998 resultados para 16-159
DSDP 159 is one of a series of sites in the eastern equatorial Pacific on the west flank of the East Pacific Rise. It was selected by the Pacific Site Selection Panel on the premise that if hydrothermal processes on the crest of the East Pacific Rise supply the transition metals, a broad zone of such deposits should be present immediately above basement over the entire flank of the Rise.
Iron-rich sediments chemically similar to those forming at present on the crest of the East Pacific Rise have been found just above basement at widely separated drill sites in the eastern equatorial Pacific, including three sites of Leg 16 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. These sediments were probably formed when the basement was at the crest of this rise and have moved to their present location as a result of sea-floor spreading.
(Table 2, page 607) Composition of manganese nodules in cores from Leg 16, Deep Sea Drilling Project
Buried manganese nodules or encrustations were encountered at five drill sites of Leg 16. Surface nodules were also sampled at two sites. With few exceptions, nodules within any one drill hole are fairly uniform in composition and are similar in composition to samples obtained previously from the eastern equatorial Pacific. Geochemical and paleontological evidence suggests that at least one of the buried samples was in situ when found and that at least one other was not. The remaining nodules may have fallen from the sediment surface to the positions in which they were found during the drilling process.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Ana María Matute ha creado un cerrado mundo narrativo que mezcla ficción y realidad con un estilo particular, pleno de poesía pero cargado de crueldad. Parte de este mundo se forja por la convivencia de la mirada inocente de los niños con la desencantada de los adultos. Paraíso inhabitado (2008), última novela de Matute, cumple con la mayoría de los 'tópicos' que conforman el particular estilo de la autora: prevalece este choque de realidades enfrentadas que además tiene a la Guerra Civil como trasfondo histórico. El trabajo analizará el cruce de estas dos características: la mirada 'extrañada' de los niños protagonistas de la obra -que como todo niño 'matuteano' vivirá en un mundo de fantasía efímero antes de ingresar ya 'derrotado' al mundo adulto- que presenta una visión ?traslúcida? de la guerra civil, una apelación a la memoria de la narradora ya adulta que presenta casi sin intervenciones sus recuerdos de niña
Fil: Ramírez, Ana Julia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.