998 resultados para 155.4


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Equine recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) is an inflammatory, obstructive airway disease induced by exposure of susceptible horses to inhaled organic dust particles. The immunological process underlying RAO is still unclear. Previous studies have shown that RAO is linked to the Interleukin-4 receptor (IL-4R) gene in one Warmblood family (F1), but not in another (F2). It has also been shown that in F1, but not in F2, RAO is associated with resistance against parasites, suggesting that this association may have an immuno-genetic basis. Therefore, we hypothesized that the T helper (h)1/Th2/regulatory (Treg) cytokine profiles of RAO-associated antigen- and parasite-antigen-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) differ between RAO-affected and healthy horses depending on their genetic background. In our study, PBMC from 17 RAO-affected and 14 healthy control horses of F1 and F2 were stimulated for 24h with antigens relevant to RAO [hay dust extract (HDE), Aspergillus fumigatus extract (AFE) and lipopolysaccharids (LPS)]; cyathostomin extract (CE) and recombinant cyathostomin antigen (RCA) or with concanavalin A (ConA). Total mRNA levels of IL-4, IL-4R, IL-13, interferon (INF)-γ and IL-10 were examined by qRT-PCR. Stimulation with either HDE or RCA resulted in significant differences in IL-4R mRNA levels between RAO-affected and control horses in F1, but not in F2. For IL-10 mRNA expression, a significant difference between RAO-affected and control horses in F1 but not in F2 was observed only following stimulation with HDE. In contrast to HDE, stimulation with CE resulted in a significant difference of IL-10 mRNA expression level between RAO-affected horses of F2 and healthy horses of F1. No significant differences were detected upon stimulation with any of the other challenge agents. These findings indicate that the immunological response, specifically IL-4R expression, in response to hay dust and cyathostomin antigens, differs between RAO-affected and healthy horses depending on their genetic background. This study shows that analysis of PBMC reveals systemic changes associated with RAO and helps to elucidate immunological pathways involved in this disease.


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Peridotite samples recovered from IODP Site U1309 at the Atlantis Massif in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge were examined to understand magmatic processes for the oceanic core complex formation. Original peridotite was fragmented, and the limited short peridotite intervals are now surrounded by a huge gabbro body probably formed by late-stage melt injections. Each peridotite interval has various petrographical and geochemical features. A spinel harzburgite in contact with gabbro shows evidence of limited melt penetrations causing gradual compositional change, in terms of trace-element compositions of pyroxenes, as well as modal change near the boundary. Geochemistry of clinopyroxenes with least melt effects indicates that the harzburgite is originally mantle residue formed by partial melting under polybaric conditions, and that such a depleted peridotite is one of the components of the oceanic core complex. Some of plagioclase-bearing peridotites, on the other hand, have more complicated origin. Although their original features were partly overprinted by the injected melt, the original peridotites, both residual and non-residual materials, were possibly derived from the upper mantle. This suggests that the melt injected around an upper mantle region or into mantle material fragments. The injected melt was possibly generated at the ridge-segment center and, then, moved and evolved toward the segment end beneath the oceanic core complex.


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Oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) were episodes of widespread marine anoxia during which large amounts of organic carbon were buried on the ocean floor under oxygen-deficient bottom waters (Schlanger and Jenkyns, 1976; Schlanger et al., 1987). OAE2, occurring at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (about 93.5 Myr ago) (Gradstein et al., 2004), is the most widespread and best defined OAE of the mid-Cretaceous. Although the enhanced burial of organic matter can be explained either through increased primary productivity or enhanced preservation scenarios (Schlanger and Jenkyns, 1976; Schlanger et al., 1987). the actual trigger mechanism, corresponding closely to the onset of these episodes of increased carbon sequestration, has not been clearly identified. It has been postulated that large-scale magmatic activity initially triggered OAE2 (Sinton and Duncan, 1997; Kerr, 1998, doi:10.1144/gsjgs.155.4.0619), but a direct proxy of magmatism preserved in the sedimentary record coinciding closely with the onset of OAE2 has not yet been found. Here we report seawater osmium isotope ratios in organic-rich sediments from two distant sites. We find that at both study sites the marine osmium isotope record changes abruptly just at or before the onset of OAE2. Using a simple two-component mixing equation, we calculate that over 97 per cent of the total osmium content in contemporaneous seawater at both sites is magmatic in origin, a ~30-50-fold increase relative to pre-OAE conditions. Furthermore, the magmatic osmium isotope signal appears slightly before the OAE2 -as indicated by carbon isotope ratios- suggesting a time-lag of up to ~23 kyr between magmatism and the onset of significant organic carbon burial, which may reflect the reaction time of the global ocean system. Our marine osmium isotope data are indicative of a widespread magmatic pulse at the onset of OAE2, which may have triggered the subsequent deposition of large amounts of organic matter.


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Plant reproduction depends on the concerted activation of many genes to ensure correct communication between pollen and pistil. Here, we queried the whole transcriptome of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) in order to identify genes with specific reproductive functions. We used the Affymetrix ATH1 whole genome array to profile wild-type unpollinated pistils and unfertilized ovules. By comparing the expression profile of pistils at 0.5, 3.5, and 8.0 h after pollination and applying a number of statistical and bioinformatics criteria, we found 1,373 genes differentially regulated during pollen-pistil interactions. Robust clustering analysis grouped these genes in 16 time-course clusters representing distinct patterns of regulation. Coregulation within each cluster suggests the presence of distinct genetic pathways, which might be under the control of specific transcriptional regulators. A total of 78% of the regulated genes were expressed initially in unpollinated pistil and/or ovules, 15% were initially detected in the pollen data sets as enriched or preferentially expressed, and 7% were induced upon pollination. Among those, we found a particular enrichment for unknown transcripts predicted to encode secreted proteins or representing signaling and cell wall-related proteins, which may function by remodeling the extracellular matrix or as extracellular signaling molecules. A strict regulatory control in various metabolic pathways suggests that fine-tuning of the biochemical and physiological cellular environment is crucial for reproductive success. Our study provides a unique and detailed temporal and spatial gene expression profile of in vivo pollen-pistil interactions, providing a framework to better understand the basis of the molecular mechanisms operating during the reproductive process in higher plants.


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Nel presente articolo verrà presa in considerazione una forma di abuso che ha colto l’attenzione degli operatori da non molti anni: la patologia delle cure. Saranno trattate le tre forme di patologia nella somministrazione delle cure che la costituiscono, soffermandoci principalmente sull’incuria e su una forma di ipercura quale la Sindrome di Munchausen per procura, sindrome rara e difficile da riconoscere. Assistiamo ad un paradosso, da un lato l’incuria: bambini abbandonati, denutriti, trascurati fisicamente e psicologicamente; e il suo contrario l’eccessiva cura, che porta in casi estremi ad “un’eccessiva medicalizzazione”. Quantificare il fenomeno del maltrattamento in ogni sua forma è difficile e lo è ancora di più quantificare quello di una forma di abuso piuttosto recente, ma riconoscere il fenomeno è il primo passo per preparare il terreno alla prevenzione.


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All’interno di separazioni altamente conflittuali, non è infrequente che si presentino situazioni in cui un figlio rifiuta, in maniera ingiustificata, un genitore. Esclusi i casi in cui sono presenti abusi, trascuratezza o condizioni reali di paura per cui il rifiuto è motivato, come mai un figlio può arrivare a rifiutare in maniera totale e permanente di incontrare un genitore? Può capitare che durante la separazione tra i coniugi siano presenti e persistano conflitti esasperanti, che in alcuni casi evolvono in dinamiche relazionali disfunzionali. Capita anche che a volte, all’interno di queste dinamiche, un genitore metta in atto una sorta di “alienazione” nei confronti dell’altro genitore, a cui corrisponde un rifiuto da parte del figlio del genitore cosiddetto “alienato”. Il minore, coinvolto in maniera attiva in queste dinamiche, si trova quindi in una condizione di rischio. Al di là del “dibattito” scientifico in merito alla definizione del fenomeno, ciò che risulta fondamentale è non disconoscerlo.