1000 resultados para 94-606


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The primary objective of DSDP Leg 94 was to obtain continuous paleoclimatic records along a roughly north-south transect in the North Atlantic. The magnetostratigraphy of 21 holes at 6 sites cored with the hydraulic piston corer and extended-core-barrel corer is presented here and establishes an independent chronology for these sediments. Nearly complete records were obtained for the last 2.5 m.y.; in addition, deeper drilling at three sites to satisfy tectonic and paleoceanographic objectives produced older sections suitable for magnetostratigraphic study, allowing first-order correlations of the polarity sequences with calcareous and siliceous micro fossil events. The sections with high sediment accumulation rates yielded very detailed records of polarity history and allowed three short normal-polarity zones within the Matuyama Chronozone to be detected, in addition to the Jaramillo and Olduvai subchronozones. A short reversed-polarity zone also occurs, within the upper intervals of the Gauss Chronozone. These short zones are present in multiple holes, ruling out the possibility that they might be of local origin. Correlation of these short zones with radiometrically dated polarity zones in igneous rocks strongly supports the interpretation of these polarity zones as records of true geomagnetic polarity chrons.


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The extent to which the spatial distribution of marine planktonic microbes is controlled by local environmental selection or dispersal is poorly understood. Our ability to separate the effects of these two biogeographic controls is limited by the enormous environmental variability both in space and through time. To circumvent this limitation, we analyzed fossil diatom assemblages over the past ~1.5 million years from the world oceans and show that these eukaryotic microbes are not limited by dispersal. The lack of dispersal limitation in marine diatoms suggests that the biodiversity at the microbial level fundamentally differs from that of macroscopic animals and plants for which geographic isolation is a common component of speciation.


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We demonstrate size fluctuations of the calcareous nannofossil genus Reticulofenestra in Upper Pliocene sediments from the North Atlantic Ocean and clarify a characteristic evolutionary trend of this genus. Four bioevents, which are based on abrupt decreases in maximum size and on changes of morphologic features of Reticulofenestra specimens, are detected in the sediments. They are the disappearance of R. minutula var. A, the termination of Acme Zone II of R. minutula var. C, the disappearance of R. minutula var. B, and the termination of Acme Zone I of R. minutula var. C, in ascending order. These are nearly synchronous and traceable events.


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Leg 94 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project has provided a unique set of paleomagnetically dated cores, taken along a N-S transect in the North Atlantic. High deposition rates in the sediments, combined with the palaeomagnetic ages, have enabled existing planktonic foraminiferal zonations to be tested and a new zonation for the mid- to high latitudes to be erected. The PL zonation of Berggren (1973, 1977) is shown to be adequate as far north as 41°N, although both the LAD's of Globigerina nepenthes and Globorotalia margaritae occur earlier than in tropical regions. North of 41°N these two species have very diachronous LAD's, even though they are common during their range in the northern sites. The new zonation for the mid to high latitude North Atlantic is based on the FAD of G. margaritae, FAD of G. puncticulata, LAD of G. cf. crassula, LAD of N. atlantica, FAD of G. inflata and FAD of sinistrally coiled encrusted N. pachyderma.


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After nearly 30 years of growth in geochronologic knowledge, the originally published age models for many older deep sea marine sections have become badly outdated. In this report we present newly revised age models for Neogene sediments from 94 DSDP holes. Biostratigraphic data for planktonic foraminifers, calcareous nannofossils, diatoms and radiolarians, paleomagnetic and other stratigraphic data were compiled from the original Initial Reports volumes of DSDP. The Berggren et al. (1985 doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1985)96<1407:CG>2.0.CO;2) scale was used for the age of magnetic reversals, and a variety of recent papers were used to establish a standard modern set of calibrations for marine microfossil events to the magnetic reversal scale. New age vs depth plots were made for each hole, and for each a new line of correlation was created. All tabulated stratigraphic data, new age models, and age depth plots are given as appendices to the report.


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Deputados estaduais de Minas Gerais pedem a rejeição da proposta de um plebiscito popular para criar o Triângulo, dividindo o estado de Minas Gerais. Pessoas com bandeiras que representa Brasília esperavam a sessão Plenária, que previa votação que marcaria a data da eleição do primeiro governador do Distrito Federal. Na reunião de liderança ficou acertado que a ordem de votação começaria com a sucessão nos cartórios, seguida da votação da data das eleições em Brasília. Outro artigo que poderia ser votado era o da aplicação da Reforma Tributária. No Plenário uma das primeiras votações foi de uma emenda tentando suprimir do Texto Constitucional, o artigo que estatiza os cartórios, contra a estatização falou o Senador Nelson Carneiro (PMDB-RJ), mas os constituintes rejeitaram a emenda e a estatização dos cartórios ficou mantida. A seguir começou a definir como ficou a sucessão nos cartórios, o líder Mário Covas apresentou um destaque de votação em separado, para suprimir toda referência à sucessão cartorial. Votou-se primeiro um requerimento para saber se era válido ou não a votação do destaque, os constituintes decidiram que sim.


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Histochemical experiments are conducted in order to study the interrenal cells of European brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri).


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa has for some time been known as a denitrifier. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was chosen for further studies, because P. aeruginosa occurs abundantly in Plusssee and moreover there are contradictory assertions on the gas products of denitrification by this bacteria. In experimental research the pattern of growth and gas production of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on nutrient broth was studied.


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In freshwater environments of modest size and without notable ecological structure, there is usually present only one diaptomid species. When two or more diaptomid species are present in the same habitat, generally their body dimensions are distinctly different. There are only four examples of co-existence of Arctodiaptomus bacillifer (Koelb.) and Acanthodiaptomus denticornis (Wierz.) situated at higher altitudes alpine lakes. The article discusses the results of sampling in the summer of 1953 and the problem of the co-existence of Arctodiaptomus bacillifer, Acanthodiaptomus denticornis and Heterocope saliens.


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Dormancy has been observed in several species of Cyclops. Animals in dormancy are characterised by almost complete inactivity of the main appendages and sluggish intestinal peristalsis. In Cyclops vicinus dormancy can take place in copepod stages III (19%), IV (78%) and V (3%) but one and the same animal only in one developmental stage. The author gives his own results between frequency of dormancy and photoperiod (20 C, 1000 lux). He concludes that dormancy in C. vicinus can be influenced by day length and can be ended prematurely by short day length.


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The amphipod Gammarus lacustris, a regular representative of lacustrine communities, often plays a significant role in the transformation of matter and energy. The object of the present work was to clarify the quantitative side of the feeding of the amphipod under different conditions of habitation. Experimental works on determination of the rate of consumption of food and its dependence on body-weight were carried out in the summer periods 1975-1978 on three water-bodies of the Krasnoyarsk region, of different conditions of habitation for the amphipods.