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Record flooding occurred June 15-17, 1998, in the Nishnabotna and East Nishnabotna River basins following severe thunderstorm activity over southwest Iowa. More than 8 inches of rain fell over a large part of Cass County. The rain gage at Atlantic, Iowa recorded a 24-hour total rainfall of 13.18 inches, which established a new official State record for the greatest amount of rainfall in a 24-hour period. The peak discharge was 41,400 cubic feet per second in the East Nishnabotna River near Atlantic, 60,500 cubic feet per second in the East Nishnabotna River at Red Oak, and 65,100 cubic feet per second in the Nishnabotna River above Hamburg. The peak discharge at Atlantic was greater than the theoretical 200-year flood and the peak discharges at Red Oak and Hamburg were greater than the respective theoretical 500-year floods. Information about the basin, the rain storms, the flooding, and a profile of high water marks at selected intervals along the Nishnabotna and East Nishnabotna Rivers are presented in this report.
Water-surface-elevation profiles and peak discharges for the floods of September 15-16, 1992, in the Thompson, Weldon, and Chariton River Basins, south-central Iowa, are presented in this report. The profiles illustrate the 1992 floods along the Thompson, Weldon, Chariton, and South Fork Chariton Rivers and along Elk Creek in the south-central Iowa counties of Adair, Clarke, Decatur, Lucas, Madison, Ringgold, Union, and Wayne. Water-surface-elevation profiles for the floods of July 4, 1981, along the Chariton River in Lucas County and along the South Fork Chariton River in Wayne County also are included in the report for comparative purposes. The September 15-16, 1992, floods are the largest known peak discharges at gaging stations Thompson River at Davis City (station number 06898000) 57,000 cubic feet per second, Weldon River near Leon (station number 06898400) 76,200 cubic feet per second, Chariton River near Chariton (station number 06903400) 37,700 cubic feet per second, and South Fork Chariton River near Promise City (station number 06903700) 70,600 cubic feet per second. The peak discharges were, respectively, 1.7, 2.6, 1.4, and 2.1 times larger than calculated 100-year recurrence-interval discharges. The report provides information on flood stages and discharges and floodflow frequencies for streamflow-gaging stations in the Thompson, Weldon, and Chariton River Basins using flood information collected through 1995. Information on temporary bench marks and reference points established in the Thompson and Weldon River Basins during 1994-95, and in the Chariton River Basin during 1983-84 and 1994-95, also is included in the report. A flood history summarizes rainfall conditions and damages for floods that occurred during 1947, 1959, 1981, 1992, and 1993.
Water-surface-elevation profiles and peak discharges for the floods of June 17, 1990, and July 9, 1993, along Squaw Creek and the South Skunk River, in Ames, Iowa, are presented in this report. The maximum flood-peak discharge of 24,300 cubic feet per second for the streamflow-gaging station on Squaw Creek at Ames, Iowa (station number 05470500) occurred on July 9, 1993. This discharge was 80 percent larger than the 100-year recurrence-interval discharge and exceeded the previous record flood-peak discharge of June 17, 1990, by 94 percent. The July 9, 1993, flood-peak discharge of 26,500 cubic feet per second on the South Skunk River below Squaw Creek (station number 05471000) was also a peak of record, exceeding the previous record flood-peak discharge of June 27,1975, by 80 percent, and the 100-year recurrence-interval discharge by 60 percent. A flood history describes rainfall conditions for floods that occurred during 1990 and 1993.
Water-surface-elevation profiles and peak discharges for the floods of July 12, 1972, March 19, 1979, and June 15, 1991, in the Turkey River Basin, northeast Iowa, are presented in this report. The profiles illustrate the 1979 and 1991 floods along the Turkey River in Fayette and Clayton Counties and along the Volga River in Clayton County; the 1991 flood along Roberts Creek in Clayton County and along Otter Creek in Fayette County; and the 1972 flood along the Turkey River in Winneshiek and Fayette Counties. Watersurface elevations for the flood of March 19, 1979, were collected by the Iowa Natural Resources Council. The June 15, 1991, flood on the Turkey River at Garber (station number 05412500) is the largest known flood-peak discharge at the streamflow-gaging station for the period 1902-95. The peak discharge for June 15, 1991, of 49,900 cubic feet per second was 1.4 times larger than the 100-year recurrence-interval discharge. The report provides information on flood stages and discharges and floodflow frequencies for streamflow-gaging stations in the Turkey River Basin using flood information collected during 1902-95. Information on temporary bench marks and reference points established in the Turkey River Basin during 1981, 1992, and 1996 also is included in the report. A flood history describes rainfall conditions for floods that occurred during 1922, 1947, 1972, 1979, and 1991.
From Proposed Action: "The proposed action consists of reconstructing the East 1st Street/I-35 interchange with a Diverging Diamond interchange, widening I-35 from four (4) lanes to six (6) lanes, and widening East 1st Street from four (4) lanes to five (5) lanes from Delaware Avenue to Frisk Drive. The project also proposes to reconstruct the intersections of East 1st Street/Creekview Drive and East 1st Street/Frisk Drive."
Flood-elevation profiles and flood-peak discharges for floods during 1972, 1982, and 1987 in the Nishnabotna River basin are given in the report. The profiles are for the 1972 flood on the West and East Nishnabotna Rivers, the 1982 flood on Indian Creek, and the 1987 flood on the lower West Nishnabotna River. A flood history describes rainfall conditions and reported damages for floods occurring 1947, 1958, 1972, 1982, and 1987. Discharge for the 1982 flood on Indian Creek is 1.1 times larger than the 100-year recurrence interval discharge.
Estudi sobre els microrelats i la xarxa de 140 caràcters.
A pele representa parte importante do sistema tegumentar, pois desempenha funções como a proteção contra desidratação, lesões e infecções, além de apresentar alto poder de renovação. Histologicamente, a pele consiste de duas camadas funcionais, morfologicamente distintas, a epiderme e a derme. As glândulas mamárias, capsula ungueal e cornos também fazem parte deste sistema. Devido à escassez de dados na literatura sobre o desenvolvimento da pele e dos anexos de natureza córnea em bovinos, o objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever as características morfológicas do desenvolvimento do sistema tegumentar durante os períodos embrionário e fetal em bovinos. Os indivíduos foram divididos em três grupos: Grupo I -embriões de 20-26 dias (n=4); Grupo II -embriões 30-47 dias (n=6) e Grupo III -fetos de 74-140 dias (n=6). Durante o desenvolvimento da pele observou-se diferentes padrões morfológicos de acordo com as regiões analisadas, apresentando índice maior de diferenciação no intervalo entre 30-47 dias de gestação. O aparelho ungueal e a glândula mamária se desenvolvem mais tardiamente entre os dias 74-140 da gestação. Em resumo, estes resultados acerca do desenvolvimento do sistema tegumentar em bovinos, poderão auxiliar na interpretação e compreensão da formação dos órgãos que o constituem, assim como para a compreensão de alterações patológicas associadas à organogênese.