986 resultados para 240304 Other Plasma Physics


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The nonlinear theory of the instability caused by an electron beam-plasma interaction is studied. A nonlinear analysis has been carried out using many-body methods. A general formula for a neutral collisionless plasma, without external fields, is derived. This could be used for calculating the saturation levels of other instabilities. The effect of orbit perturbation theory on the beam-plasma instability is briefly reviewed.


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A multiple scales technique is employed to solve the fluid-Maxwell equations describing a weakly nonlinear circularly polarized electromagnetic pulse in magnetized plasma. A nonlinear Schrodinger-type (NLS) equation is shown to govern the amplitude of the vector potential. The conditions for modulational instability and for the existence of various types of localized envelope modes are investigated in terms of relevant parameters. Right-hand circularly polarized (RCP) waves are shown to be modulationally unstable regardless of the value of the ambient magnetic field and propagate as bright-type solitons. The same is true for left-hand circularly polarized (LCP) waves in a weakly to moderately magnetized plasma. In other parameter regions, LCP waves are stable in strongly magnetized plasmas and may propagate as dark-type solitons (electric field holes). The evolution of envelope solitons is analyzed numerically, and it is shown that solitons propagate in magnetized plasma without any essential change in amplitude and shape. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The study of non-Maxwellian plasmas is crucial to the understanding of space and astrophysical plasma dynamics. In this paper, we investigate the existence of arbitrary amplitude ion-acoustic solitary waves in an unmagnetized plasma consisting of ions and excess superthermal electrons (modelled by a kappa-type distribution), which is penetrated by an electron beam. A kappa (kappa-) type distribution is assumed for the background electrons. A (Sagdeev-type) pseudopotential formalism is employed to derive an energy-balance like equation. The range of allowed values of the soliton speed (Mach number), wherein solitary waves may exist, is determined. The Mach number range (allowed soliton speed values) becomes narrower under the combined effect of the electron beam and of the superthermal electrons, and may even be reduced to nil (predicting no solitary wave existence) for high enough beam density and low enough kappa (significant superthermality). For fixed values of all other parameters (Mach number, electron beam-to-ion density ratio and electron beam velocity), both soliton amplitude and (electric potential perturbation) profile steepness increase as kappa decreases. The combined occurrence of small-amplitude negative potential structures and larger amplitude positive ones is pointed out, while the dependence of either type on the plasma parameters is investigated.


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A novel numerical technique is proposed to model thermal plasma of microseconds/milliseconds time-scale effect. Modelling thermal plasma due to lightning strike will allow the estimation of electric current density, plasma pressure, and heat flux at the surface of the aircraft structure. These input data can then be used for better estimation of the mechanical/thermal induced damage on the aircraft structures for better protection systems design. Thermal plasma generated during laser cutting, electric (laser) welding and other plasma processing techniques have been the focus of many researchers. Thermal plasma is a gaseous state that consists from a mixture of electrons, ions, and natural particles. Thermal plasma can be assumed to be in local thermodynamic equilibrium, which means the electrons and the heavy species have equal temperature. Different numerical techniques have been developed using a coupled Navier Stokes – Heat transfer – Electromagnetic equations based on the assumption that the thermal plasma is a single laminar gas flow. These previous efforts focused on generating thermal plasma of time-scale in the range of seconds. Lighting strike on aircraft structures generates thermal plasma of time-scale of milliseconds/microseconds, which makes the previous physics used not applicable. The difficulty comes from the Navier-Stokes equations as the fluid is simulated under shock load, this introducing significant changes in the density and temperature of the fluid.


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A basic requirement of a plasma etching process is fidelity of the patterned organic materials. In photolithography, a He plasma pretreatment (PPT) based on high ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet (UV/VUV) exposure was shown to be successful for roughness reduction of 193nm photoresist (PR). Typical multilayer masks consist of many other organic masking materials in addition to 193nm PR. These materials vary significantly in UV/VUV sensitivity and show, therefore, a different response to the He PPT. A delamination of the nanometer-thin, ion-induced dense amorphous carbon (DAC) layer was observed. Extensive He PPT exposure produces volatile species through UV/VUV induced scissioning. These species are trapped underneath the DAC layer in a subsequent plasma etch (PE), causing a loss of adhesion. Next to stabilizing organic materials, the major goals of this work included to establish and evaluate a cyclic fluorocarbon (FC) based approach for atomic layer etching (ALE) of SiO2 and Si; to characterize the mechanisms involved; and to evaluate the impact of processing parameters. Periodic, short precursor injections allow precise deposition of thin FC films. These films limit the amount of available chemical etchant during subsequent low energy, plasma-based Ar+ ion bombardment, resulting in strongly time-dependent etch rates. In situ ellipsometry showcased the self-limited etching. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) confirms FC film deposition and mixing with the substrate. The cyclic ALE approach is also able to precisely etch Si substrates. A reduced time-dependent etching is seen for Si, likely based on a lower physical sputtering energy threshold. A fluorinated, oxidized surface layer is present during ALE of Si and greatly influences the etch behavior. A reaction of the precursor with the fluorinated substrate upon precursor injection was observed and characterized. The cyclic ALE approach is transferred to a manufacturing scale reactor at IBM Research. Ensuring the transferability to industrial device patterning is crucial for the application of ALE. In addition to device patterning, the cyclic ALE process is employed for oxide removal from Si and SiGe surfaces with the goal of minimal substrate damage and surface residues. The ALE process developed for SiO2 and Si etching did not remove native oxide at the level required. Optimizing the process enabled strong O removal from the surface. Subsequent 90% H2/Ar plasma allow for removal of C and F residues.


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Actualmente, la física de plasmas constituye una parte importante de la investigación en física que está siendo desarrollada. Su campo de aplicación varía desde el estudio de plasmas interestelares y cósmicos, como las estrellas, las nebulosas, el medio intergaláctico, etc.; hasta aplicaciones más terrenales como la producción de microchips o los dispositivos de iluminación. Resulta particularmente interesante el estudio del contacto de una superficie metálica con un plasma. Siendo la razón que, la dinámica de la interfase formada entre un plasma imperturbado y una superficie metálica, resulta de gran importancia cuando se trata de estudiar problemas como: la implantación iónica en una oblea de silicio, el grabado por medio de plasmas, la carga de una aeronave cuando atraviesa la ionosfera y la diagnosis de plasmas mediante sondas de Langmuir. El uso de las sondas de Langmuir está extendido a través de multitud de aplicaciones tecnológicas e industriales como método de diagnosis de plasmas. Algunas de estas aplicaciones han sido mencionadas justo en el párrafo anterior. Es más, su uso también es muy popular en la investigación en física de plasmas, por ser una de las pocas técnicas de diagnosis que proporciona información local sobre el plasma. El equipamiento donde es habitualmente implementado varía desde plasmas de laboratorio de baja temperatura hasta plasmas de fusión en dispositivos como tokamaks o stellerators. La geometría más popular de este tipo de sondas es cilíndrica, y la principal magnitud que se usa para diagnosticar el plasma es la corriente recogida por la sonda cuando se encuentra polarizada a un cierto potencial. Existe un interes especial en diagnosticar por medio de la medida de la corriente iónica recogida por la sonda, puesto que produce una perturbación muy pequeña del plasma en comparación con el uso de la corriente electrónica. Dada esta popularidad, no es de extrañar que grandes esfuerzos se hayan realizado en la consecución de un modelo teórico que explique el comportamiento de una sonda de Langmuir inmersa en un plasma. Hay que remontarse a la primera mitad del siglo XX para encontrar las primeras teorías que permiten diagnosticar parámetros del plasma mediante la medida de la corriente iónica recogida por la sonda de Langmuir. Desde entonces, las mejoras en estos modelos y el desarrollo de otros nuevos ha sido una constante en la investigación en física de plasmas. No obstante, todavía no está claro como los iones se aproximan a la superficie de la sonda. Las dos principales, a la par que opuestas, aproximaciones al problema que están ampliamente aceptadas son: la radial y la orbital; siendo el problema que ambas predicen diferentes valores para la corriente iónica. Los experimentos han arrojado resultados de acuerdo con ambas teorías, la radial y la orbital; y lo que es más importante, una transición entre ambos ha sido recientemente observada. La mayoría de los logros conseguidos a la hora de comprender como los iones caen desde el plasma hacia la superficie de la sonda, han sido llevados a cabo en el campo de la dinámica de fluidos o la teoría cinética. Por otra parte, este problema puede ser abordado mediante el uso de simulaciones de partículas. La principal ventaja de las simulaciones de partículas sobre los modelos de fluidos o cinéticos es que proporcionan mucha más información sobre los detalles microscópicos del movimiento de las partículas, además es relativamente fácil introducir interacciones complejas entre las partículas. No obstante, estas ventajas no se obtienen gratuitamente, ya que las simulaciones de partículas requieren grandísimos recursos. Por esta razón, es prácticamente obligatorio el uso de técnicas de procesamiento paralelo en este tipo de simulaciones. El vacío en el conocimiento de las sondas de Langmuir, es el que motiva nuestro trabajo. Nuestra aproximación, y el principal objetivo de este trabajo, ha sido desarrollar una simulación de partículas que nos permita estudiar el problema de una sonda de Langmuir inmersa en un plasma y que está negativamente polarizada con respecto a éste. Dicha simulación nos permitiría estudiar el comportamiento de los iones en los alrededores de una sonda cilíndrica de Langmuir, así como arrojar luz sobre la transición entre las teorías radiales y orbitales que ha sido observada experimentalmente. Justo después de esta sección introductoria, el resto de la tesis está dividido en tres partes tal y como sigue: La primera parte está dedicada a establecer los fundamentos teóricos de las sondas de Langmuir. En primer lugar, se realiza una introducción general al problema y al uso de sondas de Langmuir como método de diagnosis de plasmas. A continuación, se incluye una extensiva revisión bibliográfica sobre las diferentes teorías que proporcionan la corriente iónica recogida por una sonda. La segunda parte está dedicada a explicar los detalles de las simulaciones de partículas que han sido desarrolladas a lo largo de nuestra investigación, así como los resultados obtenidos con las mismas. Esta parte incluye una introducción sobre la teoría que subyace el tipo de simulaciones de partículas y las técnicas de paralelización que han sido usadas en nuestros códigos. El resto de esta parte está dividido en dos capítulos, cada uno de los cuales se ocupa de una de las geometrías consideradas en nuestras simulaciones (plana y cilíndrica). En esta parte discutimos también los descubrimientos realizados relativos a la transición entre el comportamiento radial y orbital de los iones en los alrededores de una sonda cilíndrica de Langmuir. Finalmente, en la tercera parte de la tesis se presenta un resumen del trabajo realizado. En este resumen, se enumeran brevemente los resultados de nuestra investigación y se han incluido algunas conclusiones. Después de esto, se enumeran una serie de perspectivas futuras y extensiones para los códigos desarrollados.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to report the resistance of plasma-sprayed titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanostructured coatings in a corrosive environment.----- Design/methodology/approach: Weight loss studies are performed according to ASTM G31 specifications in 3.5?wt% NaCl. Electrochemical polarization resistance measurements are made according to ASTM G59-91 specifications. Corrosion resistance in a humid and corrosive environment is determined by exposing the samples in a salt spray chamber for 100?h. Microstructural studies are carried out using an atomic force microscope and scanning electron microscope.----- Findings: The nanostructured TiO2 coatings offer good resistance to corrosion, as shown by the results of immersion, electrochemical and salt spray studies. The corrosion resistance of the coating is dictated primarily by the geometry of splat lamellae, density of unmelted nanoparticles, magnitude of porosity and surface homogeneity.----- Practical implications: The TiO2 nanostructured coatings show promising potential for use as abrasion, wear-resistant and thermal barrier coatings for service in harsh environments.----- Originality/value: The paper relates the corrosion resistance of nanostructured TiO2 coatings to their structure and surface morphology.


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Improving efficiency and flexibility in pulsed power supply technologies is the most substantial concern of pulsed power systems specifically with regard to plasma generation. Recently, the improvement of pulsed power supply has become of greater concern due to the extension of pulsed power applications to environmental and industrial areas. With this respect, a current source based topology is proposed in this paper as a pulsed power supply which gives the possibility of power flow control during load supplying mode. The main contribution in this configuration is utilization of low-medium voltage semiconductor switches for high voltage generation. A number of switch-diode-capacitor units are designated at the output of topology to exchange the current source energy into voltage form and generate a pulsed power with sufficient voltage magnitude and stress. Simulations carried out in Matlab/SIMULINK platform as well as experimental tests on a prototype setup have verified the capability of this topology in performing desired duties. Being efficient and flexible are the main advantages of this topology.


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The new configuration proposed in this paper for Marx Generator (MG) aims to generate high voltage for pulsed power applications through reduced number of semiconductor components with a more efficient load supplying process. The main idea is to charge two groups of capacitors in parallel through an inductor and take advantage of resonant phenomenon in charging each capacitor up to a double input voltage level. In each resonant half a cycle, one of those capacitor groups are charged, and eventually the charged capacitors will be connected in series and the summation of the capacitor voltages can be appeared at the output of the topology. This topology can be considered as a modified Marx generator which works based on the resonant concept. Simulated models of this converter have been investigated in Matlab/SIMULINK platform and a prototype set up has been implemented in laboratory. The acquired results of either fully satisfy the anticipations in proper operation of the converter.


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This paper presents a novel topology for the generation of high voltage pulses that uses both slow and fast solid-state power switches. This topology includes diode-capacitor units in parallel with commutation circuits connected to a positive buck-boost converter. This enables the generation of a range of high output voltages with a given number of capacitors. The advantages of this topology are the use of slow switches and a reduced number of diodes in comparison with conventional Marx generator. Simulations performed for single and repetitive pulse generation and experimental tests of a prototype hardware verify the proposed topology.


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The new configuration proposed in this paper for Marx Generator (MG.) aims to generate high voltage for pulsed power applications through reduced number of semiconductor components with a more efficient load supplying process. The main idea is to charge two groups of capacitors in parallel through an inductor and take the advantage of resonant phenomenon in charging each capacitor up to a double input voltage level. In each resonant half a cycle, one of those capacitor groups are charged, and eventually the charged capacitors will be connected in series and the summation of the capacitor voltages can be appeared at the output of the topology. This topology can be considered as a modified Marx generator which works based on the resonant concept. Simulated models of this converter have been investigated in Matlab/SIMULINK platform and the acquired results fully satisfy the anticipations in proper operation of the converter.


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Stem cells (SC) are among the most promising cell sources for tissue engineering due to their ability to self-renew and differentiate, properties that underpin their clinical application in tissue regeneration. As such, control of SC fate is one of the most crucial issues that needs to be fully understood to realise their tremendous potential in regenerative biology. The use of functionalized nanostructured materials (NM) to control the microscale regulation of SC has offered a number of new features and opportunities for regulating SC. However, fabricating and modifying such NM to induce specific SC response still represent a significant scientific and technological challenge. Due to their versatility, plasmas are particularly attractive for the manufacturing and modification of tailored nanostructured surfaces for stem cell control. In this review, we briefly describe the biological role of SC and the mechanisms by which they are controlled and then highlight the benefits of using a range of nanomaterials to control the fate of SC. We then discuss how plasma nanoscience research can help produce/functionalise these NMs for more effective and specific interaction with SCs. The review concludes with a perspective on the advantages and challenges of research at the intersection between plasma physics, materials science, nanoscience, and SC biology.


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A three-component fluid model for a dusty plasma-sheath in an oblique magnetic field is presented. The study is carried out for the conditions when the thermophoretic force associated with the electron temperature gradient is one of the most important forces affecting dust grains in the sheath. It is shown that the sheath properties (the sheath size, the electron, ion and dust particle densities and velocities, the electric field potential, and the forces affecting the dust particles) are functions of the neutral gas pressure and ion temperature, the dust size, the dust material density, and the electron temperature gradient. Effects of plasma-dust collisions on the sheath structure are studied. It is shown that an increase in the forces pushing dust particles to the wall is accompanied by a decrease in the sheath width. The results of this work are particularly relevant to low-temperature plasma-enabled technologies, where effective control of nano- and microsized particles near solid or liquid surfaces is required.