997 resultados para 37-333
87Sr/S6Sr ratios have been determined on eleven whole rock basalt samples from DSDP Leg 37. The 87Sr/S6Sr ratios range from 0.70305 +/- 4 to 0.70451 +/- 4 due to alteration and contamination with seawater Sr. Leaching with 5% HF has only a small effect on the 87Sr/86Sr of the samples. However, treatment with 6M HCl in acid digestion bombs at 130°C removes the contaminant more effectively. Altered plagioclase and olivine are dissolved during this process. The mean 87Sr/86Sr of four HCl-treated samples from hole 332A is 0.70299 and that for five samples from hole 332B is 0.70297. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of treated samples from holes 333A and 335 are 0.70304 +/- 4 and 0.70316 +/- 4, respectively. These 87Sr/86Sr ratios are within the range observed for other basalts elsewhere along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the North Atlantic. REE distribution patterns have been determined for four samples, three from hole 332B and one from hole 335. CeN/YbN ratios range from 0.58 to 1.30 and do not correlate with 87Sr/86Sr ratios. The source regions of these basalts appear to have been variable in REE abundances.
El Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico y Síndrome Antifosfolípido son condiciones que asociadas al embarazo aumentan el riesgo de eventos trombóticos, hasta en un 40%. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura para identificar la mejor evidencia relacionada con eventos trombóticos obstétricos no neurológicos en un periodo de 10 años; con lectura crítica de la totalidad de artículos encontrados. Resultados: Se encontraron un total de 1340 artículos, de los cuales 7 y 14 artículos respectivamente para LES y SAAF cumplieron criterios para su selección. La evidencia fue en su mayoría nivel III. El LES muestra una tendencia como factor de riesgo para ETV (OR 8,05 IC95% 0,23 – 276), al igual que el SAAF pero con mayor peso estadístico (OR 23.9 IC95% 5,12- 111). Discusión: No se encuentra evidencia en la literatura que caracterice integralmente los eventos trombóticos venosos en las pacientes obstétricas con SAAF y LES. Las gestantes con SAAF presentan mayor riesgo para eventos trombóticosque las pacientes con LES pese a ser mayor que en la población general. Esta tendencia se asoció con AAF altos positivos, triple positividad para AAF, ANA- positivo y LES asociado a SAAF, con resultados marcados durante el puerperio, e influencia en resultados obstétricos relacionada con variables inmunológicas (títulos AAF altos positivos y positividad para ACL, AL, B2GP), edad y antecedentes trombóticos. Conclusión: Existe mayor riesgo de presentar ETV en pacientes obstétricas con SAAF más que con LES, con una tendencia protrombóticasignificativa en el puerperio.
Foram utilizados 20 cães de raças e idades variadas, machos e fêmeas, portadores de catarata e não diabéticos, os quais foram submetidos ao exame oftálmico. Posteriormente, realizaram-se mensurações oculares empregando-se um ecobiômetro ultra-sônico (ultra-sonografia modo-A) para o cálculo do poder dióptrico da lente intra-ocular por meio da fórmula SRK/T. O comprimento axial médio foi de 19,94±1,12mm. Todos os animais foram submetidos à facoemulsificação extracapsular. A lente calculada foi implantada no transoperatório da cirurgia de catarata, obtendo-se média de 37,33±3,05D. A avaliação pós-cirúrgica do erro refracional aos 60 dias de pós-operatório, pela retinoscopia, com a utilização da esquiascopia, foi de 5,57±1,59D. A fórmula SRK/T não ofereceu bons resultados.
Several amino acid diagenetic reactions, which take place in the deep-sea sedimentary environment, were investigated, using various Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) cores. Initially it was found that essentially all the amino acids in sediments are bound in peptide linkages; but, with increasing age, the peptide bonds undergo slow hydrolysis that results in an increasingly larger fraction of amino acids in the free state. The hydrolysis half-life in calcareous sediments was estimated to be ~1-2 million years, while in non-carbonate sediment the hydrolysis rate may be considerably slower. The amino acid compositions and the extent of racemization of several amino acids were determined in various fractions isolated from the sediments. These analyses demonstrated that the mechanism, kinetics, and rate of amino acid diagenesis are highly dependent upon the physical state (i.e., free, bound, etc.) in which the amino acids exist in the sedimentary environment. In the free state, serine and threonine were found to decompose primarily by a dehydration reaction, while in the bound state (residue or HCl-insoluble fraction) a reversible aldol-cleavage reaction is the main decomposition pathway of these amino acids. The change in amino acid composition of the residue fraction with time was suggested to be due to the hydrolysis of peptide bonds, while in foraminiferal tests the compositional changes over geological time are the result of various decomposition reactions. Reversible first-order racemization kinetics are not observed for free amino acids in sediments. The explanation for these anomalous kinetics involves a complex reaction series which includes the hydrolysis of peptide bonds and the very rapid racemization of free amino acids. The racemization rates of free amino acids in sediments were found to be many orders of magnitude faster than those predicted from elevated temperature experiments using free amino acids in aqueous solution. The racemization rate enhancement of free amino acids in sediments may be due to the catalysis of the reaction by trace metals. Reversible first-order kinetics are followed for amino acids in the residue fraction isolated from sediments; the rate of racemization in this fraction is slower than that predicted for protein-bound amino acids. Various applications of amino acid diagenetic reactions are discussed. Racemization and the decomposition reaction of serine and threonine can both be used, with certain limitations, to make rough age estimates of deep-sea sediments back to several million years. The extent of racemization in foraminiferal tests which have been dated by some other independent technique can be used to estimate geothermal gradients, and thus heat flows, and to evaluate the bottom water temperature history in certain oceanic areas.
Data on analyses of chemical composition of DSDP samples of bottom sediments and rocks carried out in P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology are reported. Basal sediments and sedimentary rocks prevail in the sample set.
Editors: 1875-Jan.1904, Léon Lavedan.--1904-10, Étienne Lamy.--May 1910-June 1929, Edouard Trogan.--July 1929-1933, A.M.P. Luppé.
Index Microfilmed by Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service.
Vols.37-333 also called new series, v.1-297