997 resultados para 315-C0001E


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The distribution of acyclic and cyclic biphytanediols, the putative breakdown products of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), was investigated for recent marine sediments from Nankai Trough, offshore Kii Peninsula. The most abundant diol is tricyclic biphytanediol, whose relative abundance is in the range 32-46%. Its carbon skeleton, with two cyclopentane rings and one cyclohexane ring, is the same as would be expected via a crenarchaeol origin. Based on the structure of crenarchaeol, the tricyclic biphytanediol is considered to be derived not only from crenarchaeol but also from other unknown sources. The ring distributions of the biphytanediols are different from those of the biphytanes obtained from intact polar lipids by way of chemical treatment, suggesting that biphytanediols are not solely the diagenetic products of in situ GDGTs.


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We investigate the mechanics of slope failures on the Nankai accretionary complex offshore Japan in the vicinity of a major out-of-sequence thrust fault (termed the "megasplay"). Incorporating laboratory-measured shear strength of slope sediments sampled during Integrated Ocean Drilling Project (IODP) Expeditions 315 and 316 with local seafloor slope angles from bathymetric data and constraints on in-situ effective stress conditions from drilling, we find that slopes in the study area are stable and submarine landslides are not expected to occur under static conditions. In order to assess the possibility of slope failure triggered by coseismic rupture of the megasplay fault, we use empirical relations for strong ground motion attenuation from earthquakes with Mw 6-9. We find that the slope sediments should be stable based on computations from one model, developed from a catalog of worldwide subduction zone earthquakes (Youngs et al., 1997, doi:10.1785/gssrl.68.1.58). However, using a different model developed primarily from a catalog of crustal earthquakes in Japan (Kanno et al., 2006, doi:10.1785/0120050138), we find that slopes should be unstable for earthquakes 8 <= Mw <= 9, and possibly unstable for events with 6 <= Mw < 8, depending on the proximity of rupture to the seafloor. Considering limitations of the models and geologic observations of slope failure recurrence, the true slope stability is likely to be in between the predictions of the two models, and we suggest that it may be modulated by long-term pore pressure fluctuations.


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O Deputado Jorge Hage (PMDB-BA), autor da emenda que concede quatro (4) anos de mandato para o Presidente José Sarney , acredita que o Plenário irá manter o resultado. A Comissão de Sistematização aprova mandato de quatro (4) anos para Presidente. Para o Deputado Francisco Benjamim (PFL-BA), o presidencialismo é o sistema de governo adequado. O Deputado Francisco Sales (PMDB-RO) acredita no parlamentarismo e no mandato de cinco (5) anos. Já o Deputado Roberto Balestra (PDC-GO) é contra mandato de cinco (5) anos. O Deputado José Lourenço (PFL-BA) reclama do voto de dois constituintes do PFL e tem esperança em reverter o resultado da votação. A Deputada Sandra Cavalcanti (PFL-RJ) decidiu seu voto depois do posicionamento do Senador Mário Covas (PMDB-SP). Covas concorda com quato (4) anos para o parlamentarismo, pois assim é provável que o Presidente seja comprometido com o sistema de governo. Segundo Deputado Ibsen Pinheiro (PMDB-RS) tudo direciona para um acordo entre presidencialistas e parlamentaristas, lideranças nacionais e Constituintes. O Deputado Carlos Sant'anna (PMDB-BA) acredita que com a eleição de José Sarney para Presidente não haverá mais condições de ter parlamentarismo. A Comissão examina artigo das disposições transitórias que trata da anistia. Rejeitada a emenda do Deputado Jamil Haddad (PSB-RJ) que propunha o pagamento de atrasados a todos os anistiados. A emenda do Deputado Brandão Monteiro (PDT-RJ) que propunha estender os benefícios da anistia à Marinha e Aeronáutica também não foi aprovada.


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应用景观生态学思想,依据层次分析模式建立了公路生态环境风险评价体系,在专家思想库的基础之上,为突出各评价指标的空间属性,规定其权重值由评价指标影响空间范围的大小来确定.其中环境因子的影响范围,即所占面积,利用GIS对相关图件解读获得,灾害因子影响路段的长度则在施工设计和路线勘测阶段实测而得.使用该评价体系对31 5国道新疆依吞布拉克且末段的生态环境风险性进行评价,结果表明,该路域生态环境风险指数ERA介于1 . 5 5~3 . 2 3之间.由于ERA包含的生态环境脆弱性指数∑xiwi和灾害系数∑yiwj存在空间异质性,故据其最终对路域内的8个景观生态单元,用4个风险级别进行了评价,较真实地反映了该路段生态环境风险特征.