970 resultados para 362.1068


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Multiple domains are present. Clasts range from small to large in size and sub-angular to sub-rounded in shape. The fine grained domain is dark brown with some lineations and organic material. The coarse grained domain is grey in colour and contains mainly lineations and rotation structures. Some comet structures can also be seen.


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Pour toute demande de reproduction de contenu se trouvant dans cette publication, communiquer avec l’Association des diplômés de l’UdeM.


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We report the first simultaneous zJHK spectroscopy on the archetypical Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 covering the wavelength region 0.9-2.4 mu m. The slit, aligned in the north-south direction and centred in the optical nucleus, maps a region 300 pc in radius at subarcsec resolution, with a spectral resolving power of 360 km s-1. This configuration allows us to study the physical properties of the nuclear gas including that of the north side of the ionization cone, map the strong excess of continuum emission in the K band and attributed to dust and study the variations, both in flux and profile, in the emission lines. Our results show the following. (1) Mid- to low-ionization emission lines are split into two components, whose relative strengths vary with the position along the slit and seem to be correlated with the jet. (2) The coronal lines are single-peaked and are detected only in the central few hundred of pc from the nucleus. (3) The absorption lines indicate the presence of intermediate age stellar population, which might be a significant contributor to the continuum in the near-IR spectra. (4) Through some simple photoionization models we find photoionization as the main mechanism powering the emitting gas. (5) Calculations using stellar features point to a mass concentration inside the 100-200 pc of about 1010 M(circle dot).


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We performed stellar population synthesis on the nuclear and extended regions of NGC 1068 by means of near-infrared spectroscopy to disentangle their spectral energy distribution components. This is the first time that such a technique is applied to the whole 0.8-2.4 mu m wavelength interval in this galaxy. NGC 1068 is one of the nearest and probably the most studied Seyfert 2 galaxy, becoming an excellent laboratory to study the interaction between black holes, the jets that they can produce and the medium in which they propagate. Our main result is that traces of young stellar population are found at similar to 100 pc south of the nucleus. The contribution of a power-law continuum in the centre is about 25 per cent, which is expected if the light is scattered from a Seyfert 1 nucleus. We find peaks in the contribution of the featureless continuum about 100-150 pc from the nucleus on both sides. They might be associated with regions where the jet encounters dense clouds. Further support to this scenario is given by the peaks of hot dust distribution found around these same regions and the H(2) emission-line profile, leading us to propose that the peaks might be associated to regions where stars are being formed. Hot dust also has an important contribution to the nuclear region, reinforcing the idea of the presence of a dense, circumnuclear torus in this galaxy. Cold dust appears mostly in the south direction, which supports the view that the south-west emission is behind the plane of the galaxy and is extinguished very likely by dust in the plane. Intermediate-age stellar population contributes significantly to the continuum, especially in the inner 200 pc.


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Foram analisados espectros óticos de fenda longa das galáxias Seyfert 1 ESO362-G18 e Seyfert 2 ESO362-G8. Estas duas galáxias apresentam emissão por gás de alta excitação em forma anisotrópica, possivelmente devido a colimação por um tóro de poeira. O objetivo do presente trabalho consiste em estudar o contínuo e a região estendida de linhas de emissão (ENLR) destes objetos. Este trabalho constitui-se no primeiro estudo detalhado realizado sobre estas galáxias. A população estelar em cada galáxia e caracterizada em função da distância ao núcleo. O contínuo nuclear e estudado em termos de duas componentes: a população estelar e a componente AGN (\Active Galatic Nuclei"). Observa-se a presença desta componente AGN na gal axia Seyfert 1 ESO362-G18. A galáxia Seyfert 2 não permite observar esta componente AGN mesmo depois de subtraída a componente de população estelar. Nas duas galáxias observa-se importante contribuição de população de idade intermediária ( 5 108 anos). A partir das linhas estreitas de emissão, mapeamos a excitação do gás interestelar ao longo da ENLR. As razões entre estas linhas de emissão são reproduzidas a partir de um modelo de fotoionização de duas componentes - uma componente limitada por matéria ("matter-bounded") e uma componente limitada por ionização ("ionization-bounded"). Este modelo, construído utilizando o código de fotoionização MAPPINGS Ic, se propõe a resolver os problemas apresentados pelos modelos tradicionais de uma componente apenas. A partir dos resultados obtidos com o modelo de duas componentes, determinamos o fator de preenchimento e o fator de cobertura do gás em função da distância ao núcleo. Utilizamos estes parâmetros para testar a consistência do modelo proposto. Por fim realizase o cálculo de balanço de fótons e estuda-se a natureza do contínuo infravermelho (IR) médio e distante - comparando-se a luminosidade observada no IR, calculada a partir dos fluxos IRAS, com a luminosidade predita para um tóro que envolve a fonte modelada e re-emite a radiação incidente no infravermelho.


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Frankfurter Latern: Probenummer, Manuskript