47 resultados para 12074


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El bienestar de los trabajadores es un imperativo categórico para las organizaciones tanto por razones éticas como por razones de competitividad. La creación de organizaciones o entornos laborales que promuevan el bienestar de los trabajadores constituye un gran reto para las organizaciones y un ámbito de estudio académico. En el presente artículo se describe la relación que existe entre un conjunto de factores organizacionales y su impacto en el bienestar de un grupo de trabajadores, expresado a través del engagement, la satisfacción con el trabajo y la ansiedad relacionada con el trabajo. Para probar las relaciones hipotetizadas se empleó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales y los resultados obtenidos señalan que las acciones de promoción de la salud organizacional tiene un impacto significativo en los valores culturales y en la adopción de prácticas organizacionales


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Resumen en castellano, catal??n e ingl??s


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Estudiar la educación en Galicia en el periodo entre el derrocamiento de Isabel II y la restauración borbónica. La investigación se centra en problemas educativos como la educación popular, instrucción femenina, libertad de enseñanza y confesionalismo educativo; y en el estudio de la educación a través de los niveles de enseñanza Primaria, Secundaria, Formación Profesional y Universidad. Para analizar la legislación educativa correspondiente con un tratamiento estadístico de los datos, su localización geográfica y un estudio de sus problemas más significativos. Así el trabajo se estructura en tres apartados, un análisis socio-económico de la sociedad gallega a mediados del siglo XIX, los problemas educativos y su repercusión en Galicia, y la educación en Galicia a través de los distintos niveles educativos. Fuentes documentales y bibliográficas. Análisis con enfoque pluridimensional donde se estudian los antecedentes históricos; la nueva política legislativa y las actitudes de aceptación o rechazo que provocó; el contexto ideológico con el que se produce las innovaciones educativos dando cuenta de los debates públicos más significativos; y el análisis cuantitativo de los problemas y su implantación geográfica. Las autoridades políticas y académicas, los profesionales de la enseñanza, y ciertos sectores de población, mantenían gran interés ante el problema educativo al que consideraban un problema político. Las autoridades se declaran a favor de la instrucción pública, el número de centros educativos mejora significativamente, pero no se refleja en un aumento significativo del alumnado. Se aprecia un ligero incremento en la enseñanza primaria, aumenta en la universitaria pero disminuye el número de matriculados en institutos de Segunda Enseñanza y en las Escuelas Nacionales. Las órdenes religiosas se benefician de la nueva libertad de enseñanza al instalar de manera definitiva centros de educación en Galicia, y la descentralización educativa hace que el Distrito de Santiago adquiera nuevas competencias. Galicia, comparada con el resto de España, mantiene un bajo nivel cultural, por debajo de la media española. La penuria económica impidió el tratamiento adecuado de la instrucción femenina y la educación popular. El sistema educativo continúa fomentando discriminaciones mujer-hombre, campo-ciudad y entre distintos grupos y clases sociales. Por lo tanto, la reforma educativa, salvo a lo que la libertad de enseñanza se refiere, no se llevó a cabo en profundidad. El periodo comprendido entre 1868-74 supone un intento serio de renovar la enseñanza que se plasmó en abundancia de leyes, decretos y circulares sobre instrucción pública, pero la inestabilidad social, el contexto económico y el escaso tiempo con el que contó la nueva situación política, impidieron que se pusiera en práctica.


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Because of the importance and potential usefulness of construction market statistics to firms and government, consistency between different sources of data is examined with a view to building a predictive model of construction output using construction data alone. However, a comparison of Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and Office for National Statistics (ONS) series shows that the correlation coefcient (used as a measure of consistency) of the DTI output and DTI orders data and the correlation coefficient of the DTI output and ONS output data are low. It is not possible to derive a predictive model of DTI output based on DTI orders data alone. The question arises whether or not an alternative independent source of data may be used to predict DTI output data. Independent data produced by Emap Glenigan (EG), based on planning applications, potentially offers such a source of information. The EG data records the value of planning applications and their planned start and finish dates. However, as this data is ex ante and is not correlated with DTI output it is not possible to use this data to describe the volume of actual construction output. Nor is it possible to use the EG planning data to predict DTI construc-tion orders data. Further consideration of the issues raised reveal that it is not practically possible to develop a consistent predictive model of construction output using construction statistics gathered at different stages in the development process.


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The early twentieth century constituted the heyday of the ‘breadwinner–homemaker’ household, characterized by a high degree of intra-household functional specialization between paid and domestic work according to age, gender, and marital status. This article examines the links between formal workforce participation and access to resources for individualized discretionary spending in British working-class households during the late 1930s, via an analysis of household leisure expenditures. Leisure spending is particularly salient to intra-household resource allocation, as it constitutes one of the most highly prioritized areas of individualized expenditure, especially for young, single people. Using a database compiled from surviving returns to the Ministry of Labour's national 1937/8 working-class expenditure survey, we examine leisure participation rates for over 600 households, using a detailed set of commercial leisure activities together with other relevant variables. We find that the employment status of family members other than the male breadwinner was a key factor influencing their access to commercial leisure. Our analysis thus supports the view that the breadwinner–homemaker household was characterized by strong power imbalances that concentrated resources—especially for individualized expenditures—in the hands of those family members who engaged in paid labour.


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The cornicle secretion of Myzus persicae reared on artificial diet only elicits an alarm response in plant-reared conspecifics after the young aphids have been transferred to plants for 7days. Acetate in the form of 0.32% sodium acetate has been added to the diet as an early step in synthesis of the alarm pheromone, (E)-β-farnesene (EBF). The cornicle secretion of diet-reared aphids then elicits an alarm response. However, there is no difference in internal EBF concentration between plant- and diet-reared aphids. Puncturing aphids, either plant- or diet-reared, with a pin shows that both can elicit an alarm response, whereas it is reduced by half with diet-reared individuals. Although there is no significant difference in the concentration of EBF produced, the total amount in diet-reared aphids is increased by acetate in the diet to a level similar to that in plant-reared individuals: the size of aphids reared on an acetate-supplemented diet is increased and comparable with the size of those that are plant-reared. Bioassays with a range of EBF concentrations show a high threshold for the alarm response. It is concluded that the different size of aphids reared on plants and standard diet results in them secreting, respectively, above and below the response threshold.


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This article investigates fiscal policy responses to the Great Recession in historical perspective. We explore general trends in the frequency, size and composition of fiscal stimulus as well as the impact of government partisanship on fiscal policy outputs during the four international recessions of 1980-81, 1990-91, 2001-02 and 2008-09. Encompassing 17-23 OECD countries, our analysis calls into question the idea of a general retreat from fiscal policy activism since the early 1980s. The propensity of governments to respond to economic downturns by engaging in fiscal stimulus has increased over time and we do not observe any secular trend in the size of stimulus measures. At the same time, OECD governments have relied more on tax cuts to stimulate demand in the two recessions of the 2000s than they did in the early 1980s or early 1990s. Regarding government partisanship, we do not find any significant direct partisan effects on either the size or the composition of fiscal stimulus for any of the four recession episodes. However, the size of the welfare state conditioned the impact of government partisanship in the two recessions of the 2000s, with Left-leaning governments distinctly more prone to engage in discretionary fiscal stimulus and/or spending increases in large welfare states, but not in small welfare states.


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Private-sector organizations play a critical role in shaping the food environments of individuals and populations. However, there is currently very limited independent monitoring of private-sector actions related to food environments. This paper reviews previous efforts to monitor the private sector in this area, and outlines a proposed approach to monitor private-sector policies and practices related to food environments, and their influence on obesity and non-communicable disease (NCD) prevention. A step-wise approach to data collection is recommended, in which the first (‘minimal’) step is the collation of publicly available food and nutrition-related policies of selected private-sector organizations. The second (‘expanded’) step assesses the nutritional composition of each organization's products, their promotions to children, their labelling practices, and the accessibility, availability and affordability of their products. The third (‘optimal’) step includes data on other commercial activities that may influence food environments, such as political lobbying and corporate philanthropy. The proposed approach will be further developed and piloted in countries of varying size and income levels. There is potential for this approach to enable national and international benchmarking of private-sector policies and practices, and to inform efforts to hold the private sector to account for their role in obesity and NCD prevention.


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Design Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the relationship between post-partum psychological distress and PWR at 9 months, after controlling for maternal weight factors, sleep quality, sociocontextual influences, and maternal behaviours. Method Pregnant women (N = 126) completed a series of questionnaires at multiple time points from early pregnancy until 9 months post-partum.


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Background: Trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) is a debilitating and distressing disorder associated with great secrecy and shame. A lack of understanding regarding interventions for Trichotillomania contributes to poor routine outcomes for the disorder. Method: This systematic review and meta-analysis assessed the efficacy of behaviourally based psychological interventions and pharmacological interventions for trichotillomania compared to a range of control groups. Participants were adults who have been diagnosed with trichotillomania. A systematic search was conducted of the Cochrane library, EBSCOhost, MEDLINE before 1966, and Google Scholar for relevant randomised controlled trials. Results: Of the total 462 records identified, 12 studies were included in the quantitative synthesis, and nine studies were included in meta-analyses. Conclusions: Analyses revealed that-from medication approaches-fluoxetine was not found to be efficacious. However, N-acetyl cysteine, clomipramine, and olanzapine showed potential for the treatment of trichotillomania. Regarding psychotherapy, behaviour therapy showed superior efficacy when compared to a passive control group. However, when behaviour therapy was compared to an active control group (progressive muscle relaxation, supportive therapy), both conditions showed similar efficacy in treating trichotillomania. It was concluded that the psychological mechanisms in trichotillomania may be more complex than the behavioural model indicates. Implications and limitations are discussed.


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O último mês trouxe poucas novidades sobre o desempenho e, consequentemente, sobre as perspectivas da economia brasileira para o curto prazo. Com isso, nosso cenário básico continua apresentando perspectivas mornas, com alterações marginais em relação às projeções que apresentamos no Boletim de abril. Resumidamente, estas indicam para o ano um PIB de 1,8% e uma inflação um pouco acima do teto da meta.


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Ethics on scientific research is approached and often discussed in several areas of knowledge connected to health. In the Administration area there are very few studies which approach the topic of ethics on research. The present paper tried to fill in this gap in the production of knowledge about the topic, investigating how the ethical principles found in the literature and in the codes of conduct are noticed and taken into account in Administration research activities developed by acting researchers in Administration Post Graduation Programs. Theoretically speaking, the study was based mainly on the approaches by Creswell (2007) and Bell and Bryman (2007), which discuss the research ethical principles. Methodologically speaking it was all about an exploratory kind of study, with qualitative research approach. Upon data collection, personal interviews were made aiming at its depth and focus groups were formed. The first stage had interviews with four experienced researchers who took part on a teaching and researching event and on the second stage we used the focus group technique. The focus groups were done in four college institutions along with the post graduation programs in Administration in the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba and Pernambuco, in Brazil. The results suggest the existence of general principles and parameters for the scientific research recommended in the literature and on official resolution. However, in the Administration area, there are only a few recommendations of good practices when it comes to submitting articles for scientific publications but we found no guidance with ethical principles and parameters which cover all the activities in the scientific research and which specifically meet the research particularities in Administration. The main ethical dilemma pointed by the researchers refers to ethical questions which arise at the time of data collection and on disclosing the results. Most researchers do not know the guidelines and the ethical norms on ethics about research that we have in our country neither do they send in their projects to the research ethics committee. When dilemma arises, they decide the ethical question based on their values and common sense. These elements confirm the thesis that the researcher s procedure in the research activities in Administration is predominantly signed by personal values or by common sense and less by ethical principles, whether by not knowing the normative instruments related to ethics or by disagreeing with any disciplining rules on ethical behavior in the research


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)