998 resultados para 1p36 deletion syndrome
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Rearrangements of 1p36 are the most frequently detected abnormalities in diagnostic testing for chromosomal cryptic imbalances and include variably sized simple terminal deletions, derivative chromosomes, interstitial deletions, and complex rearrangements. These rearrangements result in the specific pattern of malformation and neurodevelopmental disabilities that characterizes monosomy 1p36 syndrome. Thus far, no individual gene within this region has been conclusively determined to be causative of any component of the phenotype. Nor is it known if the rearrangements convey phenotypes via a haploinsufficiency mechanism or through a position effect. We have used multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification to screen for deletions of 1p36 in a group of 154 hyperphagic and overweight/obese, PWS negative individuals, and in a separate group of 83 patients initially sent to investigate a variety of other conditions. The strategy allowed the identification and delineation of rearrangements in nine subjects with a wide spectrum of clinical presentations. Our work reinforces the association of monosomy 1p36 and obesity and hyperphagia, and further suggests that these features may be associated with non-classical manifestations of this disorder in addition to a submicroscopic deletion of similar to 2-3 Mb in size. Multiplex ligation probe amplification using the monosomy 1p36 syndrome-specific kit coupled to the subtelomeric kit is an effective approach to identify and delineate rearrangements at 1p36. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Alagille syndrome is a rare developmental disorder combining bile duct paucity, congenital cardiopathy, facial dysmorphy, vertebrae defects, and ocular abnormalities; and frequent renal abnormalities. It does not usually predispose to malignancies. Nephroblastoma has been observed in many developmental disorders, but never in Alagille syndrome. We report two original cases of nephroblastoma associated to Alagille syndrome. We identified a new V136G JAG1 missense mutation in one patient and a constitutional deletion of 20p12 in the other. In one nephroblastoma an additional somatic 1p36 deletion was present. The link between Alagille syndrome, JAG1 alterations and nephroblastoma is discussed.
Monosomy 1p36 is the most common subtelomeric microdeletion syndrome with an incidence rate estimated to be 1 in 5000 births. A hypothesis of a similarity between patients with 1p36 deletion and those with Prader-Willi syndrome and the existence of two different phenotypes for 1p36 microdeletion has been suggested. The main objective of the present study was to determine the existence of 1p36 microdeletion in a sample of patients with mental retardation, obesity and hyperphagia who tested negative by the methylation test for Prader-Willi syndrome. Sixteen patients (7 females, 9 males), 16-26 years old, were evaluated with high-resolution cytogenetic analysis at 550-850 band levels and with 11 polymorphic microsatellite markers located in the 1p36 region. All patients had normal cytogenetic and molecular results. The results obtained by high-resolution cytogenetic methodology were confirmed by the molecular analyses. We did not detect a 1p36 microdeletion in 16 subjects with the Prader-Willi-like phenotype, which reinforces that no correlation seems to exist between Prader-Willi-like phenotype and the 1p36 microdeletion syndrome.
Affiliation: CHU Ste-Justine, Université de Montréal
Deletion of the short arm of human chromosome 1 is the most common cytogenetic abnormality observed in neuroblastoma. To characterize the region of consistent deletion, we performed loss of heterozygosity (LOH) studies on 122 neuroblastoma tumor samples with 30 distal chromosome 1p polymorphisms. LOH was detected in 32 of the 122 tumors (26%). A single region of LOH, marked distally by D1Z2 and proximally by D1S228, was detected in all tumors demonstrating loss. Also, cells from a patient with a constitutional deletion of 1p36, and from a neuroblastoma cell line with a small 1p36 deletion, were analyzed by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Cells from both sources had interstitial deletions of 1p36.2-36.3 which overlapped the consensus region of LOH defined by the tumors. Interstitial deletion in the constitutional case was confirmed by allelic loss studies using the panel of polymorphic markers. Four proposed candidate genes--DAN, ID3 (heir-1), CDC2L1 (p58), and TNFR2--were shown to lie outside of the consensus region of allelic loss, as defined by the above deletions. These results more precisely define the location of a neuroblastoma suppressor gene within 1p36.2-36.3, eliminating 33 centimorgans of proximal 1p36 from consideration. Furthermore, a consensus region of loss, which excludes the four leading candidate genes, was found in all tumors with 1p36 LOH.
The 22q11 chromosomal region contains low copy repeats (LCRs) sequences that mediate non-allelic homologous recombination, which predisposes to copy number variations (CNVs) at this locus. Hemizygous deletions of the proximal 22q11.2 region result in the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2 DS). In addition, 22q11.2 duplications involving the distal LCR22s have been reported. This article describes a patient presenting a 2.5-Mb de novo deletion at proximal 22q11.21 region (between LCRs A-D), combined with a 1.3-Mb maternally inherited duplication at distal 22q11.23 region (between LCRs F-H). The presence of concomitant chromosomal imbalances found in this patient has not been reported previously. Clinical and molecular data were compared with literature, in order to contribute to genotype-phenotype correlation. These findings exemplify the complexity and genetic heterogeneity observed in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and highlights the difficulty to make genetic counseling and predict phenotypic consequences in these situations.
Background: To alert for the diagnosis of the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) in patients with congenital heart disease (CHD). Objective: To describe the main CHDs, as well as phenotypic, metabolic and immunological findings in a series of 60 patients diagnosed with 22q11.2DS. Methods: The study included 60 patients with 22q11.2DS evaluated between 2007 and 2013 (M:F=1.3, age range 14 days to 20 years and 3 months) at a pediatric reference center for primary immunodeficiencies. The diagnosis was established by detection of the 22q11.2 microdeletion using FISH (n = 18) and/or MLPA (n = 42), in association with clinical and laboratory information. Associated CHDs, progression of phenotypic facial features, hypocalcemia and immunological changes were analyzed. Results: CHDs were detected in 77% of the patients and the most frequent type was tetralogy of Fallot (38.3%). Surgical correction of CHD was performed in 34 patients. Craniofacial dysmorphisms were detected in 41 patients: elongated face (60%) and/or elongated nose (53.3%), narrow palpebral fissure (50%), dysplastic, overfolded ears (48.3%), thin lips (41.6%), elongated fingers (38.3%) and short stature (36.6%). Hypocalcemia was detected in 64.2% and decreased parathyroid hormone (PTH) level in 25.9%. Decrease in total lymphocytes, CD4 and CD8 counts were present in 40%, 53.3% and 33.3%, respectively. Hypogammaglobulinemia was detected in one patient and decreased concentrations of immunoglobulin M (IgM) in two other patients. Conclusion: Suspicion for 22q11.2DS should be raised in all patients with CHD associated with hypocalcemia and/or facial dysmorphisms, considering that many of these changes may evolve with age. The 22q11.2 microdeletion should be confirmed by molecular testing in all patients.
Laryngeal structural anomalies were described in 13 cases of Richieri-Costa Pereira syndrome, and four previously reported cases were reviewed. The 17 individuals examined had the typical laryngeal anomalies and vocal disorders previously described. The new findings are the laryngeal microweb observed in three cases and arytenoid anteriorization movement observed in 14 cases. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Chromosome microarray analysis is a powerful diagnostic tool and is being used as a first-line approach to detect chromosome imbalances associated with intellectual disability, dysmorphic features and congenital abnormalities. This test enables the identification of new copy number variants (CNVs) and their association with new microdeletion/microduplication syndromes in patients previously without diagnosis. We report the case of a 7 year-old female with moderate intellectual disability, severe speech delay and auto and hetero aggressivity with a previous 45,XX,der(13;14)mat karyotype performed at a younger age. Affymetrix CytoScan 750K chromosome microarray analysis was performed detecting a 1.77 Mb deletion at 3p26.3, encompassing 2 OMIM genes, CNTN6 and CNTN4. These genes play an important role in the formation, maintenance, and plasticity of functional neuronal networks. Deletions or mutations in CNTN4 gene have been implicated in intellectual disability and learning disabilities. Disruptions or deletions in the CNTN6 gene have been associated with development delay and other neurodevelopmental disorders. The haploinsufficiency of these genes has been suggested to participate to the typical clinical features of 3p deletion syndrome. Nevertheless inheritance from a healthy parent has been reported, suggesting incomplete penetrance and variable phenotype for this CNV. We compare our patient with other similar reported cases, adding additional value to the phenotype-genotype correlation of deletions in this region.
Introduction: Cayler cardio-facial syndrome is a rare syndrome associated with asymmetric crying faces with congenital heart disease. We report a newborn that was diagnosed as case of Cayler Cardio-facial syndrome based on clinical features and was confirmed with FISH analysis. Case Presentation: A term male baby, born to non-consanguineous couple through normal vaginal delivery was diagnosed to have asymmetric crying faces with deviation of angle of mouth to left side at the time of birth. The baby had normal faces while sleeping or silent. Mother was known case of hypothyroidism and was on treatment. Baby was diagnosed as case of Cayler Cardio-facial Syndrome and was investigated with echocardiogram, brain ultrasound, total body X-ray examination, X-ray of cervico-thoracic vertebral column and fundus examination. Echocardiogram showed muscular VSD, brain ultrasound was normal and fundus examination showed tortuous retinal vessels. Whole body X-ray and lateral X-ray of cervico-thoracic vertebral column were not suggestive of any skeletal abnormalities. The other associated malformation was right ear microtia. Baby FISH karyotype analysis showed deletion of 22q11.2 deletion. Baby was discharged and now on follow-up. Conclusions: Cayler syndrome is a rare syndrome which must be suspected if a baby has asymmetrical cry pattern and normal facies when baby sleeps. Patient must be evaluated with echocardiography to find out associated cardiac malformations. These infants should undergo FISH analysis for 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.
Conventional karyotyping detects anomalies in 3-15% of patients with multiple congenital anomalies and mental retardation (MCA/MR). Whole-genome array screening (WGAS) has been consistently suggested as the first choice diagnostic test for this group of patients, but it is very costly for large-scale use in developing countries. We evaluated the use of a combination of Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) kits to increase the detection rate of chromosomal abnormalities in MCA/MR patients. We screened 261 MCA/MR patients with two subtelomeric and one microdeletion kits. This would theoretically detect up to 70% of all submicroscopic abnormalities. Additionally we scored the de Vries score for 209 patients in an effort to find a suitable cut-off for MLPA screening. Our results reveal that chromosomal abnormalities were present in 87 (33.3%) patients, but only 57 (21.8%) were considered causative. Karyotyping detected 15 abnormalities (6.9%), while MLPA identified 54 (20.7%). Our combined MLPA screening raised the total detection number of pathogenic imbalances more than three times when compared to conventional karyotyping. We also show that using the de Vries score as a cutoff for this screening would only be suitable under financial restrictions. A decision analytic model was constructed with three possible strategies: karyotype, karyotype + MLPA and karyotype + WGAS. Karyotype + MLPA strategy detected anomalies in 19.8% of cases which account for 76.45% of the expected yield for karyotype + WGAS. Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) of MLPA is three times lower than that of WGAS, which means that, for the same costs, we have three additional diagnoses with MLPA but only one with WGAS. We list all causative alterations found, including rare findings, such as reciprocal duplications of regions deleted in Sotos and Williams-Beuren syndromes. We also describe imbalances that were considered polymorphisms or rare variants, such as the new SNP that confounded the analysis of the 22q13.3 deletion syndrome. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
We study an adaptive statistical approach to analyze brain networks represented by brain connection matrices of interregional connectivity (connectomes). Our approach is at a middle level between a global analysis and single connections analysis by considering subnetworks of the global brain network. These subnetworks represent either the inter-connectivity between two brain anatomical regions or by the intra-connectivity within the same brain anatomical region. An appropriate summary statistic, that characterizes a meaningful feature of the subnetwork, is evaluated. Based on this summary statistic, a statistical test is performed to derive the corresponding p-value. The reformulation of the problem in this way reduces the number of statistical tests in an orderly fashion based on our understanding of the problem. Considering the global testing problem, the p-values are corrected to control the rate of false discoveries. Finally, the procedure is followed by a local investigation within the significant subnetworks. We contrast this strategy with the one based on the individual measures in terms of power. We show that this strategy has a great potential, in particular in cases where the subnetworks are well defined and the summary statistics are properly chosen. As an application example, we compare structural brain connection matrices of two groups of subjects with a 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, distinguished by their IQ scores.
The high complexity of cortical convolutions in humans is very challenging both for engineers to measure and compare it, and for biologists and physicians to understand it. In this paper, we propose a surface-based method for the quantification of cortical gyrification. Our method uses accurate 3-D cortical reconstruction and computes local measurements of gyrification at thousands of points over the whole cortical surface. The potential of our method to identify and localize precisely gyral abnormalities is illustrated by a clinical study on a group of children affected by 22q11 Deletion Syndrome, compared to control individuals.
Schizophrenia is postulated to be the prototypical dysconnection disorder, in which hallucinations are the core symptom. Due to high heterogeneity in methodology across studies and the clinical phenotype, it remains unclear whether the structural brain dysconnection is global or focal and if clinical symptoms result from this dysconnection. In the present work, we attempt to clarify this issue by studying a population considered as a homogeneous genetic sub-type of schizophrenia, namely the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS). Cerebral MRIs were acquired for 46 patients and 48 age and gender matched controls (aged 6-26, respectively mean age = 15.20 ± 4.53 and 15.28 ± 4.35 years old). Using the Connectome mapper pipeline (connectomics.org) that combines structural and diffusion MRI, we created a whole brain network for each individual. Graph theory was used to quantify the global and local properties of the brain network organization for each participant. A global degree loss of 6% was found in patients' networks along with an increased Characteristic Path Length. After identifying and comparing hubs, a significant loss of degree in patients' hubs was found in 58% of the hubs. Based on Allen's brain network model for hallucinations, we explored the association between local efficiency and symptom severity. Negative correlations were found in the Broca's area (p < 0.004), the Wernicke area (p < 0.023) and a positive correlation was found in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) (p < 0.014). In line with the dysconnection findings in schizophrenia, our results provide preliminary evidence for a targeted alteration in the brain network hubs' organization in individuals with a genetic risk for schizophrenia. The study of specific disorganization in language, speech and thought regulation networks sharing similar network properties may help to understand their role in the hallucination mechanism.