990 resultados para 178-1095


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Sediments recovered from a drift deposit lying along the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula, (ODP Leg 178, Site 1095) provide a physical record of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current since late Miocene time. Determination of the strength of the magnetic fabric, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, provides a proxy for current strength. Fabric strength declines throughout the record from high values in the late Miocene; a pronounced step occurs between 5.0 and 5.5 Ma, and values decrease more gradually since about 3.0 Ma. The mass accumulation rate of terrigenous sediment derived from the Antarctic Peninsula indicates stabilization of the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Cap prior to about 8.5 Ma.


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Fine-fraction (<63 µm) grain-size analyses of 530 samples from Holes 1095A, 1095B, and 1095D allow assessment of the downhole grain-size distribution at Drift 7. A variety of data processing methods, statistical treatment, and display techniques were used to describe this data set. The downhole fine-fraction grain-size distribution documents significant variations in the average grain-size composition and its cyclic pattern, revealed in five prominent intervals: (1) between 0 and 40 meters composite depth (mcd) (0 and 1.3 Ma), (2) between 40 and 80 mcd (1.3 and 2.4 Ma), (3) between 80 and 220 mcd (2.4 and 6 Ma), (4) between 220 and 360 mcd, and (5) below 360 mcd (prior to 8.1 Ma). In an approach designed to characterize depositional processes at Drift 7, we used statistical parameters determined by the method of moments for the sortable silt fraction to distinguish groups in the grainsize data set. We found three distinct grain-size populations and used these for a tentative environmental interpretation. Population 1 is related to a process in which glacially eroded shelf material was redeposited by turbidites with an ice-rafted debris influence. Population 2 is composed of interglacial turbidites. Population 3 is connected to depositional sequence tops linked to bioturbated sections that, in turn, are influenced by contourite currents and pelagic background sedimentation.


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Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101 were drilled on the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula (Fig. F1) to recover a continuous high-resolution record of Antarctic glaciation. Site 1095 is the subject of a short paper in this volume (Pudsey, 2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.178.214.2001), whereas mass accumulation rates at the three sites are described by Wolf-Welling (2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.178.223.2001) and ice-rafted debris at Site 1101 is discussed by Cowan (2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.178.206.2001) This report documents grain-size data (sand and fine fraction) and the proportion of biogenic silica for the upper 300 m at Site 1095, the upper 250 m at Site 1096, and the whole 220 m at Site 1101.


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We have reanalyzed the porosity, bulk density, and seismic velocity information collected from continental rise Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101 during the drilling of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 178 (Fig. F1). The purpose is to provide a comprehensive composite digital set of data readily available for future studies aimed at well-seismic correlation. The work originates from the occurrence of overlapping sets of physical parameters and acoustic velocity collected by different methods (downhole logging, core logging, laboratory determination, and derivation from seismic data) and from different holes at the same site. These data do not always provide the same information because of difficulties encountered at each specific hole or methodological differences. In addition, a basic correlation between these parameters and onsite multichannel seismic (MCS) data is presented.


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We present revised magnetostratigraphic interpretations for Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101, cored in sediment drifts located off the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. The revised interpretations incorporate a variety of observations and results obtained since the end of Leg 178, of which the most significant are new paleomagnetic measurements from U-channel samples, composite depth scales that allow stratigraphic correlation between multiple holes cored at a site, and revised biostratigraphic interpretations. The U-channel data, which include more than 102,000 paleomagnetic observations from more than 13,400 intervals along U-channel samples, are included as electronic files. The magnetostratigraphic records at all three sites are consistent with sedimentation being continuous over the intervals cored, although the data resolution does not preclude short hiatuses less than a few hundred thousand years in duration. The magnetostratigraphic records start at the termination of Subchron C4Ar.2n (9.580 Ma) at ~515 meters composite depth (mcd) for Site 1095, at the onset of Subchron C3n.2n (4.620 Ma) at ~489.68 mcd for Site 1096, and at the onset of Subchron C2An.1n (3.040 Ma) at 209.38 meters below seafloor for Site 1101. All three sites provide paleomagnetic records that extend upward through the Brunhes Chron.


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The area west of the Antarctic Peninsula is a key region for studying and understanding the history of glaciation in the southern high latitudes during the Neogene with respect to variations of the western Antarctic continental ice sheet, variable sea-ice cover, induced eustatic sea level change, as well as consequences for the global climatic system (Barker, Camerlenghi, Acton, et al., 1999). Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101 were drilled on sediment drifts forming the continental rise to examine the nature and composition of sediments deposited under the influence of the Antarctic Peninsula ice sheet, which has repeatedly advanced to the shelf edge and subsequently released glacially eroded material on the continental shelf and slope (Barker et al., 1999). Mass gravity processes on the slope are responsible for downslope sediment transport by turbidity currents within a channel system between the drifts. Furthermore, bottom currents redistribute the sediments, which leads to final build up of drift bodies (Rebesco et al., 1998). The high-resolution sedimentary sequences on the continental rise can be used to document the variability of continental glaciation and, therefore, allow us to assess the main factors that control the sediment transport and the depositional processes during glaciation periods and their relationship to glacio-eustatic sea level changes. Site 1095 lies in 3840 m of water in a distal position on the northwestern lower flank of Drift 7, whereas Site 1096 lies in 3152 m of water in a more proximal position within Drift 7. Site 1101 is located at 3509 m water depth on the northwestern flank of Drift 4. All three sites have high sedimentation rates. The oldest sediments were recovered at Site 1095 (late Miocene; 9.7 Ma), whereas sediments of Pliocene age were recovered at Site 1096 (4.7 Ma) and at Site 1101 (3.5 Ma). The purpose of this work is to provide a data set of bulk sediment parameters such as CaCO3, total organic carbon (TOC), and coarse-fraction mass percentage (>63 µm) measured on the sediments collected from the continental rise of the western Antarctic Peninsula (Holes 1095A, 1095B, 1096A, 1096B, 1096C, and 1101A). This information can be used to understand the complex depositional processes and their implication for variations in the climatic system of the western Pacific Antarctic margin since 9.7 Ma (late Miocene). Coarse-fraction particles (125-500 µm) from the late Pliocene and Pleistocene (4.0 Ma to recent) sediments recovered from Hole 1095A were microscopically analyzed to gather more detailed information about their variability and composition through time. These data can yield information about changes in potential source regions of the glacially eroded material that has been transported during repeated periods of ice-sheet movements on the shelf.


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Clay-mineral composition and biogenic opal content in upper Miocene to Quaternary drift sediments recovered at two Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites from the continental rise in the Bellingshausen Sea had been analyzed in order to reconstruct the climatic and glacial history of the Antarctic Peninsula. The clay mineral composition at both sites is dominated by smectite, illite, and chlorite, and alternates between a smectite-enriched and a chlorite-enriched assemblage throughout the last 9.3 my. The spatial distribution of clay minerals in Holocene sediments west of the Antarctic Peninsula facilitates the identification of particular source areas, and thus the reconstruction of transport pathways. The similarity to clay mineral variations reported from upper Quaternary sequences suggests that the short-term clay-mineralogical fluctuations in the ODP cores reflect glacial-interglacial cyclicity. Thus, repeated ice advances and retreats in response to a varying size of the Antarctic Peninsula ice cap are likely to have occurred throughout the late Neogene and Quaternary. The clay minerals in the drift sediments exhibit only slight long-term variations, which are caused by local changes in glacial erosion and in supply of source rocks, rather than by major climatic changes. The opal records at the ODP sites are dominated by long-term variations since the late Miocene. We infer that the opal content in the drift sediments, although it is influenced by dissolution in the water column and the sediment column and by the burial with lithogenic detritus, provides a signal of paleoproductivity. Because the annual sea-ice coverage is regarded as the main factor controlling biological productivity, the opal signal helps to reconstruct paleoceanographic changes in the Bellingshausen Sea. Slightly enhanced opal deposition during the late Miocene indicates slightly warmer climatic conditions in the Antarctic Peninsula area than at present. During the early Pliocene, enhanced opal deposition in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean and coinciding high opal concentrations in sedimentary sequences from the Atlantic and Indian sectors document a strong reduction of sea-ice cover and relatively warm climatic conditions. Thereby, the early onset of the Pliocene warmth in the Bellingshausen Sea points to a positive feedback of regional Antarctic climate on the global thermohaline circulation. A decrease of opal deposition between 3.1 and 2.6 Ma likely reflects sea-ice expansion in response to reduced supply of northern-sourced deep-waters to the Southern Ocean, caused by the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Throughout the Quaternary, a relatively constant level of opal deposition on the Antarctic continental margin indicates relatively stable climatic conditions.


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Neogene to Quaternary records of biogenic opal contents and opal accumulation rates are presented for Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101, which were drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 178 in the Bellingshausen Sea, a marginal sea in the eastern Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean. The opal records in the drift sediments on the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula provide signals of paleoproductivity, although they are influenced by dissolution in the water column and the sediment column. Opal contents at Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101 show similar long-term trends through the Neogene and Quaternary, whereas the opal accumulation rates exhibit marked discrepancies, which are caused by local differences in opal preservation linked to local variations of bottom current-induced supply of lithogenic detritus. We used a regression describing the relationship between opal preservation and sedimentation rate to extract the signal of primary opal deposition on the seafloor in the Bellingshausen Sea from the opal accumulation in the drift deposits. On long-term timescales, the reconstructed opal depositional rates show patterns similar to those of the opal contents and a much better coherency between the different locations on the Antarctic Peninsula continental rise. Therefore, the estimated opal depositional rates are suggested to represent a suitable proxy for paleoproductivity in the drift setting of the Bellingshausen Sea. Supposing that the sea-ice coverage within the Antarctic Zone was the main factor controlling biological productivity in the Bellingshausen Sea, and thus the estimated opal depositional rates on the continental rise, we reconstructed paleoceanographic long-term changes during the Neogene and Quaternary considering the climatic control on regional and global scales. Slightly enhanced opal depositional rates during the late Miocene are interpreted to indicate warmer climatic conditions in the vicinity of the Antarctic Peninsula than at present. The contribution of heat from the Northern Component Water (NCW) into the Southern Ocean seems only to have played a subordinate role during that time. High opal depositional rates during the early Pliocene document a strong reduction of sea-ice coverage and relatively warm climatic conditions in the Bellingshausen Sea. The early onset of the Pliocene warmth points to a positive feedback of regional Antarctic climate on the global thermohaline circulation. A decrease of opal deposition between 3.1 and 1.8 Ma likely reflects sea-ice expansion in response to reduced NCW flow, caused by the onset and intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Throughout the Quaternary, a relatively constant level of opal depositional rates in the Bellingshausen Sea indicates stable climatic conditions in the Antarctic Peninsula area.