382 resultados para 2177
The aim of this thesis was to study the seismic tomography structure of the earth s crust together with earthquake distribution and mechanism beneath the central Fennoscandian Shield, mainly in southern and central Finland. The earthquake foci and some fault plane solutions are correlated with 3-D images of the velocity tomography. The results are discussed in relation to the stress field of the Shield and with other geophysical, e.g. geomagnetic, gravimetric, tectonic, and anisotropy studies of the Shield. The earthquake data of the Fennoscandian Shield has been extracted from the Nordic earthquake parameter data base which was founded at the time of inception of the earthquake catalogue for northern Europe. Eight earlier earthquake source mechanisms are included in a pilot study on creating a novel technique for calculating an earthquake fault plane solution. Altogether, eleven source mechanisms of shallow, weak earthquakes are related in the 3-D tomography model to trace stresses of the crust in southern and central Finland. The earthquakes in the eastern part of the Fennoscandian Shield represent low-active, intraplate seismicity. Earthquake mechanisms with NW-SE oriented horizontal compression confirm that the dominant stress field originates from the ridge-push force in the North Atlantic Ocean. Earthquakes accumulate in coastal areas, in intersections of tectonic lineaments, in main fault zones or are bordered by fault lines. The majority of Fennoscandian earthquakes concentrate on the south-western Shield in southern Norway and Sweden. Onwards, epicentres spread via the ridge of the Shield along the west-coast of the Gulf of Bothnia northwards along the Tornio River - Finnmark fault system to the Barents Sea, and branch out north-eastwards via the Kuusamo region to the White Sea Kola Peninsula faults. The local seismic tomographic method was applied to find the terrane distribution within the central parts of the Shield the Svecofennian Orogen. From 300 local explosions a total of 19765 crustal Pg- and Sg-wave arrival times were inverted to create independent 3-D Vp and Vs tomographic models, from which the Vp/Vs ratio was calculated. The 3-D structure of the crust is presented as a P-wave and for the first time as an S-wave velocity model, and also as a Vp/Vs-ratio model of the SVEKALAPKO area that covers 700x800 km2 in southern and central Finland. Also, some P-wave Moho-reflection data was interpolated to image the relief of the crust-mantle boundary (i.e. Moho). In the tomography model, the seismic velocities vary smoothly. The lateral variations are larger for Vp (dVp =0.7 km/s) than for Vs (dVs =0.4 km/s). The Vp/Vs ratio varies spatially more distinctly than P- and S-wave velocities, usually from 1.70 to 1.74 in the upper crust and from 1.72 to 1.78 in the lower crust. Schist belts and their continuations at depth are associated with lower velocities and lower Vp/Vs ratios than in the granitoid areas. The tomography modelling suggests that the Svecofennian Orogen was accreted from crustal blocks ranging in size from 100x100 km2 to 200x200 km2 in cross-sectional area. The intervening sedimentary belts have ca. 0.2 km/s lower P- and S-wave velocities and ca. 0.04 lower Vp/Vs ratios. Thus, the tomographic model supports the concept that the thick Svecofennian crust was accreted from several crustal terranes, some hidden, and that the crust was later modified by intra- and underplating. In conclusion, as a novel approach the earthquake focal mechanism and focal depth distribution is discussed in relation to the 3-D tomography model. The schist belts and the transformation zones between the high- and low-velocity anomaly blocks are characterized by deeper earthquakes than the granitoid areas where shallow events dominate. Although only a few focal mechanisms were solved for southern Finland, there is a trend towards strike-slip and oblique strike-slip movements inside schist areas. The normal dip-slip type earthquakes are typical in the seismically active Kuusamo district in the NE edge of the SVEKALAPKO area, where the Archean crust is ca. 15-20 km thinner than the Proterozoic Svecofennian crust. Two near vertical dip-slip mechanism earthquakes occurred in the NE-SW junction between the Central Finland Granitoid Complex and the Vyborg rapakivi batholith, where high Vp/Vs-ratio deep-set intrusion splits the southern Finland schist belt into two parts in the tomography model.
In an effort to find a simple and common single-source precursor route for the group 13 metal nitride semiconductor nanostructures, the complexes formed by the trichlorides of Al, Ga and In with urea have been investigated. The complexes, characterized by X-ray crystallography and other techniques, yield the nitrides on thermal decomposition. Single crystalline nanowires of AlN, GaN and InN have been deposited on Si substrates covered with Au islands by using the complexes as precursors. The urea complexes yield single crystalline nanocrystals under solvothermal conditions. The successful synthesis of the nanowires and nanocrystals of these three important nitrides by a simple single-precursor route is noteworthy and the method may indeed be useful in practice.
The signatures of the coexistence of para and ferromagnetic phases for the Fe3+ charge state of iron have been identified in the low temperature electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra in undoped CdZnTe (Zn similar to 4%) crystals and independently verified by superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) and AC susceptibility measurements. In the paramagnetic phase the inverse of AC susceptibility follows the Curie-Weiss law. In the ferromagnetic phase the thermal evolution of magnetization follows the well-known Bloch T-3/2 law. This is further supported by the appearance of hysteresis in the SQUID measurements at 2 K below T-c which is expected to lie in between 2 and 2.5 K. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de estudiar el efecto de cuatro intervalos de medición de leche (diario, cada 7, 14 y 28 días) sobre la producción de leche total, la repetibilidad y la forma de la curva de lactancia. Para lo cual se utilizaron los registros productivos y reproductivos del hato criollo Reyna de la Finca San José ubicada en Masatepe, Nicaragua.
Se estudiaron 105 lactancia provenientes de 28 vacas durante el periodo de 1982 - 1990. Las características estudiadas fueron PLTOT, repetibilidad y la forma de la curva de lactancia.
Todos los análisis estadísticos fueron realizados con el procedimiento de mínimos cuadrados y máxima verosimilitud establecido en el paquete estadístico LSMLMW
El presente trabajo de investigación se establec ió en la sede central de la Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA), ubicada en el municipio de Managua kilómetro 12 ½ carretera panamericana no rte del departamento de Managua. El objetivo del experimento fue estudiar el efecto de seis tratamientos nitrogenados y con sistema de riego lo calizado que abasteció de 3.6 litros de agua por metro lineal por día en la producción de chilote en el cultivo de maíz (Zea Mays L.), variedad NB - S con, una densidad de 125,000 ptas/ha. El ensayo se estableció en un diseño experimental de bloques comple to s al azar (BCA), unifactorial , con seis tratamientos (A= 50 kg/ha de N; aplicado el 100 % a los 21 ddg ; B= 50 kg/ha de N aplicado el 50% de la dosis a los 21ddg y 50% de la dosis a los 42 ddg; C= 50 kg/ha de N; aplicado aplicado el 100 % a los 42 ddg; D=1 00 kg/ha de N; aplicado el 100 % a los 21 ddg; E= 100 kg/ha de N; aplicado el 50% de la dosis a los 21 ddg y 50% de la dosis a los 42 ddg; F= 100 kg/ha de N; aplicado el 100 % a los 42 ddg. ) y cuatro repeticiones , para evaluar el efecto de los mismos s obre el crecimiento del maíz y rendimiento del chilote. Las variables evaluadas durante el desarrollo de la planta fueron: Altura de la planta (cm), diámetro del tallo (cm), numero de hojas por planta; las variables de rendimiento evaluadas durante la cose cha fueron las siguientes: Altura de primera y segunda inserción del chilote (cm), peso del chilote con bráctea y sin bráctea (cm), diámetro del chilote con bráctea y sin bráctea (mm) y rendim iento del chilote con bráctea (k g/ha - 1 ). Cada una de las variabl es fueron sometidas a una evaluación estadística por medio del análisis de varianza y separación de medias por Duncan al 5% de confiabilidad. De los seis tratamientos evaluados , el tratamiento E indujo el mayor rendimiento del chilote con una producción de 3 , 819.37 Kg/ha con un beneficio neto de C$ 21,173.69 y una tasa de retorno marginal del 512.5%
This report provides an assessment of recent investigations into endocrine disruption in fresh and saltwater species of fish. Most work to date has concen-trated on reproductive endocrine disruption. Laboratory studies have shown a variety of synthetic and natural chemicals including certain industrial intermediates, PAHs, PCBs, pesticides, dioxins, trace elements and plant sterols can interfere with the endocrine system in fish. The potency of most of these chemicals, however, is typically hundreds to thousands of times less than that of endog-enous hormones. Evidence of environmental endocrine disruption ranges from the presence of female egg proteins in males and reduced levels of endogenous hormones in both males and females, to gonadal histopathologies and intersex (presence of ovotestes) fish. Overt endocrine disruption in fish does not appear to be a ubiquitous environmental phenomenon, but rather more likely to occur near sewage treatment plants, pulp and paper mills, and in areas of high organic chemical contamination. However, more wide-spread endocrine disruption can occur in rivers with smaller flows and correspondingly large or numerous wastewater inputs. Some of the most severe examples of endocrine disruption in fish have been found adjacent to sewage treatment plants. Effects are thought to be caused prima-rily by natural and synthetic estrogens and to a lesser extent by the degradation products of alkylphenol poly-ethoxylate surfactants. Effects found in fish near pulp and paper mills include reduced levels of estrogens and androgens as well as masculinization of females, and has been linked to the presence of β-sitosterol, a plant sterol. Effects seen in areas of heavy industrial activity typically include depressed levels of estrogens and androgens as well as reduced gonadal growth, and may be linked to the presence of PAHs, PCBs, and possibly dioxins. At this time, however, there is no clear indication that large populations of fish are being seriously impacted as a result of endocrine disruption, although additional work is needed to address this possibility. (PDF contains 63 pages)
Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo
We found that Ce3+:Lu2Si2O7 single crystals could be excited at 800 nm by using a femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser. The emission spectra of Ce3+:Lu2Si2O7 crystals were the same for one-photon excitation at 267 nm as for excitation at 800 nm. The emission intensity of Ce3+: Lu2Si2O7 crystals was found to depend on the cube of the laser power at 800 nm, consistent with simultaneous absorption of three 800 nm photons. The measured value of the three-photon absorption cross section is sigma'(3) = 2.44 x 10(-77) cm(6) s(2). (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
Background: Austronesian is a linguistic family spread in most areas of the Southeast Asia, the Pacific Ocean, and the Indian Ocean. Based on their linguistic similarity, this linguistic family included Malayo-Polynesians and Taiwan aborigines. The lingui
Numerous structures uplift under the influence of strong ground motion. Although many researchers have investigated the effects of base uplift on very stiff (ideally rigid) structures, the rocking response of flexible structures has received less attention. Related practical analysis methods treat these structures with simplified 'equivalent' oscillators without directly addressing the interaction between elasticity and rocking. This paper addresses the fundamental dynamics of flexible rocking structures. The nonlinear equations of motion, derived using a Lagrangian formulation for large rotations, are presented for an idealized structural model. Particular attention is devoted to the transition between successive phases; a physically consistent classical impact framework is utilized alongside an energy approach. The fundamental dynamic properties of the flexible rocking system are compared with those of similar linear elastic oscillators and rigid rocking structures, revealing the distinct characteristics of flexible rocking structures. In particular, parametric analysis is performed to quantify the effect of elasticity on uplift, overturning instability, and harmonic response, from which an uplifted resonance emerges. The contribution of stability and strength to the collapse of flexible rocking structures is discussed. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.