994 resultados para 152-919A


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Planktic d18O and d13C records and point count records of biogenic, volcanic, and nonvolcanic terrigenous [ice-rafted debris (IRD)] sediment components from Hole 919A in the Irminger basin, northern North Atlantic provide a comprehensive dataset from which a paleoceanographic reconstruction for the last 630 kyr has been developed. The paleoceanographic evolution of the Irminger basin during this time contains both long-term patterns and significant developmental steps. One long-term pattern observed is the persistent deposition of hematite-stained ice-rafted debris. This record suggests that the modern and late Pleistocene discharges of icebergs from northern redbed regions to the Irminger Sea lie in the low end of the range observed over the last 630 kyr. In addition, Arctic front fluctuations appear to have been the main controlling factor on the long-term accumulation patterns of IRD and planktic biogenic groups. The Hole 919A sediment record also contains a long-term association between felsic volcanic ash abundances and light d18O excursions in both interglacial and glacial stages, which suggests a causal link between deglaciations and explosive Icelandic eruptions. A significant developmental step in the paleoceanographic reconstruction based on benthic evidence was for diminished supply of Denmark Strait Overflow Water (DSOW) beginning at ~380 ka, possibly initiated by the influx of meltwater from broad-scale iceberg discharges along the east Greenland coast. There is also planktic evidence of a two-step cooling of sea surface conditions in the Irminger basin, first at ~338-309 ka and later at ~211-190 ka, after which both glacials and interglacials were colder as the Arctic front migrated southeast of Site 919. In addition to offering these findings, this reconstruction provides a longer-term geologic context for the interpretation of more recent paleoceanographic events and patterns of deposition from this region.


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At mid- to high-latitude marine sites, ice-rafted debris (IRD) is commonly recognized as anomalously coarse-grained terrigenous material contained within a fine-grained hemipelagic or pelagic matrix (e.g., Conolly and Ewing, 1970; Ruddiman, 1977, doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1977)88<1813:LQDOIS>2.0.CO;2; Krissek, 1989, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.104.114.1989; Jansen et al., 1990; Bond et al., doi:10.1038/360245a0, 1992; Krissek, 1995, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.145.118.1995). The presence of such ice-rafted material is a valuable indicator of the presence of glacial ice at sea level on an adjacent continent, whereas the composition of the IRD can often be used to identify the location of the source area (e.g., Goldschmidt, 1995, doi:10.1016/0025-3227(95)00098-J). Because the amount of core recovered during Leg 163 was very limited, this shore-based, postcruise study focuses on materials recovered at a nearby site during Leg 152. In particular, this study examines sediments recovered at Site 919; these sediments were described as containing a significant ice-rafted component in the Leg 152 Initial Reports volume (Larsen, Saunders, Clift, et al., 1994, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.152.1994). In this study, the sedimentary section from Site 919 has been examined with the goal of providing a detailed history of glaciations on Greenland and other landmasses adjacent to the Norwegian-Greenland Sea; this history ultimately will be calibrated using an oxygen isotope stratigraphy (Flower, 1998, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.152.219.1998), although that calibration has not been completed at this time. Because ice-core studies of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) have shown that the GIS changed dramatically, and in some cases extremely rapidly, during at least the last interglacial stage (GRIP Members, 1993, doi:10.1038/364203a0), a detailed IRD record from the Southeast Greenland margin should provide insight into the longer term behavior of this sensitive component of the Northern Hemisphere climate system.


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The distribution of Li isotopes in pore waters to a depth of 1157 m below seafloor is presented for ODP Sites 918 and 919 in the Irminger Basin, offshore Greenland. Lithium isotope data are accompanied by strontium isotope ratios to decipher diagenetic reactions in the sediments which are characterized by the pervasive presence of volcanic material, as well as by very high accumulation rates in the upper section. The lowering of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio below contemporaneous seawater values indicates several zones of volcanic material alteration. The Li isotope profiles are complex suggesting a variety of exchange reactions with the solid phases. These include cation exchange with NH4+ and mobilization from sediments at depth, in addition to the alteration of volcanic matter. Lithium isotopes are, therefore, a sensitive indicator of sediment-water interaction. d6Li values of pore waters at these two sites vary between -42 and -25?. At shallow depths (<100 mbsf), rapid decreases in the Li concentration, accompanied by a shift to heavier isotopic compositions, indicate uptake of Li into alteration products. A positive anomaly of d6Li observed at both sites is coincident with the NH4+ maximum produced by organic matter decomposition and may be related to ion exchange of Li from the sediments by NH4+. In the lower sediment column at Site 918, dissolved Li increases with depth and is characterized by enrichment of 6Li. The Li isotopic compositions of both the waters and the solid phase suggest that the enrichment of Li in deep interstitial waters is a result of release from pelagic sediments. The significance of sediment diagenesis and adsorption as sinks of oceanic Li is evaluated. The maximum diffusive flux into the sediment due to volcanic matter alteration can be no more than 5% of the combined inputs from rivers and submarine hydrothermal solutions. Adsorption on to sediments can only account for 5-10% of the total inputs from rivers and submarine hot springs.


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A 6-m.y.-long composite marine record of explosive silicic volcanism from five Ocean Drilling Program sites in the subpolar North Atlantic was compared with several marine records of global and local paleoclimate proxies (benthic d18O and ice-rafted debris records). Coarsening and high frequency of occurrence of Icelandic tephras were recorded in 3.6-3 Ma sediments, suggesting that these tephras were dispersed farther from the source by enhanced westerly winds over the subpolar North Atlantic. The 40Ar/39Ar ages were determined by laser probe on K-feldspar and biotite phenocrysts of tephras that were erupted from the Jan Mayen volcanic system. Compared to the tuned paleomagnetic age model, the 40Ar/39Ar dating (0.618+/-0.007 Ma to 4.90+/-0.05 Ma) yields a new age model that postdates by 155 k.y. the inception of ice rafting on the Iceland Plateau during the cold marine isotope stage M2 (i.e., 3.3-3.14 Ma).


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Well-preserved diatoms are present in high sedimentation rate Pleistocene cores retrieved on Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Legs 151, 152, 162 and IMAGES cruises of R/V Marion Dufresne from the North Atlantic. Investigation of the stratigraphic occurrence of diatom species shows that the youngest diatom event observed in the area is the last occurrence (LO) of Proboscia curvirostris (Jousé) Jordan and Priddle. P. curvirostris is a robust species that can easily be identified in the sediments, and therefore can be a practical biostratigraphic tool. We have mapped its areal distribution, and found that it stretches from 40°N to 80°N in the North Atlantic. Further, we have correlated the LO P. curvirostris to the oxygen isotope records of six cores to refine the age of this biostratigraphic event. The extinction of P. curvirostris is latitudinally diachronous through Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 9 to 8 within the North Atlantic. This is closely related to the paleoceanography of the area. P. curvirostris first disappeared within interglacial MIS 9 (324 ka) from the northern areas that are most sensitive to climatic forcing, like the East Greenland current and the sea-ice margin. It survived in mid-North Atlantic until the conditions of the MIS 8 (glaciation) became too severe (260 ka). In the North Pacific at ODP Site 883 the LO P. curvirostris falls within MIS 8. The observed overlap in age between the North Atlantic and the North Pacific strongly suggests that the extinction of P. curvirostris is synchronous between these oceans.