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A close examination of the siliceous microfossil assemblages from the sediments of ODP Leg 127, Japan Sea Sites 794, 795, and 797, reveals that upper Pliocene and Pleistocene assemblages have been subjected to more dissolution than have lower Pliocene assemblages. This conclusion is based on semiquantitative observations of samples processed for diatoms and radiolarians. Although preservation of opaline microfossils in some upper Pliocene and Pleistocene samples is better than others, in general, the poorly preserved state of these assemblages supports the notion that opal dissolution, in response to lowered productivity, is responsible for the paucity of siliceous microfossils in upper Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments. The lithological transition from diatomaceous oozes to silts and clays corresponds to a change between dominantly well preserved to more poorly preserved siliceous assemblages, and is termed the late Pliocene Japan Sea opal dissolution transition zone (ODTZ). The base of the ODTZ is defined as the uppermost occurrence of high abundances of moderately to well preserved valves of the diatom Coscinodiscus marginatus. The dissolution transition zone is characterized by partially dissolved refractory assemblages of radiolarians, the presence of C. marginatus girdles, C. marginatus fragments, siliceous sponge spicules, and a general decrease in weakly silicified, less solution resistant diatoms upward in the section. The top of the dissolution transition zone marks the level where whole C. marginatus valves and C. marginatus fragments are no longer present in significant numbers. Dissolution of the late Pliocene and Pleistocene opaline assemblages is attributed mainly to changes in paleoceanographic circulation patterns and decreased nutrient (dissolved silicon) contents of the water column, and possibly dissolution at the sediment/water interface, rather than to post-depositional dissolution or diagenesis. We suggest that the transition from silica-rich to silica-poor conditions in the Japan Sea was due to fluctuations of deep-water exchange with the Pacific through the Tsugaru Strait between 2.9 and 2.3 Ma.
Legs 127 and 128 of the Ocean Drilling Program cored basement samples from two sites in the Yamato Basin (Sites 794 and 797) and one site in the Japan Basin (Site 795) of the Japan Sea. These samples represent sills and lava flows erupted or shallowly intruded in a marine environment during backarc extension and spreading in the middle Miocene. In this paper, we describe the geochemical characteristics of these igneous units using 52 new instrumental neutron activation analyses (INAA), 8 new X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyses, and previous shipboard XRF analyses. The sills intruded into soft sediment at Sites 794 and 797 were subject to extensive hydrothermal activity, estimated at <230° C under subgreenschist facies conditions, which heavily to totally altered the fine-grained unit margins and moderately to heavily altered the coarse-grained unit interiors. Diagenesis further altered the composition of these igneous bodies and lava flows at Sites 794, 795, and 797, most intensely at unit margins. Our study of two well-sampled units shows that Mg, Ca, Sr, and the large-ion lithophile elements (LILE) mobilized during alteration, and that the concentrations of Y, Yb, and Lu decreased and Ce increased in the most severely altered samples. Nevertheless, our study shows that the rare-earth elements (REE) were relatively immobile in the majority of the samples, even where secondary mixed-layer clays comprised the great majority of the rock. Fresher Yamato Basin samples are compositionally heterogenous tholeiitic basalts and dolerites. At Site 794 in the north-central portion of the basin, Units 1 to 5 (upper basement) comprise mildly light rare-earth element (LREE) enriched basalts and dolerites (chondrite-normalized La/Sm of 1.4-1.8), while the stratigraphically lower Units 6 to 9 are less enriched dolerites with (La/Sm)N of 0.7-1.3. All Site 794 samples lack Nb and Ta depletions and LILE enrichments, lacking a strong subduction-related incompatible element geochemical signature. At Site 797 in the western margin of the basin, two stratigraphically-definable unit groups also occur. The upper nine units are incompatible-element depleted tholeiitic sills and flows with strong depletions of Nb and Ta relative to normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB). The lower twelve sills represent LREE-enriched tholeiites (normalized La/Sm ranges from 1.1 to 1.8), with distinctly higher LILE and high field-strength element (HFSE) contents. At Site 795 at the northern margin of the Japan Sea, three eruptive units consist of basaltic andesite to calc-alkaline basalt (normalized La/Sm of 1.1 to 1.5) containing moderate depletions of the HFSE relative to N-MORB. The LILE-depleted nature of these samples precludes their origin in a continental arc, indicating that they more likely erupted within a rifting oceanic arc system. The heterogenous nature of the Japan Sea rocks indicate that they were derived at each site from multiple parental magmas generated from a compositionally heterogenous mantle source. Their chemistry is intermediate in character between arc basalts, MORB, and intraplate basalts, and implies little involvement of continental crust at any point in their genesis. Their flat chondrite-normalized, medium-to-heavy rare earth patterns indicate that the primary magmas which produced them last equilibrated with and segregated from spinel lherzolite at shallow depths (<30 kbar). In strong contrast to their isotopic compositional arrays, subduction-related geochemical signatures are usually poorly defined. No basin-wide temporal or geographic systematics of rock chemistry may be confidently detailed; instead, the data show both intimate (site-specific) and widespread backarc mantle heterogeneity over a narrow (2 Ma or so) range in time, with mantle heterogeneity most closely resembling a "plum-pudding" model.
Measurements of natural remanent magnetization (NRM), initial susceptibility (K), anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, frequency dependent susceptibility (Xfd), and viscous remanent magnetization (VRM) are reported from volcanic rocks recovered during ODP Leg 127 in the Japan Sea. The results indicate a significant difference between the basalts drilled in the Yamato Basin (Site 794 and 797) and in the Japan Basin (Site 795). The Koenigsberger ratios (Q) show very low values in the Yamato Basin attesting that the remanence is not dominant over the induced magnetization. This evidence could explain why no magnetic anomaly pattern has been recognized in this basin. Experiments of VRM acquisition and decay show that both the processes are multistage with the acquisition process proceeding more rapidly and deviates more from a log (t) law than the corresponding decay. The sediments interlayered with the basalts in the acoustic basement of the Yamato Basin show processes of remagnetization related to the emplacement of the dikes. Temperatures of heating between 200° and 250°C were estimated from the different unblocking temperatures of the two components of magnetization.
This initial survey of pollen from 192 samples from Hole 794A, supplemented by 189 samples from Hole 795 and 797B, suggests that marine pollen assemblages from the southwestern Sea of Japan provide a consistent Neogene pollen stratigraphy and a solid basis for regional paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Late Miocene vegetation inferred from these pollen data, a mix of conifer and broad-leaf elements with now-extinct Tertiary types well represented, appears similar to Aniai-type floras of Japan. During the late Miocene through early Pliocene, as Tertiary types declined, conifers (including the Sequoia/Cryptomeria group) became more prominent than broad-leaf elements, and herbs played an increasing role in the vegetation. Middle Pliocene pollen assemblages imply significant changes in forest composition. In a 500,000-yr interval centered at ~4 m.y., Tertiary and warm-temperate deciduous types re-expanded and were comparable to or greater than middle-late Miocene levels. Temperate and cold-temperate conifers {Picea, Abies, Tsuga) were minimal. Subsequently, Tertiary and deciduous forest components (including Quercus) decreased, Picea, Tsuga, and Abies were again prominent, and herbs formed an increasingly larger part of the vegetation. Between ~3 m.y. and -2.5 m.y., conifers, except for Cryptomeria types, were prominent, Quercus continued to decline, and other broad-leaf trees were minor. Over the last 2 Ma, the very large and frequent changes in forest composition inferred from pollen in the Sea of Japan correspond to forest dynamics inferred from changes in pollen and floral assemblages throughout Japan. Given present vegetation/climate relationships, broad trends in Neogene climate inferred from these preliminary pollen data include decreasing temperatures, increasing seasonality in temperatures and precipitation, and increasing amplitude and frequency of climatic change. Two significant events, centered at ~9 m.y. and ~4 m.y., punctuate the gradual deterioration of the equable warm, humid subtropical/warm temperate late Miocene and early Pliocene climates. The first indication of cold-temperate conditions comparable to those of Pleistocene glacial intervals occurs ~3 m.y. Subsequently, regional climates oscillated rapidly between temperate and cold-temperate regimes that supported conifer and mixed broad-leaf forests; however, climatic extremes were apparently never great enough to displace warm-temperate and temperate forests from Honshu nor to produce arctic climates on the west coast of Japan.
Sr and Nd isotopic compositions are reported for basaltic rocks collected during ODP Leg 127 from the Yamato Basin, a rifted backarc basin in the Japan Sea. The basalts are classified into two groups in terms of Nd isotopic composition: the upper sills at Site 797 are characterized by higher 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.513083-0.513158, epsilon-Nd = 8.68-10.14) and the basalts from Site 794 and the lower sills at Site 797 have lower 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.512684-0.512862, epsilon-Nd = 0.90-4.37). All of the basalts show higher Sr isotopic compositions than those of the mantle array, which is attributed to seawater alteration. The basalts with lower Nd isotopic values ranging in age from 20.6 to 17.3 Ma have tapped an enriched subcontinental upper mantle (SCUM) with the minor involvement of a depleted asthenospheric mantle (AM). Subsequent change in composition through the physical replacement of SCUM by AM yielded the basalts of the upper sills of higher Nd isotopic compositions. This event within the upper mantle was associated with the breakup of the overlying lithosphere during the rifting of the Japan Sea backarc basin.
The relative effects of paleoceanographic and paleogeographic variations, sediment lithology, and diagenetic processes on the final preserved chemistry of Japan Sea sediments are evaluated by investigating the rare earth element (REE), major element, and trace element concentrations in 59 squeeze-cake whole-round and 27 physical-property sample residues from Sites 794, 795, and 797, cored during ODP Leg 127. The most important variation in sedimentary chemical composition is the increase in SiO2 concentration through the Pliocene diatomaceous sequences, which dilutes most other major and trace element components by various degrees. This biogenic input is largest at Site 794 (Yamato Basin), moderately developed at Site 797 (Yamato Basin), and of only minor importance at Site 795 (Japan Basin), potentially reflecting basinal contrasts in productivity with the Yamato Basin recording greater biogenic input than the Japan Basin and with the easternmost sequence of Site 794 lying beneath the most productive waters. There are few systematic changes in solid-phase chemistry resulting from the opal-A/opal-CT or opal-CT/quartz silica phase transformations. Most major and trace element concentrations are controlled by the aluminosilicate fraction of the sediment, although the effects of diagenetic silica phases and manganese carbonates are of localized importance. REE total abundances (Sum REE) in the Japan Sea are strongly dependent upon the paleoceanographic position of a given site with respect to terrigenous and biogenic sources. REE concentrations at Site 794 overall correspond well to aluminosilicate chemical indices and are strongly diluted by SiO2 within the upper Miocene-Pliocene diatomaceous sequence. Eu/Eu* values at Site 794 reach a maximum through the diatomaceous interval as well, most likely suggesting an association of Eu/Eu* with the siliceous component, or reflecting slight incorporation of a detrital feldspar phase. SumREE at Site 795 also is affiliated strongly with aluminosilicate phases and yet is diluted only slightly by siliceous input. At Site 797, SumREE is not as clearly associated with the aluminosilicate fraction, is correlated moderately to siliceous input, and may be sporadically influenced by detrital heavy minerals originating from the nearby rifted continental fragment composing the Yamato Rise. Ce/Ce* profiles at all three sites increase essentially monotonically with depth and record progressive diagenetic LREE fractionation. The observed Ce/Ce* increases are not responding to changes in the paleoceanographic oxygenation state of the overlying water, as there is no independent evidence to suggest the proper oceanographic conditions. Ce/Ce* correlates slightly better with depth than with age at the two Yamato Basin sites. The downhole increase in Ce/Ce* at Sites 794 and 797 is a passive response to the diagenetic transfer of LREE (except Ce) from sediment to interstitial water. At Site 795, the overall lack of correlation between Ce/Ce* and Lan/Ybn suggests that other processes mask the diagenetic behavior of all LREEs. First-order calculations of the Ce budget in Japan Sea waters and sediment indicate that ~20% of the excess Ce adsorbed by settling particles is recycled within the water column and that an additional ~38% is recycled at or near the seafloor. Thus, because the remaining excess Ce is only ~10% of the total Ce, there is not a large source of Ce to the deeply buried sediment, further suggesting that the downhole increase in Ce/Ce* is a passive response to diagenetic behavior of the other LREEs. The REE chemistry of Japan Sea sediment therefore predicts successive downhole addition of LREEs to deeply buried interstitial waters.
The western Pacific includes many volcanic island arc and backarc complexes, yet multi-isotopic studies of them are rare. Basement rocks of the Sea of Japan backarc basin were encountered at Sites 794,795, and 797, and consisted of basaltic sills and lava flows. These rocks exhibit a broad range in isotopic composition, broader than that seen in any other western Pacific arc or backarc system: 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70369 to 0.70499, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51267 to 0.51317, 206Pb/204Pb = 17.64 to 18.36. The samples form highly correlated arrays between very depleted mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and the Pacific pelagic sediment fields on Pb-Pb plots. Similarly, on plots of Sr-Pb and Nd-Pb, the Sea of Japan samples lie on mixing curves between depleted mantle and enriched mantle ("EM II"), which is interpreted to be of average crustal or pelagic sediment composition. The source of these backarc rocks appears to be a MORB-like mantle source, contaminated by pelagic sediments. Unlike the Mariana and Izu arc/backarc systems, Japanese arc and backarc rocks are indistinguishable from each other in a Sr-Nd isotope plot, and have similar trends in Pb-Pb plots. Thus, sediment contamination of the mantle wedge appears to control the isotopic compositions of both the arc and backarc magmas. Two-component mixing calculations suggest that the percentage of sediments in the magma source varies from 0.5% to 2.5%.