969 resultados para 2-DICHLOROETHANE INTERFACE


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The sodium ion transfer across the micro-water/1,2-dichloroethane interface facilitated by a novel ionophore, liquid crystal crown ether was studied systematically. The sodium ion transfer facilitated by LCCE is controlled by diffusion studied by cyclic voltammetry. The diffusion coefficient of LCCE in 1,2-dichloroethane was calculated to be equal to (2.61 +/- 0.12) X 10(-6) cm(2)/s and the stability constant of the complex between Na+ and LCCE was determined as lg beta (o) = 5.7 in 1,2-dichloroethane.


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The transfer of sodium cation facilitated by (anthraquinone-1-yloxy) methane-15-crown-5(L) has been investigated at the water/1,2-dichloroethane microinterface supported at the tip of a micropipette. The diffusion coefficient of (anthraquinone-1-yloxy) methane-15-crown-5 obtained was (3.42 +/- 0.20) x 10(-6) cm(2) s(-1). The steady-state voltammograms were observed for forward and backward scans due to sodium ion transfer facilitated by L with 1:1 stoichiometry. The mechanism corresponded to an interfacial complexation (TIC) and interfacial dissociation (TID) process. The association constant was calculated to be log beta(o) = 11.08 +/- 0.03 in the DCE phase. The association constant of other alkali metals (Li+, K+, Rb+) were also obtained.


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Abstract is not available.


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Data on heats of mixing at 30 'C, vapor-liquid equilibrium, latent heats of vaporization at 686 mmHg, and vapor pressures for the system toluene-l,2-dichloroethane are presented.


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Thermal decomposition of 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCE) has been studied in the temperature range of 10501175 K behind reflected shock waves in a single pulse shock tube. The unimolecular elimination of HCl is found to be the major channel through which 1,2-DCE decomposes under these conditions. The rate constant for the unimolecular elimination of HCl from 1,2-dichloroethane is found to be 10(13.98+/-0.80) exp(-57.8+/-2.0/RT) s(-1), where the activation energy is given in kcal mol(-1) and is very close to that value for CH3CH2Cl (EC). Ab initio (HF and MP2) and DFT calculations have been carried out to find the activation barrier and the structure of the transition state for this reaction channel from both EC and 1,2-DCE. The preexponential factors calculated at various levels of theory (BF/6-311++G**, MP2/6-311++G**, and B3LYP/6-311++G**) are (approximate to10(15) s(-1)) significantly larger than the experimental results. If the torsional mode in the ground state is treated as free internal rotation the preexponential factors reduce significantly, giving excellent agreement with experimental values. The DFT results are in excellent (fortuitous?) agreement with the experimental value for activation energy for 1,2-DCE while the MP2 and HF results seem to overestimate the barrier. However, DFT results for EC is 4.5 kcal mol(-1) less than the previously reported experimental values. At all levels, theory predicts an increase in HCI elimination barrier on beta-Cl substitution on EC.


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在单脉冲激波管上,研究了1,2-二氯乙烷的热裂解.实验的激波条件为:温度区间1020 K<T<1190 K, 压力: P=0.12 MPa,实验时间τ=0.5 ms;实验气体为1,2-二氯乙烷稀释于Ar气中(3.95 mmol/L).以4-甲基-1-环己烯作为对比速率法实验的内标物,用4-甲基-1-环己烯开环反应的速率常数k=1015.3exp(-33400/T) s-1,以及从其产物的浓度推定出实验温度.经激波加热后的实验气体的终产物用气相色谱分析出主要成分为C2H3Cl,指示出主要反应通道为β消去反应.如把所有产物C2H3Cl都归于β消去反应,则可推定出表观之反应速率常数k1a=5.0×1013exp(-30000/T) s-1.对于由C-Cl键断键反应引发的链反应的可能影响做了分析研究.用了一种简便分析可推知在实验的温度范围内的低端(1020 K)链反应的影响可以忽略,而在其高端(1190 K)链反应将给出10%的终产物C2H3Cl的附加浓度,获得真实的β消去反应速率常数则必须把这部分予以扣除.经过这样的校正之后,最后得到CH2ClCH2Clβ消去反应速率常数为k1c=2.3×1013exp(-29200/T) s-1.


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Investigation of a heterogeneous electron-transfer (ET) reaction at the water/1,2-dichloroethane interface employing a double-barrel micropipet technique is reported. The chosen system was the reaction between Fe(CN)(6)(3-) in the aqueous phase (W) and ferrocene in 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE). According to the generation and the collection currents as well as collection efficiency, the ET-ion-transfer (IT) coupling process at such an interface and competing reactions with the organic supporting electrolyte in the organic phase can be studied. In addition, this technique has been found to be an efficient method to distinguish and measure the charge-transfer coupling reaction between two ions (IT-IT) processes occurring simultaneously at a liquid/liquid interface. On this basis, the formal Gibbs energies of transfer of some ions across the W/DCE interface, such as NO3-, NO2-, Cl-, COO-, TBA(+), IPAs+, Cs+, Rb+, K+, Na+, and Li+, for which their direct transfers are usually difficult to obtain because of the IT-IT coupling processes, were quantitatively evaluated.


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The electrochemistry of (TPP)Co in the presence of pyridine was investigated in dichloroethane solution by cyclic voltammetry. With the addition of pyridine to the solution, the reduction peaks of the axial complex compounds, (TPP)Co(III)(Py) and (TPP)Co(III)(Py)(2) were observed. It was found that the reduction peak of Co(II)/Co(I) shifted to about -1.20V (SCE) with the increase of added pyridine. The new reduction peak may be attributed to the direct reduction of the axially complex (TPP)Co(II)(Py).


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Electrochemical catalytic reactions of tetraphenylporphinatocobalt were studied in DMF and EtCl2 solutions in the presence of 1,2-dibromoethane and 1, 2-dichloroethane utilizing cyclic voltammetry, thin-layer electrochemistry, in situ UV-visible spectroel


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The aim of this study was to verify the possibility to use a polarized graphite electrode as an electron donor for the reductive dechlorination of 1,2-dichloroethane, an ubiquitous groundwater contaminant. The rate of 1,2-DCA dechlorination almost linearly increased by decreasing the set cathode potential over a broad range of set cathode potentials (i.e., from −300 mV to −900 mV vs. the standard hydrogen electrode). This process was primarily dependent on electrolytic H2 generation. On the other hand, reductive dechlorination proceeded (although quite slowly) with a very high Coulombic efficiency (near 70%) at a set cathode potential of −300 mV, where no H2 production occurred. Under this condition, reductive dechlorination was likely driven by direct electron uptake from the surface of the polarized electrode. Taken as a whole, this study further extends the range of chlorinated contaminants which can be treated with bioelectrochemical systems.


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Homogeneous catalysts prepared from rhodium trichloride in aqueous aromatic amines have been shown to reduce C-CI bonds under mild water gas shift conditions (T=100 degrees C, P-CO = 1.0 atm). In a 4-picoline/water solvent mixture, 1,2-dichloroethane is reduced to ethylene and ethane in yields compatible with the consumption of the reducing agent CO and with the formation of CO2. Variation of the catalyst solutions by using different substituted pyridines shows a pattern of catalytic activity parallel to that reported previously for H-2 production from the shift reaction, There is a moderate dependence of activity on the basicity of the aromatic amine, but a methyl group at the alpha-position exercises a strong negative steric effect. Long term studies show decrease of the activity with the time perhaps due to the build up of chloride in the medium. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The adsorption of proteins at the interface between two immiscible electrolyte solutions has been found to be key to their bioelectroactivity at such interfaces. Combined with interfacial complexation of organic phase anions by cationic proteins, this adsorption process may be exploited to achieve nanomolar protein detection. In this study, replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations have been performed to elucidate for the first time the molecular mechanism of adsorption and subsequent unfolding of hen egg white lysozyme at low pH at a polarized 1,2-dichloroethane/water interface. The unfolding of lysozyme was observed to occur as soon as it reaches the organic−aqueous interface,which resulted in a number of distinct orientations at the interface. In all cases, lysozyme interacted with the organic phase through regions rich in nonpolar amino acids, such that the side chains are directed toward the organic phase, whereas charged and polar residues were oriented toward the aqueous phase. By contrast, as expected, lysozyme in neat water at low pH does not exhibit significant structural changes. These findings demonstrate the key influence of the organic phase upon adsorption of lysozyme under the influence of an electric field, which results in the unfolding of its structure.


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Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) is employed to investigate the effect of solution viscosity on the rate constants of electron transfer (ET) reaction between potassium ferricyanide in water and 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) in 1,2-dichloroethane. Either tetrabutylammonium (TBA(+)) or ClO4- is chosen as the common ion in both phases to control the interfacial potential drop. The rate constant of heterogeneous ET reaction between TCNQ and ferrocyanide produced in-situ, k(12), is evaluated by SECM and is inversely proportional to the viscosity of the aqueous solution and directly proportional to the diffusion coefficient of K4Fe(CN)(6) in water when the concentration of TCNQ in the DCE phase is in excess. The k(12) dependence on viscosity is explained in terms of the longitudinal relaxation time of the solution. The rate constant of the heterogeneous ET reaction between TCNQ and ferricyanide, k(21), is also obtained by SECM and these results cannot be explained by the same manner.


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Glass micropipettes with silanized inner walls can be filled with an organic solvent for voltammetric measurements in an aqueous solution. This arrangement was employed to investigate systematically the mechanism of facilitated potassium ion transfer by an ionophore dibenzo-18-crown-6 (DB18C6) across a micro-water/1.2-dichloroethane(W/DCE) interface supported at the tip of a silanized micropipette. Our experimental results verify that this facilitated ion transfer across the liquid/liquid interface did occur by an interfacial complexation-dissociation process (TIC-TID mechanism). The ratio of the diffusion coefficient of DB18C6 to that of its complexed ion in the DCE phase was calculated to be 1.74 +/- 0.07.