931 resultados para 82034 G-11-82-SE


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We have used Mössbauer and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to study a heme-N-alkylated derivative of chloroperoxidase (CPO) prepared by mechanism-based inactivation with allylbenzene and hydrogen peroxide. The freshly prepared inactivated enzyme (“green CPO”) displayed a nearly pure low-spin ferric EPR signal with g = 1.94, 2.15, 2.31. The Mössbauer spectrum of the same species recorded at 4.2 K showed magnetic hyperfine splittings, which could be simulated in terms of a spin Hamiltonian with a complete set of hyperfine parameters in the slow spin fluctuation limit. The EPR spectrum of green CPO was simulated using a three-term crystal field model including g-strain. The best-fit parameters implied a very strong octahedral field in which the three 2T2 levels of the (3d)5 configuration in green CPO were lowest in energy, followed by a quartet. In native CPO, the 6A1 states follow the 2T2 ground state doublet. The alkene-mediated inactivation of CPO is spontaneously reversible. Warming of a sample of green CPO to 22°C for increasing times before freezing revealed slow conversion of the novel EPR species to two further spin S = ½ ferric species. One of these species displayed g = 1.82, 2.25, 2.60 indistinguishable from native CPO. By subtracting spectral components due to native and green CPO, a third species with g = 1.86, 2.24, 2.50 could be generated. The EPR spectrum of this “quasi-native CPO,” which appears at intermediate times during the reactivation, was simulated using best-fit parameters similar to those used for native CPO.


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Minor phases in meteorites are important indicators of parent-body processing conditions. For example, Kerridge and others (1, 2) have shown that the presence of sulphates and carbonates in CI chondrites provides evidence for aqueous alteration on the parent body. Carbonates and sulphates are relatively prominent components of CI chondrites (e.g., -11.6 wt.% of total mass' and> 10 um diameter) compared to minor phases in most other classes of meteorite and thus, have been amenable to macro scale characterisation using optical petrography and electron microprobe analysis. These minor phases account for significant accumulations of low abundance elements, such as Na, S, K, Ca, and Ni within the bulk meteorite. The fine grained matrix, which consists mostly oflizardite- and montmorillonite-like clays (3), is the...


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Se alimentaron 4 grupos de 8 vacas Pardo Suizo con una pureza arriba de los 3/4, cada una. El primer grupo se alimento a base de solo pasto y a los restante se les daba, ademas, 0.45 kg de concentrado con un 16.6 por ciento de proteína por cada 2,3 y 4 kg de leche de producción diaria. Las vacas tenían acceso constante a pastos bien manejados de hierba Guinea (Panicum maximum, Jaco) abonadas con 2cc. de la formula 10-30-10 y 8 cq. de Urea por manzana al año en cuatro aplicaciones. Los datos se analizaron según el diseño completamente al azar. Los rendimientos de leche real fueron mayores en el tratamiento en que se daba 0.45 kg de concentrado por cada 2kg de leche, o una producción de 11.82 kg por día. Al efectuar un análisis de covarianza y luego una prueba de DMS, se encontró que estas producciones fueron sistemáticamente iguales a las de los tratamientos en que se dio 0.45 kg de concentrado por cada 3 y 4 kg de leche o 10.85 y 11.07 kg por dia respectivamente. Respecto al tratamiento a base de solo pasto, los rendimientos de leche real fueron menores (9.78 kg por día). Estas producciones fueron sistemáticamente diferentes a las de los tratamientos en que se daba 0.45 kg de concentrado por cada 2, 3 y 4 kg de leche (11.82, 10.85 y 11.07 kg de leche). EN base a lo anterior se concluyo que la suplementacion debería de hacerse a partir de los 10 kg de leche diario a base de solo pasto y que económicamente es factible cuando se hace a un nivel de 0.45 kg de concentrado por cada 4 kg de leche producida.


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An interesting fluorescence intensity reverse photonic phenomenon between red and green fluorescence is investigated. The dynamic range. of intensity reverse between red and green fluorescence of Er( 0.5) Yb( 3): FOV oxyfluoride nanophase vitroceramics, when excited by 378.5nm and 522.5nm light respectively, is about 4.32 x 10(2). It is calculated that the phonon- assistant energy transfer rate of the electric multi- dipole interaction of {(4)G(11/2)( Er3+) -> F-4(9/2)( Er3+), F-2(7/2)( Yb3+). F-2(5/2)( Yb3+)} energy transfer of Er( 0.5) Yb( 3): FOV is around 1.380 x 10(8) s(-1), which is much larger than the relative multiphonon nonradiative relaxation rates 3.20 x 10(5) s(-1). That energy transfer rate for general material with same rare earth ion's concentration is about 1.194 x 10(5) s(-1). These are the reason to emerge the unusual intensity reverse phenomenon in Er( 0.5) Yb( 3): FOV. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Fecha : 10 de agosto de 1937. Unidad de instalación, Carpeta Rectorado G-11. 2 hojas mecanografiadas


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碳循环是影响地球环境中能量循环和物质流动的重要过程,而由于人类活动带来的大气CO2浓度升高对生态环境带来一系列的影响,如温室效应、海水酸化及全球灾害性气候增加等。海洋是地球上巨大的碳库,近海海域是连接陆地和海洋两大生态系统的关键环节,它接受着河流输入的大量陆源物质,并通过物理、化学和生物过程与大洋进行各种物质和能量交换。经过对海洋碳循环的多年研究,人们对碳在大洋中的迁移转化获得了比较清晰的认识,但对生物地球化学过程极为复杂的近海的研究还存在较多的不确定性。 元素的存在形态对其迁移转化有着重要影响,为研究近海不同形态无机碳,本文采用连续浸取方法,根据无机碳在沉积物中的结合强度,将无机碳分为交换态、弱碱结合态、强碱结合态、弱酸结合态和残渣态,分析了渤海湾、四十里湾附近海域、大亚湾和南海北部海域等中国典型近海海域表层及柱状沉积物中不同形态的无机碳含量,并讨论了其与各地球化学参数之间的关系,得到如下结论: 在各个研究区,沉积物中总无机碳的平均含量分别为:渤海湾6.16 mg/g,四十里湾附近海域7.51 mg/g,大亚湾3.08 mg/g,南海北部海域11.66 mg/g。渤海湾潮间带沉积物的无机碳含量普遍高于潮下带沉积物,四十里湾附近海域柱状样沉积物中无机碳含量一般随埋藏深度的增加而增加,大亚湾沉积物低的无机碳含量可能与低的陆源物质输入有关,南海北部海域表层沉积物无机碳含量分布表现出明显的近岸低深海高的分布特征,高的无机碳含量明显受生物活动影响。 渤海湾沉积物中各相无机碳的平均含量为氯化钠相0.63 mg/g、氨水相0.74 mg/g、氢氧化钠相0.28 mg/g、盐酸羟胺相3.13 mg/g、残渣相1.38 mg/g。四十里湾附近海域沉积物柱状样各形态无机碳含量为氯化钠相0.54 mg/g、氨水相0.36 mg/g、氢氧化钠相0.13 mg/g、盐酸羟胺相6.46 mg/g、残渣相0.02 mg/g。大亚湾沉积物中各相无机碳的平均含量为氯化钠相0.45 mg/g、氨水相0.50 mg/g、氢氧化钠相0.46 mg/g、盐酸羟胺相1.51 mg/g、残渣相0.16 mg/g。南海北部沉积物中各相无机碳的平均含量为氯化钠相0.52 mg/g、氨水相0.30 mg/g、氢氧化钠相0.17 mg/g、盐酸羟胺相3.79 mg/g、残渣相6.88 mg/g。在所研究的大部分近海沉积物中,盐酸羟胺相是沉积物无机碳的主要形态,只有南海北部海域表层沉积物比较特殊。 渤海湾潮下带沉积物中,碱浸取相(氢氧化钠相和氨水相)无机碳与沉积物总有机碳(TOC)和总氮(TN)之间存在较为紧密的联系;潮间带沉积物中,含水率、TOC、TN和粒度等地球化学参数与前3相及残渣相无机碳均有较紧密的联系。四十里湾附近海域柱状沉积物中,沉积物各参数对不同柱状样各形态无机碳的影响差异较大,位于芝罘岛附近的柱状样B主要受粒度影响,含水率、TOC和TN对离岸较近的柱状样D的前两相无机碳和崆峒岛北侧的柱状样E的氯化钠相无机碳有较大影响,沉积物各参数对崆峒岛南侧的柱状样C和离岸最远的柱状样S的影响相对较小。大亚湾沉积物各形态无机碳受环境影响的程度比其它海域弱。南海北部沉积物中,TOC对各形态无机碳影响较强,其中的氨水相无机碳与沉积物各参数间存在较为紧密的联系。 对比各海域的研究结果发现,不同无机碳形态之间,碱浸取相无机碳之间常存在正相关关系,氯化钠相作为比较活泼的无机碳形态,与其它各相之间的关系具有不确定性,弱酸浸取相无机碳与无机碳总量的关系较为紧密,残渣相与其它无机碳形态的关系一般较弱,说明此相无


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本研究探讨了通过收集器不同粪便收集时间和饲料中肉骨粉( MBM)含量对异育银鲫干物质、蛋白、能量、磷的表观消化率(ADC)影响。不同梯度(0 ,20 ,40 ,60 ,80 ,100 %)的肉骨粉替代鱼粉(FM)蛋白配制成六种等氮(粗蛋白:410 g/kg)等能(总能:18 kJ/g)的饲料,通过11周的饲养实验,实验开始后2周开始收集粪便,收集时间分别是:排粪后1 min,投喂后4h和16h。结果表明,干物质、蛋白、能量、磷的消化率明显随粪便收集时间增加而升高(p<0 .05) ,但在高肉骨粉替代饲料中


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The turbulent drag reduction due to riblets is a function of their size and, for different configurations, collapses well with a length scale l+g=(A+g)1/2, based in the groove cross-section Ag. The initially linear drag reduction breaks down for l+g≈11, which agrees in our DNS with the previously reported appearance of quasi-two-dimensional spanwise rollers immediately above the riblets. They are similar to those found over porous surfaces and plant canopies, and can be traced to a Kelvin-Helmholtz-like instability associated with the relaxation of the impermeability condition for the wall-normal velocity. The extra Reynolds stress associated with them accounts quantitatively for the drag degradation. An inviscid model for the instability confirms its nature, agreeing well with the observed perturbation wavelengths and shapes. The onset of the instability is determined by a length scale L+w that, for conventional riblet geometries, is proportional to l+g. The instability onset, L+w≥4, corresponds to the empirical breakdown point l+g≈11.


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研究得到了太阳能空气饱和蒸馏器在稳态情况下和不同海水加热温度下的蒸发速度实验式:lgD=7.062+3.446t_0海水加热温度是影响淡水产量的主要因素,以46.2℃为转折,超过此温度,蒸发速度急促增加。液-气两相重量流量比(W/G),必须与海水加热温度相适应。温度较高,(W/G)值也应较大,这样才能最大限度地提高产水量和降低产水的耗热量。当t_0=96℃时,(W/G)_(最佳)=12;当(W/G)=11时,t_(0最佳)=90℃。在一般太阳辐射条件下,t_0=60℃,(W/G)=1.67—3.0时,热耗值最低。过多地通入空气是空气饱和蒸馏器动力消耗较大的重要原因。在适当工况下进行操作,所需空气量较小。这样,不但产水量高、热耗值低、系统阻力减少,而且能耗大幅度降低。 模拟试验表明:太阳能空气饱和蒸馏器在太阳辐射日总量4500〔千卡/米~2〕时,每平方米集热器面积,每日可产淡水5—7公斤,所需翅片冷凝器换热面积为0.21〔米~2/时·公斤淡水〕。


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采用不同天然物质(城市草炭土、草甸土、火山灰和红壤)与聚合硫酸铁复配,制备一种更为经济的新型絮凝剂,利用其对高浓度有机味精废水进行絮凝实验,并讨论了各组分的不同投加量比例及其絮凝的影响因素.研究结果表明:此种天然物质-聚合硫酸铁复配絮凝剂处理味精废水表现出优良的絮凝性能.其中以草甸土、红壤为天然复配材料处理效果最为显著,其最佳投加量比例为草甸土(g)∶聚合硫酸铁(m l)∶助剂(g)=11∶4∶6,最佳pH为7.0—8.0;红壤(g)∶聚合硫酸铁(m l)=10∶6,最佳pH为1.0—2.0.在此条件下,该天然复配铁型絮凝剂对味精废水的CODcr去除率远远高于聚合硫酸铁(PFS)本身,分别可达到71.1%和55.0%.


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The line emission peak of Eu2+ ion in crystal KMgF3 is at 360 nm. The probability of stimulated emission on 4f(7) (P-6(7/2))-> 4f(7)(S-8(7/2)) transition was predicted with a four-level decay model of Eu2+6P7/2 excited states proposed by the authors. Optic gain and net gain coefficient (g = 11.4 +/- 3.2)cm(-1) of 360 nm emission in crystal KMgF3 : Eu2+ were measured by ASE method, and the predication was proved by experiment. The net gain coefficient can be increased by annealing or doping crystal KMgF3 : Eu2+ with Gd3+ or Ce3+.


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用便携式微机伏安仪对贵金属Pd的电化学性能和测定进行了研究。在1 mol/L HCl溶液中Pd(Ⅱ)浓度2.5ng/ml~60μg/ml范围峰高是线性增加的。回收范围82%~105%。相对标准偏差为(n=8)3.8%。本法应用于贵金属回收液中Pd的测定,获得较为满意的结果。