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The genre documentary in itself characterized by citizen emancipation from the content discussed in his works. Termed as images of the people by Jean-Claude Bernardet (2003), the documentary is gaining traction in social development when added to citizen participation offered by transmedia storytelling. This study presents the results obtained from a literature search, the film analysis and experimentation supported in quasi-experimental methodology, results that support these conditions. Hopefully, from this discussion, consolidate the systematic development of transmedia documentary works in new media ecology and that maximizes the role of journalism by a traditionally audiovisual platform, now with other strands to the representation of the news.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
BACKGROUND Sacral neuromodulation has become a well-established and widely accepted treatment for refractory non-neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction, but its value in patients with a neurological cause is unclear. Although there is evidence indicating that sacral neuromodulation may be effective and safe for treating neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction, the number of investigated patients is low and there is a lack of randomized controlled trials. METHODS AND DESIGN This study is a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind multicenter trial including 4 sacral neuromodulation referral centers in Switzerland. Patients with refractory neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction are enrolled. After minimally invasive bilateral tined lead placement into the sacral foramina S3 and/or S4, patients undergo prolonged sacral neuromodulation testing for 3-6 weeks. In case of successful (defined as improvement of at least 50% in key bladder diary variables (i.e. number of voids and/or number of leakages, post void residual) compared to baseline values) prolonged sacral neuromodulation testing, the neuromodulator is implanted in the upper buttock. After a 2 months post-implantation phase when the neuromodulator is turned ON to optimize the effectiveness of neuromodulation using sub-sensory threshold stimulation, the patients are randomized in a 1:1 allocation in sacral neuromodulation ON or OFF. At the end of the 2 months double-blind sacral neuromodulation phase, the patients have a neuro-urological re-evaluation, unblinding takes place, and the neuromodulator is turned ON in all patients. The primary outcome measure is success of sacral neuromodulation, secondary outcome measures are adverse events, urodynamic parameters, questionnaires, and costs of sacral neuromodulation. DISCUSSION It is of utmost importance to know whether the minimally invasive and completely reversible sacral neuromodulation would be a valuable treatment option for patients with refractory neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction. If this type of treatment is effective in the neurological population, it would revolutionize the management of neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction. TRIAL REGISTRATION TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER http://www.clinicaltrials.gov; Identifier: NCT02165774.
Introduction: Chemical composition of water determines its physical properties and character of processes proceeding in it: freezing temperature, volume of evaporation, density, color, transparency, filtration capacity, etc. Presence of chemical elements in water solution confers waters special physical properties exerting significant influence on their circulation, creates necessary conditions for development and inhabitance of flora and fauna, and imparts to the ocean waters some chemical features that radically differ them from the land waters (Alekin & Liakhin, 1984). Hydrochemical information helps to determine elements of water circulation, convection depth, makes it easier to distinguish water masses and gives additional knowledge of climatic variability of ocean conditions. Hydrochemical information is a necessary part of biological research. Water chemical composition can be the governing characteristics determining possibility and limits of use of marine objects, both stationary and moving in sea water. Subject of investigation of hydrochemistry is study of dynamics of chemical composition, i.e. processes of its formation and hydrochemical conditions of water bodies (Alekin & Liakhin 1984). The hydrochemical processes in the Arctic Ocean are the least known. Some information on these processes can be obtained in odd publications. A generalizing study of hydrochemical conditions in the Arctic Ocean based on expeditions conducted in the years 1948-1975 has been carried out by Rusanov et al. (1979). The "Atlas of the World Ocean: the Arctic Ocean" contains a special section "Hydrochemistry" (Gorshkov, 1980). Typical vertical profiles, transects and maps for different depths - 0, 100, 300, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000 m are given in this section for the following parameters: dissolved oxygen, phosphate, silicate, pH and alkaline-chlorine coefficient. The maps were constructed using the data of expeditions conducted in the years 1948-1975. The illustrations reflect main features of distribution of the hydrochemical elements for multi-year period and represent a static image of hydrochemical conditions. Distribution of the hydrochemical elements on the ocean surface is given for two seasons - winter and summer, for the other depths are given mean annual fields. Aim of the present Atlas is description of hydrochemical conditions in the Arctic Ocean on the basis of a greater body of hydrochemical information for the years 1948-2000 and using the up-to-date methods of analysis and electronic forms of presentation of hydrochemical information. The most wide-spread characteristics determined in water samples were used as hydrochemical indices. They are: dissolved oxygen, phosphate, silicate, pH, total alkalinity, nitrite and nitrate. An important characteristics of water salt composition - "salinity" has been considered in the Oceanographic Atlas of the Arctic Ocean (1997, 1998). Presentation of the hydrochemical characteristics in this Hydrochemical Atlas is wider if compared with that of the former Atlas (Gorshkov, 1980). Maps of climatic distribution of the hydrochemical elements were constructed for all the standard depths, and seasonal variability of the hydrochemical parameters is given not only for the surface, but also for the underlying standard depths up to 400 m and including. Statistical characteristics of the hydrochemical elements are given for the first time. Detailed accuracy estimates of initial data and map construction are also given in the Atlas. Calculated values of mean-root deviations, maximum and minimum values of the parameters demonstrate limits of their variability for the analyzed period of observations. Therefore, not only investigations of chemical statics are summarized in the Atlas, but also some elements of chemical dynamics are demonstrated. Digital arrays of the hydrochemical elements obtained in nodes of a regular grid are the new form of characteristics presentation in the Atlas. It should be mentioned that the same grid and the same boxes were used in the Atlas, as those that had been used by creation of the US-Russian climatic Oceanographic Atlas. It allows to combine hydrochemical and oceanographic information of these Atlases. The first block of the digital arrays contains climatic characteristics calculated using direct observational data. These climatic characteristics were not calculated in the regions without observations, and the information arrays for these regions have gaps. The other block of climatic information in a gridded form was obtained with the help of objective analysis of observational data. Procedure of the objective analysis allowed us to obtain climatic estimates of the hydrochemical characteristics for the whole water area of the Arctic Ocean including the regions not covered by observations. Data of the objective analysis can be widely used, in particular, in hydrobiological investigations and in modeling of hydrochemical conditions of the Arctic Ocean. Array of initial measurements is a separate block. It includes all the available materials of hydrochemical observations in the form, as they were presented in different sources. While keeping in mind that this array contains some amount of perverted information, the authors of the Atlas assumed it necessary to store this information in its primary form. Methods of data quality control can be developed in future in the process of hydrochemical information accumulation. It can be supposed that attitude can vary in future to the data that were rejected according to the procedure accepted in the Atlas. The hydrochemical Atlas of the Arctic Ocean is the first specialized and electronic generalization of hydrochemical observations in the Arctic Ocean and finishes the program of joint efforts of Russian and US specialists in preparation of a number of atlases for the Arctic. The published Oceanographic Atlas (1997, 1998), Atlas of Arctic Meteorology and Climate (2000), Ice Atlas of the Arctic Ocean prepared for publication and Hydrochemical Atlas of the Arctic Ocean represent a united series of fundamental generalizations of empirical knowledge of Arctic Ocean nature at climatic level. The Hydrochemical Atlas of the Arctic Ocean was elaborated in the result of joint efforts of the SRC of the RF AARI and IARC. Dr. Ye. Nikiforov was scientific supervisor of the Atlas, Dr. R. Colony was manager on behalf of the USA and Dr. L. Timokhov - on behalf of Russia.
La iglesia de Sant Miquel en Palma de Mallorca tiene un origen gótico pero sufrió importantes reformas en el siglo XVII. Al parecer, del gótico sólo se conservan las capillas laterales. Se trata de una iglesia de una gran nave única, con capillas laterales. La gran bóveda se compone de grandes arcos fajones, de unos 14 m de luz, espaciados unos 4 m, entre los cuales hay una delgada bóveda de cañón de libaña de marés de 13 cm de espesor y 14,65 m de luz. En los pies hay un coro alto sobre una bóveda de crucería muy rebajada y con un arco de cabeza carpanel, también muy rebajado hacia la nave. En la zona de los pies se aprecian grietas en los plementos de la bóveda del coro, en el arco de cabeza, y en las bóvedas de cañón entre los arcos fajones. La gran bóveda presenta una grieta de separación en el lado sur del muro de fachada; el segundo tramo desde los pies presenta también una grieta transversal. El enlucido de la gran bóveda está bastante deteriorado y ha habido pequeños desprendimientos. Los citados agrietamientos y el desprendimiento de pequeños trozos del enlucido han causado preocupación en el Obispado. El objetivo del presente informe es estudiar el origen de estos agrietamientos y su posible influencia en la estabilidad de la iglesia así como sugerir, en su caso, medidas de refuerzo o consolidación.
Introdução: Estudos têm demonstrado que doenças crônicas e alterações metabólicas podem atuar como fator de aceleração na degeneração do sistema auditivo decorrente da idade. Todavia, os estudos sobre a associação entre a perda auditiva com o diabetes mellitus (DM) e com a hipertensão arterial (HA) em idosos mostraram conclusões controversas. Sendo assim, novos estudos sobre este assunto são necessários, a fim de esclarecer o efeito destas doenças crônicas sobre o sistema auditivo. Objetivos: Comparar uma audiometria inicial (A1) com uma audiometria sequencial (A2) realizada com um intervalo de 3 a 4 anos em uma população de idosos portadores de DM e/ou HA; realizar um estudo comparativo entre quatro grupos de idosos: grupo controle (GC), formado por idosos sem alterações crônicas, grupo de idosos portadores de DM; grupo de idosos portadores de HA, grupo de idosos portadores de DM e HA. Métodos: Foi realizado um levantamento em 901 prontuários do Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde Auditiva do Adulto (ELSAA), de indivíduos atendidos no Hospital Universitário (HU) da Universidade de São Paulo, no período de 2009 a 2015. De acordo com os critérios de inclusão, foram selecionados 100 indivíduos para participarem da presente pesquisa. A avaliação inicial (A1), constando de anamnese, audiometria tonal e imitânciometria foram utilizadas e foi feita uma nova avaliação audiológica (A2) após o período de 3 a 4 anos. Os participantes foram distribuídos em quatro grupos: 20 indivíduos portadores de DM (grupo DM), 20 indivíduos portadores de HA (grupo HA), 20 indivíduos portadores de DM e HA (grupo DMHA) e 40 indivíduos não portadores de DM nem de HA (GC). Para cada grupo estudo (HA, DM e DMHA), foram selecionados indivíduos (entre os 40 do GC) de forma a parear as características referentes a idade e sexo. Foram utilizados os testes estatísticos ANOVA, teste exato de Fisher e Kruskal-Wallis, com nível de significância de 0,05. Foi também calculada a odds ratio, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as orelhas para nenhum dos grupos; sendo assim, as orelhas direita e esquerda foram agrupadas para as outras comparações. Na comparação da média de aumento anual dos limiares auditivos da primeira avaliação A1 com a segunda avaliação A2 entre os grupos, pode-se observar que para o grupo DM, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante para nenhuma das frequências avaliadas, quando comparado ao seu respectivo controle; para o grupo HA foram observadas diferenças significantes a partir de 4kHz, bem como tendência à diferença estatisticamente significante em 3 kHz, quando comparado a seu respectivo controle. Já para o grupo DMHA, quando comparado a seu grupo controle, foram observadas diferenças significantes nas frequências de 500, 2k, 3k e 8kHz, além de tendência à diferença estatisticamente significante em 4k e 6kHz. Considerando-se os casos novos de perda auditiva, pode-se observar que houve diferença estatisticamente significante apenas para o grupo HA, para as frequências altas. Verificou-se também que, para as frequências altas (3k a 8kHz), os números de casos novos de perda auditiva foram sempre maiores nos grupos estudo quando comparados aos seus respectivos controles. Na comparação das médias dos limiares auditivos, tanto na avaliação A1 quanto na avaliação A2, observou-se que os grupos estudo (DM, HA e DMHA) apresentaram limiares auditivos mais prejudicados, quando comparados a seus respectivos grupos controle. Na comparação entre os grupos apenas para a avaliação A2, pode-se observar que para as frequências altas, houve associação estatisticamente significante entre apresentar as condições clínicas (DM, HA e DMHA) e a presença de perda auditiva. A OR para DM foi de 5,57 (2,9-14,65), para HA foi de 4,2 (1,35-13,06) e para DMHA foi de 5,72 (1,85-17,64). Conclusão: Verificou-se que os idosos portadores de DM, HA ou ambos apresentaram limiares auditivos mais rebaixados quando comparados a seus respectivos grupos controle, principalmente nas altas frequências, o que sugere que estas patologias podem ter um efeito deletério sobre a audição. Além disso, nota-se que o grupo HA apresentou limiares auditivos piores para a maioria das frequências e foi o que apresentou maior queda dos limiares auditivos no segmento de 3 a 4 anos, quando comparado aos outros dois grupos estudo (DMHA e DM), sugerindo que dentre as três condições estudadas, a hipertensão parece ser a que teve maior influência sobre a audição