971 resultados para 16th century literature
Fine copy of al-Būṣīrī's poem in praise of the Prophet accompanied by elucidation in Persian and Turkish.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes index.
First published in 1889.
Vols. I, II and V translated by Diana White and Mary Morison; vols. III, IV ad VI, by Mary Morison.
The comparative study based on spectroscopic analysis of the materials used to produce four sixteenth-century Manueline Charters (the Charters of Alcochete, Terena, Alandroal and Evora) was performed following a systematic analytical approach. SEM–EDS, l-Raman and l-FTIR analysis highlighted interesting features between them, namely the use of different pigments and colourants (such as different green and yellow pigments), the presence of pigments alterations and the use of a non-expected extemporaneous material (with the presence of titanium white in the Charter of Alcochete). Principal component analysis restricted to the C–H absorption region (3000–2840 cm-1) was applied to 36 infrared spectra of blue historical samples from the Charters of Alcochete,Terena, Alandroal and Évora, suggesting the use of a mixture of a triglyceride and polysaccharide as binder.
This thesis focuses on the characterization of materials utilized within the illuminations of Codex 116c of Manizola, a large 16th century antiphonal housed in the Biblioteca Pública de Évora (BPE). Using various spectroscopic techniques (XRF, FTIR, Raman and SEM-EDS), a selection of illuminations were analyzed for pigment and binder identification. The manuscript was further analyzed using fiber optic reflectance spectroscopy (FORS), a non-invasive and portable analysis method ideal for use in illuminations. Using historical documentation and results gained from more extensive analysis of the manuscript, a collection of reference paint samples were created to be analyzed using this method. These samples serve as a reference not only to assist in the identification of pigments used within the manuscript, but also for future studies on similar materials allowing for a better understanding of manuscript production during the 16th century; RESUMO: O presente trabalho é dedicado à caracterização dos materiais utilizados na produção das iluminuras do Codex 116c da Manziola do espólio da Biblioteca Pública de Évora (BPE). Trata-se de um antifonário de grandes dimensões produzido no séc XVI que deverá ter pertencido à Livraria de São Bento de Cástris. A identificação dos materiais utilizados na produção das iluminuras pode ser feita através de análises científicas. No entanto, alguns dos componentes das tintas utilizadas, especialmente os pigmentos orgânicos (lacas) e algumas misturas, apresentam obstáculos à sua identificação por métodos não invasivos. Através de várias técnicas espectroscópicas (XRF, FTIR, Raman e SEM-EDS), foi analisado um conjunto representativo de iluminuras, de modo a identificar os pigmentos e os ligantes presentes nas tintas. O manuscrito foi também analisado por FORS, um método portátil e não invasivo, ideal para a análise de iluminuras. Com base em documentos históricos e nos resultados analíticos, foi criado um conjunto de amostras de referência para ser analisado com FORS. Com esta abordagem, pretende-se que estas amostras, especialmente as de lacas, sirvam de referência não só na identificação dos pigmentos no manuscrito como em estudos sobre materiais semelhantes, contribuindo para um conhecimento mais aprofundado sobre a produção de manuscritos no séc XVI.
My research deals with agent nouns in the language of the works of Mikael Agricola (ca. 1510–1557). The main tasks addressed in my thesis have been to describe individual agent noun types, to provide a comprehensive picture of the category of agent nouns and to clarify the relations between different types of agent nouns. My research material consists of all the agent nouns referring to persons in the language of Agricola’s works, together with their context. The language studied is for the most part translated language. Agent nouns play an important role both in the vocabulary of natural language and in broader sentence structures, since in a text it is constantly necessary to refer to actors re-ferring to persons in the text. As a concept and a phenomenon, the agent noun is widely known in languages. It is a word formed with a certain derivational affixes, which typical-ly refers to a person. In my research the agent noun category includes both deverbal and denominal derivatives referring to persons, e.g. kirjoittaa > kirjoittaja (to write > writer), asua > asuva (to inhabit > inhabitant), imeä > imeväinen (to suck > suckling), juopua > juopunut (to drink > drunkard), pelätä > pelkuri (to fear > one who fears ‘a coward’), apu > apulainen (help/to help > helper); lammas > lampuri (sheep > shepherd). Besides original Finnish expressions, agent noun derivatives taken as such from foreign languages form a word group of central importance for the research (e.g. nikkari, porvari, ryöväri, based on the German/Swedish for carpenter, burgher, robber). Especially important for the formation of agent nouns in Finnish are the models offered by foreign languages. The starting point for my work is predominantly semantic, as both the criteria for collecting the material and the categorisation underlying the analysis of the material are based on semantic criteria. When examining derivatives, aspects relating to structure are also inevitably of central importance, as form and meaning are closely associated with each other in this type of vocabulary. The alliance of structure and meaning can be described in an illustrative manner with the help of structural schemata. The examination of agent nouns comprises on the one hand analysis of syntactic elements and on the other, study of cultural words in their most typical form. The latter aspect offers a research object in which language and the extralinguistic world, referents, their designations and cultural-historical reality are in concrete terms one and the same. Thus both the agent noun types that follow the word formation principles of the Finn-ish language and those of foreign origin borrowed as a whole into Finnish illustrate very well how an expression of a certain origin and formed according to a certain structural model is inseparably bound up with the background of its referent and in general with semantic factors. This becomes evident both on the level of the connection between cer-tain linguistic features and text genre and in relation to cultural words referring to per-sons. For example, the model for the designations of God based on agent nouns goes back thousands of years and is still closely linked in 16th century literature with certain text genres. This brings out the link between the linguistic feature and the genre in a very con-crete manner. A good example of the connection between language and the extralinguistic world is provided by the cultural vocabulary referring to persons. Originally Finnish agent noun derivatives are associated with an agrarian society, while the vocabulary relat-ing to mediaeval urbanisation, the Hansa trade and specialisation by trade or profession is borrowed and originates in its entirety from vocabulary that was originally German.
La contribution intellectuelle d’Érasme de Rotterdam (ca 1466-1536), en particulier dans les domaines exégétique, philologique et littéraire, a été décisive pour l’histoire des idées et l’évangélisme humaniste. Ses "Paraphrases sur le Nouveau Testament", visant principalement à clarifier le propos des saintes Écritures, représentent l’aboutissement de tout son travail exégétique. Davantage qu’un commentaire savant, elles ont contribué à diffuser la piété et le savoir biblique chez les laïcs, ce qui explique le franc succès qu’elles ont remporté au XVIe siècle. Toutefois, la question de leur réception et de leur diffusion en langue française reste encore peu explorée. La "Paraphrase sur l’épître de Paul aux Romains" a eu une importance toute particulière dans le contexte de la Réforme religieuse. Elle a été traduite du latin au français dans un manuscrit rédigé en 1526 par Hubert Kerssan, chanoine de Nivelles, dans le Brabant wallon. Destinée sans doute à un usage privé ou, du moins, à une diffusion plus restreinte, cette traduction est restée dans l’ombre jusqu’à aujourd’hui et son existence même est encore inconnue de la critique, d’où notre projet de la rendre accessible grâce à l’établissement d’une édition critique. Ce travail éditorial a été l’occasion d’étudier la traduction de Kerssan en regard du texte original, ce qui nous a permis de déterminer comment elle s’en distingue, de même que de réfléchir au choix du mode de diffusion manuscrit dans le contexte humaniste du XVIe siècle. Après près de cinq siècles, le manuscrit de Nivelles peut enfin acquérir une certaine visibilité. Il saura contribuer à l’étude de la réception et de la diffusion de la pensée érasmienne dans les milieux francophones en Europe ainsi qu’aux problèmes théologiques et culturels posés par l’œuvre d’Érasme.
Taking as its point of departure recent insights about the performative¦nature of genre, The Poetics and Politics of the American Gothic¦challenges the critical tendency to accept at face value that gothic¦literature is mainly about fear. Instead, Agnieszka Soltysik Monnet¦argues that the American Gothic, and gothic literature in general,¦is also about judgment: how to judge and what happens when¦judgment is confronted with situations that defy its limits.¦Poe, Hawthorne, Melville, Gilman, and James all shared a concern¦with the political and ideological debates of their time, but tended¦to approach these debates indirectly. Thus, Monnet suggests, while¦slavery and race are not the explicit subject matter of antebellum¦works by Poe and Hawthorne, they nevertheless permeate it through¦suggestive analogies and tacit references. Similarly, Melville, Gilman,¦and James use the gothic to explore the categories of gender and¦sexuality that were being renegotiated during the latter half of the¦century. Focusing on The Fall of the House of Usher, The Marble¦Faun, Pierre, The Turn of the Screw, and The Yellow Wallpaper,¦Monnet brings to bear minor texts by the same authors that further¦enrich her innovative readings of these canonical works. At the same¦time, her study persuasively argues that the Gothic's endurance¦and ubiquity are in large part related to its being uniquely adapted¦to rehearse questions about judgment and justice that continue to¦fascinate and disturb.
Calceology is the study of recovered archaeological leather footwear and is comprised of conservation, documentation and identification of leather shoe components and shoe styles. Recovered leather shoes are complex artefacts that present technical, stylistic and personal information about the culture and people that used them. The current method in calceological research for typology and chronology is by comparison with parallel examples, though its use poses problems by an absence of basic definitions and the lack of a taxonomic hierarchy. The research findings of the primary cutting patterns, used for making all leather footwear, are integrated with the named style method and the Goubitz notation, resulting in a combined methodology as a basis for typological organisation for recovered footwear and a chronology for named shoe styles. The history of calceological research is examined in chapter two and is accompanied by a review of methodological problems as seen in the literature. Through the examination of various documentation and research techniques used during the history of calceological studies, the reasons why a standard typology and methodology failed to develop are investigated. The variety and continual invention of a new research method for each publication of a recovered leather assemblage hindered the development of a single standard methodology. Chapter three covers the initial research with the database through which the primary cutting patterns were identified and the named styles were defined. The chronological span of each named style was established through iterative cross-site sedation and named style comparisons. The technical interpretation of the primary cutting patterns' consistent use is due to constraints imposed by the leather and the forms needed to cover the foot. Basic parts of the shoe patterns and the foot are defined, plus terms provided for identifying the key points for pattern making. Chapter four presents the seventeen primary cutting patterns and their sub-types, these are divided into three main groups: six integral soled patterns, four hybrid soled patterns and seven separately soled patterns. Descriptions of the letter codes, pattern layout, construction principle, closing seam placement and list of sub-types are included in the descriptions of each primary cutting pattern. The named shoe styles and their relative chronology are presented in chapter five. Nomenclature for the named styles is based on the find location of the first published example plus the primary cutting pattern code letter. The named styles are presented in chronological order from Prehistory through to the late 16th century. Short descriptions of the named styles are given and illustrated with examples of recovered archaeological leather footwear, reconstructions of archaeological shoes and iconographical sources. Chapter six presents documentation of recovered archaeological leather using the Goubitz notation, an inventory and description of style elements and fastening methods used for defining named shoe styles, technical information about sole/upper constructions and the consequences created by the use of lasts and sewing forms for style identification and fastening placement in relation to the instep point. The chapter concludes with further technical information about the implications for researchers about shoemaking, pattern making and reconstructive archaeology. The conclusion restates the original research question of why a group of primary cutting patterns appear to have been used consistently throughout the European archaeological record. The quantitative and qualitative results from the database show the use of these patterns but it is the properties of the leather that imposes the use of the primary cutting patterns. The combined methodology of primary pattern identification, named style and artefact registration provides a framework for calceological research.
Tutkimukseni käsittelee suomen kielen sanaston kehitystä 1800-luvulla eli aikana, jolloin suomen kielestä kehittyi monialainen sivistyskieli. Esimerkkiaineistona on yhden erikoisalan, maantieteen sanasto. Suomen kirjakieli syntyi 1500-luvulla, mutta aluksi kirjoitettua kieltä tarvittiin pääasiassa uskonnollisissa yhteyksissä. 1800-luvun aikana kielen käyttöalat monipuolistuivat ja uutta sanastoa tarvittiin monien erikoisalojen tarpeisiin. Ryhdyttiin tietoisesti kääntämään tietokirjallisuutta ja kirjoittamaan eri aiheista. Tutkimukseni selvittää maantieteen sanaston kehittymistä sadassa vuodessa erityisesti maantieteen oppikirjoissa. Tutkimus kuvaa sanaston kehitystä teoreettisesti uudenlaisista lähtökohdista tarkastelemalla leksikaalista variaatiota. Variaatiota on kuvattu tarkasti sekä yksittäisten käsitteiden nimitysten kehityksenä että ilmiönä yleisesti. Tutkimus hyödyntää myös kognitiivista lähestymistapaa, etenkin sosiokognitiivisen terminologian teoriaa. Aineiston analyysin pohjalta syntyy kuva sanaston kehityksestä ja vakiintumisesta. Tutkimus kuvaa myös tapoja, joilla uusia käsitteitä nimettiin. Se pohtii eri nimeämistapojen suhdetta sekä kirjoittajien ja aikalaisten roolia sanaston vakiintumisessa. 1800-luvun maantieteen sanastossa on runsaasti variaatiota; vain harvojen käsitteiden nimitykset ovat vakiintuneita tai vakiintuvat nopeasti. Tämän variaation kuvaaminen leksikaalisena variaationa osoittautui tutkimuksessa hyväksi metodiksi. Koska kirjakieli oli vakiintumatonta, nimityksissä esiintyy paljon kontekstuaalista variaatiota esimerkiksi sanojen kirjoitusasuissa. Kirjoittajat myös pohtivat havainnollista tapaa nimetä käsitteitä, ja tästä aiheutuu onomasiologista variaatiota. Semasiologinen variaatio taas kertoo käsitejärjestelmän vakiintumattomuudesta. Aineiston sanaston lähtökohdat ovat vanhan kirjasuomessa, mutta tältä pohjalta luodaan valtava määrä uutta sanastoa tai otetaan aiemmin kirjakielessä käytettyjä nimityksiä uuteen merkitykseen. Tärkeä rooli on sekä nimitysten muodostamisella kotoisista aineksista että kääntämisellä, jossa malli saadaan toisesta kielestä mutta nimitysten ainekset ovat omaperäisiä.
Comment le motif de la marque insensible du diable a-t-il pu se frayer un chemin au sein du discours théologique, juridique et médical de la fin de la Renaissance jusqu'à s'imposer comme une pièce essentielle du crime de sorcellerie? Selon quels mécanismes et à partir de quels systèmes de croyance cette marque corporelle en est-elle venue à connaître une si large diffusion et une aussi grande acceptation tant chez les gens du livres que parmi les couches populaires? En cette époque marquée par la grande chasse aux sorcières et le développement de l'investigation scientifique, l'intérêt que les savants portent à cette étrange sémiologie constitue une porte d'accès privilégiée pour aborder de front la dynamique du déplacement des frontières que la démonologie met en oeuvre au sein des différents champs du savoir. Cette thèse a pour objectif d'étudier le réseau des mutations épistémologiques qui conditionne l'émergence de la marque du diable dans le savoir démonologique français à la charnière des XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Nous examinerons par quels cheminements l'altérité diabolique s'est peu à peu intériorisée dans le corps et l'âme des individus sous l'influence grandissante des vertus de l'empirisme, de la méthode expérimentale et de l'observation. En analysant la construction rhétorique de la théorie des marques du diable et en la reliant aux changements qui s'opèrent sur la plateforme intellectuelle de l'Ancien Régime, nous entendons éclairer la nouvelle distribution qui s'effectue entre les faits naturels et surnaturels ainsi que les modalités d'écriture pour en rendre compte.