957 resultados para 5-38


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A I Carta de Clemente de Roma aos Coríntios faz parte de uma coleção de escritos cristãos antigos intitulados Pais Apostólicos. Esse texto é uma autêntica correspondência enviada da comunidade cristã de Roma para a comunidade cristã de Corinto, escrita pelo seu secretário Clemente. Esta pesquisa, em contraposição às desenvolvidas pela disciplina teológica chamada patrologia , analisa a carta a partir das teorias de Mikhail M. Bakhtin e seu círculo e da micro-história assumidamente relacionada com as teorias do mesmo autor delimitando o trecho 37.5-38.1, onde se encontra a metáfora do corpo.


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The nonfossiliferous nature of most of the thin sediment sequence at Site 37 had provided little biostratigraphic information for the northern end of the proposed section of sites along 140°W longitude. In an attempt to provide a biostratigraphically more meaningful hole as the high latitude terminus of the meridional section, an additional site (Site 38) was drilled between the Mendocino and Pioneer Fracture Zones.


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Sediments from immediately above basalt basement and from between sections of basalt recovered from Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 5 and 63 were analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy for Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Ba. All of these sediments showed enrichment in Fe and Mn over values typical of detritus supplied to the northeastern Pacific Ocean. X-ray diffractometry and differential chemical leaching indicate that up to 50% of the sediment, by weight, is in amorphous phases and that these phases are rich in Mn, Co, Cu, Ni, and Zn. Multivariate statistical analysis and normative partitioning of the chemical data indicate that much of the excess Fe and other transition elements in the sediment originate from hydrothermal sources.


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Sediments from near the basement of a number of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) sites, from the Bauer Deep, and from the East Pacific Rise have unusually high transition metal-to-aluminum ratios. Similarities in the chemical, isotopic, and mineralogical compositions of these deposits point to a common origin. All the sediments studied have rare-earth-element (REE) patterns strongly resembling the pattern of sea water, implying either that the REE's were coprecipitated with ferromanganese hydroxyoxides (hydroxyoxides denote a mixture of unspecified hydrated oxides and hydroxides), or that they are incorporated in small concentrations of phosphatic fish debris found in all samples. Oxygen isotopic data indicate that the metalliferous sediments are in isotopic equilibrium with sea water and are composed of varying mixtures of two end-member phases with different oxygen isotopic compositions: an iron-manganese hydroxyoxide and an iron-rich montmorillonite. A low-temperature origin for the sediments is supported by mineralogical analyses by x-ray diffraction which show that goethite, iron-rich montmorillonite, and various manganese hydroxyoxides are the dominant phases present. Sr87/Sr86 ratios for the DSDP sediments are indistinguishable from the Sr87/Sr86 ratio in modern sea water. Since these sediments were formed 30 to 90 m.y. ago, when sea water had a lower Sr87/Sr86 value, the strontium in the poorly crystalline hydroxyoxides must be exchanging with interstitial water in open contact with sea water. In contrast, uranium isotopic data indicate that the metalliferous sediments have formed a closed system for this element. The sulfur isotopic compositions suggest that sea-water sulfur dominates these sediments with little or no contribution of magmatic or bacteriologically reduced sulfur. In contrast, ratios of lead isotopes in the metalliferous deposits resemble values for oceanic tholeiite basalt, but are quite different from ratios found in authigenic marine manganese nodules. Thus, lead in the metalliferous sediments appears to be of magmatic origin. The combined mineralogical, isotopic, and chemical data for these sediments suggest that they formed from hydrothermal solutions generated by the interaction of sea water with newly formed basalt crust at mid-ocean ridges. The crystallization of solid phases took place at low temperatures and was strongly influenced by sea water, which was the source for some of the elements found in the sediments.


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Background Postnatal women (<12 months postpartum) are at increased risk of physical inactivity. Purpose To evaluate the efficacy and feasibility of a theory-based physical activity (PA) intervention delivered to postnatal women primarily via mobile telephone short message service (SMS). Methods Eighty-eight women were randomized to the intervention (n=45) or minimal contact control (n=43) condition. The 12-week intervention consisted of a face-to-face PA goal-setting consultation, a goal-setting magnet, three to five personally tailored SMS/week and a nominated support person who received two SMS per week. SMS content targeted constructs of social cognitive theory. Frequency (days/week) and duration (min/week) of PA participation and walking for exercise were assessed via self-report at baseline, 6 and 13 weeks. Results Intervention participants increased PA frequency by 1.82 days/week (SE±0.18) by 13 weeks (F(2,85)=4.46, p=0.038) and walking for exercise frequency by 1.08 days/ week (SE±0.24) by 13 weeks (F(2,85)=5.38, p=0.02). Positive trends were observed for duration (min/week) of PA and walking for exercise. Conclusions Intervention exposure resulted in increased frequency of PA and walking for exercise in postnatal women.


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OBJECTIVES: Bottle-feeding has been suggested to increase the risk of pyloric stenosis (PS). However, large population-based studies are needed. We examined the effect of bottle-feeding during the first 4 months after birth, by using detailed data about the timing of first exposure to bottle-feeding and extensive confounder information. METHODS: We performed a large population-based cohort study based on the Danish National Birth Cohort, which provided information on infants and feeding practice. Information about surgery for PS was obtained from the Danish National Patient Register. The association between bottle-feeding and the risk of PS was evaluated by hazard ratios (HRs) estimated in a Cox regression model, adjusting for possible confounders. RESULTS: Among 70 148 singleton infants, 65 infants had surgery for PS, of which 29 were bottle-fed before PS diagnosis. The overall HR of PS for bottle-fed infants compared with not bottle-fed infants was 4.62 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.78–7.65). Among bottle-fed infants, risk increases were similar for infants both breast and bottle-fed (HR: 3.36 [95% CI: 1.60–7.03]), formerly breastfed (HR: 5.38 [95% CI: 2.88–10.06]), and never breastfed (HR: 6.32 [95% CI: 2.45–16.26]) (P = .76). The increased risk of PS among bottle-fed infants was observed even after 30 days since first exposure to bottle-feeding and did not vary with age at first exposure to bottle-feeding. CONCLUSIONS: Bottle-fed infants experienced a 4.6-fold higher risk of PS compared with infants who were not bottle-fed. The result adds to the evidence supporting the advantage of exclusive breastfeeding in the first months after birth.


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Exposure assessment studies conducted in developing countries have been based on fixed-site monitoring to date. This is a major deficiency, leading to errors in estimating the actual exposures, which are a function of time spent and pollutant concentrations in different microenvironments. This study quantified school children’s daily personal exposure to ultrafine particles (UFP) using real-time monitoring, as well as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and NO2 using passive sampling in rural Bhutan in order to determine the factors driving the exposures. An activity diary was used to track children’s time activity patterns, and difference in mean exposure levels across sex and indoor/outdoor were investigated with ANOVA. 82 children, attending three primary schools participated in this study; S1 and S2 during the wet season and S3 during the dry season. Mean daily UFP exposure (cm-3) was 1.08 × 104 for children attending S1, 9.81 × 103 for S2, and 4.19 × 104 for S3. The mean daily NO2 exposure (µg m-3) was 4.27 for S1, 3.33 for S2 and 5.38 for S3 children. Likewise, children attending S3 also experienced higher daily exposure to a majority of the VOCs than those attending S1 and S2. Time-series of UFP personal exposures provided detailed information on identifying sources of these particles and quantifying their contributions to the total daily exposures for each microenvironment. The highest UFP exposure resulted from cooking/eating, contributing to 64% of the daily exposure, due to firewood combustion in houses using traditional mud cookstoves. The lowest UFP exposures were during the hours that children spent outdoors at school. The outcomes of this study highlight the significant contributions of lifestyle and socio-economic factors in personal exposures and have applications in environmental risk assessment and household air pollution mitigation in Bhutan.


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Migraine is a common episodic neurological disorder, typically presenting with recurrent attacks of severe headache and autonomic dysfunction. Apart from rare monogenic subtypes, no genetic or molecular markers for migraine have been convincingly established. We identified the minor allele of rs1835740 on chromosome 8q22.1 to be associated with migraine (P = 5.38 x 10(-)(9), odds ratio = 1.23, 95% CI 1.150-1.324) in a genome-wide association study of 2,731 migraine cases ascertained from three European headache clinics and 10,747 population-matched controls. The association was replicated in 3,202 cases and 40,062 controls for an overall meta-analysis P value of 1.69 x 10(-)(1)(1) (odds ratio = 1.18, 95% CI 1.127-1.244). rs1835740 is located between MTDH (astrocyte elevated gene 1, also known as AEG-1) and PGCP (encoding plasma glutamate carboxypeptidase). In an expression quantitative trait study in lymphoblastoid cell lines, transcript levels of the MTDH were found to have a significant correlation to rs1835740 (P = 3.96 x 10(-)(5), permuted threshold for genome-wide significance 7.7 x 10(-)(5). To our knowledge, our data establish rs1835740 as the first genetic risk factor for migraine.


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Johdanto Korkeat aterianjälkeiset veren glukoosipitoisuushuiput ovat haitallisia verisuonille jo ennen varsinaisten diabeteskriteerien täyttymistä. Valitsemalla alhaisen glykemiaindeksin (GI) hiilihydraatteja ruokavalioon, voidaan veren glukoosipitoisuutta alentaa diabeetikoilla. Tyypin 2 diabeteksen lisääntymisen takia on tarpeellista etsiä keinoja ehkäistä sairauden puhkeamista riskiryhmissä. Glukoosimonitorilla on mahdollista seurata aiempaa tarkemmin glykemiaindeksin vaikutusta veren glukoosipitoisuuteen. Tavoitteet Selvittää, miten korvaamalla ruokavalion tavanomaiset hiilihydraatit joko korkean tai alhaisen GI:n hiilihydraateilla voidaan vaikuttaa vuorokauden keskiglukoosipitoisuuteen. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli selvittää, voidaanko vain hiilihydraattien laatua muuttamalla, puuttumatta niiden määrään tai muuhun ruokavalioon, vaikuttaa glukoosiaineenvaihduntaan henkilöillä, joilla on heikentynyt glukoosin sieto. Tutkittavat ja menetelmät Tutkimus toteutettiin satunnaistettuna vaihtovuorokokeena, jossa tutkittavina oli 56 51-73-vuotiasta henkilöä, joista naisia oli 41 ja miehiä 15. Tutkittavilla oli heikentynyt glukoosinsieto tai ruokavaliohoitoinen tyypin 2 diabetes. Tutkittavat korvasivat ruokavalionsa päähiilihydraatit 7-10 vuorokauden ajaksi glykemiaindeksiltään joko alhaiseksi (GI = 38) tai korkeaksi (GI = 72) arvioiduilla tutkimushiilihydraateilla. Kolmen viimeisen vuorokauden ajaksi tutkittaville asennettiin glukoosimonitoriin kytketty ihonalainen sensori, joka mittasi kudosnesteen glukoosipitoisuutta ja tutkimusjaksojen lopuksi tutkittaville tehtiin oraalinen glukoosirasituskoe. Tulokset Alhaisen GI:n ruokavaliolla kahden vuorokauden glukoosikäyrien alainen pinta-ala oli pienempi kuin korkean GI:n ruokavaliolla (16487 vs. 17270 mmol/l*48h; p = 0,009, n = 47). Vastaavasti kahden vuorokauden keskiglukoosipitoisuudet olivat 5,7 mmol/l ja 6,0 mmol/l, p = 0,009, n = 47. Glykosyloitunut hemoglobiini oli alhaisen GI:n ruokavalion jälkeen pienempi (5,33% vs. 5,38 %, p = 0,017, n = 53). Tutkittavien paino pieneni kummallakin ruokavaliolla; alhaisen GI:n ruokavaliolla 1,02 kg ja korkean GI:n ruokavaliolla 0,31 kg (p alle 0,001, n = 56). Vaikutusta plasman paastoglukoosiin ja seerumin paastoinsuliiniin ei ollut. Johtopäätökset Korvaamalla ruokavalion päähiilihydraatit alhaisen GI:n hiilihydraateilla, voidaan pitkäaikaista glukoositasoa pienentää ja näin ollen mahdollisesti ehkäistä heikentyneen glukoosinsiedon kehittymistä tyypin 2 diabetekseksi. Koska paastoglukoosipitoisuus ja paastoinsuliinipitoisuus eivät muuttuneet, lienee erityisesti aterianjälkeisillä glukoosihuipuilla merkitystä elimistön pitkäaikaiselle glukoositasolle henkilöillä, joilla on heikentynyt glukoosinsieto.


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Xanthine oxidase (XOD) extracted from bovine milk was immobilized covalently via N-ethyl-N'-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) and N-hydroxy succinimide (NHS) chemistry onto cadmium oxide nanoparticles (CdO)/carboxylated multiwalled carbon nanotube (c-MWCNT) composite film electrodeposited on the surface of an Au electrode. The nanocomposite modified Au electrode was characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), cyclic voltammetry (CV), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) before and after immobilization of XOD. Under optimal operation conditions (25 degrees C, + 0.2 V vs. Ag/AgCl, sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.5), the following characteristics are attributed to the biosensor: linearity of response up to xanthine concentrations of 120 mu M, detection limit of 0.05 mu M (S/N = 3) and a response time of at most 4 s. After being used 100 times over a period of 120 days, only 50% loss of the initial activity of the biosensor was evaluated when stored at 4 degrees C. The fabricated biosensor was successfully employed for the determination of xanthine in fish meat.


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Nanocrystalline materials are characterized by a typical grain size from 1 to 100nm. In order to study the nanocrystalline properties of nanocrystalline materials, we chose nanocrystalline coppers as the research object. The uniaxial tensile deformation of computer produced nanocrystalline coppers is simulated by using molecular dynamics with Finnis-Sinclair potential. The mean grain size of simulated nanocrystalline coppers is varied within the 5.38 to 1.79 nm range. The strength, Young's modulus and stress-strain are strongly depended on the grain size and nanocrystalline structure. The simulated nanocrystalline coppers show a reverse Hall-Petch effect.