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Sediments recovered during Leg 90 (Sites 587-594, plus Site 586 cored during Leg 89) are, in general, extremely weakly magnetized carbonate oozes and chalks with NRM intensities seldom greater than 0.05 µG. The quality of the paleomagnetic records deteriorates with increasing depth caused by the combined effects of removal of primary magnetic oxides by sulfate reduction processes and the dispersal of magnetic grains during compaction. Magnetic reversal sequences are generally recognizable back to the Gilbert, 3.4 to 5.35 m.y., except at equatorial Site 586 where only the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary could be identified. Longer reversal records were obtained at Site 588 (to Chron 13, about 13 m.y.) and Site 594 (base of Chron 5, about 5.9 m.y.). Sediments are characterized by extremely high calcium carbonate contents (90-100%) with almost no biosiliceous components. Blebs and streaks of pyrite are common, and the presence of iron sulfides with poor magnetic stabilities is suspected, although not yet positively identified. Viscous components of magnetization are common, sometimes to the extent of dominating the primary remanence, and there is evidence to suggest that a magnetic remanence is imparted during core recovery. Siliceous carbonate oozes provide better paleomagnetic records than pure carbonate oozes.


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High-resolution oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy is presented for Miocene to early Pliocene sequences at three DSDP sites from the Lord Howe Rise, southwest Pacific, at water depths ranging from 1,300 to 2,000 m. Site 588 is located in the warm subtropics (~26°S), whereas Sites 590 and 591 are positioned in transitional (northern temperate) water masses (~31°S). Benthic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope analyses were conducted on all sites; planktonic foraminiferal isotope data were generated for Site 590 only. Sample resolution in these sequences is on the order of 50,000 yr. or better. The chronological framework employed in this study is based largely upon ages assigned to Neogene calcareous nannoplankton boundaries. The benthic oxygen isotope record exhibits several major features during the Neogene. During most of the early Miocene, delta18O values were relatively low, reaching minimum values in the late early Miocene (19.5 to 16.5 Ma), and recording the climax of Neogene warmth. This was followed by a major increase in benthic delta18O values between ~16.5 and 13.5 Ma, which is interpreted as representing major, permanent accumulation of the East Antarctic ice sheet and cooling of bottom waters. During the 3 m.y. 18O enrichment, surface waters at these middle latitudes warmed between 16 and 14.5 Ma. During the remainder of the middle and late Miocene, benthic delta18O values exhibit distinct fluctuations, but the average value remained unchanged. The isotopic data show two distinct episodes of climatic cooling close to the middle/late Miocene boundary. The earliest of these events occurred between 12.5 and 11.5 Ma in the latest middle Miocene. The second cooling event occurred from 11 to 9 Ma, and is marked by some of the highest delta18O values of the entire Miocene. This was followed by relative warmth during the middle part of the late Miocene. The latest Miocene and earliest Pliocene (6.2 to 4.5 Ma) were marked by relatively high delta18O values, indicating increased cooling and glaciation. During the middle Pliocene, at about 3.4 Ma, a 0.4 per mil increase in benthic delta18O documents a net increase in average global ice volume and cooling of bottom waters. During this interval of increased glaciation, surface waters warmed by 2-3°C in southern middle-latitude regions. During the late Pliocene, between 2.6 and 2.4 Ma, a further increase in delta18O occurred; this has been interpreted by previous workers as heralding the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Surface-water warming in the middle latitudes occurred in association with major high-latitude glacial increases in the early middle Miocene (16-14 Ma), middle Pliocene (-3.5 Ma), and late Pliocene (~2.4 Ma). These intervals were also marked by increases in the vertical temperature gradient in the open ocean. Intersite correlation is enhanced by using carbon isotope stratigraphy. The great similarity of the delta13C time-series records within and between ocean basins and with water depth clearly indicates that changes in oceanwide average delta13C of [HCO3]- in seawater dominated the records, rather than local effects. Broad changes in the Neogene delta13C record were caused largely by transfer of organic carbon between continental and oceanic reservoirs. These transfers were caused by marine transgressions and regressions on the continental margins. The dominant feature of Neogene delta13C stratigraphy is a broad late early to early middle Miocene increase of about lâ between ~19 and 14.5 Ma. This trend occurred contemporaneously with a period of maximum coastal onlap (transgression) and maximum Neogene climatic warmth. The delta13C trend terminated during the expansion of the Antarctic ice sheet and associated marine regression. The latest Miocene carbon isotope shift (of up to - 0.75 per mil) at 6.2 Ma is clearly recorded in all sites examined and was followed by relatively low values during the remainder of the Neogene. This shift was caused by a glacioeustatic sealevel lowering that exposed continental margins via regression and ultimately increased the flux of organic carbon to the deep sea. An increase in delta13C values during the early Pliocene (~5 to 4 Ma) resulted from marine transgression during a time of global warmth.


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Mid-Miocene pelagic sedimentary sections can be correlated using intermediate and high resolution oxygen and carbon isotopic records of benthic foraminifera. Precision of a few tens of thousands of years is readily achievable at sites with high sedimentation rates, for example, Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 289 and 574. The mid-Miocene carbon isotope records are characterized by an interval of high d13C values between 17 and 13.5 Ma (the Monterey Excursion of Vincent and Berger 1985) upon which are superimposed a series of periodic or quasi-periodic fluctuations in d13C values. These fluctuations have a period of approximately 440 kyr, suggestive of the 413 kyr cycle predicted by Milankovitch theory. Vincent and Berger proposed that the Monterey Excursion was the result of increased organic carbon burial in continental margins sediments. The increased d13C values (called 13C maxima) superimposed on the generally high mid-Miocene signal coincide with increases in d18O values suggesting that periods of cooling and/or ice buildup were associated with exceptionally rapid burial of organic carbon and lowered atmospheric CO2 levels. It is likely that during the Monterey Excursion the ocean/atmosphere system became progressively more sensitive to small changes in insolation, ultimately leading to major cooling of deep water and expansion of continental ice. We have assigned an absolute chronology, based on biostratigraphic and magneto-biostratigraphic datum levels, to the isotope stratigraphy and have used that chronology to correlate unconformities, seismic reflectors, carbonate minima, and dissolution intervals. Intervals of sediment containing 13C maxima are usually better preserved than the overlying and underlying sediments, indicating that the d13C values of TCO2 in deep water and the corrosiveness of seawater are inversely correlated. This again suggests that the 13C maxima were associated with rapid burial of organic carbon and reduced levels of atmospheric CO2. The absolute chronology we have assigned to the isotopic record indicates that the major mid-Miocene deepwater cooling/ice volume expansion took 2 m.y. and was not abrupt as had been reported previously. The cooling appears abrupt at many sites because the interval is characterized by a number of dissolution intervals. The cooling was not monotonic, and the 2 m.y. interval included an episode of especially rapid cooling as well as a brief return to warmer conditions before the final phase of the cooling period. The increase in d18O values of benthic foraminifera between 14.9 and 12.9 Ma was greatest at deeper water sites and at sites closest to Antarctica. The data suggest that the d18O value of seawater increased by no more than about 1.1 per mil during this interval and that the remainder of the change in benthic d18O values resulted from cooling in Antarctic regions of deepwater formation. Equatorial planktonic foraminifera from sites 237 and 289 exhibit a series of 0.4 per mil steplike increases in d13C values. Only one of these increases in planktonic d13C is correlated with any of the features in the mid-Miocene benthic carbon isotope record.