1000 resultados para 1975


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Engl. summary: On the formation and occurrence of soil frost in Finland 1956 to 1975


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Tiivistelmä: Metallien ja fluorin pitoisuuksista ja määristä Kokemäenjoessa vuosina 1975—1977


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The Finnish society developed rapidly in the 1960´s and 1970´s. This was result of international trends. Development of education, urbanization and wide organization of society increased discontent towards prevailing social structure and towards the power elite. Development of technology created possibility to present radical perspectives in mass media. This caused widely spread discussions dividing opinions. The purpose of this thesis was to complement research on national defence and the Finnish Defence Forces especially between years 1965 and 1975. The task of research was to clarify how changes in society and how the significance of this change was interpreted in public discussion about national defence and development of the Defence Forces. The most essential points for this thesis turned out to be discourses structured from public discussion. Main research material consisted of approximately 35000 news, editorials, articles and opinions presented in mass media supplemented by literature, committee reports and other archival sources. Frame of reference for this thesis is based on relativistic worldview. According to this, social reality is relative and there is no single truth. Environment has significant influence on the issue how knowledge and truth are formed. Data analysis was based on critical discourse. The key objective was to clarify the effects of broad changes in society using discursive methods. One essential goal was to form order of discourse using linguistic analysis and also connect discourses to wider sociocultural custom. On this thesis I came to the conclusion that on the review period there were five significant ensembles of discourse. They consisted of several discussions focused on different themes. The discourse of official security policy aimed to define national defence and the position of the Defence Forces as parts of foreign policy. Foreign policy is often perceived as the most significant part of security policy. Historical memory, geographical position of Finland and also the state contracts, changes in international warfare, tasks of the Defence Forces and increasing critic of national defence and the difference in thinking between generations formed the discourse of security policy. In the discourse of the liability to military service, the issue was about individual responsibility to society and national defence. Resisters and unarmed defence demands, encouraged by international examples were the themes. The discourse pointed out how mass media is used to influence and forced the Defence Forces to develop the practices in public information. The discourses of democracy and politics were closer to internal development of the Defence Forces to integrate more into society. The discourse of democracy focused in changing power relationships of the Defence Forces that were known as authoritarian. Issues like conscript and personnel union activity had lot of similarities to general social development. The discourse of politics presented how the Defence Forces were pushed towards parliamentary decision making. The personnel was granted the same rights as other population. Themes related to the discourse on the will to national defence were development of mental national defence, increasing education on national defence and creation of more open public information culture. According to discourses presented above I can state, that the position of the Defence Forces in society was changed between years 1965-1975. This change was advanced by the Defence Forces reformed attitude towards mass media and public information in general. Active participation in public information important became important instead of only answering topics. This positive development created an atmosphere, that was easier for the public to understand and create own pictures of the armed forces. Due to this, I can describe that the defenders and supporters of the armed forces were stuck in their trenches, until discussions presented in discourses and themes developed the Defence Forces to be better fitting part of society. Key words; society, national defence, Defence Forces, discourse, mass media, security policy, liability to military service, conscription, democracy


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Contenido: Imago Dei / Octavio N. Derisi – El resultado de la actitud científica de Pascal / Jorge E. Saltor – Sobre la prueba ontólogica cartesiana / Agustín Seguí – Santo Tomás y Wittgenstein / Oscar S. Rotella – El primer argumento de la exposición metafísica del concepto del tiempo en la “Crítica de la razón pura” / Carlos A. Aldanondo – Acotaciones al problema de un aquende y un allende el conocimiento racional – Ivo Höllhuber – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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La Iglesia y la existencia cristiana / José Rovai -- Avaricia, propiedad privada y bienes superfluos / Gustavo E. Podestá -- Teología natural y teología cristiana / Ricardo Ferrara -- Evangelización, cultura, universidad / Eduardo Briancesco -- En torno a la cristología de Marcos / Ramón Treviajno Echeverría -- La evangelización del mundo de hoy en América Latina / Eduardo F. Pironio -- La Biblia y la teología, hoy / Jorge Mejía -- Algunas reflexiones sobre la exhortación apostólica del Papa Pablo VI: “De Beatae Mariae Virginis cultu recte instituendo et augendo” / Heriberto King -- Evangelizar desde el acontecimiento / Arturo Prins -- Notas bibliográficas -- Libros recibidos -- Crónica de la Facultad


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Contenido: Retorno a Santo Tomás : el documento de Paulo VI sobre Santo Tomás: Lumen Ecclesiae / Octavio N. Derisi – Los dos planos de la metafísica y la fenomenología / Teófilo Urdánoz O. P. – Antropología tomista y antropología actual / Victorino Rodríguez O. P. – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Contenido: Actualidad de la doctrina tomista de los objetos formales / Octavio N. Derisi – Tomás de Aquino en la Universidad de París / Gustavo E. Ponferrada – La participación de la inteligencia en la experiencia sensible / Mario E. Sacchi – El pensamiento de Tomás de Aquino y los problemas de nuestro tiempo / Carmen Balzer – La existente y el campo específico de la metafísica / Osvaldo Francella –Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Resumen: El artículo se propone analizar la relación entre el magisterio y los teólogos desde la especificidad de los esquemas eclesiológicos. Esta formalidad eclesiológica es animada por la conjetura de que en los momentos de relaciones conflictivas entre el magisterio y la teología, confluyen dos esquemas eclesiológicos diversos en los que alguno de los interlocutores asume funciones no propias dejando al otro en un espacio eclesial no acorde a sus especificidades. Después de un desarrollo histórico se pasa a una elaboración especulativa desde el análisis lingüístico del discurso teológico.


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Resumen: El presente trabajo estima distintas funciones agregadas de producción para la Argentina entre los años 1975 y 2006, con el objetivo de determinar la que resulta más apropiada para describir el proceso productivo argentino. Una vez obtenidas dichas funciones de producción, las mismas se aplican al estudio de la productividad total de los factores, a la determinación del producto potencial y a establecer la contribución al crecimiento de los factores productivos involucrados. Este estudio revela el paulatino deterioro de la productividad total de los factores en dicho período, a pesar de haber atravesado períodos de crecimiento en la convertibilidad de los `90 y la recuperación posterior a la crisis de 2002. Se verifican varios episodios de recalentamiento de la economía, donde el producto observado supera al potencial, y pone en evidencia una matriz de crecimiento basado en acumulación de factores y no en productividad e innovación.


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Defende a necessidade de representação política para o Distrito Federal e protesta contra deficiências da administração de Brasília no setor dos transportes coletivos.


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From September 1975 to September 1977 we conducted field research on bowhead, Balaena mysticetus, and white, Delphinapterus leucas, whales in the U.S. Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas. The objectives were to determine the general distribution and migration of these whales in spring and autumn and to estimate abundance. We also surveyed the literature beginning in June 1975 through March 1978 to augment our empirical results. (PDF contains 48 pages)


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo.


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This is only the table of contents for a series of technical reports done from 1975-1978. The papers were done on contract for BLM by a number of universities and consulting firms such as Science Applications, Inc., University of Southern California, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, and various campuses of University of California and California State University. (PDF contains 36 pages)