987 resultados para 333.822


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5 Briefe zwischen Konrad Wittwer und Max Horkheimer, 1936, 1938, 1939; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Joseph Wohl, 18.08.1934; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Hedwig Wollenberger, 25.02.1941; 2 Briefe zwischen Richard Wolf und Max Horkheimer, 22.10.1938, 07.11.1938; 2 Briefe zwischen Martha Wolfenstein und Max Horkheimer, 11.10.1937, 19.10.1937; 1 Brief von Clemy Wolff an Leo Löwenthal, 05.03.1941; 2 Briefe zwischen Ilse Wolff und Max Horkheimer, 29.08.1937, 03.09.1937; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Howard Woolston, 25.03.1941; 1 Einladung von der Women's Conference, 1935; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an die Women's Conference, 15.03.1935; 1 Brief von der World Foundation an Max Horkheimer, 26.11.1937; 2 Briefe vom World Jewish Congress an Max Horkheimer, 1942, 1945; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Francis Henry Russel, 28.09.1942; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Dr. Opie, 28.09.1942; 1 Brief der Württembergische Hypothekenbank an Max Horkheimer, 24.12.1930; 12 Briefe zwischen Rösle Wuestholz und Max Horkheimer, 1935-1937, 1939; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Frida Wunderlich, 22.11.1937; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an die Yale University Library, 22.12.1938; 2 Briefe zwischen Owen D. Young und Max Horkheimer, 22.04.1940, April 1940; 3 Briefe zwischen Hans Zeisel und Max Horkheimer, 21.07.1941, 1941, 1944; 2 Briefe zwischen der Zentrale Hilfsstelle für deutsche Flüchtlingskinder Prag und Max Horkheimer, 01.03.1938, 25.04.1938; 6 Briefe zwischen Gregory Zilboorg und Max Horkheimer, 1939; 16 Briefe und Beilage an Max Horkheimer und F. Pollock von Edgar Zilsel, 1939-1942; 1 Brief vom Social Science Research Counsil an Edgar Zilsel, 01.04.1940; 1 Brief von The Rockefeller Foundation an Edgar Zilsel, 20.06.1939; 9 Briefe und Beilage von Max Horkheimer und F. Pollock an Edgar Zilsel, 1939-1942 sowie Briefwechsel mit Betty Drury; 10 Briefe zwischen The Rockefeller Foundation und Max Horkheimer, 1939-1940; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Edgar Zilsel, 20.06.1939; 12 Briefe zwischen Betty Drury und F. Pollock, 1939-1940; 7 Briefe zwischen Alexander Zinnemann und Max Horkheimer, 1936;


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16 Briefe zwischen Ruth Nanda Anshen und Max Horkheimer, 1938-1941; 5 Briefe zwischen Peter Appel und Max Horkheimer, 1937; 1 Drucksache der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialistischer Ärzte in Hessen, Juli 1949; 1 Brief der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Soziale Betriebsgestaltung in Heidelberg an Max Horkheimer, 18.10.1949; 2 Briefe zwischen Lois Archer und Max Horkheimer, 24.07.1947, 04.08.1947; 2 Briefe zwischen Camille Arnaud und Max Horkheimer, 03.03.1946, 22.03.1946; 39 Briefe zwischen Raymond Aron und Max Horkheimer, 1935-1938; 2 Briefe zwischen Ruth Arrau und Max Horkheimer, 28.06.1949, 10.10.1949; 3 Briefe zwischen S. Aufhauser und Max Horkheimer, 1939-1941, 16.04.1941; 8 Briefe zwischen der Zeitschrift 'Aufbau' und Max Horkheimer, 1944-1944; 3 Briefe zwischen der Automobile Club of New York und Max Horkheimer, 1937, 10.08.1937;


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57 Briefe und Beilage zwischen Kreuz-Verlag und Max Horkheimer, 1965-1973, sowie Manuskripte von 2 Rundfunksendungen:; a) Ansgar Skriver: Israel im Frühjahr, 1965; b) Reimar Lenz: Zersetzung, Diagnose eines epidemischen Begriffs, 1965; 17 Briefe und Beilage zwischen Professor Gerhard [u. Erna] Krüger und Max Horkheimer, 1952-1955;


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u.a. Aufenthalt der Familie Schopenhauer in London; Unmutsäußerung Schopenhauer auf die englische Nation; Mitteilungen zu aktuellen Geschehnissen von Hamburger Bekannten;


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Reaktion auf eine "Strafpredigt", "Bis zum letzten Tropfen Blut", Bundesschießen, Rede an die Schützen aus Schwaben, Toast auf Frankfurt, Herbert von Bismarck, Hedwig Wilhelmi


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Vorbesitzer: Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main


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The ice cover of the Arctic Ocean has been changing dramatically in the last decades and the consequences for the sea-ice associated ecosystem remain difficult to assess. Algal aggregates underneath sea ice have been described sporadically but the frequency and distribution of their occurrence is not well quantified. We used upward looking images obtained by a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to derive estimates of ice algal aggregate biomass and to investigate their spatial distribution. During the IceArc expedition (ARK-XXVII/3) of RV Polarstern in late summer 2012, different types of algal aggregates were observed floating underneath various ice types in the Central Arctic basins. Our results show that the floe scale distribution of algal aggregates in late summer is very patchy and determined by the topography of the ice underside, with aggregates collecting in dome shaped structures and at the edges of pressure ridges. The buoyancy of the aggregates was also evident from analysis of the aggregate size distribution. Different approaches used to estimate aggregate biomass yield a wide range of results. This highlights that special care must be taken when upscaling observations and comparing results from surveys conducted using different methods or on different spatial scales.


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The amount of solar radiation transmitted through Arctic sea ice is determined by the thickness and physical properties of snow and sea ice. Light transmittance is highly variable in space and time since thickness and physical properties of snow and sea ice are highly heterogeneous on variable time and length scales. We present field measurements of under-ice irradiance along transects under undeformed land-fast sea ice at Barrow, Alaska (March, May, and June 2010). The measurements were performed with a spectral radiometer mounted on a floating under-ice sled. The objective was to quantify the spatial variability of light transmittance through snow and sea ice, and to compare this variability along its seasonal evolution. Along with optical measurements, snow depth, sea ice thickness, and freeboard were recorded, and ice cores were analyzed for chlorophyll a and particulate matter. Our results show that snow cover variability prior to onset of snow melt causes as much relative spatial variability of light transmittance as the contrast of ponded and white ice during summer. Both before and after melt onset, measured transmittances fell in a range from one third to three times the mean value. In addition, we found a twentyfold increase of light transmittance as a result of partial snowmelt, showing the seasonal evolution of transmittance through sea ice far exceeds the spatial variability. However, prior melt onset, light transmittance was time invariant and differences in under-ice irradiance were directly related to the spatial variability of the snow cover.