999 resultados para 302.27
Among biological catalysts, cytochrome P450 is unmatched in its multiplicity of isoforms, inducers, substrates, and types of chemical reactions catalyzed. In the present study, evidence is given that this versatility extends to the nature of the active oxidant. Although mechanistic evidence from several laboratories points to a hypervalent iron-oxenoid species in P450-catalyzed oxygenation reactions, Akhtar and colleagues [Akhtar, M., Calder, M. R., Corina, D. L. & Wright, J. N. (1982) Biochem. J. 201, 569-580] proposed that in steroid deformylation effected by P450 aromatase an iron-peroxo species is involved. We have shown more recently that purified liver microsomal P450 cytochromes, including phenobarbital-induced P450 2B4, catalyze the analogous deformylation of a series of xenobiotic aldehydes with olefin formation. The investigation presented here on the effect of site-directed mutagenesis of threonine-302 to alanine on the activities of recombinant P450 2B4 with N-terminal amino acids 2-27 deleted [2B4 (delta2-27)] makes use of evidence from other laboratories that the corresponding mutation in bacterial P450s interferes with the activation of dioxygen to the oxenoid species by blocking proton delivery to the active site. The rates of NADPH oxidation, hydrogen peroxide production, and product formation from four substrates, including formaldehyde from benzphetamine N-demethylation, acetophenone from 1-phenylethanol oxidation, cyclohexanol from cyclohexane hydroxylation, and cyclohexene from cyclohexane carboxaldehyde deformylation, were determined with P450s 2B4, 2B4 (delta2-27), and 2B4 (delta2-27) T302A. Replacement of the threonine residue in the truncated cytochrome gave a 1.6- to 2.5-fold increase in peroxide formation in the presence of a substrate, but resulted in decreased product formation from benzphetamine (9-fold), cyclohexane (4-fold), and 1-phenylethanol (2-fold). In sharp contrast, the deformylation of cyclohexane carboxaldehyde by the T302A mutant was increased about 10-fold. On the basis of these findings and our previous evidence that aldehyde deformylation is supported by added H202, but not by artificial oxidants, we conclude that the iron-peroxy species is the direct oxygen donor. It remains to be established which of the many other oxidative reactions involving P450 utilize this species and the extent to which peroxo-iron and oxenoid-iron function as alternative oxygenating agents with the numerous isoforms of this versatile catalyst.
Vol. 21, Issue 7, 24 pages
During the early Eocene, a series of short-term global warming events ("hyperthermals") occurred in response to the rapid release of carbon into the oceans and atmosphere. In order to investigate the response of ocean redox to global warming, we have determined the molybdenum isotope compositions (d98/95Mo) of samples spanning one such hyperthermal (Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM-2, 54.1 Ma)), from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 302 Site M0004A in the Arctic Ocean. The highest d98/95Mo in our sample set (2.00 ± 0.11 per mil) corresponds to the development of local euxinia at Site M0004A during the peak of ETM-2, which we interpret as recording the global seawater d98/95Mo at that time. The ETM-2 seawater d98/95Mo is indistinguishable from a recent estimate of seawater d98/95Mo from an earlier hyperthermal (Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM, 55.9 Ma), d98/95Mo = 2.08 ± 0.11 per mil). We argue that the similarity in seawater d98/95Mo during ETM-2 and the PETM was caused by the development of transient euxinia in the Arctic Ocean during each hyperthermal that allowed sediments accumulating in this basin to capture the long-term d98/95Mo of early Eocene seawater. Our new data therefore place a minimum constraint on the magnitude of transient global seafloor deoxygenation during early Eocene hyperthermals.
Se realizó un estudio transversal de prevalencia y factores de riesgo, en un universo de 418 trabajadores con una muestra de 170 personas, calculada en forma aleatoria simple, a partir de una prevalencia de Hipertensión arterial del 29%, con un nivel de confianza 95% y error de inferencia 6%. Los datos se obtuvieron por entrevista directa y se analizaron con el software SPSS. Resultados: la prevalencia de Hipertensión arterial fue de 31.2% (IC 95% 21.32-33.68). En los hombres de 29.1% (IC 95% 17.1 - 41.1); en las mujeres de 32.2% (IC 95% 23.7 - 40.7); entre los 40 y 54 años del 30.0% (IC 95% 21.5 -38.5) y entre los de 55 y 65 años, del 33.3% (IC 95% 21.4- 45.2). Se asoció positivamente la Hipertensión arterial con dislipidemia: RP 2.82 (IC 95% 1.29-6.14) y p= 0.003; con Diabetes Mellitus: RP 1.9 (IC 95% 0.96 3.76); con IMC ≥ 25 Kg/m2: RP 6.04 (IC 95% 3.03-12.03) y p=0.000; con obesidad abdominal: RP 4.38 (IC 95% 1.99-9.66) y p=0.000; con sedentarismo: RP 2.91 (IC 95% 1.47-5.76 y p=0.000. Conclusión: la prevalencia de Hipertensión arterial fue 31.2%. Se encontró asociación significativa con los factores de riesgo: Dislipidemia, Diabetes mellitus, sobrepeso,
Objetivo Determinar el nivel de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en pacientes con Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que acudieron al centro de Atención Ambulatorio 302 del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social, de la ciudad de Cuenca, durante mayo a julio de 2015. Material y métodos Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, en una muestra no probabilística de 289 pacientes durante el periodo de mayo a julio de 2015. Los datos de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas se obtuvieron por entrevista directa mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios validados y fueron analizados con el software SPSS versión 2015. Resultados La edad osciló entre 40 y 94 años, con una mediana de 69. El 61,6% fueron mujeres. El 91% residía en el área urbana. La mediana del tiempo de evolución de la diabetes fue 12 años. El nivel de conocimientos adecuados en diabetes fue 1,4%; intermedio de 61% e inadecuado de 77,5%. Actitudes positivas se detectó en el 88,2%, neutra 6,6% y negativas 5,2%. Muy buenas prácticas se determinaron en 5.5%, buenas prácticas en 67.1%, y malas prácticas en 27.3%. Conclusión La aplicación de los cuestionarios nos permitió determinar cuáles son las falencias de los diabéticos; para que tanto médicos como personal de salubridad, diseñen y apliquen estrategias, métodos de aprendizaje y comunicación para aumentar el nivel de conocimientos y prácticas, en pro de disminuir las tasas de morbimortalidad a causa de esta patología.
OBJETIVO: Descrever a variação temporal na prevalência de desnutrição infantil na região Nordeste do Brasil, em dois períodos sucessivos, identificando os principais fatores responsáveis pela evolução observada em cada período. MÉTODOS: Os dados analisados provêm de amostras probabilísticas da população de crianças menores de cinco anos estudadas por inquéritos domiciliares do programa Demographic Health Surveys realizados em 1986 (n=1.302), 1996 (n=1.108) e 2006 (n=950). A identificação dos fatores responsáveis pela variação na prevalência da desnutrição (altura para idade < -2 z) levou em conta mudanças na freqüência de cinco determinantes potenciais do estado nutricional, modelagens estatísticas da associação independente entre determinante e risco de desnutrição no início de cada período e cálculo de frações atribuíveis. RESULTADOS: A prevalência da desnutrição foi reduzida em um terço de 1986 a 1996 (de 33,9 por cento para 22,2 por cento ) e em quase três quartos de 1996 a 2006(de 22,2 por cento para 5,9 por cento ). Melhorias na escolaridade materna e na disponibilidade de serviços de saneamento foram particularmente importantes para o declínio da desnutrição no primeiro período, enquanto no segundo período foram decisivos o aumento do poder aquisitivo das famílias mais pobres e, novamente, a melhoria da escolaridade materna. CONCLUSÕES: A aceleração do declínio da desnutrição do primeiro para o segundo período foi consistente com a aceleração de melhorias em escolaridade materna, saneamento, assistência à saúde e antecedentes reprodutivos e, sobretudo, com o excepcional aumento do poder aquisitivo familiar, observado apenas no segundo período. Mantida a taxa de declínio observada entre 1996 e 2006, o problema da desnutrição infantil na região Nordeste poderia ser considerado controlado em menos de dez anos. ) Para se chegar a este resultado será preciso manter o aumento do poder aquisitivo dos mais pobres e assegurar investimentos públicos para completar a universalização do acesso a serviços essenciais de educação, saúde e saneamento
The aim of this study was to investigate HIV-1 molecular diversity and the epidemiological profile of HIV-1-infected patients from Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. A nested PCR followed by sequencing of a 302-base pair fragment of the env gene (C2-V3 region) was performed in samples from HIV-1-positive patients. A total of 45 sequences were aligned with final manual adjustments. The phylogenetic analyses showed a higher prevalence of HIV-1 subtype B in the studied population (97.8%) with only one sample yielding an F1 subtype. The viral genotyping prediction showed that CCR5 tropism was the most prevalent in the studied cohort. Geno2pheno analysis showed that R5 and CXCR4 prediction were 69% and 31%, respectively. There was no statistical significance, either in viral load or in CD4(+) T cell count when R5 and X4 prediction groups were compared. Moreover, the GPGR tetramer was the most common V3 loop core motif identified in the HIV-1 strains studied (34.1%) followed by GWGR, identified in 18.1% of the samples. The high level of B subtype in this Brazilian population reinforces the nature of the HIV epidemic in Brazil, and corroborates previous data obtained in the Brazilian HIV-infected population.
Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) is one of the most important parasitic diseases with serious social and economic impacts mainly on Latin America. This work reports the synthesis, in vitro trypanocidal evaluation, cytotoxicity assays, and molecular modeling and SAR/QSAR studies of a new series of N-phenylpyrazole benzylidene-carbohydrazides. The results pointed 6k (X = H, Y = p-NO(2), pIC(50) = 4.55 M) and 6l (X = F, Y = p-CN, pIC(50) = 4.27 M) as the most potent derivatives compared to crystal violet (pIC(50) = 3.77 M). The halogen-benzylidene-carbohydrazide presented the lowest potency whereas 6l showed the most promising pro. le with low toxicity (0% of cell death). The best equation from the 4D-QSAR analysis (Model 1) was able to explain 85% of the activity variability. The QSAR graphical representation revealed that bulky X-substituents decreased the potency whereas hydrophobic and hydrogen bond acceptor Y-substituents increased it. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Arg72Pro is a common polymorphism in TP53, showing differences in its biological functions. Case-control studies have been performed to elucidate the role of Arg72Pro in cancer, although the results are conflicting and heterogeneous. Here, we analyzed pooled data from case-control studies to determine the role of Arg72Pro in different cancer sites. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of 302 case-control studies that analyzed Arg72Pro in cancer susceptibility. Odds ratios were estimated for different tumor sites using distinct genetic models, and the heterogeneity between studies was explored using I(2) values and meta-regression. We adopted quality criteria to classify the studies. Subgroup analyses were done for tumor sites according to ethnicity, histological, and anatomical sites. Results indicated that Arg72Pro is associated with higher susceptibility to cancer in some tumor sites, mainly hepatocarcinoma. For some tumor sites, quality of studies was associated with the size of genetic association, mainly in cervical, head and neck, gastric, and lung cancer. However, study quality did not explain the observed heterogeneity substantially. Meta-regression showed that ethnicity, allelic frequency and genotyping method were responsible for a substantial part of the heterogeneity observed. Our results suggest ethnicity and histological and anatomical sites may modulate the penetrance of Arg72Pro in cancer susceptibility. This meta-analysis denotes the importance for more studies with good quality and that the covariates responsible for heterogeneity should be controlled to obtain a more conclusive response about the function of Arg72Pro in cancer.
BACKGROUND: Chromoblastomycosis is a subcutaneous mycosis that occurs mainly in rural workers although is being more commonly found among people working in other sectors. The fungus penetrates the skin after its inoculation and the most frequently isolated agent is the Fonsecaea pedrosoi. OBJECTIVES: This study aims at evaluating patients suffering from chromoblastomycosis admitted into the Department of Dermatology of the University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Sao Paulo State during the ten-year period from 1997 to 2007. METHODS: It is a retrospective study and the medical report cards of 27 Brazilian patients diagnosed as suffering from Chromoblastomycosis from 1997 to 2007 at the Dermatology Department of the Medical School, University of Sao Paulo were reviewed. The following items were analyzed: previous therapeutic approaches; treatment implemented by the group; length of time between the appearing of the lesion and diagnosis; age; gender; profession; origin; site of lesions; isolated agents found in culture and histopathology. RESULTS: Twenty two patients were from the state of Sao Paulo whereas the others came from the states of Bahia and Rondonia. 37% of them were rural workers. Men were more frequently infected (85%). Lesions were more commonly found on the lower limbs (59.2%). In 52% of the cases the isolated agent was the dematiaceous fungus Fonsecaea. pedrosoi. Biopsies showed sclerotic bodies in 92.5% of the cases. CONCLUSION: Data found are in accordance with medical literature on the subject. The disease had been previously studied in our institution in 1983 by Cuce et al. This present study is the second retrospective one about the characteristics of patients suffering from chromoblastmycosis which has been published in indexed medical literature in the state of Sao Paulo.
We describe two infants having an atrioventricular septal defect in the setting of a double inlet atrioventricular connection, but with patency of the left-sided valvar orifice and an imperforate right-sided valvar component, and a further case with atrioventricular septal defect and an imperforate Ebstein`s malformation, all producing the haemodynamic effect of tricuspid atresia. We make comparisons with the arrangement in trisomy 16 mice, in whom deficient atrioventricular septation is seen at times with the common atrioventricular junction exclusively connected to the left ventricle, a situation similar to that seen in two of our infants. We also review previous reports emphasising the important theoretical implication of the findings despite their rarity.