533 resultados para 231Pa xs


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This work aims to study the oxidation of a complex molybdenite mineral which contains pyrite and pyrrotite, by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. This study was performed by respirometric essays and bioleaching in shake flasks. Respirometric essays yielded the kinetics of mineral oxidation. The findings showed that sulfide oxidation followed classical Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Bioleaching in shake flasks allowed evaluation of chemical and mineralogical changes resulting from sulfide oxidation. The results demonstrated that pyrrotite and pyrite were completely oxidized in A. ferrooxidans cultures whereas molybdenite was not consumed. These data indicated that molybdenite was the most recalcitrant sulfide in the sample.


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We calculate the O(αs) corrections to the double differential decay width dΓ77/(ds1ds2) for the process B¯→Xsγγ, originating from diagrams involving the electromagnetic dipole operator O7. The kinematical variables s1 and s2 are defined as si=(pb−qi)2/m2b, where pb, q1, q2 are the momenta of the b quark and two photons. We introduce a nonzero mass ms for the strange quark to regulate configurations where the gluon or one of the photons become collinear with the strange quark and retain terms which are logarithmic in ms, while discarding terms which go to zero in the limit ms→0. When combining virtual and bremsstrahlung corrections, the infrared and collinear singularities induced by soft and/or collinear gluons drop out. By our cuts the photons do not become soft, but one of them can become collinear with the strange quark. This implies that in the final result a single logarithm of ms survives. In principle, the configurations with collinear photon emission could be treated using fragmentation functions. In a related work we find that similar results can be obtained when simply interpreting ms appearing in the final result as a constituent mass. We do so in the present paper and vary ms between 400 and 600 MeV in the numerics. This work extends a previous paper by us, where only the leading power terms with respect to the (normalized) hadronic mass s3=(pb−q1−q2)2/m2b were taken into account in the underlying triple differential decay width dΓ77/(ds1ds2ds3).


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In this analysis, we present the contribution associated with the chromomagnetic dipole operator O8 to the double differential decay width dΓ/(ds1ds2) for the inclusive process B¯→Xsγγ. The kinematical variables s1 and s2 are defined as si=(pb−qi)2/m2b, where pb, q1, q2 are the momenta of b quark and two photons. This contribution (taken at tree level) is of order αs, like the recently calculated QCD corrections to the contribution of the operator O7. In order to regulate possible collinear singularities of one of the photons with the strange quark, we introduce a nonzero mass ms for the strange quark. Our results are obtained for exact ms, which we interpret as a constituent mass being varied between 400 and 600 MeV. Numerically it turns out that the effect of the (O8, O8) contribution to the branching ratio of B¯→Xsγγ does not exceed +0.1% for any kinematically allowed value of our physical cutoff parameter c, confirming the expected suppression of this contribution relative to the QCD corrections to dΓ77/(ds1ds2).


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To reconstruct Recent and past sedimentary environments, marine sediments of Upper Pleistocene and Holocene ages from the eastern Arctic Ocean and especially from the Nansen-Gakkel Ridge (NGR) were investigated by means of radioisotopic, geochemical and sedimentological methods. In combination with mass physical property data and lithological analysis these investigations allow clearly to characterize the depositional environments. Age dating by using the radioisotope 230Th gives evidence that the investigated sediments from the NGR are younger than 250,000 years. Identical lithological sediment sequences within and between sediment cores from the NGR can be related to sedimentary processes which are clearly controlled by palaeoclimate. The sediments consist predominantly of siliciclastic, terrigenous ice-rafted detritus (IRD) deriving from assorted and redeposited sediments from the Siberian shelfs. By their geochemical composition the sediments are similar to mudstone, graywacke and arcose. Sea-ice as well as icebergs play a major roll in marine arctic sedimentation. In the NGR area rapid change in sedimentary conditions can be detected 128,000 years ago. This was due to drastic change in the kind of ice cover, resulting from rapid climatic change within only hundreds of years. So icebergs, deriving mostly from Siberian shelfs, vanished and sea-ice became dominant in the eastern Arctic Ocean. At least three short-period retreats of the shelf ice between 186,000 and 128,000 years are responsible for the change of coarse to fine-grained sediments in the NGR area. These warmer stages lasted between 1,000 and 3,000 years. By monitoring and comparing the distribution patterns of sedimentologic, mass physical and geochemical properties with 230Th ex activity distribution patterns in the sediment cores from the NGR, there is clear evidence that sediment dilution is responsible for high 230Th ex activity variations. Thus sedimentation rate is the controlling factor of 230Th ex activity variations. The 230Th flux density in sediments from the NGR seems to be highly dependent On topographic Position. The distribution patterns of chemical elements in sediment cores are in general governed by lithology. The derivation of a method for dry bulk density determination gave the opportunity to establish a high resolution stratigraphy on sediment cores from the eastern Arctic Ocean, based on 230Thex activity analyses. For the first time sedimentation and accumulation rates were determined for recent sediments in the eastern Arctic Ocean by 230Th ex analyses. Bulk accumulation rates are highly variable in space and time, ranging between 0.2 and 30 g/cm**2/ka. In the sediments from the NGR highly variable accumulation rates are related to the kind of ice cover. There is evidence for hydrothermal input into the sediments of the NGR. Hydrothermal activity probably also influences surficial sediments in the Sofia Basin. High contents of As are typical for surficial sediments from the NGR. In particular SL 370-20 from the bottom of the rift valley has As contents exceeding in parts 300 ppm. Hydrothermal activity can be traced back to at least 130,000 years. Recent to subrecent tectonic activity is documented by the rock debris in KAL 370 from the NGR. In four other sediment cores from the NGR rift valley area tectonically induced movements can be dated to about 130,000 years ago, related most probably to the rapid climate change. Processes of early diagenesis in sediments from the NGR caused the aobilization and redeposition of Fe, Mn and Mo. These diagenetic processes probably took place during the last 130,000 years. In sediment cores from the NGR high amounts of kaolinite are related to coarse grained siliciclastic material, probably indicating reworking and redeposition of siberian sandstones with kaolinitic binding material. In contrast to kaolinite, illite is correlated to total clay and 232Th contents. Aragonite, associated with serpentinites in the rift valley area of the NGR, was precipitated under cold bottom-water conditions. Preliminary data result in a time of formation about 60 - 80 ka ago. Manganese precipitates with high Ni contents, which can be related to the ultrabasic rocks, are of similar age.


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Biogenic particle fluxes from highly productive surface waters, boundary scavenging, and hydrothermal activity are the main factors influencing the deposition of radionuclides in the area of the Galapagos microplate, eastern Equatorial Pacific. In order to evaluate the importance of these three processes throughout the last 100 kyr, concentrations of the radionuclides 10Be, 230Th, and 231Pa, and of Mn and Fe were measured at high resolution in sediment samples from two gravity cores KLH 068 and KLH 093. High biological productivity in the surface waters overlying the investigated area has led to 10Be and 231Pa fluxes exceeding production during at least the last 30 kyr and probably the last 100 kyr. However, during periods of high productivity at the up welling centers off Peru and extension of the equatorial high-productivity zone, a relative loss of 10Be and 231Pa may have occurred in these sediment cores because of boundary scavenging. The effects of hydrothermal activity were investigated by comparing the 230Thex concentrations to the Mn/Fe ratios and by comparing the fluxes of 230Th and 10Be which exceed production. The results suggest an enhanced hydrothermal influence during isotope stages 4 and 5 and to a lesser extent during isotope stage 1 in core KLH 093. During isotope stages 2 and 3, the hydrothermal supply of Mn was deposited elsewhere, probably because of changes in current regime or deep water oxygenation. A strong increase of the Mn/Fe ratio at the beginning of climatic stage 1 which is not accompanied by an increase of the 230Thex concentration is interpreted to be an effect of Mn remobilization and reprecipitation in the sediment.


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A manganese oxide crust from an extensive deposit in the median valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was found to be unusually high in manganese (up to 39.4% Mn), low in Fe (as low as 0.01% Fe), low in trace metals and deficient in Th230 and Pa231 with respect to the parent uranium isotopes in the sample. The accumulation rate is 100 mm to 200 mm/10 million year, or 2 orders of magnitude faster than the typical rate for deep-sea ferromanganese deposits. The rapid growth rate and unusual chemistry are consistent with a hydrothermal origin or with a diagenetic origin by manganese remobilized from reduced sediments. Because of the association with an active ridge, geophysical evidence indicative of hydrothermal activity, and a scarcity of sediment in the sampling area, we suggest that a submarine hot spring has created the deposit.


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In large areas of the world's oceans, there is a relationship between the mass flux of particulate matter and the unsupported 231Pa/230Th (xs231Pa/xs230Th) activity ratio of recent sediments. This observation forms the basis for using the xs231Pa/xs230Th ratio as a proxy for past changes in export productivity. However, a simple relationship between xs231Pa/xs 230Th ratio and particle flux requires that the water residence time in an ocean basin is far in excess of the scavenging residence time of 231Pa, and that the composition of sinking particles maintains a strong preference for the adsorption of 230Th over 231Pa with a constant 230Th/231Pa fractionation factor (F). The best correlation between xs231Pa/xs230Th ratio and mass flux is found in the Pacific Ocean. In the Atlantic, the contrast in the xs231Pa/xs230Th ratios between open ocean (low flux regions) and ocean margins (high flux regions) is much less pronounced due to the shorter residence time of deep water, resulting in less effective boundary scavenging of 231Pa. In the Southern Ocean, south of the Polar Front, there is no more a simple relationship between xs231Pa/xs230Th and particle flux. This is a result of a southward decrease in F, probably reflecting the increased opal content of sinking particles. Opal does not fractionate 231Pa and 230Th significantly. This lack of fractionation results in high xs231Pa/xs230Th ratios in opal-dominated regions, even in areas of very low particle fluxes such as the Weddell Sea. The xs231Pa/xs230Th ratio can therefore only be used as a paleoproductivity proxy if, in the time interval of interest, changes in the basin ventilation rate and differential scavenging of both radionuclides due to changes in the chemical composition of particulate matter can be excluded.


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In the context of the KErguelen Ocean and Plateau compared Study (KEOPS, 19 January-13 February 2005), particle dynamics were investigated using thorium isotope measurements over and off the Kerguelen plateau. Dissolved and particulate 230Th and 232Th samples were collected at nine stations. Dissolved excess 230Th concentrations (230Thxs) vary from 0.5 to 20.8 fg/kg and particulate 230Thxs concentrations from 0.1 to 10.0 fg/kg. Dissolved and particulate 232Th concentration ranges are 16.8-450.2 pg/kg and 3.8-502.8 pg/kg, respectively. The 230Thxs concentrations increase linearly with depth down to the bottom at most of the plateau stations and down to 1000 m at the off-plateau stations. This linear trend is observed down to the bottom (1550 m) at Kerfix, the open-ocean "upstream" station located west of the Kerguelen plateau. A simple reversible scavenging model applied to these data allowed the estimation of adsorption rate constant (k1~=0.2-0.8 per year), desorption rate constant (k-1~=1-8 per year) and partition coefficients (average K=0.16±0.07). Calculated particle settling velocities S deduced from this simple model are ca. 500 m/year at most of the plateau stations and 800 m/year at all the off-plateau stations. The plateau settling velocities are relatively low for such a productive site, compared to the surrounding HNLC areas. The difference might reflect the fact that lateral advection is neglected in this model. Taking this advection into account allows the reconstruction of the observed 230Thxs linear distributions, but only if faster settling velocities are considered. This implies that the 1D model strongly underestimates the settling velocity of the particles. In the deep layers, the occurrence of intense boundary scavenging along the escarpment due to bottom sediment re-suspension and interaction with a nepheloid layer, yielding a removal of ?50% of the Th stock along the northwestward transect, is suggested.


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Studies from the subtropical western and eastern Atlantic Ocean, using the 231Pa/230Th ratio as a kinematic proxy for deep water circulation, provided compelling evidence for a strong link between climate and the rate of meridional overturning circulation (MOC) over the last deglaciation. In this study, we present a compilation of existing and new sedimentary 231Pa/230Th records from North Atlantic cores between 1710 and 4550 m water depth. Comparing sedimentary 231Pa/230Th from different depths provides new insights into the evolution of the geometry and rate of deep water formation in the North Atlantic during the last 20,000 years. The 231Pa/230Th ratio measured in upper Holocene sediments indicates slow water renewal above ?2500 m and rapid flushing below, consistent with our understanding of modern circulation. In contrast, during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water (GNAIW) drove a rapid overturning circulation to a depth of at least ?3000 m depth. Below ~4000 m, water renewal was much slower than today. At the onset of Heinrich event 1, transport by the overturning circulation declined at all depths. GNAIW shoaled above 3000 m and significantly weakened but did not totally shut down. During the Bølling-Allerød (BA) that followed, water renewal rates further decreased above 2000 m but increased below. Our results suggest for the first time that ocean circulation during that period was quite distinct from the modern circulation mode, with a comparatively higher renewal rate above 3000 m and a lower renewal rate below in a pattern similar to the LGM but less accentuated. MOC during the Younger Dryas appears very similar to BA down to 2000 m and slightly slower below.