38 resultados para 3GPP
The thesis deals with channel coding theory applied to upper layers in the protocol stack of a communication link and it is the outcome of four year research activity. A specific aspect of this activity has been the continuous interaction between the natural curiosity related to the academic blue-sky research and the system oriented design deriving from the collaboration with European industry in the framework of European funded research projects. In this dissertation, the classical channel coding techniques, that are traditionally applied at physical layer, find their application at upper layers where the encoding units (symbols) are packets of bits and not just single bits, thus explaining why such upper layer coding techniques are usually referred to as packet layer coding. The rationale behind the adoption of packet layer techniques is in that physical layer channel coding is a suitable countermeasure to cope with small-scale fading, while it is less efficient against large-scale fading. This is mainly due to the limitation of the time diversity inherent in the necessity of adopting a physical layer interleaver of a reasonable size so as to avoid increasing the modem complexity and the latency of all services. Packet layer techniques, thanks to the longer codeword duration (each codeword is composed of several packets of bits), have an intrinsic longer protection against long fading events. Furthermore, being they are implemented at upper layer, Packet layer techniques have the indisputable advantages of simpler implementations (very close to software implementation) and of a selective applicability to different services, thus enabling a better matching with the service requirements (e.g. latency constraints). Packet coding technique improvement has been largely recognized in the recent communication standards as a viable and efficient coding solution: Digital Video Broadcasting standards, like DVB-H, DVB-SH, and DVB-RCS mobile, and 3GPP standards (MBMS) employ packet coding techniques working at layers higher than the physical one. In this framework, the aim of the research work has been the study of the state-of-the-art coding techniques working at upper layer, the performance evaluation of these techniques in realistic propagation scenario, and the design of new coding schemes for upper layer applications. After a review of the most important packet layer codes, i.e. Reed Solomon, LDPC and Fountain codes, in the thesis focus our attention on the performance evaluation of ideal codes (i.e. Maximum Distance Separable codes) working at UL. In particular, we analyze the performance of UL-FEC techniques in Land Mobile Satellite channels. We derive an analytical framework which is a useful tool for system design allowing to foresee the performance of the upper layer decoder. We also analyze a system in which upper layer and physical layer codes work together, and we derive the optimal splitting of redundancy when a frequency non-selective slowly varying fading channel is taken into account. The whole analysis is supported and validated through computer simulation. In the last part of the dissertation, we propose LDPC Convolutional Codes (LDPCCC) as possible coding scheme for future UL-FEC application. Since one of the main drawbacks related to the adoption of packet layer codes is the large decoding latency, we introduce a latency-constrained decoder for LDPCCC (called windowed erasure decoder). We analyze the performance of the state-of-the-art LDPCCC when our decoder is adopted. Finally, we propose a design rule which allows to trade-off performance and latency.
With the current growth of mobile devices usage, mobile net- works struggle to deliver content with an acceptable Quality of Experience. In this paper, we propose the integration of Information Centric Networking into 3GPP Long Term Evolution mobile networks, allowing its inherent caching feature to be explored in close proximity to the end users by deploying components inside the evolved Node B. Apart from the advantages brought by Information-Centric Networking’s content requesting paradigm, its inherent caching features enable lower latencies to access content and reduce traffic at the core network. Results show that the impact on the evolved Node B performance is low and ad- vantages coming from Information-Centric Networking are considerable. Thus, mobile network operators reduce operational costs and users end up with a higher perceived network quality even in peak utilization periods.
Mobile networks usage rapidly increased over the years, with great consequences in terms of performance requirements. In this paper, we propose mechanisms to use Information-Centric Networking to perform load balancing in mobile networks, providing content delivery over multiple radio technologies at the same time and thus efficiently using resources and improving the overall performance of content transfer. Meaningful results were obtained by comparing content transfer over single radio links with typical strategies to content transfer over multiple radio links with Information-Centric Networking load balancing. Results demonstrate that Information-Centric Networking load balancing increases the performance and efficiency of 3GPP Long Term Evolution mobile networks while greatly improving the network perceived quality for end users.
Commoditization and virtualization of wireless networks are changing the economics of mobile networks to help network providers (e.g., MNO, MVNO) move from proprietary and bespoke hardware and software platforms toward an open, cost-effective, and flexible cellular ecosystem. In addition, rich and innovative local services can be efficiently created through cloudification by leveraging the existing infrastructure. In this work, we present RANaaS, which is a cloudified radio access network delivered as a service. RANaaS provides the service life-cycle of an ondemand, elastic, and pay as you go 3GPP RAN instantiated on top of the cloud infrastructure. We demonstrate an example of realtime cloudified LTE network deployment using the OpenAirInterface LTE implementation and OpenStack running on commodity hardware as well as the flexibility and performance of the platform developed.
The objective of this article is to demonstrate the feasibility of on-demand creation of cloud-based elastic mobile core networks, along with their lifecycle management. For this purpose the article describes the key elements to realize the architectural vision of EPC as a Service, an implementation option of the Evolved Packet Core, as specified by 3GPP, which can be deployed in cloud environments. To meet several challenging requirements associated with the implementation of EPC over a cloud infrastructure and providing it “as a Service,” this article presents a number of different options, each with different characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages. A thorough analysis comparing the different implementation options is also presented.
The networks need to provide higher speeds than those offered today. For it, considering that in the spectrum radio technologies is the scarcest resource in the development of these technologies and the new developments is essential to maximize the performance of bits per hertz transmitted. Long Term Evolution optimize spectral efficiency modulations with new air interface, and more advanced algorithms radius. These capabilities is the fact that LTE is an IPbased technology that enables end-to-end offer high transmission rates per user and very low latency, ie delay in the response times of the network around only 10 milliseconds, so you can offer any realtime application. LTE is the latest standard in mobile network technology and 3GPP ensure competitiveness in the future, may be considered a technology bridge between 3G networks - current 3.5G and future 4G networks, which are expected to reach speeds of up to 1G . LTE operators provide a simplified architecture but both robust, supporting services on IP technology. The objectives to be achieved through its implementation are ambitious, first users have a wide range of added services like capabilities that currently enjoys with residential broadband access at competitive prices, while the operator will have a network fully IP-based environment, reducing the complexity and cost of the same, which will give operators the opportunity to migrate to LTE directly. A major advantage of LTE is its ability to fuse with existing networks, ensuring interconnection with the same, increasing his current coverage and allowing a data connection established by a user in the environment continue when fade the coverage LTE. Moreover, the operator has the advantage of deploying network gradually, starting initially at areas of high demand for broadband services and expand progressively in line with this. RESUMEN. Las redes necesitan proporcionar velocidades mayores a las ofertadas a día de hoy. Para ello, teniendo en cuenta que en tecnologías radio el espectro es el recurso más escaso, en la evolución de estas tecnologías y en los nuevos desarrollos es esencial maximizar el rendimiento de bits por hercio transmitido. Long Term Evolution optimiza la eficiencia espectral con nuevas modulaciones en la interfaz aire, así como los algoritmos radio más avanzado. A estas capacidades se suma el hecho de que LTE es una tecnología basada en IP de extremo a extremo que permite ofrecer altas velocidades de transmisión por usuario y latencias muy bajas, es decir, retardos en los tiempos de respuesta de la red en torno a sólo 10 milisegundos, por lo que permite ofrecer cualquier tipo de aplicación en tiempo real. LTE es el último estándar en tecnología de redes móviles y asegurará la competitividad de 3GPP en el futuro, pudiendo ser considerada una tecnología puente entre las redes 3G – 3.5G actuales y las futuras redes 4G, de las que se esperan alcanzar velocidades de hasta 1G. LTE proporcionará a las operadoras una arquitectura simplificada pero robusta a la vez, soportando servicios sobre tecnología IP. Los objetivos que se persiguen con su implantación son ambiciosos, por una parte los usuarios dispondrá de una amplia oferta de servicios añadidos con capacidades similares a las que disfruta actualmente con accesos a banda ancha residencial y a precios competitivos, mientras que el operador dispondrá de una red basada en entorno totalmente IP, reduciendo la complejidad y el costo de la misma, lo que dará a las operadoras la oportunidad de migrar a LTE directamente. Una gran ventaja de LTE es su capacidad para fusionarse con las redes existentes, asegurando la interconexión con las mismas, aumentando su actual cobertura y permitiendo que una conexión de datos establecida por un usuario en el entorno LTE continúe cuando la cobertura LTE se desvanezca. Por otra parte el operador tiene la ventaja de desplegar la red LTE de forma gradual, comenzando inicialmente por las áreas de gran demanda de servicios de banda ancha y ampliarla progresivamente en función de ésta.
En la última década, la telefonía móvil ha evolucionado a una extraordinaria velocidad, permitiéndonos acceder a funcionalidades características de los PC pero con la ventaja de poseer una movilidad total. Con la aparición de la tecnología Long Term Evolution (LTE), comúnmente conocida como 4G, se ha conseguido desarrollar un sistema que se ha mejorado notablemente las prestaciones proporcionando alta velocidad y eficiencia a los ya masivamente utilizados smartphones. Gracias a este exponencial incremento del ancho de banda disponible, los usuarios hoy en día no se conforman sólo con navegar por páginas Web, sino que cada vez muestran un mayor interés en poder explotar al máximo los recursos multimedia, dando lugar a servicios como el streaming de vídeo. De este modo, a raíz del proyecto LTExtreme centrado en el análisis y la propuesta de optimización para servicios de streaming multimedia multicast/unicast sobre la tecnología LTE, surge este trabajo en el cual se pretende extender dicho análisis a la multidifusión de vídeo en directo. El proyecto se basa en la implementación de la arquitectura propuesta por el organismo 3GPP para dar este servicio, considerándose como una solución eficiente en la que se combina el protocolo de transporte multicast FLUTE (File Delivery over Unidirectional Transport) con la tecnología DASH (Dynamic Adaptative Streaming over HTTP). La arquitectura se ha implementado mediante la creación y configuración de una maqueta de laboratorio gracias a la herramienta de virtualización Virtual Networks over linuX (VNX). Un escenario simplificado de la red móvil LTE junto con el servidor de contenidos y varios clientes móviles, pudiendo realizar simulaciones de una emisión de vídeo en directo, y a su vez analizar los resultados obtenidos, así como la calidad de servicio percibida. Concretamente, se realizará un análisis de los problemas asociados a los casos de uso tratados, tanto de la emisión de un único vídeo como una de duración infinita, asemejándose a lo que supondría la emisión de la programación televisiva para un determinado canal. Por último, se plantearán ideas surgidas a raíz de los resultados obtenidos de dichos estudios y que puedan tener futuro y ser aplicables al mundo real.
La transmisión de la señal de televisión a dispositivos móviles ha comenzado a producirse de manera masiva en los últimos años como consecuencia del desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información, y es un proceso que implica a varios sectores de la industria audiovisual, junto con la industria de las telecomunicaciones y, más en concreto, al sector de la telefonía. A lo largo de la última década, se han desarrollado varios estándares tecnológicos para la televisión digital en movilidad en distintas regiones del mundo fruto de los esfuerzos de numerosos organismos como 3GPP, DVB, ATSC, DMB o ISDB. La mayoría de estos estándares han fracasado en su implantación, salvo en el caso de los estándares DMB-T en Corea del Sur e ISDB-T 1 Seg en Japón. En este momento, se está desarrollando una segunda generación de estándares para la implantación de la televisión digital en movilidad. El objetivo de esta investigación es exponer las tecnologías implicadas en el desarrollo de la televisión digital en movilidad, analizar los distintos estándares tecnológicos para la implantación de la televisión digital en movilidad en el mundo, someter esos estándares a un análisis comparativo y ofrecer una prospectiva de cómo van a desarrollarse en el futuro los avances en las tecnologías para la televisión digital en movilidad...
The concern over the quality of delivering video streaming services in mobile wireless networks is addressed in this work. A framework that enhances the Quality of Experience (QoE) of end users through a quality driven resource allocation scheme is proposed. To play a key role, an objective no-reference quality metric, Pause Intensity (PI), is adopted to derive a resource allocation algorithm for video streaming. The framework is examined in the context of 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) systems. The requirements and structure of the proposed PI-based framework are discussed, and results are compared with existing scheduling methods on fairness, efficiency and correlation (between the required and allocated data rates). Furthermore, it is shown that the proposed framework can produce a trade-off between the three parameters through the QoE-aware resource allocation process.
This research is focused on the optimisation of resource utilisation in wireless mobile networks with the consideration of the users’ experienced quality of video streaming services. The study specifically considers the new generation of mobile communication networks, i.e. 4G-LTE, as the main research context. The background study provides an overview of the main properties of the relevant technologies investigated. These include video streaming protocols and networks, video service quality assessment methods, the infrastructure and related functionalities of LTE, and resource allocation algorithms in mobile communication systems. A mathematical model based on an objective and no-reference quality assessment metric for video streaming, namely Pause Intensity, is developed in this work for the evaluation of the continuity of streaming services. The analytical model is verified by extensive simulation and subjective testing on the joint impairment effects of the pause duration and pause frequency. Various types of the video contents and different levels of the impairments have been used in the process of validation tests. It has been shown that Pause Intensity is closely correlated with the subjective quality measurement in terms of the Mean Opinion Score and this correlation property is content independent. Based on the Pause Intensity metric, an optimised resource allocation approach is proposed for the given user requirements, communication system specifications and network performances. This approach concerns both system efficiency and fairness when establishing appropriate resource allocation algorithms, together with the consideration of the correlation between the required and allocated data rates per user. Pause Intensity plays a key role here, representing the required level of Quality of Experience (QoE) to ensure the best balance between system efficiency and fairness. The 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) system is used as the main application environment where the proposed research framework is examined and the results are compared with existing scheduling methods on the achievable fairness, efficiency and correlation. Adaptive video streaming technologies are also investigated and combined with our initiatives on determining the distribution of QoE performance across the network. The resulting scheduling process is controlled through the prioritization of users by considering their perceived quality for the services received. Meanwhile, a trade-off between fairness and efficiency is maintained through an online adjustment of the scheduler’s parameters. Furthermore, Pause Intensity is applied to act as a regulator to realise the rate adaptation function during the end user’s playback of the adaptive streaming service. The adaptive rates under various channel conditions and the shape of the QoE distribution amongst the users for different scheduling policies have been demonstrated in the context of LTE. Finally, the work for interworking between mobile communication system at the macro-cell level and the different deployments of WiFi technologies throughout the macro-cell is presented. A QoEdriven approach is proposed to analyse the offloading mechanism of the user’s data (e.g. video traffic) while the new rate distribution algorithm reshapes the network capacity across the macrocell. The scheduling policy derived is used to regulate the performance of the resource allocation across the fair-efficient spectrum. The associated offloading mechanism can properly control the number of the users within the coverages of the macro-cell base station and each of the WiFi access points involved. The performance of the non-seamless and user-controlled mobile traffic offloading (through the mobile WiFi devices) has been evaluated and compared with that of the standard operator-controlled WiFi hotspots.
In this paper a new approach to the resource allocation and scheduling mechanism that reflects the effect of user's Quality of Experience is presented. The proposed scheduling algorithm is examined in the context of 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) system. Pause Intensity (PI) as an objective and no-reference quality assessment metric is employed to represent user's satisfaction in the scheduler of eNodeB. PI is in fact a measurement of discontinuity in the service. The performance of the scheduling method proposed is compared with two extreme cases: maxCI and Round Robin scheduling schemes which correspond to the efficiency and fairness oriented mechanisms, respectively. Our work reveals that the proposed method is able to perform between fairness and efficiency requirements, in favor of higher satisfaction for the users to the desired level. © VDE VERLAG GMBH.
In this paper, a heterogeneous network composed of femtocells deployed within a macrocell network is considered, and a quality-of-service (QoS)-oriented fairness metric which captures important characteristics of tiered network architectures is proposed. Using homogeneous Poisson processes, the sum capacities in such networks are expressed in closed form for co-channel, dedicated channel, and hybrid resource allocation methods. Then a resource splitting strategy that simultaneously considers capacity maximization, fairness constraints, and QoS constraints is proposed. Detailed computer simulations utilizing 3GPP simulation assumptions show that a hybrid allocation strategy with a well-designed resource split ratio enjoys the best cell-edge user performance, with minimal degradation in the sum throughput of macrocell users when compared with that of co-channel operation.
In this thesis, we proposed the use of device-to-device (D2D) communications for extending the coverage area of active base stations, for public safety communications with partial coverage. A 3GPP standard compliant D2D system level simulator is developed for HetNets and public safety scenarios and used to evaluate the performance of D2D discovery and communications underlying cellular networks. For D2D discovery, the benefits of time-domain inter-cell interference coordi- nation (ICIC) approaches by using almost blank subframes were evaluated. Also, the use of multi-hop is proposed to improve, even further, the performance of the D2D discovery process. Finally, the possibility of using multi-hop D2D communications for extending the coverage area of active base stations was evaluated. Improvements in energy and spectral efficiency, when compared with the case of direct UE-eNB communi- cations, were demonstrated. Moreover, UE power control techniques were applied to reduce the effects of interference from neighboring D2D links.
The increasing demand for Internet data traffic in wireless broadband access networks requires both the development of efficient, novel wireless broadband access technologies and the allocation of new spectrum bands for that purpose. The introduction of a great number of small cells in cellular networks allied to the complimentary adoption of Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) technologies in unlicensed spectrum is one of the most promising concepts to attend this demand. One alternative is the aggregation of Industrial, Science and Medical (ISM) unlicensed spectrum to licensed bands, using wireless networks defined by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). While IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) networks are aggregated to Long Term Evolution (LTE) small cells via LTE / WLAN Aggregation (LWA), in proposals like Unlicensed LTE (LTE-U) and LWA the LTE air interface itself is used for transmission on the unlicensed band. Wi-Fi technology is widespread and operates in the same 5 GHz ISM spectrum bands as the LTE proposals, which may bring performance decrease due to the coexistence of both technologies in the same spectrum bands. Besides, there is the need to improve Wi-Fi operation to support scenarios with a large number of neighbor Overlapping Basic Subscriber Set (OBSS) networks, with a large number of Wi-Fi nodes (i.e. dense deployments). It is long known that the overall Wi-Fi performance falls sharply with the increase of Wi-Fi nodes sharing the channel, therefore there is the need for introducing mechanisms to increase its spectral efficiency. This work is dedicated to the study of coexistence between different wireless broadband access systems operating in the same unlicensed spectrum bands, and how to solve the coexistence problems via distributed coordination mechanisms. The problem of coexistence between different networks (i.e. LTE and Wi-Fi) and the problem of coexistence between different networks of the same technology (i.e. multiple Wi-Fi OBSSs) is analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively via system-level simulations, and the main issues to be faced are identified from these results. From that, distributed coordination mechanisms are proposed and evaluated via system-level simulations, both for the inter-technology coexistence problem and intra-technology coexistence problem. Results indicate that the proposed solutions provide significant gains when compare to the situation without distributed coordination.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2016.