293 resultados para 1376


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1. bd. Aus der zeit könig Wenzels bis zum tode könig Albrechts II. 1376-1439.--2. bd. 1. abth. Aus der zeit kaiser Friedrichs III. bis zur wahl könig Maximilians I. 1440-1486. 2. abth. Aus der zeit kaiser Maximilians I. 1486-1519.


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A compilation of chemical analyses of Pacific Ocean nodules using an x-ray fluorescence technique. The equipment used was a General Electric XRD-5 with a tungsten tube. Lithium fluoride was used as the diffraction element in assaying for all elements above calcium in the atomic table and EDDT was used in conjunction with a helium path for all elements with an atomic number less than calcium. Flow counters were used in conjunction with a pulse height analyzer to eliminate x-ray lines of different but integral orders in gathering count data. The stability of the equipment was found to be excellent by the author. The equipment was calibrated by the use of standard ores made from pure oxide forms of the elements in the nodules and carefully mixed in proportion to the amounts of these elements generally found in the manganese nodules. Chemically analyzed standards of the nodules themselves were also used. As a final check, a known amount of the element in question was added to selected samples of the nodules and careful counts were taken on these samples before and after the addition of the extra amount of the element. The method involved the determination and subsequent use of absorption and activation factors for the lines of the various elements. All the absorption and activation factors were carefully determined using the standard ores. The chemically analyzed samples of the nodules by these methods yielded an accuracy to at least three significant figures.


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Phosphate deposits which apparently formed during the Miocene climatic optimum are widespread on the Chatham Rise and Camp bell Plateau, and on seamounts in the north Tasman Sea. They formed under oxidising conditions by the phosphatisation of older or contemporaneous foraminiferal oozes (Campbell Plateau and Chatham Rise) and coral limestones (Tasman Sea). The phosphorites of the rise and plateau were formed where current activity was sufficiently strong to prevent normal sedimentation, and now form lag deposits. After the Miocene, phosphorite formation ceased and was followed by manganese oxide deposition where conditions were highly oxidising on the eastern Campbell Plateau and north Tasman seamounts, and by glauconite formation in the much less oxidising environments of the western Campbell Plateau and the Chat ham Rise. The manganese deposits are not volcanogenic, as was formerly thought, but formed by slow precipitation from well oxygenated sea water.


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Some factors complicate comparisons between linkage maps from different studies. This problem can be resolved if measures of precision, such as confidence intervals and frequency distributions, are associated with markers. We examined the precision of distances and ordering of microsatellite markers in the consensus linkage maps of chromosomes 1, 3 and 4 from two F 2 reciprocal Brazilian chicken populations, using bootstrap sampling. Single and consensus maps were constructed. The consensus map was compared with the International Consensus Linkage Map and with the whole genome sequence. Some loci showed segregation distortion and missing data, but this did not affect the analyses negatively. Several inversions and position shifts were detected, based on 95% confidence intervals and frequency distributions of loci. Some discrepancies in distances between loci and in ordering were due to chance, whereas others could be attributed to other effects, including reciprocal crosses, sampling error of the founder animals from the two populations, F(2) population structure, number of and distance between microsatellite markers, number of informative meioses, loci segregation patterns, and sex. In the Brazilian consensus GGA1, locus LEI1038 was in a position closer to the true genome sequence than in the International Consensus Map, whereas for GGA3 and GGA4, no such differences were found. Extending these analyses to the remaining chromosomes should facilitate comparisons and the integration of several available genetic maps, allowing meta-analyses for map construction and quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping. The precision of the estimates of QTL positions and their effects would be increased with such information.


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A flow system designed with solenoid micro-pumps is proposed for the determination of paraquat in natural waters. The procedure involves the reaction of paraquat with dehydroascorbic acid followed by spectrophotometric measurements. The proposed procedure minimizes the main drawbacks related to the standard chromatographic procedure and to flow analysis and manual methods with spectrophotometric detection based on the reaction with sodium dithionite, i.e. high solvent consumption and waste generation and low sampling rate for chromatography and high instability of the reagent in the spectrophotometric procedures. A home-made 10-cm optical-path flow cell was employed for improving sensitivity and detection limit. Linear response was observed for paraquat concentrations in the range 0.10-5.0 mg L-1. The detection limit (99.7% confidence level), sampling rate and coefficient of variation (n = 10) were estimated as 22 mu g L-1, 63 measurements per hour and 1.0%, respectively. Results of determination of paraquat in natural water samples were in agreement with those achieved by the chromatographic reference procedure at the 95% confidence level. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Este texto reflete a necessidade de uma reforma profunda nos sistemas judici??rios nos pa??ses da Am??rica Latina. O autor enumera os mais consider??veis eventos pol??ticos ocorridos na regi??o ap??s a d??cada de 60, principalmente durante o per??odo dos governos militares, com ??nfase nos modelos judici??rios prevalecentes ??? comumente dependentes, manipulados e fr??geis ??? bem como nos problemas enfrentados pelos ju??zes e serventu??rios da justi??a em muitos pa??ses. Ele tamb??m descreve v??rios movimentos pela reforma legal observados em dois diferentes momentos ??? do fim da d??cada de 60 e come??o da de 70, e depois, durante a d??cada de 80, comparando seus sucessos e fracassos e enumerando uma quantidade de seguidores nacionais e internacionais. Finalmente, o leitor deparar-se-?? com uma an??lise das mudan??as econ??micas e pol??ticas que t??m incentivado esta nova preocupa????o por justi??a e pela reforma das institui????es legais, dentre outras, na Am??rica Latina, assim como as dificuldades que esse movimento deve enfrentar no sentido de alcan??ar um Estado descentralizado, eficiente e democr??tico.


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Sabe-se que a interacção entre crianças assenta em brincadeiras alegres e sonoras onde o Riso e o Humor próprio daquelas idades, liga incessantemente os jogos, num fio de tempo interminável. Os primeiros momentos de relação entre humanos são auditivos, fazem-se de risos, de vocalizações sem sentido especial, são rudimentos da comunicação que se fundam a partir de elementos básicos. A evolução destas relações sociais com base nas “alegres experiências” de infância tem continuidade no futuro dos indivíduos. O Humor e a sua expressão natural, o Riso, continuará a unir-nos, a ser contagiante, a ser um dos factores de socialização mais importantes ao longo da vida. Uma criança com surdez congénita vive privada de manifestações relacionais com base no audível, muitas das interacções precoces, mediadas pelo Humor infantil e pelo Riso aglutinador, estarão diminuídas. Cremos que esta privação terá consequências no desenvolvimento da sensibilidade ao Humor e que isso resultará num prejuízo em esferas de aquisição cognitiva relacionadas com a socialização, ou com uma certa inteligibilidade do mundo que se faz nestes territórios. Quisemos neste estudo saber se as crianças surdas interpretam as situações humorísticas de forma diferente das ouvintes e se perante uma mesma sequência de situações humorísticas, as crianças surdas expressam o seu humor em momentos diferentes dos ouvintes e com reacções diferentes. Criámos uma situação experimental em que comparámos reacções de crianças ouvintes e de crianças surdas a um mesmo estímulo humorístico procurando inferir diferenças na sensibilidade ao Humor. Os resultados suscitaram reflexões e perguntas novas. Levantam-se questões de ordem sociológica, cultural e pedagógica de difícil contorno e somos alertados para aspectos específicos no ensino e desenvolvimento das crianças surdas, ensaiando-se olhares mais amplos na tela da diversidade.


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The optimal power flow problem has been widely studied in order to improve power systems operation and planning. For real power systems, the problem is formulated as a non-linear and as a large combinatorial problem. The first approaches used to solve this problem were based on mathematical methods which required huge computational efforts. Lately, artificial intelligence techniques, such as metaheuristics based on biological processes, were adopted. Metaheuristics require lower computational resources, which is a clear advantage for addressing the problem in large power systems. This paper proposes a methodology to solve optimal power flow on economic dispatch context using a Simulated Annealing algorithm inspired on the cooling temperature process seen in metallurgy. The main contribution of the proposed method is the specific neighborhood generation according to the optimal power flow problem characteristics. The proposed methodology has been tested with IEEE 6 bus and 30 bus networks. The obtained results are compared with other wellknown methodologies presented in the literature, showing the effectiveness of the proposed method.


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Opportunistic diseases (OD) are the most common cause of death in AIDS patients. To access the incidence of OD and survival in advanced immunodeficiency, we included 79 patients with AIDS treated at Hospital Evandro Chagas (FIOCRUZ) from September 1997 to December 1999 with at least one CD4 count <=100 cells/mm³. The incidence of OD was analyzed by Poisson's regression, and survival by Kaplan Meier and Cox analysis, considering a retrospective (before CD4 <=100 cells/mm³) and a prospective (after CD4 <=100 cells/mm³) period, and controlling for demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics. The confidence interval estipulated was 95%. Mean follow-up period was 733 days (CI = 683-782). During the study 9 (11.4%) patients died. Survival from AIDS diagnosis was a mean of 2589 days (CI = 2363-2816) and from the date of the CD4 count CD4 <=100 cells/mm³ was a mean of 1376 (CI = 1181-1572) days. Incidence of OD was 0.51 pp/y before CD4 <= 100 cells/mm³ and 0.29 pp/y after CD4 <= 100 cells/mm³. A lower number of ODs before CD4 < 100 cells/mm³ was associated with lower incidence rates after CD4 <= 100 cells/mm³. AIDS diagnosis based on CD4+ counts <= 200 cells/mm³ was associated with lower incidence rates after CD4 <= 100 cells/mm³. Baseline CD4 counts above 50 cells/mm³ (HR = 0.13) and restoration of baseline CD4+ counts above 100 cells/mm³ (HR = 0.16) were associated with a lower risk of death. Controling both variables, only restoration of baseline counts was statistically significant (HR = 0.22, p = 0.04). We found a very low incidence of OD and long survival after CD4 < 100 cells/mm³. Survival was significantly associated with restoration of baseline CD4 counts above 100 cells/mm³.


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A larva migrans cutânea é frequente em regiões tropicais e sub-tropicais e é causada pela migração de larvas de nemátodos na pele. O diagnóstico é efectuado essencialmente pelas características epidemiológicas da dermatose e pela sua semiologia clínica. Geralmente o tratamento é bem sucedido com albendazol ou ivermectina. Descreve-se o caso clínico de uma mulher de 54 anos que regressou de férias na Jamaica há cerca de 15 dias. A doente iniciou no local, uma pápula eritematosa, bem delimitada, com 2mm de largura no bordo externo do pé esquerdo, progredindo em trajecto serpiginoso pela planta até atingir o bordo interno do pé. Negava febre ou outros sintomas associados. Clinicamente a dermatose era muito sugestiva de larva migrans cutânea pelo que se institui terapêutica com albendazol. O presente caso serve para relembrar uma dermatose pouco frequente em Portugal. Pretende-se também alertar para o reconhecimento precoce desta dermatose, que apesar de autolimitada é motivo de grande ansiedade para os doentes.


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Ophthalmoplegic migraine (OM) is a childhood disorder of uncertain etiology manifesting recurrent unilateral headache associated with a transitory oculomotor (usually IIIrd nerve) palsy. Recent publications emphasize the finding on MRI of contrast enhancement in the IIIrd nerve suggesting that OM may be a recurrent inflammatory neuropathy. We report the case of a 7-year-old boy with typical symptoms of this disorder. Angio MR and Angio CT revealed the presence of an infundibular dilatation of a perforating branch of the posterior cerebral artery adjacent to the symptomatic IIIrd nerve. We speculate that this and perhaps other cases of OM may have a different pathophysiology related to compression of the IIIrd nerve by an adjacent vascular structure that could activate the trigeminovascular system and produce migrainous pain.


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Esta investigação aborda a qualidade da produção noticiosa sobre o erro médico, como um fator essencial na construção do conhecimento público sobre o tema, com o objetivo de compreender que características definem tal produção e até que ponto poderão ser explicadas pela periodicidade e orientação editorial dos jornais; que conceito de erro médico é veiculado pela produção noticiosa sobre o tema; e quais são os protagonistas no discurso jornalístico sobre o erro médico. Foram analisadas as edições de três jornais portugueses, de 2008 a 2011, resultando num corpus de 266 (4,2%) artigos, que foram classificados de acordo com as seguintes variáveis: as fontes de informação citadas (o seu estatuto e especialidade, no caso dos médicos); os temas que são tratados; as características de enquadramento da informação publicada (tom, género jornalístico; e a presença e número de fontes de informação). Pela análise de conteúdo quantitativa, apurou-se que esse tema está em crescimento, essencialmente com notícias de tom negativo e fontes de informação habitualmente identificadas. Não há evidência para afirmar que a periodicidade e a orientação editorial expliquem as variações dessas características, a não ser relativamente ao número de fontes citadas. Vigoram as notícias centradas nos resultados dos erros (mortes ou lesões), provocados por "erros de omissão" e por "erros de comissão", envolvendo uma diversidade de protagonistas: são, tal como acontece na informação sobre saúde em geral, fontes oficiais e especializadas do campo da saúde. Destacam-se os médicos e os juristas e é dado relevo aos pacientes.