973 resultados para 2 Trapped Ions
A novel spectroscopy of trapped ions is proposed which will bring single-ion detection sensitivity to the observation of magnetic resonance spectra. The approaches developed here are aimed at resolving one of the fundamental problems of molecular spectroscopy, the apparent incompatibility in existing techniques between high information content (and therefore good species discrimination) and high sensitivity. Methods for studying both electron spin resonance (ESR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) are designed. They assume established methods for trapping ions in high magnetic field and observing the trapping frequencies with high resolution (<1 Hz) and sensitivity (single ion) by electrical means. The introduction of a magnetic bottle field gradient couples the spin and spatial motions together and leads to a small spin-dependent force on the ion, which has been exploited by Dehmelt to observe directly the perturbation of the ground-state electron's axial frequency by its spin magnetic moment.
A series of fundamental innovations is described m order to extend magnetic resonance to the higher masses of molecular ions (100 amu = 2x 10^5 electron masses) and smaller magnetic moments (nuclear moments = 10^(-3) of the electron moment). First, it is demonstrated how time-domain trapping frequency observations before and after magnetic resonance can be used to make cooling of the particle to its ground state unnecessary. Second, adiabatic cycling of the magnetic bottle off between detection periods is shown to be practical and to allow high-resolution magnetic resonance to be encoded pointwise as the presence or absence of trapping frequency shifts. Third, methods of inducing spindependent work on the ion orbits with magnetic field gradients and Larmor frequency irradiation are proposed which greatly amplify the attainable shifts in trapping frequency.
The dissertation explores the basic concepts behind ion trapping, adopting a variety of classical, semiclassical, numerical, and quantum mechanical approaches to derive spin-dependent effects, design experimental sequences, and corroborate results from one approach with those from another. The first proposal presented builds on Dehmelt's experiment by combining a "before and after" detection sequence with novel signal processing to reveal ESR spectra. A more powerful technique for ESR is then designed which uses axially synchronized spin transitions to perform spin-dependent work in the presence of a magnetic bottle, which also converts axial amplitude changes into cyclotron frequency shifts. A third use of the magnetic bottle is to selectively trap ions with small initial kinetic energy. A dechirping algorithm corrects for undesired frequency shifts associated with damping by the measurement process.
The most general approach presented is spin-locked internally resonant ion cyclotron excitation, a true continuous Stern-Gerlach effect. A magnetic field gradient modulated at both the Larmor and cyclotron frequencies is devised which leads to cyclotron acceleration proportional to the transverse magnetic moment of a coherent state of the particle and radiation field. A preferred method of using this to observe NMR as an axial frequency shift is described in detail. In the course of this derivation, a new quantum mechanical description of ion cyclotron resonance is presented which is easily combined with spin degrees of freedom to provide a full description of the proposals.
Practical, technical, and experimental issues surrounding the feasibility of the proposals are addressed throughout the dissertation. Numerical ion trajectory simulations and analytical models are used to predict the effectiveness of the new designs as well as their sensitivity and resolution. These checks on the methods proposed provide convincing evidence of their promise in extending the wealth of magnetic resonance information to the study of collisionless ions via single-ion spectroscopy.
Systems of interacting quantum spins show a rich spectrum of quantum phases and display interesting many-body dynamics. Computing characteristics of even small systems on conventional computers poses significant challenges. A quantum simulator has the potential to outperform standard computers in calculating the evolution of complex quantum systems. Here, we perform a digital quantum simulation of the paradigmatic Heisenberg and Ising interacting spin models using a two transmon-qubit circuit quantum electrodynamics setup. We make use of the exchange interaction naturally present in the simulator to construct a digital decomposition of the model-specific evolution and extract its full dynamics. This approach is universal and efficient, employing only resources that are polynomial in the number of spins, and indicates a path towards the controlled simulation of general spin dynamics in superconducting qubit platforms.
Cluster assisted photoionization processes of benzene, which was seeded in argon, induced by an intense 25 ns Nd-YAG laser has been studied by means of time-of-flight mass spectrometry. At the laser intensity of 10(11) W/cm(2), multicharged ions Cq+ (q = 2-3) with kinetic energy up to 150 eV were observed in the mass spectra. Strong evidences Support that these ions are formed in the Coulomb explosion of multicharged benzene cluster ions. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
ESR method has been used to study superhyperfine. interaction of I-127 in [Cu (IO5OH)(2)](5-) ion for Na4KCu(IO5OH)(2) . 12H(2)O single crystal. The main purpose of this paper is to confirm the existence of unpaired electron spin on iodine atom and to find a reasonable explanation for the spin delocalization of CU2+ ions. Based on the ESR parameters of paramagnetic [Cu(IO5OH)(2)](5-) ions, the calculated results show that about 0.77% of the unpaired eletron spin is located on each iodine atom.
A long-lived coherent state and nonlinear interaction have been experimentally demonstrated for the vibrational mode of a trapped ion. We propose an implementation of quantum computation using coherent states of the vibrational modes of trapped ions. Differently from earlier experiments, we consider a far-off resonance for the interaction between external fields and the ion in a bidimensional trap. By appropriate choices of the detunings between the external fields, the adiabatic elimination of the ionic excited level from the Hamiltonian of the system allows for beam splitting between orthogonal vibrational modes, production of coherent states, and nonlinear interactions of various kinds. In particular, this model enables the generation of the four coherent Bell states. Furthermore, all the necessary operations for quantum computation, such as preparation of qubits and one-qubit and controlled two-qubit operations, are possible. The detection of the state of a vibrational mode in a Bell state is made possible by the combination of resonant and off-resonant interactions between the ion and some external fields. We show that our read-out scheme provides highly efficient discrimination between all the four Bell states. We extend this to a quantum register composed of many individually trapped ions. In this case, operations on two remote qubits are possible through a cavity mode. We emphasize that our remote-qubit operation scheme does not require a high-quality factor resonator: the cavity field acts as a catalyst for the gate operation.
The damage induced in supercoiled plasmid DNA molecules by 1-6 keV carbon ions has been investigated as a function of ion exposure, energy and charge state. The production of short linear fragments through multiple double strand breaks has been demonstrated and exponential exposure responses for each of the topoisomers have been found. The cross section for the loss of supercoiling was calculated to be (2.2 +/- 0.5) x 10(-14) cm(2) for 2 keVC(+) ions. For singly charged carbon ions, increased damage was observed with increasing ion energy. In the case of 2 keV doubly charged ions, the damage was greater than for singly charged ions of the same energy. These observations demonstrate that ion induced damage is a function of both the kinetic and potential energies of the ion.
We discuss a simple architecture for a quantum TOFFOLI gate implemented using three trapped ions. The gate, which, in principle, can be implemented with a single laser-induced operation, is effective under rather general conditions and is strikingly robust (within any experimentally realistic range of values) against dephasing, heating, and random fluctuations of the Hamiltonian parameters. We provide a full characterization of the unitary and noise-affected gate using three-qubit quantum process tomography.
We demonstrate genuine three-mode nonlocality based on phase-space formalism. A Svetlichny-type Bell inequality is formulated in terms of the s-parametrized quasiprobability function. We test such a tool using exemplary forms of three-mode entangled states, identifying the ideal measurement settings required for each state. We thus verify the presence of genuine three-mode nonlocality that cannot be reproduced by local or nonlocal hidden variable models between any two out of three modes. In our results, GHZ- and W-type nonlocality can be fully discriminated. We also study the behavior of genuine tripartite nonlocality under the effects of detection inefficiency and dissipation induced by local thermal environments. Our formalism can be useful to test the sharing of genuine multipartite quantum correlations among the elements of some interesting physical settings, including arrays of trapped ions and intracavity ultracold atoms. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.87.022123
The simulation of open quantum dynamics has recently allowed the direct investigation of the features of system-environment interaction and of their consequences on the evolution of a quantum system. Such interaction threatens the quantum properties of the system, spoiling them and causing the phenomenon of decoherence. Sometimes however a coherent exchange of information takes place between system and environment, memory effects arise and the dynamics of the system becomes non-Markovian. Here we report the experimental realisation of a non-Markovian process where system and environment are coupled through a simulated transverse Ising model. By engineering the evolution in a photonic quantum simulator, we demonstrate the role played by system-environment correlations in the emergence of memory effects.
We consider the non-equilibrium dynamics of a simple system consisting of interacting spin-1/2 particles subjected to a collective damping. The model is close to situations that can be engineered in hybrid electro/opto-mechanical settings. Making use of large-deviation theory, we find a Gallavotti-Cohen symmetry in the dynamics of the system as well as evidence for the coexistence of two dynamical phases with different activity levels. We show that additional damping processes smooth out this behavior. Our analytical results are backed up by Monte Carlo simulations that reveal the nature of the trajectories contributing to the different dynamical phases.
Neste trabalho realizamos um estudo sobre a influência dos dopantes Mn+2, Mg+2 e Cu+2 nas estruturas cristalinas de cristais de Sulfato de Níquel hexahidratado (NSH) e L Asparagina Monohidratada (LAM). A introdução de dopantes em uma rede cristalina pode alterar suas propriedades físicas ou seu hábito de crescimento. Estas alterações podem favorecer as aplicações tecnológicas destes cristas em diversas áreas como medicina, agricultura, óptica e eletrônica. Os cristais de NSH foram crescidos pelo método da evaporação lenta do solvente e dopados com íons de Mn+2 e Mg+2, resultando em cristais de boa qualidade. Realizamos medidas de Difração de raios X de policristais nos cristais puros e dopados e a partir dos resultados obtidos fizemos refinamentos, usando o método de Rietiveld, onde foi observado que os cristais dopados apresentavam a mesma estrutura tetragonal e grupo espacial que o cristal puro, havendo uma pequena mudança em seus parâmetros de rede e volume de suas células unitárias. Observamos que a introdução de dopantes causou alterações nos comprimentos das ligações e nos ângulos entre os átomos de níquel e oxigênio, isso pode explicar porque as temperaturas de desidratação dos cristais de NSH:Mg e NSH:Mn são maiores que a do NSH puro. Usamos a técnica de Difração Mútipla de raios X com radiação síncroton em diferentes energias na estação de trabalho XRD1, do Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Síncroton (LNLS) a fim de identificarmos possíveis mudanças nas estruturas dos cristais dopados de Sulfato de Níquel e de L Asparagina. Os diagramas Renninger mostram mudanças na intensidade, perfil e posições dos picos secundários dos cristais dopados causadas pela introdução dos dopantes. Os cristais de L Asparagina Monohidratada foram crescidos pelo método da evaporação lenta do solvente, sendo dopados com íons de Cu+2. As medidas de difração múltipla mostram que o cristal dopado possui a mesma estrutura ortorrômbica que o cristal puro. Foram detectadas mudanças nas intensidades, assim como, nas posições e perfil de picos secundários no diagramas Renninger para o cristal dopado. Nossos resultados indicam que o mecanismo de incorporação dos íons de Cu+2 na rede cristalina da L Asparagina Monohidratada ocorre de forma intersticial.
Aplicação de Al-PILC na adsorção de Cu2+, Ni2+ e Co2+ utilizando modelos físico-químicos de adsorção
Amostra de esmectita pertencente a Serra de Maicuru (Estado do Pará, Norte do Brasil, região amazônica) foi pilarizada com Al13, A Argila pilarizada com alumínio (Al-PILC) foi caracterizada por DRX, MEV e EDS. Para a análise textural foram utilizadas isotermas de adsorção-desorção utilizando o nitrogênio. Este artigo é dirigido ao estudo da adsorção de metais pesados. A adsorção dos íons de Cu2+, Ni2+e Co2+ foi realizadas com a matriz Al-PILC em temperatura ambiente com soluções aquosas contendo os íons metálicos. Os modelos de adsorção adotados foram os de Langmuir, Freundlich e Temkin que foram aplicados aos valores obtidos experimentalmente com regressão linear. A equação de Langmuir foi o melhor modelo de linearização com r = 0,999. A equação de Freundlich apresentou limitações em altas concentrações, mas foram obtidos valores (Kf e n) bastante aceitáveis utilizando este modelo. Os parâmetros foram utilizados para calcular a quantidade de Nf em função de Cs.
Following on from previous work [J.-A. Larsson, Phys. Rev. A 67, 022108 (2003)], Bell inequalities based on correlations between binary digits are considered for a particular entangled state involving 2N trapped ions. These inequalities involve applying displacement operations to half of the ions and then measuring correlations between pairs of corresponding bits in the binary representations of the number of center-of-mass phonons of N particular ions. It is shown that the state violates the inequalities and thus displays nonclassical correlations. It is also demonstrated that it violates a Bell inequality when the displacements are replaced by squeezing operations.
This thesis summarizes the application of conventional and modern electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) techniques to establish proximity relationships between paramagnetic metal centers in metalloproteins and between metal centers and magnetic ligand nuclei in two important and timely membrane proteins: succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (SQR) from Paracoccus denitrificans and particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) from Methylococcus capsulatus. Such proximity relationships are thought to be critical to the biological function and the associated biochemistry mediated by the metal centers in these proteins. A mechanistic understanding of biological function relies heavily on structure-function relationships and the knowledge of how molecular structure and electronic properties of the metal centers influence the reactivity in metalloenzymes. EPR spectroscopy has proven to be one of the most powerful techniques towards obtaining information about interactions between metal centers as well as defining ligand structures. SQR is an electron transport enzyme wherein the substrates, organic and metallic cofactors are held relatively far apart. Here, the proximity relationships of the metallic cofactors were studied through their weak spin-spin interactions by means of EPR power saturation and electron spin-lattice (T_1) measurements, when the enzyme was poised at designated reduction levels. Analysis of the electron T_1 measurements for the S-3 center when the b-heme is paramagnetic led to a detailed analysis of the dipolar interactions and distance determination between two interacting metal centers. Studies of ligand environment of the metal centers by electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy resulted in the identication of peptide nitrogens as coupled nuclei in the environment of the S-1 and S-3 centers.
Finally, an EPR model was developed to describe the ferromagnetically coupled trinuclear copper clusters in pMMO when the enzyme is oxidized. The Cu(II) ions in these clusters appear to be strongly exchange coupled, and the EPR is consistent with equilateral triangular arrangements of type 2 copper ions. These results offer the first glimpse of the magneto-structural correlations for a trinuclear copper cluster of this type, which, until the work on pMMO, has had no precedent in the metalloprotein literature. Such trinuclear copper clusters are even rare in synthetic models.