999 resultados para 598.1


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Without doubt, global climate change is directly linked to the anthropogenic release of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (UN IPCC-Report 2007). Therefore, research efforts to comprehend the global carbon cycle have increased during the last years. In the context of the observed changes, it is of particular interest to decipher the role of the hydro-, bio- and atmospheres and how the different compartments of the earth system are affected by the increase of atmospheric CO2. Due to its huge carbon inventory, the marine carbon cycle represents the most important component in this respect. Numerous findings suggest that the Southern Ocean plays a key role in terms of oceanic CO2 uptake. However, an exact quantification of such fluxes of material is hard to achieve for large areas, not least on account of the inaccessibility of this remote region. In particular, there exist so far only few accurate data for benthic carbon fluxes. The latter can be derived from high resolution pore water oxygen profiles, as one possible method. However the ex situ flux determinations carried out on sediment cores, tend to suffer from temperature and pressure artefacts. Alternatively, oxygen microprofiles can be measured in situ, i.e. at the seafloor. Until now, no such data have been published for the Southern Ocean. During the Antarctic Expedition ANT-XXI/4, within the framework of this thesis, in situ and ex situ oxygen profiles were measured and used to derive benthic organic carbon fluxes. Having both types of measurements from the same locations, it was possible to establish a depth-related correction function which was applied subsequently to revise published and additional unpublished carbon fluxes to the seafloor. This resulted in a consistent data base of benthic carbon inputs covering many important sub-regions of the Southern Ocean including the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas (southern Pacific), Scotia and Weddell Seas (southern South Atlantic) as well as the Crozet Basin (southern Indian Ocean). Including additional locations on the Antarctic Shelf, there are now 134 new and revised measurement locations, covering almost 180° of the Southern Ocean, for which benthic organic carbon fluxes and sedimentary oxygen penetration depth values are available. Further, benthic carbon fluxes were empirically related to dominant diatom distributions in surface sediments as well as to long-term remotely sensed chlorophyll-a estimates. The comparison of these results with benthic carbon fluxes of the entire Atlantic Ocean reveals significantly higher export efficiencies for the Southern Ocean than have previously been assumed, especially for the area of the opal belt.


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A formalism for modelling the dynamics of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) using methods from statistical mechanics, originally due to Prugel-Bennett and Shapiro, is reviewed, generalized and improved upon. This formalism can be used to predict the averaged trajectory of macroscopic statistics describing the GA's population. These macroscopics are chosen to average well between runs, so that fluctuations from mean behaviour can often be neglected. Where necessary, non-trivial terms are determined by assuming maximum entropy with constraints on known macroscopics. Problems of realistic size are described in compact form and finite population effects are included, often proving to be of fundamental importance. The macroscopics used here are cumulants of an appropriate quantity within the population and the mean correlation (Hamming distance) within the population. Including the correlation as an explicit macroscopic provides a significant improvement over the original formulation. The formalism is applied to a number of simple optimization problems in order to determine its predictive power and to gain insight into GA dynamics. Problems which are most amenable to analysis come from the class where alleles within the genotype contribute additively to the phenotype. This class can be treated with some generality, including problems with inhomogeneous contributions from each site, non-linear or noisy fitness measures, simple diploid representations and temporally varying fitness. The results can also be applied to a simple learning problem, generalization in a binary perceptron, and a limit is identified for which the optimal training batch size can be determined for this problem. The theory is compared to averaged results from a real GA in each case, showing excellent agreement if the maximum entropy principle holds. Some situations where this approximation brakes down are identified. In order to fully test the formalism, an attempt is made on the strong sc np-hard problem of storing random patterns in a binary perceptron. Here, the relationship between the genotype and phenotype (training error) is strongly non-linear. Mutation is modelled under the assumption that perceptron configurations are typical of perceptrons with a given training error. Unfortunately, this assumption does not provide a good approximation in general. It is conjectured that perceptron configurations would have to be constrained by other statistics in order to accurately model mutation for this problem. Issues arising from this study are discussed in conclusion and some possible areas of further research are outlined.


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A dolgozat célja, hogy rövid bevezetést adjon a folytonos idejű sztochasztikus analízisbe. A hazai pénzügyi oktatási gyakorlat nagyrészt a diszkrét idejű és gyakran diszkrét állapotterű modellekre épül. Ennek oka a folytonos időparaméterű sztochasztikus folyamatok elméletétől való érthető idegenkedés. A folytonos időparaméterű sztochasztikus analízis a modern matematika egyik csúcsteljesítménye, amely teljeskörű matematikai megértése egyrészt feltételezi, hogy az olvasó tisztában van a modern analízis szinte minden részletével; másrészt a matematikai részletek pontos megértése nem sok segítséget jelent a pénzügyi gondolatok elsajátításakor. / === / In the article we present a short, intuitive introduction to stochastic analysis. Our presentation is aimed for economist and we try to discuss only the most elementary properties of the stochastic analysis. Instead of precise proofs we present some simplified intuitive arguments. The central concept of the discussion is the quadratic variation and the Itō's lemma.


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The work carried out by the physical oceanography group on POLARSTERN Leg ANT-V/3 concentrated on four major topics: A. A large scale survey of the eastern boundary between the Weddell gyre and the open ocean. On the way to the coastal polynya in early October 12 CTD stations were carried out between 54°30'S, 6°E and 70°30'S 8°W. Another set of 16 stations was obtained in early December on the way back north. During this transsect three current meter moorings were recovered at Maud Rise. The path between the current meter arrays was used to run an additional section to the NNE across the top of Maud Rise. B. A large scale survey of the Antarctic Coastal Current along the eastern shelf area. To obtain the water mass characteristics along the eastern Weddell shelf 36 CTD stations were carried out between Atka Bay and the Filchner Trench. Most of the stations were located on the shelf. Cross shelf sections were obtained both near Drescher Inlet and off Halley Bay, in the divergence area of the Coastal Current where the continental slope turns to the west and south of Vestkapp at Neptune's Point. A longshore section over 120 km was run north of Vestkapp. C. A mesoscale survey of the Antarctic Coastal Current off Drescher Inlet. The experimental work consisted of 37 CTD-stations and direct current measurements. The CTD-profiles were grouped into seven sections perpendicular to the coast line off Drescher Inlet extending once over 70 km but normally over 35 km. The profile depth ranged from 300 m on one section to the complete water column at two sections. Most sections consist of five stations providing highest resolution over the upper continental slope with offshore increasing spacing. The stations were chosen to represent the shelf (450 m), the shelf break (800 m), the upper slope (1600 m), the lower slope (2400 m) and the transition to the abyssal plain (3400 m). Rough topography and difficult ice conditions made it impossible to meet those requirements in all cases. D. A small scale survey of the hydrographic conditions under the sea ice. The motivation for these studies arose during the cruise. Consequently a suitable Instrumentation had to be developed at sea. This was done with a NB-Smart CTD which was inserted on an L-shaped lever through a hole in the ice. However, various water intrusions into the instrument resulted in the failure of this technique. In consequence a special lever system was built to position a NB Mark 3b weighing about 40 kg below the ice. Twenty four profiles were obtained reaching from the bottom of the ice down to 2 m below the ice surface with a maximum distance of 1 m from the entry hole. As the conductivity sensor was influenced by nearby ice platelets, salinity samples where drawn to check the sensor.


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We analyzed hydrographic data from the northwestern Weddell Sea continental shelf of the three austral winters 1989, 1997, and 2006 and two summers following the last winter cruise. During summer a thermal front exists at ~64° S separating cold southern waters from warm northern waters that have similar characteristics as the deep waters of the central basin of the Bransfield Strait. In winter, the whole continental shelf exhibits southern characteristics with high Neon (Ne) concentrations, indicating a significant input of glacial melt water. The comparison of the winter data from the shallow shelf off the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, spanning a period of 17 yr, shows a salinity decrease of 0.09 for the whole water column, which has a residence time of <1 yr. We interpret this freshening as being caused by a combination of reduced salt input due to a southward sea ice retreat and higher precipitation during the late 20th century on the western Weddell Sea continental shelf. However, less salinification might also result from a delicate interplay between enhanced salt input due to sea ice formation in coastal areas formerly occupied by Larsen A and B ice shelves and increased Larsen C ice loss.


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For the investigation of organic carbon fluxes reaching the seafloor, oxygen microprofiles were measured at 145 sites in different sub-regions of the Southern Ocean. At eleven sites, an in situ oxygen microprofiler was deployed for the measurement of oxygen profiles and the calculation of organic carbon fluxes. At four sites, both in situ and ex situ data were determined for high latitudes. Based on this dataset as well as on previous published data, a relationship was established for the estimation of fluxes derived by ex situ measured O2 profiles. The fluxes of labile organic matter range from 0.5 to 37.1 mgC m**2/day. The high values determined by in situ measurements were observed in the Polar Front region (water depth of more than 4290 m) and are comparable to organic matter fluxes observed for high-productivity, upwelling areas like off West Africa. The oxygen penetration depth, which reflects the long-term organic matter flux to the sediment, was correlated with assemblages of key diatom species. In the Scotia Sea (~3000 m water depth), oxygen penetration depths of less than 15 cm were observed, indicating high benthic organic carbon fluxes. In contrast, the oxic zone extends down to several decimeters in abyssal sediments of the Weddell Sea and the southeastern South Atlantic. The regional pattern of organic carbon fluxes derived from micro-sensor data suggest that episodic and seasonal sedimentation pulses are important for the carbon supply to the seafloor of the deep Southern Ocean.


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Artificial immune systems, more specifically the negative selection algorithm, have previously been applied to intrusion detection. The aim of this research is to develop an intrusion detection system based on a novel concept in immunology, the Danger Theory. Dendritic Cells (DCs) are antigen presenting cells and key to the activation of the human immune system. DCs perform the vital role of combining signals from the host tissue and correlate these signals with proteins known as antigens. In algorithmic terms, individual DCs perform multi-sensor data fusion based on time-windows. The whole population of DCs asynchronously correlates the fused signals with a secondary data stream. The behaviour of human DCs is abstracted to form the DC Algorithm (DCA), which is implemented using an immune inspired framework, libtissue. This system is used to detect context switching for a basic machine learning dataset and to detect outgoing portscans in real-time. Experimental results show a significant difference between an outgoing portscan and normal traffic.


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46 Briefe zwischen Max Horkheimer und Frederick Wild; 1 Brief von Frederick Pollock an Leo Löwenthal, 22.04.1948; 5 Empfehlungsschreiben für Max Horkheimer von Frederick Pollock, 16. u. 17.04.1948; 1 Telegramm von Frederick Pollock an Max Horkheimer, 28.06.1943; 1 Brief an Max Horkheimer von Julius Schwietering, 18.02.1948; 10 Briefe zwischen der National City Bank of New York und Max Horkheimer, 1943-1944; 1 Brief von Frederick Wild an H. P. Edelman, 27.01.1944; 1 Brief von Hilda Kahn an Frederick Wild, 02.12.1943; 1 Brief von Frederick Wild an Jane Reinheimer, 30.11.1943;