940 resultados para 612 Språk och litteratur
Syftet med denna studie var att i två skolor i en kommun undersöka vilka möjligheter nyanlända elever har att utveckla sina språk- och ämneskunskaper utifrån hur skolorna och lärarna väljer att forma undervisningen för dessa elever, samt att undersöka hur lärares kunskaper om språk- och kunskapsfrämjande arbete kan påverka utformningen av undervisningen. Då modersmålet även har en central roll i nyanlända elevers kunskapsutveckling fokuseras även detta i denna studie. För att uppnå syftet har en kvalitativ studie genomförts, där åtta lärare som undervisar i årskurs 1-6 har intervjuats. I arbetet diskuteras skolans organisation av modersmålsundervisning, studiehandledning, SVA-undervisning och utvecklingsarbete som en god grund för språk- och kunskapsutveckling för nyanlända elever. Vidare diskuteras i vilken mån lärarnas undervisning i olika klassrum, samt kunskaper om undervisning av nyanlända elever, möjliggör en god språk- och kunskapsutveckling för dessa elever. Studien indikerar att nyanlända elevernas möjligheter till språk- och kunskapsutveckling skiljer mellan olika skolor, även om dessa ligger inom samma kommun. Detta verkar till stor del bero på vilken satsning på mottagande av nyanlända elever och svenska som andraspråk som görs i skolan. Stora skillnader förekom både i form av kompetensutveckling, undervisningens utformning och i form av organisering av stöd på elevens modersmål.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Languages are a central aspect of communication, and also strongly related to ideas about belonging and identity. Language is a necessary knowledge to speak, act and make connections with other people, and also seen as an essential aspect of integration. However, as languages are connected to resilient norms in society, there are ideas of “good” and “bad” language use. This study examines migrated academic individuals and their use of acquired Swedish, to see how their language use is experienced as a communication tool and as a marker of inclusion. To live with a second language is different from learning it. A phenomenological perspective is applied to explore the lifeworlds of the individuals, to see how language use and its consequences are embodied and resulting in emotions and strategies. This is done by interviews and observations combined with language portraits and language diaries. The study shows that language is done by languaging (språkande), understood as an action of making language. The making of language includes a range of communicative elements and also the experiences, strategies and emotions that the language experiences result in. With the concept of languaging, the focal point is how language is made meaningful, as a tool that you communicate with, as well as live with.
Enligt ett sociokulturellt perspektiv är språk och tanke varandras förutsättningar, samtidigt som kunskaper och språk utvecklas i samspel med andra. Muntlig interaktion är därmed viktig för elevers språk- och kunskapsutveckling men avgörande för flerspråkiga elever. Detta ställer höga krav på lärarens utformning av undervisning samt det utrymme som ges för muntlig interaktion. Skolinspektionens granskning visar dock att det råder stor brist gällande undervisning i det flerspråkiga klassrummet, vilket hämmar flerspråkiga elevers språk- och kunskapsutveckling. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att undersöka, sammanställa och presentera forskning som behandlar muntlig interaktion i det flerspråkiga klassrummet. Frågeställningarna som relaterar till syftet utgår ifrån det sociokulturella perspektivet och lyder: Vilken betydelse har muntlig interaktion för flerspråkiga elevers språk- och kunskapsutveckling? Vilka faktorer påverkar utrymmet för muntlig interaktion i det flerspråkiga klassrummet? Studien är en litteraturstudie som bygger på nationell och internationell forskning i form av vetenskapliga artiklar, avhandlingar, konferensbidrag, forskningsrapport samt vetenskapligt baserade böcker. Resultatet visar att muntlig interaktion har betydelse för flera olika aspekter inom språk- och kunskapsutveckling, bland annat för den kognitiva utvecklingen och för identitetsskapande processer. Vidare framgår att lärarens inställning, val av interaktionsformer samt gruppformatering är avgörande faktorer för hur utrymmet för muntlig interaktion möjliggörs och för flerspråkiga elevers möjlighet att nå språk- och kunskapsutveckling.
This special issue of Nordic Journal of English Studies is devoted to the research in Irish Studies being carried out in Scandinavia by a group of scholars based in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, as well as scholars associated—in one way or another—with Scandinavia. Denmark is represented by the University of Aalborg; Norway, by scholars affiliated to the Universities of Agder, the Artic University of Norway, Bergen, and Stavanger; and Sweden is represented by scholars from the universities of Dalarna, Göteborg, Stockholm, Södertörn and Umeå. Included also in this special issue is the work of two former students, who completed their Masters’ degree in Irish literature at DUCIS (Dalarna University Centre for Irish Studies), Sweden—from Norway and China respectively. The collection also contains an article by Dara Waldron, Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland, whof recently presented his research at the Higher Seminar in Dalarna. Contributions by the Irish poet, Mary O’Donnell, who participated in the Nordic Irish Studies Network (NISN) conference, hosted by DUCIS in December 2012, are also included.
Abstract This article addresses the theme of place in the poetry of W. B. Yeats and Patrick Kavanagh, focusing on the concept of place as a physical and psychological entity. The article explores place as a creative force in the work of these two poets, in relation to the act of writing. Seamus Heaney, in his essay “The Sense of Place,” talks about the “history of our sensibilities” that looks to the stable element of the land for continuity: “We are dwellers, we are namers, we are lovers, we make homes and search for our histories” (Heaney 1980: 148-9). Thus, in a physical sense, place is understood as a site in which identity is located and defined, but in a metaphysical sense, place is also an imaginative space that maps the landscapes of the mind. This article compares the different ways in which Yeats and Kavanagh relate to their place of writing, physically and artistically, where place is understood as a physical lived space, and as a liberating site for an exploration of poetic voice, where the poet creates his own country of the mind.
This article addresses the theme of place in the poetry of W. B. Yeats and Patrick Kavanagh, focusing on the concept of place as a physical and psychological entity. The article explores place as a creative force in the work of these two poets, in relation to the act of writing. Seamus Heaney, in his essay “The Sense of Place,” talks about the “history of our sensibilities” that looks to the stable element of the land for continuity: “We are dwellers, we are namers, we are lovers, we make homes and search for our histories” (Heaney 1980: 148-9). Thus, in a physical sense, place is understood as a site in which identity is located and defined, but in a metaphysical sense, place is also an imaginative space that maps the landscapes of the mind. This article compares the different ways in which Yeats and Kavanagh relate to their place of writing, physically and artistically, where place is understood as a physical lived space, and as a liberating site for an exploration of poetic voice, where the poet creates his own country of the mind.
This paper describes the on-line teaching strategies for languages adopted at the University of Dalarna (Sweden) and the experience of a collaboration carried out with the Language Centre of the University of Parma that led to the administration of an international course in Italian for specific purposes. According to the results of its first administration, the promotion of advanced forms of "virtual mobility" together with the prospective of a joint degree in Italian language and culture will be outlined.
Queen Christina of Sweden (1626-1689)) is probably the most important individual to directly link the cultures of Sweden and Italy, and thus fascinate scholars over the last four centuries. In the last fifty years, research on and interest in this monarch has been particularly intense. This has led to current international scientific debate concerning all the different cultural expressions in which Queen Cristina was particularly involved. However, until now there has been lacking a comprehensive work to illustrate the development of scientific research in Italian on Queen Christina. This article, therefore, without claiming to be exhaustive, aims to fill this gap by identifying the main direction of current research. The article, after briefly introducing previous works (both Italian and Swedish), demonstrates how the first major renaissance of international studies on Queen Cristina took place in Sweden in the early 1960s. Even more important was the subsequent turning point in 1989, when the tercentenary of the death of Queen Christina was celebrated and the Azzolino Collection at the Biblioteca Comunale in Jesi was opened. The article focuses on the studies in Italian during this latter period. To make the exposition more organic and, importantly, more accessible to those readers interested in only one particular aspect of the scientific studies about Queen Christina, the studies in Italian since 1689 are divided into different subject areas.