per week for a period of 16 weeks. The overload used in undulatory resistance training was equivalent to 50% of one maximal repetition and 70% of one maximal repetition, alternating weekly. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences (p<0.05) between pre-test and post-test over a period of 16 weeks. The average gains in strength were 43.20% (knee extension), 65.00% (knee flexion), 27.80% (supine sitting machine), 31.00% (rowing sitting), 43.90% (biceps pulley), and 21.10% (triceps pulley). Undulatory resistance training used with weekly different overloads was effective to provide significant gains in maximum strength in elderly type 2 diabetic individuals.