957 resultados para 364.22[82]


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AIMS: Our aim was to determine whether alterations in biomechanical properties of human diseased compared to normal coronary artery contribute to changes in artery responsiveness to endothelin-1 in atherosclerosis. MAIN METHODS: Concentration-response curves were constructed to endothelin-1 in normal and diseased coronary artery. The passive mechanical properties of arteries were determined using tensile ring tests from which finite element models of passive mechanical properties of both groups were created. Finite element modelling of artery endothelin-1 responses was then performed. KEY FINDINGS: Maximum responses to endothelin-1 were significantly attenuated in diseased (27±3 mN, n=55) compared to normal (38±2 mN, n=68) artery, although this remained over 70% of control. There was no difference in potency (pD2 control=8.03±0.06; pD2 diseased=7.98±0.06). Finite element modelling of tensile ring tests resulted in hyperelastic shear modulus μ=2004±410 Pa and hardening exponent α=22.8±2.2 for normal wall and μ=2464±1075 Pa and α=38.3±6.7 for plaque tissue and distensibility of diseased vessels was decreased. Finite element modelling of active properties of both groups resulted in higher muscle contractile strain (represented by thermal reactivity) of the atherosclerotic artery model than the normal artery model. The models suggest that a change in muscle response to endothelin-1 occurs in atherosclerotic artery to increase its distensibility towards that seen in normal artery. SIGNIFICANCE: Our data suggest that an adaptation occurs in medial smooth muscle of atherosclerotic coronary artery to maintain distensibility of the vessel wall in the presence of endothelin-1. This may contribute to the vasospastic effect of locally increased endothelin-1 production that is reported in this condition.


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贝类养殖作为我国传统的海水养殖产业,在我国沿海地区的经济发展中起重要作用。但由于近年来养殖扇贝病害的不断发生,不仅造成了巨大的经济损失,而且直接威胁到现有养殖产业的生存和发展。目前认为,机体抗病能力的下降是发生流行性死亡的主要原因之一。因此,深入研究扇贝免疫防御特性,能更好地了解和解决贝类养殖中的病害问题。本文比较了健康状态和重金属污染以及高温胁迫下海湾扇贝和栉孔扇贝部分免疫指标的变化,并对同龄不同大小的栉孔扇贝的部分免疫指标进行了比较,以期更好的了解贝类的防御机制,为扇贝病害防治提供资料。研究结果如下: 用流式细胞仪技术对血细胞死亡率、细胞吞噬率和呼吸爆发进行了测定,发现健康状态下两种扇贝的细胞死亡率相差不大,海湾扇贝为4.83%,栉孔扇贝为4.95%;细胞吞噬率差异显著(P<0.05),海湾扇贝为26.73%,栉孔扇贝为19.89%;呼吸爆发的基础值相差也不大,海湾扇贝为1.94,栉孔扇贝为1.56。另外用免疫化学方法对健康状态下栉孔扇贝和海湾扇贝血淋巴和肝胰腺中SOD、ACP活性和MDA含量也进行了测定与比较。发现在血淋巴和肝胰腺中,两种扇贝SOD活性均存在显著差异(P<0.05),其中海湾扇贝分别为995.43和113.99,栉孔扇贝分别为446.64和40.6;血淋巴和肝胰腺中ACP活性差异显著(P<0.05),海湾扇贝分别为90.19和432.36,栉孔扇贝分别为73.26和146.63;血淋巴中和肝胰腺中MDA含量差异不显著(P>0.05),海湾扇贝分别为3.37和92.46,栉孔扇贝分别为2.17和28.96。实验结果说明,海湾扇贝对细菌等异物的吞噬和杀灭能力以及机体自身的抗氧化能力高于栉孔扇贝,这为海湾扇贝比栉孔扇贝具有更高的抗逆性提供了证据。 用相同的方法对不同浓度(0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5 mg L-1) Pb2+溶液浸泡后的栉孔扇贝和海湾扇贝的血细胞死亡率、细胞吞噬率和呼吸爆发进行了检测,同时测定了Pb2+处理后肝胰腺中SOD、ACP活性和MDA含量的变化。结果表明,栉孔扇贝的血细胞死亡率与对照组相比有上升趋势,且随着Pb2+浓度的增加而显著增加,而海湾扇贝在相同条件Pb2+的胁迫下,血细胞的死亡率明显低于栉孔扇贝。栉孔扇贝各实验组细胞吞噬率均低于对照组,而海湾扇贝在低浓度的Pb2+浸泡后,细胞的吞噬率与对照组相比有所降低,但随着浓度的继续增加,细胞的吞噬率反而上升,甚至略高于对照组。栉孔扇贝血细胞的呼吸爆发在Pb2+胁迫后较对照组有所升高,但随着浓度的增加,呼吸爆发有下降的趋势,而海湾扇贝的呼吸爆发随着Pb2+浓度的增加而显著增加。对两种扇贝体液免疫指标的测定发现,各实验组SOD的活性均比对照组高,且海湾扇贝的SOD活性高于栉孔扇贝;随着Pb2+浓度的增加,各实验组ACP的活性一直呈上升趋势,且海湾扇贝的ACP活性也高于栉孔扇贝;Pb2+处理后MDA的含量均显著增加,其中栉孔扇贝MDA含量的增幅明显高于海湾扇贝。该结果说明,Pb2+对两种扇贝的免疫系统都有一定的影响,但相同剂量的Pb2+对两种扇贝的毒害程度不同,海湾扇贝对Pb2+的耐受性似乎高于栉孔扇贝。 对海湾扇贝和栉孔扇贝的升温刺激实验发现,当养殖水体的温度从18℃缓慢升高到30℃后,栉孔扇贝在第三天开始出现大量死亡现象,而海湾扇贝未出现死亡。因而本文只对升温前后的海湾扇贝进行了细胞死亡率、吞噬率和呼吸爆发的测定和比较。结果发现,与升温前相比,血细胞的死亡率在温度升高后略有增加,但差异不显著(P>0.05);而细胞吞噬率在温度升高后显著下降;通过对呼吸爆发积聚的活性氧(Reactive Oxygen Species,ROS)的测定发现,升温后血细胞的ROS含量显著高于升温前(P<0.05)。该结果表明,高温会影响血细胞的功能,使机体的免疫防御能力下降,从而导致病害的发生。 另外,本文对同龄不同大小的栉孔扇贝的血细胞吞噬率以及血淋巴和肝胰腺中SOD、ACP活性和MDA含量进行了测定与比较。结果发现: 小扇贝的血细胞吞噬率略高于大扇贝,分别达到了22.82和20.96;在血淋巴及肝胰脏中,两组扇贝SOD酶的活性均差异显著(P<0.05),小扇贝分别为613.88和102.01,大扇贝分别为356.15和50.22;血淋巴中小扇贝ACP的活性极显著的高于大扇贝(P<0.01),分别为44.3和2.91,但肝胰腺中大扇贝和小扇贝ACP的活性相差不大,大扇贝为455.75,小扇贝为485.33;大扇贝和小扇贝血淋巴和肝胰脏中MDA含量相差不大,大扇贝分别为2.67和31.83,小扇贝分别为3.17和35.33。该结果说明,小扇贝对细菌等异物的吞噬和杀灭能力以及机体自身的抗氧化能力高于大扇贝,这为生长与抗逆性相颉抗提供了依据。


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da temperatura ambiente sobre as características morfométricas das fibras musculares do músculo flexor longo do hálux de frangos de corte alimentados com a mesma quantidade de ração (pair-feeding), isolando-se o efeito do consumo voluntário de alimento. Foram utilizados 16 frangos de corte machos, Ross, distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com dois tratamentos (estresse pelo calor e frio), com sete e nove repetições cada, respectivamente. Aos 43 dias de idade, o peso médio das aves estressadas pelo calor (1255 g) foi maior que o das aves estressadas pelo frio em pair-feeding (1086 g). O músculo das aves submetidas ao estresse pelo calor e pelo frio apresentou 22,82 e 27,93% de fibras brancas (FG - Fast Glycolytic), 52,76 e 47,67% de intermediárias (FOG - Fast Oxidative Glycolytic) e 24,42 e 24,40% de vermelhas (SO - Slow Oxidative), respectivamente. O diâmetro das fibras FG foi maior no músculo das aves submetidas ao calor (48,69 mm), quando comparado ao das aves submetidas ao frio (37,74 mm). A freqüência e o número dos tipos de fibras no músculo não diferiram entre as aves estressadas pelo calor e pelo frio. O estresse pelo frio associado à limitação no consumo de alimento determinou redução no crescimento e alterou a composição dos tipos de fibras no músculo flexor longo do hálux de frangos de corte, reduzindo o tamanho das fibras do tipo FG e mantendo o tamanho das fibras SO e FOG, as quais apresentam metabolismo oxidativo, associado à maior produção de calor.


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Fruits have been considered an important feeding resource used not only by frugivorous birds, but also by omnivore and some insectivore species. In the present paper we are reporting the behavior of birds consuming fruits of Davilla rugosa (Dilleniaceae). Handling behavior and visits frequency were analyzed in order to infer about the potential ornithochoric seed dispersal. Focal observations were carried out from October to December 1999 in a cerrado fragment located in São Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil (21°58′S, 47°52′W). In 60 h of field work we recorded 241 visits of 13 passerine bird species consuming the fruits. The mean number of visits per hour and the standard deviation were 4.01 ± 4.88. All of the species were considered potential seed dispersers, since no pulp mashers or seed predators were observed. No temporal difference in visit frequency was found when all of the species were analyzed together or when they were individually considered. Generalist species were responsible for 68.5% of the visits, followed by frugivorous (22.82%) and insectivorous (8.71%). The main potential seed dispersers were Elaenia spp. (Tyrannidae), Tangara cayana (Emberizidae), Empidonomus varius (Tyrannidae), Turdus leucomelas (Muscicapidae) and Vireo chivi (Vireonidae). The high visit frequency observed suggests that D. rugosa fruits may be an important feeding resource for birds in the cerrado ecosystem, in the manner that this plant can be considered in management plans which intent to maintain or rescue bird communities.


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The knowledge of the mechanisms underlying circulating volume control may be achieved by stretching a balloon placed at the junction of the superior vena cava-right atrial junction (SVC-RAJ). We investigated whether the inflation of a balloon at the SVC-RAJ inhibits the intake of 0.3M NaCl induced by GABAA receptor activation in the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) in euhydrated and satiated rats. Male Wistar rats (280-300g) with bilateral stainless steel LPBN cannulae and balloons implanted at the SVC-RAJ were used. Bilateral injections of the GABAA receptor agonist muscimol (0.5ηmol/0.2l) in the LPBN with deflated balloons increased intake of 0.3M NaCl (30.1±3.9 vs. saline: 2.2±0.7)ml/210min, n=8) and water (17.7±1.9 vs. saline: 2.9±0.5ml/210min). Conversely, 0.3M NaCl (27.8±2.1ml/210min) and water (22.8±2.3ml/210min) intake were not affected in rats with inflated balloons at the SVC-RAJ. The results show that sodium and water intake induced by muscimol injected into the LPBN was not affected by balloon inflation at the SVC-RAJ. We suggest that the blockade of LPBN neuronal activity with muscimol injections impairs inhibitory mechanisms activated by signals from cardiopulmonary volume receptors determined by balloon inflation. © 2013 The Authors.


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Hyptis crenata (Pohl) ex Benth. é uma planta herbácea, medicinal e aromática, pertencente à família lamiaceae, conhecida popularmente como salva-do-marajó, malva-do-marajó e hortelã-bravo. Distribui-se no estuário do Rio Amazonas, Pantanal e no estado de Minas-Gerais. Seu óleo essencial é caracterizado pela presença de monoterpenos e sesquiterpenos. É utilizada popularmente como sudorífico, tônico, estimulante, bem como para tratar inflamação de olhos e garganta, constipação e artrite. Baseado nessas informações, decidiu-se avaliar a atividade antinociceptiva e antiinflamatória do óleo essencial desta espécie (OEHc) através dos seguintes testes: teste das contorções abdominais induzidas por ácido acético, placa quente, formalina, dermatite induzida pelo óleo de croton, edemas induzidos por dextrana e carragenina e peritonite induzida por carragenina. Para a análise estatística utilizou-se ANOVA seguida de um método de múltiplas comparações (Teste de Student-Newman-Keuls ou teste "t" de Student). O óleo foi extraído por hidrodestilação, obtendo um rendimento de 0,6%. É composto predominantemente por monoterpenos (94,5%). A dose letal media DL50 foi de 5000 mg/kg. Nas contorções abdominais induzidas por ácido acético o óleo (250, 350 e 500 mg/kg) reduziu de forma significante de maneira dose-dependente estas contorções em 22,56%, 60,76% e 75,53%, respectivamente, cujo coeficiente de correlação linear foi de r = 0,9341 e DE50 = 364,22 mg/kg. No teste da placa quente, o óleo não foi capaz de aumentar o tempo de latência de maneira significante. No teste da formalina, o OEHc produziu uma inibição da 1 fase em 26,49% e da 2 fase em 43,39%. Além disso, a naloxona reverteu o efeito do OEHc neste teste. Na dermatite induzida pelo óleo de croton, o OEHc reduziu o edema de maneira significante em 44,26%. No edema induzido por dextrana, o óleo foi capaz de impedir o desenvolvimento do edema na dose de 364,22 mg/kg de maneira significante em relação ao grupo controle. Porém, no edema induzido por carragenina esta inibição não foi observada. Na peritonite induzida por carragenina, o OEHc reduziu o número de leucócitos e o de neutrófilos em 47,55% e 66,47%, respectivamente. A partir dos resultados obtidos, sugere-se que o OEHc apresenta atividade antinociceptiva provavelmente através da ação direta sobre as fibras nociceptivas, além de sugerir que os receptores opióides possam estar envolvidos neste processo; e atividade antiinflamatória provavelmente de origem periférica. Pode-se sugerir, também, que os possíveis componentes responsáveis por essas ações sejam os compostos monoterpênicos presentes no OEHc.


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Imipenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (IRAB) is a major threat for critically ill patients, including those admitted to burn units. Recent studies have suggested that colonization pressure (the proportion of patients or patient-days harbouring the pathogen of interest) is an important driver of the risk for acquisition of multidrug-resistant organisms. With that in mind, we conducted a cohort study, enrolling 208 patients admitted to a burn unit from November 2008 through December 2009. The outcome of interest was the acquisition of IRAB. In addition to the usual risk factors, we assessed the impact of colonization pressure. The number of wound excisions (odds ratio (OR) 12.06, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.82-51.64) and the number of antimicrobials used (OR 22.82, 95% CI 5.15-101.19) were significant risk factors for the outcome of interest. On the other hand, colonization pressure (measured for whole time of exposure or up to the last 14, 7, or 3 days) was not associated with the risk for IRAB acquisition.


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To evaluate the effect of surface treatment with Er:YAG and Nd:YAG laser on resin composite bond strength to recently bleached dentin. Material and Methods: In this study 120 bovine incisors were used and distributed into two groups: Group C: without bleaching treatment; Group B: with bleaching treatment (35% hydrogen peroxide). Each group was divided into three subgroups: Subgroup N: without laser treatment; Subgroup Nd: irradiation with Nd:YAG laser; Subgroup Er: irradiation with Er:YAG laser. Next, the adhesive system (Adper Single Bond 2) was applied and composite buildups were constructed with Z350 composite. The teeth were sectioned to obtain dentin-resin sticks (1x1mm) and analyzed by microtensile bond testing. The data were statistically analyzed by the ANOVA and Tukey tests. Results: The results showed that the bond strength values in the bleached control group (16.17 MPa) presented no significant difference in comparison with the group bleached and irradiated with Er:YAG laser (14.69 MPa). The non bleached control group (26.79 MPa) presented significant difference in bond strength when compared with the non bleached group irradiated with Er:YAG laser (22.82 MPa) and with the group treated by bleaching and irradiation with Nd:YAG laser (28,792 MPa). The group without bleaching treatment and irradiated with Nd:YAG (36.1 MPa) presented a significant increase in bond strength in comparison with the other groups. Conclusion: The use of Nd:YAG laser on bleached specimens was able of completely reversing the immediate effects of bleaching, obtaining bond strength values similar to those of the control group


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A case-control study (2008-2009) analyzed risk factors for preterm birth in the city of Campina Grande, Paraiba State, Brazil. A total of 341 preterm births and 424 controls were included. A multiple logistic regression model was used. Risk factors for preterm birth were: previous history of preterm birth (OR = 2.32; 95% CI: 1.25-4.29), maternal age (OR = 2.00; 95% CI: 1.00-4.03), inadequate prenatal care (OR = 2.15; 95% CI: 1.40-3.27), inadequate maternal weight gain (OR = 2.33; 95% CI: 1.45-3.75), maternal physical injury (OR = 2.10; 95% CI: 1.22-3.60), hypertension with eclampsia (OR = 17.08; 95% CI: 3.67-79.43) and without eclampsia (OR = 6.42; 95% CI: 3.50-11.76), hospitalization (OR = 5.64; 95% CI: 3.47-9.15), altered amniotic fluid volume (OR = 2.28; 95% CI: 1.32-3.95), vaginal bleeding (OR = 1.54; 95% CI: 1.01-2.34), and multiple gestation (OR = 22.65; 95% CI: 6.22-82.46). High and homogeneous prevalence of poverty and low maternal schooling among both cases and controls may have contributed to the fact that socioeconomic variables did not remain significantly associated with preterm birth.


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A case-control study (2008-2009) analyzed risk factors for preterm birth in the city of Campina Grande, Paraíba State, Brazil. A total of 341 preterm births and 424 controls were included. A multiple logistic regression model was used. Risk factors for preterm birth were: previous history of preterm birth (OR = 2.32; 95%CI: 1.25-4.29), maternal age (OR = 2.00; 95%CI: 1.00-4.03), inadequate prenatal care (OR = 2.15; 95%CI: 1.40-3.27), inadequate maternal weight gain (OR = 2.33; 95%CI: 1.45-3.75), maternal physical injury (OR = 2.10; 95%CI: 1.22-3.60), hypertension with eclampsia (OR = 17.08; 95%CI: 3.67-79.43) and without eclampsia (OR = 6.42; 95%CI: 3.50-11.76), hospitalization (OR = 5.64; 95%CI: 3.47-9.15), altered amniotic fluid volume (OR = 2.28; 95%CI: 1.32-3.95), vaginal bleeding (OR = 1.54; 95%CI: 1.01-2.34), and multiple gestation (OR = 22.65; 95%CI: 6.22-82.46). High and homogeneous prevalence of poverty and low maternal schooling among both cases and controls may have contributed to the fact that socioeconomic variables did not remain significantly associated with preterm birth.


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