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Growing up with his father in a small coastal town, all Ted knows about his mother is that she died when he was a boy. His father has brought them halfway across the world to start anew, but her absence defines and haunts their lives. When Ted meets Anthony and Claire, an intense friendship begins, carrying them to Sydney and university. They introduce him to poetry and art, and he feels a sense of belonging at last. But as the trio’s friendship deepens over the years, Ted must learn to negotiate the boundaries of love, and come to terms with a legacy of secrets and silence. Written with extraordinary grace and sensitivity, The Ash Burner explores beauty and desire, grief and loss, and the search for one’s true self.
This paper extends the largely conceptual understanding of competition in social marketing by empirically investigating, from a consumer perspective, the nature of competition and its influence on decision making at the individual level. Two phases of qualitative inquiry in Australia, comprising 30 and 20 semi-structured interviews respectively, examined the role of competition in young adults’ decision to adopt and maintain help-seeking for mental ill-health. The findings from thematic analysis suggest that competition operates at both the behavioural and goal level to influence consumers’ decision to perform behaviour and that the types of competition in operation may vary from the adoption to the maintenance of behaviour. The findings are integrated into a framework that social marketers could employ to identify, analyse and address competition.
This study involves teaching engineering students concepts in lubrication engineering that are heavily dependent on mathematics. Excellent learning outcomes have been observed when assessment tasks are devised for a diversity of learning styles. Providing different pathways to knowledge reduces the probability that a single barrier halts progress towards the ultimate learning objective. The interdisciplinary nature of tribology can be used advantageously to tie together multiple elements of engineering to solve real physical problems—an approach that seems to benefit a majority of engineering students. To put this into practice, various assessment items were devised on the study of hydrodynamics, culminating in a project to provide a summative evaluation of the students’ learning achievement. A survey was also conducted to assess other aspects of students’ learning experiences under the headings: ‘perception of learning’ and ‘overall satisfaction’. High degrees of achievement and satisfaction were observed. An attempt has been made to identify the elements contributing to success so that they may be applied to other challenging concepts in engineering education.
Soturit olivat keskeinen sosiaalinen ryhmä keskiajan läntisessä Euroopassa ja Meiji-kautta (1868-1912) edeltäneessä Japanissa. Japanin avauduttua 1800-luvun puolivaiheilla maan historiaa alettiin kirjoittaa eurooppalaisen mallin mukaan, ja soturiperinteiden rinnastaminen ja vertailu yleistyivät. Vertailun taustalla vaikuttivat käsitykset alueiden samankaltaisesta feodaalisesta historiasta. Feodalismi on säilynyt keskeisenä teemana vertailuissa ja Japanin-tutkimuksessa, vaikka keskustelu siitä onkin Euroopan keskiajantutkimuksessa pitkälti hiipunut. Myös Japanin-tutkimuksessa on viime aikoina alettu esittää kritiikkiä feodalismi-termin käyttöä, rinnastuksia ja jopa pelkkää Euroopan historiaan vertaamistakin kohtaan. Feodalismin ohella muita keskeisiä vertailuteemoja ovat Japanin modernisoituminen ja sodankäynnin teknologia. Ensimmäiset vertailut olivat etupäässä yksittäisten joskus hyvin ylimalkaisten rinnastusten hakemista. Myös systemaattisia sivilisaatiohistoriallisia vertailuja alettiin tehdä jo varhain. Japanin-tutkimuksen ensisijaiseksi vertailukohteeksi ovat kuitenkin nousseet Euroopan historian sijaan teoriat feodalismista. Tarkastelu keskittyy nykyisin lähinnä eurooppalaisten termien käyttökelpoisuuteen Japanin historiasta kirjoitettaessa. Japanin modernisoitumista käsittelevät vertailut sivuavat keskusteluita feodalismista, mutta sotureiden rooli jää niissä usein hyvin vähäiseksi. Sodankäynnin teknologiaan keskittyvät vertailut ovat ilmiönä varsin tuore, sillä japanilaisen ja eurooppalaisen sodankäynnin pääteknologiat ovat olleet ilmeisen erilaisia lukuunottamatta 1500-luvun jälkipuoliskoa ja 1600-luvun alkua sekä nykyaikaa. Uuden ajan alun Euroopan ja saman ajan Japanin sotateknologiset yhtäläisyydet rajoittuvat jalkaväen tuliaseiden käyttöönoton mukanaan tuomiin muutoksiin maasodankäynnissä ja linnoittamiseen. Merisodankäynnin ja tykistön kehitys oli alueilla erilaista. Ritareiden ja samuraiden historioissa vaikuttavat edellä mainitun varhaisten tuliaseiden aikakauden rinnalla yhtäläisimmiltä kehityskuluilta niin sanotut varhais- ja täysfeodaaliset kaudet. Näistä ensimmäisellä tarkoitetaan Euroopan karolinkivaltakunnan aikaa suhteessa Kamakura-bakufuun (1185-1333) Japanissa. Jälkimmäisellä viitataan puolestaan ensimmäisen vuosituhannen vaihteen tienoille ajoittuvasta murroksesta noin 1300-1400-luvulle ulottuvaan ajanjaksoon Euroopassa ja sisällissotien kauteen 1300-luvun lopulta 1600-luvun alkuun Japanissa. Soturiperinteiden historioissa lähimmin toisiaan vastaavat feodaaliset piirteet ovat sotureiden yhteiskunnallinen asema ja heidän arvomaailmansa. Ilmeisin ongelma Euroopan ja Japanin vertailemisessa on se, että Eurooppa on laajempi ja historialtaan monimuotoisempi kuin Japani. Kuitenkaan tätä mittakaavaongelmaa eikä muitakaan metodologisia kysymyksiä ole vertailuissa juurikaan pohdittu. Osasyynä tähän lienee se, että muutamaa poikkeusta lukuunottamatta vertailijoiden asiantuntemus on keskittynyt vain toisen soturiperinteen historiaan. Sotureiden historiat tarjoavat antoisan vertailuparin. Suurista yhtäläisyyksistä huolimatta ritareita ja samuraita ei tulisi summittaisesti samaistaa toisiinsa, vaan rinnastettaessa tulisi mieluummin käyttää yleisempää soturin käsitettä. Avainsanat: Bushi, feodalismi, Eurooppa - sotahistoria, Japani - historia, ritarit, samurait, soturit
The red-finned blue-eye (Scaturiginichthys vermeilipinnis) is endemic to a single complex of springs emanating from the Great Artesian Basin, Australia. The species has been recorded as naturally occurring in eight separate very shallow (generally <20 mm) springs, with a combined wetland area of ~0.3 ha. Since its discovery in 1990, five red-finned blue-eye (RFBE) populations have been lost and subsequent colonisation has occurred in two spring wetlands. Current population size is estimated at <3000 individuals. Artesian bores have reduced aquifer pressure, standing water levels and spring-flows in the district. There is evidence of spatial separation within the spring pools where RFBE and the introduced fish gambusia (Gambusia holbrooki) co-occur, although both species are forced together when seasonal extremes affect spring size and water temperature. Gambusia was present in four of the five springs where RFBE populations have been lost. Four out of the five remaining subpopulations of RFBE are Gambusia free. Circumstantial evidence suggests that gambusia is a major threat to red-finned blue-eyes. The impact of Gambusia is probably exacerbated by domestic stock (cattle and sheep), feral goats and pigs that utilise the springs and can negatively affect water quality and flow patterns. Three attempts to translocate RFBE to apparently suitable springs elsewhere within the complex have failed. Opportunities to mitigate threats are discussed, along with directions for future research to improve management of this extremely threatened fish and habitat.
Radio speech on the writers, actors, artists, and others who emigrated from Nazi Germany to the Los Angeles area.
The crystal structure of tetrakis(cytosine)copper(II) perchlorate dihydrate has been determined. All the hydrogen atoms were obtained from Fourier-difference synthesis. The geometry around. copper is a bicapped octahedron (4 + 2 + 2*). The adjacent cytosine rings are oriented head-to-tail with respect to each other and are roughly at right angles to the co-ordination plane. The exocyclic oxo groups form an interligand, intracomplex hydrogen-bonding network above and below the co-ordination plane with the exocyclic amino groups of alternate cytosine bases. The EPR and electronic spectra are consistent with the retention of the solid-state structure in solution. The steric effect of the C(2)=O group of cytosine is offset by the presence of the intracomplex hydrogen-bonding network. The trend in Ei values of Cu-II-Cu-I couples for 1.4 complexes of cytosine, cytodine, pyridine, 2-methylpyridine and N-methylimidazole suggests that both steric effects and pi-delocalization in imidazole and pyridine ligands and the steric effect of C(2)=O in pyrimidine ligands are important in stabilising Cu-I relative to Cu-II.
he ortho methoxycarbonyl substituent constitutes a sole exception in the ring closure reactions of ortho substituted aryl azides, as it provides no rate acceleration to this reaction. Pyrolysis of ''azido-meta-hemipinate'', an aryl azide containing such a substituent, led us to the title compound, a new azepinylidenepyridylacetic ester, whose structure has been established unambiguously by a single crystal X-ray diffraction study. This is the first report of a reaction involving both a ring expansion to an azaheptafulvalene and a ring extrusion to a pyridyl ring residue.
Solubilization of single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) in aqueous milieu by self assembly of bivalent glycolipids is described. Thorough analysis of the resulting composites involving Vis/near-IR spectroscopy, surface plasmon resonance, confocal Raman and atomic force microscopy reveals that glycolipid-coated SWNTs possess specific molecular recognition properties towards lectins.
Transcription is the most fundamental step in gene expression in any living organism. Various environmental cues help in the maturation of core RNA polymerase (RNAP; alpha(2)beta beta'omega) with different sigma-factors, leading to the directed recruitment of RNAP to different promoter DNA sequences. Thus it is essential to determine the sigma-factors that affect the preferential partitioning of core RNAP among various a-actors, and the role of sigma-switching in transcriptional gene regulation. Further, the macromolecular assembly of holo RNAP takes place in an extremely crowded environment within a cell, and thus far the kinetics and thermodynamics of this molecular recognition process have not been well addressed. In this study we used a site-directed bioaffinity immobilization method to evaluate the relative binding affinities of three different Escherichia coli sigma-factors to the same core RNAP with variations in temperature and ionic strength while emulating the crowded cellular milieu. Our data indicate that the interaction of core RNAP-sigma is susceptible to changes in external stimuli such as osmolytic and thermal stress, and the degree of susceptibility varies among different sigma-factors. This allows for a reversible sigma-switching from housekeeping factors to alternate sigma-factors when the organism senses a change in its physiological conditions.
构造了基于非等距网格的迎风紧致格式,并将其与三阶精度的Adams半隐方法相结合,构造了求解不可压N-S方程高效算法。在数值模拟的基础上对二维槽道流动进行了分析,得到了Reynolds数从6 000到15 000的二维流动饱和态解(所谓"二维槽道湍流");定性及定量结果均与他人的数值计算结果吻合十分理想。对流场进行了统计分析,指出了"二维湍流"与三维湍流统计特性的区别。
El Sistema de Análisis de Riesgos y Puntos Cítricos de Control (HACCP), es una herramienta que se acomoda a cualquier otro sistema, lo único que se pretende con la implantación de este sistema es, procesar alimentos nutritivos, confiables, seguros e inocuos, buscando una alta calidad en el producto, esto significa que el producto procesado este apto para el consumo y que no cause daño o enfermedades a la población que consume el alimento. El presente trabajo tuvo como objeto, sistematizar las normas de implementación del Sistema de Análisis de Riesgos y Puntos Criticos de Control (HACCP) en Nicaragua, para diseñar una propuesta de alternativa para una planta procesadora., específicamente en aves, para la Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA). Se realizó un estudio visitando las plantas procesadoras de pollo en Nicaragua, las cuales se encuentran certíficadas C{ln el Sistema HACCP, las visitas a esta% plantas consistió en el recorrido de todo el proceso, que va desde la recepción de las aves en las plantas, basta la distribución de los productos terminados, estas vistas se realizaron diariamente, una planta cada día, de cinco de la mañana que inicia la matanza de aves, a cuatro de la tarde que se termina esta matanza, durante seis meses. Las empresas visitadas fueron: Tip-top Km. 16 Y, carretera a Masaya, Pollo Rico en Granada contiguo a la estación de ferrocarril, Indavínsa Pollo Real Km. 26 carretera norte y Pollo Estrella Km. 21 carretera norte. Además se realizó una revisión de literatura, para recabar información y documentación referente al tema en estudio, tal revisión se llevo a cabo en las bibliotecas del MAGFOR y de la biblioteca de la UNA, en ellas se encontró todo lo referente al sistema HACCP , experiencias, principios del sistema, manuales complementarios y todo esto ayudo a desarrollar una propuesta de implementación del Sistema HACCP. Este Sistema es una propuesta racional y sistemática que permite la harmonización de normas y procedimientos que regulan la comercialización de productos alimenticios, simplificando tramites y eliminando barreras para su libre comercio, ya que permite procesar alimentos de alta calidad y aptos para el consumo.