996 resultados para 14C urea breath test
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection triggers a sequence of gastric alterations starting with an inflammation of the gastric mucosa that, in some cases, evolves to gastric cancer. Efficient vaccination has not been achieved, thus it is essential to find alternative therapies, particularly in the nutritional field. The current study evaluated whether curcumin could attenuate inflammation of the gastric mucosa due to H. pylori infection. Twenty-eight C57BL/6 mice, were inoculated with the H. pylori SS1 strain; ten non-infected mice were used as controls. H. pylori infection in live mice was followed-up using a modified 13C-Urea Breath Test (13C-UBT) and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Histologically confirmed, gastritis was observed in 42% of infected non-treated mice at both 6 and 18 weeks post-infection. These mice showed an up-regulation of the expression of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, as well as of toll-like receptors (TLRs) and MyD88, at both time points. Treatment with curcumin decreased the expression of all these mediators. No inflammation was observed by histology in this group. Curcumin treatment exerted a significant anti-inflammatory effect in H. pylori-infected mucosa, pointing to the promising role of a nutritional approach in the prevention of H. pylori induced deleterious inflammation while the eradication or prevention of colonization by effective vaccine is not available.
Introduction Most studies that have evaluated the stomachs of patients with Chagas disease were performed before the discovery of Helicobacter pylori and used no control groups. This study compared the gastric features of chagasic and non-chagasic patients and assessed whether gastritis could be associated with Chagas disease. Methods Gastric biopsy samples were taken from patients who underwent endoscopy for histological analysis according to the Updated Sydney System. H. pylori infection was assessed by histology, 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) polymerase chain reaction (PCR), serology and the 13C-urea breath test. Patients were considered H. pylori-negative when all of these diagnostic tests were negative. Clinical and socio-demographic data were obtained by reviewing medical records and using a questionnaire. Results The prevalence of H. pylori infection (70.3% versus 71.7%) and chronic gastritis (92.2% versus 85%) was similar in the chagasic and non-chagasic groups, respectively; such as peptic ulcer, atrophy and intestinal metaplasia. Gastritis was associated with H. pylori infection independent of Chagas disease in a log-binomial regression model. However, the chagasic H. pylori-negative patients showed a significantly higher grade of mononuclear (in the corpus) and polymorphonuclear (PMN) (in the antrum) cell infiltration. Additionally, the patients with the digestive form of Chagas disease showed a significantly lower prevalence of corpus atrophy than those with other clinical forms. Conclusions The prevalence of H. pylori infection and of gastric histological and endoscopic features was similar among the chagasic and non-chagasic patients. Additionally, this is the first controlled study to demonstrate that H. pylori is the major cause of gastritis in patients with Chagas disease.
We evaluated the performance of a commercial immunoblotting in the serodiagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection in Brazilian patients. The presence of anti-H. pylori antibodies was also investigated in a group of 20 duodenal ulcer patients after successful treatment. One hundred and ninety one patients were studied. Among the 164 infected patients, 46 had gastric carcinoma. The duodenal ulcer patients were treated with antimicrobial drugs and the eradication of the microorganism was confirmed in all of them one month after the end of the treatment by the 13C-urea breath test. Sera were assayed for H. pylori antibodies using the Helicoblot 2.0 (Genelabs Diagnostics, Singapore). The sensitivity, specificity, positive, and negative predictive values of the test were 93.9%, 92.6%, 98.7%, and 71.4%, respectively. The sensitivity of the test was similar in patients with (93.5%) and without (95.7%) gastric carcinoma. Twenty-four months after the end of the treatment, the band of 116 kDa was still detected in one of the patients. In conclusion, the Helicoblot 2.0 is an accurate test to diagnose H. pylori infection and although it can not be employed to monitor the bacterium eradication, it may be useful for diagnosing past infection, especially in gastric carcinoma patients.
Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the association between Helicobacter pylori infection and iron deficiency (ID) in adolescents attending a public school. Patients and Methods: From March to June 2001, a cross-sectional study was conducted among adolescents (10-16 years) enrolled in a single public school in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Of 400 eligible students, 195 agreed to participate, but 1 was excluded due to sickle cell disease. A blood sample was collected from each subject to measure hemoglobin and ferritin. H pylori status was investigated with the 13 C-urea breath test. All of the subjects with either anemia or ID were given iron therapy. Results: H pylori prevalence was 40.7% (79/194), being higher in male subjects (45/90 vs 34/104, P = 0.014). There was no relation between infection and nutritional status. Abnormally low serum ferritin was observed in 12 subjects, half of whom were positive for H pylori (odds ratio [OR] 1.49, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.38-5.81). The median serum ferritin was 33.6 ng/mL (interquartile range 23.9-50.9) in infected subjects and 35.1 ng/mL (interquartile range 23.7-53.9) in uninfected subjects. Anemia was detected in 2% (4/194) of the students, half of whom were infected (OR 1.47, 95% CI 0.1-20.6). The mean hemoglobin value in infected subjects was 13.83 g/dL +/- 1.02 versus 14 g/dL +/- 1.06 in uninfected subjects. Conclusions: The study was not able to find a relation between H pylori infection and ID or anemia.
CONTEXT: Epidemiological studies have demonstrated higher frequencies of the O blood group and the non-secretor phenotype of ABH antigens among patients suffering from peptic ulcers. Since Helicobacter pylori has been established as the main etiological factor in this disease, controversies about the associations of the ABO and Lewis blood group phenotypes and secretor and non-secretor phenotypes in relation to susceptibility towards infection by this bacillus have been presented. OBJECTIVE: To verify the frequencies of ABO, Lewis blood group phenotypes, secretor and non-secretor phenotypes in patients infected or uninfected by H. pylori. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Outpatient clinic. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred and twenty patients with dyspeptic symptoms who underwent endoscopy. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: ABO and Lewis blood group phenotypes were determined by a standard hemagglutination test and the secretor and non-secretor phenotypes were evaluated by saliva samples using the inhibitor hemagglutination test. RESULTS: The diagnosis of infection, made via breath and urea tests and confirmed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in gastric biopsy fragments, showed the presence of H. pylori in 61.7% of the patients and absence in 38.3%. The differences between the frequencies of the ABO blood group phenotypes among infected (A 27.0%; B 12.2%; AB 4.0% and O 56.8%) and uninfected patients (A 58.7%; B 13.0%; AB 4.3% and O 24.0%) were significant. The Lewis blood type, secretor and non-secretor phenotypes showed homogeneous distribution between the groups of patients analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the infection of H. pylori can be related to ABO blood groups but not to the Lewis blood group nor to secretor and non-secretor phenotypes. Copyright©2002, Associação Paulista de Medicina.
After the isolation of Helicobacter pylori from an injury at the stomach mucosa by Marshall and Wareen, work that was recognized with the Nobel Prize of Medicine or Physiology in 2005, many other works showed the relationship between the presence of H. pylori and diseases at the digestive system, such as gastritis, gastric, duodenal and peptic ulcer, and stomach cancer. The 13C-Urea Breath Test - 13C-UBT is a non-invasive diagnostic method that utilizes the breath of a patient to determine the presence of H. pylori through stable isotopes. This work aimed to find an ideal 13C-UBT Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectroscopy cut-off value (a threshold between positive and negative) to diagnose H. pylori infection at Brazilian population. Patients were selected at the UNESP-Botucatu Clinical Hospital Endoscopy Section. With these results it was possible to indicate that the best cut-off value is between 2.5 to 6 ‰ of Delta Over Baseline (DOB)
OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of a community based Helicobacter pylori screening and eradication programme on the incidence of dyspepsia, resource use, and quality of life, including a cost consequences analysis. DESIGN: H pylori screening programme followed by randomised placebo controlled trial of eradication. SETTING: Seven general practices in southwest England. PARTICIPANTS: 10,537 unselected people aged 20-59 years were screened for H pylori infection (13C urea breath test); 1558 of the 1636 participants who tested positive were randomised to H pylori eradication treatment or placebo, and 1539 (99%) were followed up for two years. INTERVENTION: Ranitidine bismuth citrate 400 mg and clarithromycin 500 mg twice daily for two weeks or placebo. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Primary care consultation rates for dyspepsia (defined as epigastric pain) two years after randomisation, with secondary outcomes of dyspepsia symptoms, resource use, NHS costs, and quality of life. RESULTS: In the eradication group, 35% fewer participants consulted for dyspepsia over two years compared with the placebo group (55/787 v 78/771; odds ratio 0.65, 95% confidence interval 0.46 to 0.94; P = 0.021; number needed to treat 30) and 29% fewer participants had regular symptoms (odds ratio 0.71, 0.56 to 0.90; P = 0.05). NHS costs were 84.70 pounds sterling (74.90 pounds sterling to 93.91 pounds sterling) greater per participant in the eradication group over two years, of which 83.40 pounds sterling (146 dollars; 121 euro) was the cost of eradication treatment. No difference in quality of life existed between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Community screening and eradication of H pylori is feasible in the general population and led to significant reductions in the number of people who consulted for dyspepsia and had symptoms two years after treatment. These benefits have to be balanced against the costs of eradication treatment, so a targeted eradication strategy in dyspeptic patients may be preferable.
The objective of this study is to determine whether health disparities influence the odds of developing H. pylori infections among the children enrolled in the Pasitos Cohort Study on the US-Mexico border. The study variables were the number of prenatal care visits, ways of transportation, car in household, location of health services and insurance coverage. The study recruited eligible pregnant women to complete baseline questionnaires. Every six months after the birth of the child, infection status is measure by the 13-C urea breath test. Results indicate that having medical insurance consistently decreases the odds of being infected. Children with mothers who went to a private physician had decreased odds of infection compared to those utilizing public clinics, and having a car in the household increased the odds of infection. Limitations include bias due to loss to follow-up and the transient nature of the infection.^
It is claimed often in the H. pylori literature that spontaneous clearance (infection loss without attempts to treat) is uncommon, though little evidence supports this claim. Emerging evidence suggests that spontaneous clearance may be frequent in young children; however, factors that determine persistence of untreated H. pylori infection in childhood are not well understood. The author hypothesized that antibiotics taken for common infections cause spontaneous clearance of H. pylori infection in children. The Pasitos Cohort Study (19982005) investigated predictors of acquisition and persistence of H. pylori infection in children from El Paso, Texas, and Juarez, Mexico, enrolled prenatally at maternal-child clinics. Children were screened for infection at target intervals of 6 months from 6-84 months of age by the 13C-urea breath test corrected for body-size-dependent variation in CO2 production. This dissertation aimed to estimate the risk of spontaneous clearance at the next test following an initial detected H. pylori infection (first detected clearance), estimate the effect of antibiotic exposure on the risk of first detected clearance (risk difference), and estimate the effect of antibiotic exposure on the rate of first detected infection (rate ratio). Data on infection status and medication history were available for 608 children followed for a mean of 3.5 years. Among 265 subjects with a first detected infection, 218 had a subsequent test, and among them, the risk of first detected clearance was 68% (95% CI: 61-74%). Children who took antibiotics during the interval between first detected infection and next test had an increased probability (risk difference of 10 percentage points) of a first detected clearance. However, there was also a similar effect of average antibiotic use >0 courses across all intervals preceding the next test. Average antibiotic exposure across all intervals preceding the first detected infection appeared to have a much stronger protective effect than interval/specific exposure when estimating incidence rate ratios (0.45 vs. 1.0). Incidental antibiotic exposure appears to influence the acquisition and duration of childhood H. pylori infection, however, given that many exposed children acquired the infection and many unexposed children cleared the infection, antibiotic exposure does not explain all infection events. ^
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is an S-shaped or curved gram-negative bacterium that is mostly found in the human stomach. H. pylori causes gastritis in adults and children, which can lead to gastric ulcers or risk of cancer. Transmission of this bacterial infection remains to be unknown but is mostly acquired during childhood. Little is known about the effect H. pylori has on growth in children. Although some studies have reported that H. pylori is associated with subnormal growth, the association of H. pylori with growth retardation and malnutrition is poorly described. Data from this study comes from The Pasitos Cohort Study which draws its population from three border communities which include Socorro and San Elizario in Texas, as well as Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. Birth documentation was obtained for 803 infants and 472 entered follow-up. This cohort study allowed us to assess the growth of children from 6 months to the seventh anniversary, and describe the prevalence of underweight, short stature and overweight in the study population. We also tested the hypothesis that children in the Pasitos Cohort Study who were ever infected with H. pylori show an increased risk of growth retardation or malnutrition at 66 months of age. Using the 2000 CDC Growth Reference, we found that the mean BMI of the study population increased as children grew older, while the mean of their height for age decreased slightly. The proportion of children who were classified as of short stature was under 5%, while those considered underweight were less than 10% at selected six-months of age intervals. Using the subset of children who were 66 months of age we found that the risk of underweight was higher among those who ever tested positive for H. pylori infection using the urea breath test; however, due to small numbers of children with 'wasting' this difference was not statistically significant. Moreover, since the six cases of under weight occurred among children of low socio-economic status we could not rule out potential confounding. The risk of developing short stature was not different among those ever infected and those who never tested positive for H. pylori infection. ^
Helicobacter pylori infection is frequently acquired during childhood. This microorganism is known to cause gastritis, and duodenal ulcer in pediatric patients, however most children remain completely asymptomatic to the infection. Currently there is no consensus in favor of treatment of H. pylori infection in asymptomatic children. The firstline of treatment for this population is triple medication therapy including two antibacterial agents and one proton pump inhibitor for a 2 week duration course. Decreased eradication rate of less than 75% has been documented with the use of this first-line therapy but novel tinidazole-containing quadruple sequential therapies seem worth investigating. None of the previous studies on such therapy has been done in the United States of America. As part of an iron deficiency anemia study in asymptomatic H. pylori infected children of El Paso, Texas, we conducted a secondary data analysis of study data collected in this trial to assess the effectiveness of this tinidazole-containing sequential quadruple therapy compared to placebo on clearing the infection. Subjects were selected from a group of asymptomatic children identified through household visits to 11,365 randomly selected dwelling units. After obtaining parental consent and child assent a total of 1,821 children 3-10 years of age were screened and 235 were positive to a novel urine immunoglobulin class G antibodies test for H. pylori infection and confirmed as infected using a 13C urea breath test, using a hydrolysis urea rate >10 μg/min as cut-off value. Out of those, 119 study subjects had a complete physical exam and baseline blood work and were randomly allocated to four groups, two of which received active H. pylori eradication medication alone or in combination with iron, while the other two received iron only or placebo only. Follow up visits to their houses were done to assess compliance and occurrence of adverse events and at 45+ days post-treatment, a second urea breath test was performed to assess their infection status. The effectiveness was primarily assessed on intent to treat basis (i.e., according to their treatment allocation), and the proportion of those who cleared their infection using a cut-off value >10 μg/min of for urea hydrolysis rate, was the primary outcome. Also we conducted analysis on a per-protocol basis and according to the cytotoxin associated gene A product of the H. pylori infection status. Also we compared the rate of adverse events across the two arms. On intent-to-treat and per-protocol analyses, 44.3% and 52.9%, respectively, of the children receiving the novel quadruple sequential eradication cleared their infection compared to 12.2% and 15.4% in the arms receiving iron or placebo only, respectively. Such differences were statistically significant (p<0.001). The study medications were well accepted and safe. In conclusion, we found in this study population, of mostly asymptomatically H. pylori infected children, living in the US along the border with Mexico, that the quadruple sequential eradication therapy cleared the infection in only half of the children receiving this treatment. Research is needed to assess the antimicrobial susceptibility of the strains of H. pylori infecting this population to formulate more effective therapies. ^
Helicobacter pylori infection is very prevalent in Brazil, infecting almost 65% of the population. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of this bacterium in the oral cavity of patients with functional dyspepsia (epigastric pain syndrome), establish the main sites of infection in the mouth, and assess the frequency of cagA and vacA genotypes of oral H. pylori. All 43 outpatients with epigastric pain syndrome, who entered the study, were submitted to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy to rule out organic diseases. Helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach was confirmed by a rapid urease test and urea breath tests. Samples of saliva, the tongue dorsum and supragingival dental plaque were collected from the oral cavity of each subject and subgingival dental plaque samples were collected from the patients with periodontitis; H. pylori infection was verified by polymerase chain reaction using primers that amplify the DNA sequence of a species-specific antigen present in all H. pylori strains; primers that amplify a region of urease gene, and primers for cagA and vacA (m1, m2, s1a, s1b, s2) genotyping. Thirty patients harbored H. pylori in the stomach, but it was not possible to detect H. pylori in any oral samples using P1/P2 and Urease A/B. The genotype cagA was also negative in all samples and vacA genotype could not be characterized (s-m-). The oral cavity may not be a reservoir for H. pylori in patients with epigastric pain syndrome, the bacterium being detected exclusively in the stomach.
RESUMO: A infecção por H. pylori, enquadra-se nas doenças infecciosas gastroduodenais e estima-se que mais de 50% da população mundial esteja infectada. A história natural da infecção por H. pylori, sofre interferências relacionadas com a genética do hospedeiro, a estirpe e as características da toxicidade da bactéria. Associam-se a estes factores, o tempo de exposição à infecção, assim como as condições sociais e higiéno-sanitárias. Paralelamente, o H. pylori é considerado o principal agente patogénico das doenças gastroduodenais. Este estudo teve como objectivo principal caracterizar a infecção por H. pylori em populações de Angola e sua avaliação como problema de Saúde Pública. Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo dirigido a dois grupos populacionais, um constituído por indivíduos aparentemente saudáveis, sem queixas gástricas específicas, em ambiente de comunidade, Grupo I, e outro, Grupo II, constituído por doentes que acorreram ao serviço de Gastrenterologia do Hospital Militar Principal de Luanda (HMP). No que diz respeito ao estudo na comunidade a pesquisa de H. pylori foi realizada pelo método ELISA de pesquisa de antigénios nas fezes. Por sua vez, a nível hospitalar, os métodos de diagnóstico da infecção por H. pylori foram: a endoscopia digestiva alta para a colheita de biópsias da mucosa gástrica destinadas ao exame anatomopatológico, ao exame citobacteriológico e aos métodos moleculares. Como método não invasivos foi utilizado o teste respiratório com ureia marcada. Grupo I: o diagnóstico da infecção por H. pylori, realizado pela pesquisa de antigénios deste microrganismo nas fezes, revelou uma frequência de 69,6% na população em estudo. Considerando em cada região, verificou-se que a região do Sambizanga possuía o valor mais elevado de frequência, 81,2%, seguida do Dinge com 79,5%, estatisticamente significativas (p 0,001). A avaliação da distribuição da frequência da infecção por grupo etário, revelou que os indivíduos com idade inferior a 15 anos, possuíam uma frequência de infecção de 63,5% e sendo de 76% nos indivíduos com idade superior a 15 anos. Este estudo permitiu concluir que a frequência da infecção por H. pylori nas regiões estudadas, é de 70% à excepção do Capulo, zona litoral em que não obstante as precárias condições de saneamento, a frequência da infecção por H. pylori é baixa. Grupo II: dos 309 doentes avaliados, verificou-se que 22 (7%), apresentavam uma mucosa normal e 287 (93%) uma mucosa alterada. A avaliação histológica das biópsias do antro, em 270 amostras de acordo com o Sistema de Sidney, em 235 (87,0%), revelou a presença de gastrite, 13 (4,8%) a presença de úlcera e em 9 (3,3%), uma lesão tumoral. A avaliação histológica da actividade nas 226 amostras do antro gástrico, verificou-se que 129 (57%) possuíam actividade e 97 (43%) não possuíam. O estudo das 255 biópsias do corpo, revelou em 212 (83,1%), a presença de lesões de gastrite, em 7 (2,7%), observaram-se lesões tumorais e 2 (0.8%) apresentaram úlcera. Dos 263 doentes avaliados histologicamente para pesquisa do H. pylori, 148 (58,2%) revelaram a presença positiva desta bactéria e 106 (41,7%) foram negativas. No que diz respeito à susceptibilidade aos macrólidos, do universo de 158 doentes com H. pylori positivo, 125 (79,1%) doentes apresentaram estirpes sensíveis aos macrólidos e 33 (20,9%) estirpes resistentes. Em relação aos factores de virulência, na avaliação conjunta dos dois factores de virulência estudados (cagA e vacA), em relação ao tipo de lesões encontradas na mucosa gástrica, verificou-se que dos 11 doentes com úlcera, 7 (63,6%), apresentavam uma estirpe cagA negativa, sendo 6 vacA s1 (85,7%), uma s2 e 4 (36,3%) com uma estirpe cagA positiva e vacA s1. Por sua vez dos 2 doentes com tumor, ambas as estirpes eram cagA negativas, sendo uma vacA s1 e outra vacA s2. Em relação aos factores de virulência nos doentes aos quais se diagnosticou úlcera e tumor apresentavam estirpe cagA negativa, vacAs1. Em relação ás lesões gástricas inflamatórias, os doentes com gastrite apresentavam cagA positivo. Do presente trabalho, em atenção aos resultados obtidos no que concerne a prevalência em populações sem queixas gastrenterológicas, recomenda-se que o mesmo se possa vir a replicar numa abrangência maior, realizando-se, por exemplo, estudos comparativos de prevalência entre as populações residentes no litoral (beira-mar) e as do interior. Pelas características genotípicas de H. pylori, em correspondência com as lesões encontradas, após novos estudos mais abrangentes, recomenda-se a avaliação de uma terapêutica mais acessível para o doente e que seja de maior eficácia. Face à escassez de médicos especialistas em gastrenterologia em Angola e de meios de diagnóstico, recomenda-se um estudo mais alargado da eficácia do seguimento do doente dispéptico, conforme protocolo avaliado pelo Colégio da Especialidade de Gastrenterologia da Ordem dos Médicos de Angola e já em prática em algumas instituições de saúde.--------------------------- ABSTRACT: H.pylori infection, is part of the gastroduodenal infectious diseases and it is estimated that over 50% of the world population is infected. The natural history of H.pylori infection, is influenced by host genetic, strain type, of bacterial virulence factors, time of exposure to the infection, as well as social and hygienic-sanitary conditions. In parallel, H.pylori is considered the main pathogen of gastroduodenal diseases. This study's main objective was to characterize H.pylori infection in populations of Angola and its evaluation as a public health problem. This is a prospective study conducted in two population groups, one in community environment composed by healthy individuals without specific gastric complaints - Group I, and Group II consisting of patients who went to the Gastroenterology Service of the Hospital Military of Luanda (HMP). As regards to the study in the community detection of H.pylori was carried out by antigen search in faeces using ELISA method. At hospital level H.pylori infection diagnostic methods were: upper gastrointestinal endoscopy to obtain gastric mucosal biopsies for histology, culture and molecular methods. As a non-invasive breath test with labelled urea was used. Group I: the diagnosis of H.pylori infection, by antigens detection in faeces, revealed a frequency of 69.6% in the study population. Whereas in each region, it was found that the Sambizanga region had the highest frequency of positive cases, 81.2% , followed by Dinge with 79.5%, Funda with 78.7 and Capulo with 39.8% being differences statistically significant (p=0.001). The evaluation of the distribution of the infection frequency by age group, revealed that individuals younger than 15 years had a frequency of 63.5% and in individuals older than 15 years, 76%. This study showed that the frequency of H.pylori infection in the regions studied was 70% exception due to Capulo, a coastal zone where despite the poor sanitation conditions; the frequency of H.pylori infection is lower. Group II: from the 309 patients evaluated, it was found that 22 (7%) had a normal mucosa and 287 (93%) a modified mucosa. Histological evaluation of antrum biopsies in 270 samples according to the Sydney System revealed the presence of gastritis in 235 (87.0%), the presence of ulcers in 13 (4.8%) and a tumour in 9 (3 3%). Histological assessment of activity in the gastric antrum of 226 samples, revealed that 129 (57%) had activity and 97 (43%) did not. The evaluation of the 255 corpus biopsies showed in 212 (83.1%), the presence of lesions of gastritis, in 7 (2.7%) tumour lesions and in 2 (0.8%) an ulcer. Of the 263 patients histological evaluated for H.pylori, 148 (58.2%) revealed the presence of this bacteria and 106 (41.7%) were negative. As regards susceptibility to macrolides from the universe of 158 patients with H.pylori, 125 (79.1%) patients had macrolides susceptible strains and 33 (20.9%) resistant strains. Regarding virulence factors (vacA and cagA), it was found that from the 11 patients with ulcers, 7 (63.6%), had a cagA negative strain, being 6 vacA s1, (85.7%) one vacA s2 and 4 (36.3%) with a cagA positive strain vacA s1. Concerning the 2 patients with tumour, both strains were cagA negative, one vacA s1 and other vacA s2. Patients with ulcer and tumour had cagA negative strains vacAs1. From this work, considering the prevalence of H.pylori obtained in health population, it is recommended that the same study should be performed in larger scale to confirm these results. The results of H.pylori genotyping suggest that more comprehensive studies are needed. Given the reduce number gastroenterology specialist in Angola and the lack of diagnostics methods, we recommend a larger study of the effectiveness of follow-up the patient dyspeptic, according to the protocol assessed by the College of Gastroenterology Specialty of the Order of Doctors and Angola already in place in some health institutions.
AIMS: Managing patients with alcohol dependence includes assessment for heavy drinking, typically by asking patients. Some recommend biomarkers to detect heavy drinking but evidence of accuracy is limited. METHODS: Among people with dependence, we assessed the performance of disialo-carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (%dCDT, ≥1.7%), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT, ≥66 U/l), either %dCDT or GGT positive, and breath alcohol (> 0) for identifying 3 self-reported heavy drinking levels: any heavy drinking (≥4 drinks/day or >7 drinks/week for women, ≥5 drinks/day or >14 drinks/week for men), recurrent (≥5 drinks/day on ≥5 days) and persistent heavy drinking (≥5 drinks/day on ≥7 consecutive days). Subjects (n = 402) with dependence and current heavy drinking were referred to primary care and assessed 6 months later with biomarkers and validated self-reported calendar method assessment of past 30-day alcohol use. RESULTS: The self-reported prevalence of any, recurrent and persistent heavy drinking was 54, 34 and 17%. Sensitivity of %dCDT for detecting any, recurrent and persistent self-reported heavy drinking was 41, 53 and 66%. Specificity was 96, 90 and 84%, respectively. %dCDT had higher sensitivity than GGT and breath test for each alcohol use level but was not adequately sensitive to detect heavy drinking (missing 34-59% of the cases). Either %dCDT or GGT positive improved sensitivity but not to satisfactory levels, and specificity decreased. Neither a breath test nor GGT was sufficiently sensitive (both tests missed 70-80% of cases). CONCLUSIONS: Although biomarkers may provide some useful information, their sensitivity is low the incremental value over self-report in clinical settings is questionable.
The aim of the study was to synthesize the urea (13CO(NH2)2), with 99% 13C atoms, and to perform a quality analysis for the diagnosis (breath test) of Helicobacter pylori. Furthermore, the process was submitted to economic analysis. The reaction was performed in a stainless steel reactor, lined with polytetrafluoroethylene, under low pressure and temperature. The synthesis method was shown to be appropriate (2.35 g; 81.9% yield), evidenced by physico-chemical and microbiological results, according to Brazilian legislation. The production and diagnosis costs were competitive compared with national and international market values, rendering this a valuable tool in clinical medicine.