964 resultados para 3rd Bahia Biennale, Brazil


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Host genetic factors play an important role in mediating resistance to HIV-1 infection and may modify the course of infection. HLA-B alleles (Bw4 epitope; B*27 and B*57) as well as killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors have been associated with slow progression of HIV-1 infection. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between serological epitopes HLA-Bw4 and HLA-Bw6 and prognostic markers in AIDS. METHODS: 147 HIV-infected individuals in Bahia, Northeast Brazil, were genotyped for HLA class I locus. HLA class I genotyping was performed by hybridization with sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes following amplification of the corresponding HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-C genes. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher's exact and ANOVA tests for categorical and continuous variables, respectively. RESULTS: We detected a significant association (χ2 = 4.856; p = 0.018) between the presence of HLA-Bw4 and low levels of viremia. Eighteen out of the 147 HIV-infected individuals presented viremia <1,800 copies/mL and 129 presented viremia > 2,000 copies/mL. Ninety and four percent (17/18) of all individuals with viremia < 1,800 copies/mL carried HLA-Bw4, compared to 67.4% (87/129) of individuals with viremia > 2,000 copies/mL. Additionally, we found a significantly higher frequency of B*57 (OR = 13.94; 95% CI = 4.19-46.38; p < 0.0001) and Cw*18 (OR = 16.15; 95% CI = 3.46-75.43; p < 0.0001) alleles, favoring the group with lower viremia levels, in comparison with those with higher viral load. CONCLUSION: HLA-Bw4-B*57 and Cw*18 alleles are associated with lower level of viral load in HIV-infected Brazilian patients. These findings may help us in understanding the determinants of HIV evolution in Brazilian patients, as well as in providing important information on immune response correlates of protection for such population.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A new eriophyoid mite genus and species, Gymnaceria cupuassu n. sp. et n. gen. (Acari: Eriophyidae: Eriophyinae: Aceriini), is described from young fruits and other plant parts of the cupuacu tree, Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. Ex Spreng.) K. Schum. (Sterculiaceae), from the State of Bahia, northeastern Brazil. No visible damage symptoms were observed.


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Dasyatis guttata has been target of artisanal fisheries in the coast of Bahia (Northeast Brazil) mainly by “arraieira” (gillnet) and “grozeira” (bottom long-line), but until now there is no stock assessment study. One of the important data for this knowledge is reliable indices of abundance. The aims of the present work are to: (1) estimate the best predictor for relative abundance (catch-per-unit-of-effort, CPUE), examining whether catch (production – kg) was related to: soak time of the gear, size of the gillnet or number of hooks, applying generalized linear model (GLM); (2) estimate the annual CPUE (kg/hooks and kg/m) averaged by gear; and (3) assess the temporal CPUE variance. Based on monthly sampling between January 2012 and January 2013, 222 landings by grozeira and 76 by arraiaiera were recorded in the two landing sites in Todos os Santos Bay, Bahia. A total of 14,550 kg (average = 44 kg/month) of D. guttata was captured. Models for both gears were highly significant (P < 0.0001). The analysis indicated that the most appropriate variable for CPUE analysis was the size of the gillnet (P < 0.001) and the number of hooks (P < 0.0001). Soak time of the gear was not significant for both gears (P = 0.4). High residual deviance expresses the complexity of the relations between ecosystem factors and other fisheries factors affecting relative abundance, which were not considered in this study. The average CPUE by grozeira was 6.39 kg/100 hooks ± 8.89 and by arraieira, 1.47 kg/100 m ± 1.66 over the year. Kruskal-Wallis test showed effect of the month on the mean grozeira CPUE (P = <0.001), but no effect (P = 0.096) on the mean arraieira CPUE. Grozeira CPUE values were highest in December and March, and lowest between May to August


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Introducción: La hipertensión arterial es un problema de salud pública tanto en países industrializados como en vía de desarrollo. Su prevalencia en la infancia viene en aumento por lo que es relevante determinarla en niños preescolares a nivel local. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial en niños de tres a cinco años de una cohorte de 14 hogares infantiles del ICBF de la localidad de Usaquén en Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal analítico, utilizando la base de datos de un ensayo aleatorizado y controlado del año 200913, y se evaluaron las cifras de tensión arterial de acuerdo a sexo, edad, talla y su correlación con el IMC con un nivel de confianza del 95% y precisión del 1%. Se calcularon las medias, desviaciones estándar, percentiles y prevalencia. Resultados: Se obtuvo una muestra de 1035 casos, encontrándose una prevalencia de 4,5% de HTA sistólica, 10,4% de diastólica, ambas en estadio I; teniendo en cuenta tanto sistólica como diastólica, fue de 11,6% en estadio I. Se determinaron los valores de presión arterial sistólica y diastólica en cuartiles de acuerdo a edad, sexo y talla. El coeficiente de correlación entre el IMC y los niveles de presión arterial sistólica y diastólica fueron de 0.0992 y 0.0362 respectivamente. Conclusión: La prevalencia de HTA general fue de 11,6%, predominando la diastólica en estadio I en niños preescolares. No se encontró correlación entre el IMC y las cifras de tensión arterial sistólica y diastólica.


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A new species of Anchietea (Violaceae) is described and illustrated. Anchietea ferrucciae is characterized by its 4-carpellate ovary, small flowers and mostly, by its obovate seeds, cuneate at the base, and with a narrow, toothed wing. The new species is narrowly endemic to a very restricted area of the dry Caatinga in Bahia state (Brazil). An identification key to the species of Anchietea is provided.


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Pleistovultur nevesi, a new genus and species of a large Vulturidae is described from the Upper Pleistocene or beginning of the Holocene, based on a complete and well preserved right tibiotarsus from the Cuvieri cave deposits, one of the hundreds of caves of the Lagoa Santa region in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Also described here is a distal half of a left tibiotarsus from Gruta dos Brejoes, a cave in Morro do Chapeu, Bahia state, Brazil, which probably belongs to another not-yet-known genus and species of the Vulturidae. The described material, added to prior literature, is proof of the appreciable diversity of the Vulturidae during the Pleistocene in South America.


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Two indigenous ceramics fragments, one from Lagoa Queimada (LQ) and another from Barra dos Negros (BN), both sites located on Bahia state (Brazil), were dated by termoluminescence (TL) method. Each fragment was physically prepared and divided into two fractions, one was used for TL measurement and the other for annual dose determination. The TL fraction was chemically treated, divided in sub samples and irradiated with several doses. The plot extrapolation from TL intensities as function of radiation dose enabled the determination of the accumulated dose (D(ac)), 3.99 Gy and 1.88 Gy for LQ and BN, respectively. The annual dose was obtained through the uranium, thorium and potassium determination by ICP-MS. The annual doses (D(an)) obtained were 2.86 and 2.26 mGy/year. The estimated ages were similar to 1375 and 709 y for BN and LQ ceramics, respectively. The ages agreed with the archaeologists` estimation for the Aratu and Tupi tradition periods, respectively.


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Licuri is a palm tree from the semiarid regions of Bahia State, Brazil. It is an important source of food and feed in that region, since their nuts are commonly eaten by humans and used as maize substitute for poultry feeding. The aim of this dissertation is to study the feasibility for use of natural convection solar dryers and forced being compared with the traditional drying outdoors for drying coconut licuri Syagrus coronate. The study led to the construction of two prototype solar dryer for carrying out experiments proving: model Solar Drying System Direct Exposure to Natural Convection built with wood, has a drying chamber with direct cover transparent glass laminates 4 mm, using techniques for proper isolation of the drying chamber. The two prototypes were comparatively analyzed for performance and drying efficiency with traditional extractive use by the community. Were evaluated the variables: time and drying rates and quality of the final samples of coconut licuri. The fruits were harvested and brought the town of Ouricuri, in the city of Caldeirão Grande, BA for the experiments comparing the three methods of drying was used a standard load of 4.0 kg The quantitative analysis for the result of the drying rate was found in 74% yield and 44% for natural and forced convection respectively compared with the traditional drying. These drying rates represent variation 3-5 times lower. Drying using forced convection licuri showed better quality, was found in a reddish pulp, representing the quantities that were kept of the nutrient beta carotene, and not notice the flavor change from the previous system, the final cost of construction of this system were higher . The prototypes built competitive advantage and had testified fully to resolve the technical difficulties previously encountered in the production of products made of coconut licuri. Allowing add value and increase their potential use for the fruit extractive communities of semi-arid region of Bahia


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Com o objetivo de verificar o efeito da desidratação sobre a germinação e o vigor de sementes de pupunheira inerme (Bactris gasipaes Kunth), quatro lotes de sementes, colhidos nas localidades de Yurimaguas, Peru; Camamu e Piraí do Norte, BA e Pindorama, SP, foram submetidos à secagem em câmara seca a partir das testemunhas não desidratadas, retirando-se amostras a cada 24 horas. O efeito da desidratação sobre a qualidade das sementes foi avaliado por meio de teste de germinação (184 dias da semeadura, em vermiculita, 20-30ºC), primeira contagem de germinação (36 dias), velocidade de germinação e teor de água das sementes. Comprovou-se que sementes dessa espécie são sensíveis à desidratação, com germinação inicial alta (59 a 84%) quando não desidratadas (47 a 38% de umidade inicial). Teores de água abaixo da faixa de 28 a 23% reduziram significativamente a germinação e o vigor. Todas as sementes com teores de umidade abaixo de 15% (lotes 2 e 4) e 13% (lotes 1 e 3) morreram.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar caracterização física e avaliar o efeito de substratos à base de serragem e dois recipientes no crescimento de mudas de cacaueiro. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2 x 4 x 2. Os tratamentos foram obtidos da combinação de serragens originadas de dois locais: municípios de Una e Camacan, no Estado da Bahia, quatro proporções (v:v) de serragem e areia: 1:0; 8:1; 4:1 e 2:1 e dois recipientes de crescimento (tubetes de 288 cm³ e sacos de polietileno de 840 cm³). Antes do plantio, amostras dos substratos foram retiradas para análises físicas. Foram usadas miniestacas de 4 a 6 cm de comprimento do clone Trinidad Select Hybrid (TSH 1188). Inicialmente, as miniestacas foram tratadas na base com AIB 6.000 mg kg-1, em seguida foram inseridas em tubetes preenchidos com os substratos e mantidas em câmara de nebulização. Após quarenta dias, as miniestacas foram retiradas da câmara e transferidas para crescimento, em casa de vegetação, onde parte foi mantida nos respectivos tubetes e outra transplantada em sacos de polietileno de 840 cm³ preenchidos com os mesmos tratamentos. Após cinco meses, em casa de vegetação, as mudas foram avaliadas quanto à altura da planta, diâmetro do caule, massa da matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes, número de folhas e área foliar das plantas. Na análise física dos substratos, verificou-se que a distribuição do tamanho de partículas foi diferenciada entre as serragens e a proporção de areia. As densidades seca, úmida e de partícula aumentaram, enquanto o teor de matéria orgânica e a porosidade total foram reduzidos pela adição de areia às serragens. O transplante de miniestacas enraizadas de cacaueiro, clone TSH 1188, para sacos com substrato preparado com serragem coletada no município de Una-BA, nas proporções serragem:areia 4:1 e 2:1, possibilitou maior crescimento das plantas, sendo,portanto, recomendados para produção de mudas.