993 resultados para 159-959
Approaches to quantify the organic carbon accumulation on a global scale generally do not consider the small-scale variability of sedimentary and oceanographic boundary conditions along continental margins. In this study, we present a new approach to regionalize the total organic carbon (TOC) content in surface sediments (<5 cm sediment depth). It is based on a compilation of more than 5500 single measurements from various sources. Global TOC distribution was determined by the application of a combined qualitative and quantitative-geostatistical method. Overall, 33 benthic TOC-based provinces were defined and used to process the global distribution pattern of the TOC content in surface sediments in a 1°x1° grid resolution. Regional dependencies of data points within each single province are expressed by modeled semi-variograms. Measured and estimated TOC values show good correlation, emphasizing the reasonable applicability of the method. The accumulation of organic carbon in marine surface sediments is a key parameter in the control of mineralization processes and the material exchange between the sediment and the ocean water. Our approach will help to improve global budgets of nutrient and carbon cycles.
During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 159, four sites (Sites 959-962) were drilled along a depth transect on the Côte d'Ivoire/Ghana Transform Margin. In this study, the Pliocene-Pleistocene history of carbonate and organic carbon accumulation at Hole 959C is reconstructed for the eastern equatorial Atlantic off the Ivory Coast/Ghana based on bulk carbonate, sand fraction, organic carbon, and other organic geochemical records (d13Corg, marine organic matter percentages derived from organic petrology, hydrogen index, C/N). Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentation off the Ivory Coast/Ghana was strongly affected by low mean sedimentation rates, which are attributed to persistently enhanced bottom-water velocities related to the steep topography of the transform margin. Sand fraction and bulk carbonate records reveal typical glacial/interglacial cycles, preserved, however, with low time resolution. Intermediate carbonate accumulation rates observed throughout the Pliocene-Pleistocene suggest intense winnowing and sediment redistribution superimposed by terrigenous dilution. 'Atlantic-type' sand and carbonate cycles, consistent with records from pelagic areas of the eastern equatorial Atlantic, are encountered at Hole 959C prior to about 0.9 Ma. Total organic carbon (TOC) records are frequently inversely correlated to carbonate contents, indicating mainly productivity-driven carbonate dissolution related to changes in paleoproductivity. During Stages 22-24, 20, 16, 12, 8, and 4, sand and carbonate records reveal a 'Pacific-type' pattern, showing elevated contents during glacials commonly in conjunction with enhanced TOC records. Formation of 'Pacific-type' patterns off the Ivory Coast/Ghana is attributed to drastically increased bottom-water intensities along the transform margin in accordance with results reported from the Walvis Ridge area. Short-term glacial/interglacial changes in paleoproductivity off the Ivory Coast/Ghana are to some extend recognizable during glacials prior to 1.7 Ma and interglacial Stages 21, 19, 13, 9, and 1. Enhanced coastal upwelling during interglacials is attributed to local paleoclimatic and oceanographic conditions off the Ivory Coast/Ghana. Quantitative estimates of marine organic carbon based on organic petrologic and d13Corg records reveal an offset in concentration ranging from 15% to 60%. Highest variabilities of both records are recorded since ~0.9 Ma. Discrepancies between the isotopic and microscopic records are attributed to an admixture of C4 plant debris approaching the eastern equatorial Atlantic via atmospheric dust. Terrestrial organic material likely originated from the grass-savannah-covered Sahel zone in central Africa. Estimated C4 plant concentrations and accumulation rates range from 10% to 37% and from almost zero to 0.006 g/cm**2/k.y., respectively. The strongest eolian supply to the northern Gulf of Guinea is indicated between 1.9 and 1.68 Ma and during glacial isotopic Stages 22-24, 20, 14, and 12. The presence of grass-type plant debris is further supported by organic petrologic studies, which reveal well-preserved cell tissues of vascular plants or tube-shaped, elongated terrestrial macerals showing different levels of oxidation.
Organic petrologic and geochemical analyses were performed on modern and Quaternary organic carbon-poor deep sea sediments from the Equatorial Atlantic. The study area covers depositional settings from the West African margin (ODP Site 959) through the Equatorial Divergence (ODP Site 663) to the pelagic Equatorial Atlantic. Response of organic matter (OM) deposition to Quaternary climatic cycles is discussed for ODP Sites 959 and 663. The results are finally compared to a concept established for fossil deep sea environments [Littke and Sachsenhofer, 1994 doi:10.1021/ef00048a041]. Organic geochemical results obtained from Equatorial Atlantic deep sea deposits provide new aspects on the distribution of sedimentary OM in response to continental distance, atmospheric and oceanographic circulation, and depositional processes controlling sedimentation under modern and past glacial-interglacial conditions. The inventory of macerals in deep sea deposits is limited due to mechanical breakdown of particles, degree of oxidation, and selective remineralization of labile (mostly marine) OM. Nevertheless, organic petrology has a great potential for paleoenvironmental studies, especially as a proxy to assess quantitative information on the relative abundance of marine vs. terrigenous OM. Discrepancies between quantitative data obtained from microscopic and isotopic (delta13Corg) analyses were observed depending on the stratigraphic level and depositional setting. Strongest offset between both records was found close to the continent and during glacial periods, suggesting a coupling with wind-born terrigenous OM from central Africa. Since African dust source areas are covered by C4 grass plants, supply of isotopically heavy OM is assumed to have caused the difference between microscopic and isotopic records.
Está pronto o calendário das sessões extraordinárias para o debate dos temas polêmicos da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte. O Deputado Bocayuva Cunha (PDT-RJ) espera a participação popular e que a sociedade possa acompanhar a posição dos partidos e dos constituintes em relação aos temas a serem debatidos. O PT quer discutir mais os temas sociais. O Deputado Vladimir Palmeiras (PT-RJ) declara que a bancada terá uma intervenção mais sistemática no Plenário, no sentido de afirmar que a redução da jornada de trabalho e a estabilidade no emprego são pontos essenciais para discussão do texto constitucional. Reunião do Grupo Interpartidário, com representantes do PMDB, PT, PDT, PCB e PFL, buscam o consenso. O Deputado Antonio Brito (PMDB-RS) afirma que a sabedoria de uma Constituinte é tentar estabelecer o que o país tem em comum, para criar uma Constituição duradoura. Na reunião interpartidária, os constituintes debateram os artigos do anteprojeto que tratam da censura, da criação de um conselho de comunicação social e da reforma agrária e definiram dezenove pontos em torno dos quais buscarão uma posição de consenso nas votações em Plenário. O Deputado Roberto Freire (PCB-PE) destaca a importância do diálogo entre os partidos. O Deputado Mário Covas (PMDB-SP) declara que há uma preocupação comum que é a de ter uma Constituição que reflita os anseios da sociedade brasileira. O Deputado Plínio Arruda Sampaio (PT-SP) afirma que há uma intenção dos grupos progressistas de comporem uma grande aliança para que esta Constituição represente um avanço. O Deputado Alceni Guerra (PFL-PR) defende que a Constituição deve representar o que pensa a sociedade brasileira e deve também ser flexível, para que tanto um governo de esquerda como um de direita possa governar o país. O Deputado Antonio Brito (PMDB-RS) ressalta que, pela primeira vez, os partidos estão negociando e que é isto o que deve ser uma Constituinte. Dom Luciano Mendes, Presidente da Confederação Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB), entrega três emendas populares ao Presidente da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) Ulysses Guimarães . Dom Luciano ressalta a importância das emendas populares.
A great deal has been written on the part which birds play in the dispersal of freshwater fauna. This article summarises literature on the dispersal of aquatic animals by birds and aquatic insects.
The chromosome scaffolds in higher eukaryotic nuclei have been described elsewhere. But it is unknown when they evolved. The dinoflagellates are the primitive organisms that may be the intermediate between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Combining chromosome scaffold preparation methods with embedment-free section microscopy, we demonstrate that the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii chromosome retains a protein scaffold after the depletion of DNA and soluble proteins. This scaffold preserves the morphology characteristic of the chromosome. Two-dimensional electrophoreses show that the chromosome scaffolds are mainly composed of acidic proteins. Our results suggest that a framework similar to the chromosome scaffold in the mammalian cell appeared in the primitive eukaryote. We propose that the chromosome scaffold possibly originated from the early stages of eukaryote evolution.