998 resultados para 120-747
Basalt samples recovered on Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120 from the Kerguelen Plateau were investigated by thermomagnetic analysis, X-ray diffraction, and ore microscopy. The basement samples could be divided into two groups based on Curie temperatures, cell-edge parameters, and optical magnetic mineralogy. Samples from Sites 748 and 750 underwent only low-temperature oxidation and displayed Curie temperatures for the titanomaghemites that ranged from 340° to 395°C. The basalts from Sites 747 and 749 mainly experienced high-temperature oxidation. High-temperature oxidation produced titanium-poor titanomagnetites with ilmenite-exsolution lamellae. Curie temperatures of the deuterically oxidized titanomaghemites varied from 490° to 620°C.
This study tests and improves on previously published early and middle Miocene 87Sr/86Sr marine correlations, presents Sr isotopic age correlations for this interval using the new timescale of Cande and Kent [1992 doi:10.1029/92JB01202], and evaluates Sr isotopic changes against an inferred glacioeustatic proxy. We generated a latest Oligocene to early late Miocene 87Sr/86Sr isotope record from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 747A; this site provides an excellent magnetostratigraphic record during most of this interval for independent age estimates, very good foraminiferal preservation, and excellent core recovery. Comparisons of new 87Sr/86Sr data from Hole 747A with previously published data from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Sites 608 [Miller et al., 1991 doi:10.1029/90PA01941] and 588 [Hodell et al., 1991 doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1991)019<0024:VITSIC>2.3.CO;2] yield the following results: (1) confirmation and refinement of the early Miocene Sr isotope changes, (2) improved definition of the timing of the changes in slope of 87Sr/86Sr near 15.4 Ma and 22.8 Ma, (3) improved Sr isotopic age resolution for the middle Miocene with resolution as good as +/- 0.7 m.y., and (4) identification of an inflection in the Sr isotope record at 28.0 Ma based on the combined records from DSDP Site 522 [Miller et al., 1988 doi:10.1029/PA003i002p00223] and ODP Hole 747A. We have been unable to determine the cause of middle Miocene offset between Site 588 and Hole 747A data, although we believe it may be attributed to problems in the age assignments for Hole 588A for the interval ~14-11 Ma and Site 747 for the interval 11-8 Ma. Because Hole 747A results provide a better chronology than Site 588 for most of the Miocene and a better middle Miocene Sr isotope record than Site 608, we propose that Hole 747A serves as the best reference section for Miocene 87Sr/86Sr variations from ca. 23 to 11 Ma. Using 87Sr/86Sr data from Sites 522, 608, and 747A, we relate late Eocene to early Miocene inflections in the 87Sr/86Sr isotope record to oxygen isotope increases and decreases inferred to represent glacioeustatic events. The decreases (deglaciations) observed in the ?18O record apparently lead the 87Sr/86Sr inflections by 1 to 1.5 m.y.
Paleoceanographic variability at southern high latitude Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 747 was investigated in this study through the interval which spans the Middle Miocene Climate Transition (MMCT). Between 15.0 and 12.2 million years ago (Ma), foraminiferal d18O records derived from both benthic (Cibicidoides spp.) and planktonic taxa (Globorotalia praescitula and Globigerina bulloides) reveal a history of changes in water column thermal and salinity structure and a strong imprint of seasonality. Prior to the MMCT, in the interval between 14.35 and 13.9 Ma, G. bulloides displays relatively high d18O values similar to those of G. praescitula, interpreted to indicate weakening of the thermocline and/or increased seasonality with cooler early-spring and/or late-fall temperatures. Following this interval, G. bulloidesd18O values diverge significantly from benthic and G. praescitula values, with G. bulloides values remaining relatively low for at least 600 kyr following the benthic foraminiferal d18O shift during the MMCT at ~13.9 Ma. This divergence in d18O records occurs in direct association with the Mi3 cooling and glaciation event and may suggest: (1) a strengthening of the vertical temperature gradient, with greater cooling of deep waters than surface waters, (2) changes in the depth habitat of G. bulloides, (3) changes in the dominant season of G. bulloides calcification, (4) modification of surface-water d18O values in association with enhanced sea-ice formation, (5) increased surface-water carbonate ion concentration, and/or (6) a significant decrease in surface-water salinity across the MMCT. The first of these possible scenarios is not likely, particularly in light of recent Mg/Ca evidence for significant surface-water cooling in the Southern Ocean associated with the MMCT. Of the remaining possibilities, we favor a change in surface salinity to explain the observed trends in d18O values and hypothesize that surface salinity may have decreased by up to 2 salinity units at ~13.9 Ma. In this scenario, the development of a lower-salinity Antarctic surface layer coincided with regional cooling of both surface and deep waters of the Southern Ocean during the Mi3 glaciation of East Antarctica, and contributed into the dominance of Neogloboquadrina spp. between 13.8 and 13.2 Ma. Additionally, the distinct patterns observed in planktonic foraminiferal d18O records spanning the MMCT correspond with changes in the vertical d13C gradient between planktonic and benthic foraminiferal records and major changes in planktonic foraminiferal assemblages at Site 747, providing further evidence of the environmental significance of this climatic transition.
We explore the applicability of paired Mg/Ca and 18O/16O measurements on benthic foraminifera from Southern Ocean site 747 to paleoceanographic reconstructions on pre-Pleistocene timescales. We focus on the late Oligocene through Pleistocene (27-0 Ma) history of paleotemperatures and the evolution of the d18O values of seawater (d18Osw) at a temporal resolution of ~100-200 kyr. Absolute paleotemperature estimates depend on assumptions of how Mg/Ca ratios of seawater have changed over the past 27 Myr, but relative changes that occur on geologically brief timescales are robust. Results indicate that at the Oligocene to Miocene boundary (23.8 Ma), temperatures lag the increase in global ice-volume deduced from benthic foraminiferal d18O values, but the smaller-scale Miocene glaciations are accompanied by ocean cooling of -1°C. During the mid-Miocene phase of Antarctic ice sheet growth (~15-13 Ma), water temperatures cool by ~3°C. Unlike the benthic foraminiferal d18O values, which remain relatively constant thereafter, temperatures vary (by 3°C) and reach maxima at ~12 and ~8.5 Ma. The onset of significant Northern Hemisphere glaciation during the late Pliocene is synchronous with an ~4°C cooling at site 747. A comparison of our d18Osw curve to the Haq et al. (1987, doi:10.1126/science.235.4793.1156 ) sea level curve yields excellent agreement between sequence boundaries and times of increasing seawater 18O/16O ratios. At ~12-11 Ma in particular, when benthic foraminiferal d18O values do not support a further increase in ice volume, the d18Osw curve comes to a maximum that corresponds to a major mid-Miocene sea level regression. The agreement between the character of our Mg/Ca-based d18Osw curve and sequence stratigraphy demonstrates that benthic foramaniferal Mg/Ca ratios can be used to trace the d18Osw on pre-Pleistocene timescales despite a number of uncertainties related to poorly constrained temperature calibrations and paleoseawater Mg/Ca ratios. The Mg/Ca record also highlights that deep ocean temperatures can vary independently and unexpectedly from ice volume changes, which can lead to misinterpretations of the d18O record.
Conventional K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar analyses on whole-rock samples are reported for basaltic samples retrieved on the Central and Southern Kerguelen plateaus during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120. Sites 747, 749, and 750 recovered basalts from the plateau basement, whereas Site 748 drilled a lava flow interbedded with sediments of probable Albian age. The freshest core basalts from the basement yielded dates falling in the 110-100 m.y. interval. Sample 120-749C-15R-3 (26-31 cm) gave conventional K-Ar, total fusion, and plateau 40Ar/39Ar ages that are closely concordant: 111.5 ± 3.2 m.y., 109.9 ± 1.2 m.y., and 109.6 ± 0.7 m.y., respectively. Sample 120-750B-15R-5 (54-60 cm), when taking into account the analytical uncertainties, yields conventional K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages that can be considered similar: 101.2 ± 7.5 and 118.2 ± 5 m.y., respectively. Inspection of the 39Ar/40Ar vs. 36Ar/40Ar diagram does not reveal the occurrence of an initial argon component of radiogenic composition in the two samples. Accordingly, our results suggest that the formation of the basement of the Central Kerguelen Plateau was closed at 110 m.y.. Furthermore, these results are in agreement with a K-Ar age of 114 ± 1 m.y. mentioned in the literature for a basalt dredged in the 77°E Graben. The still scant amount of data indicates that the outpourings of the Central Kerguelen Plateau correspond rather well with widespread continental magmatism in Gondwanaland that is believed to mark the incipient opening of the eastern Indian Ocean. This implies a huge head for the mantle plume at the source of these liquids. Nevertheless, on land and at sea the exact duration of magmatism remains unknown. Therefore, a catastrophic pattern similar to that currently invoked for the Deccan Traps at the end of the Cretaceous, though possible, is not yet required by present geochronologic data.
We correlated Miocene d18O increases at Ocean Drilling Program Site 747 with d18O increases previously identified at North Atlantic Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 563 and 608. The d18O increases have been directly tied to the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS) at Site 563 and 608, and thus our correlations at Site 747 provide a second-order correlation to the GPTS. Comparison of the oxygen isotope record at Site 747 with records at Sites 563 and 608 indicates that three as-yet-undescribed global Miocene d18O increases may be recognized and used to define stable isotope zones. The d18O maxima associated with the bases of Zones Mila, Milb, and Mi7 have magnetochronologic age estimates of 21.8, 18.3, and 8.5 Ma, respectively. The correlation of a d18O maximum at 70 mbsf at Site 747 to the base of Miocene isotope Zone Mi3 (13.6 Ma) provides a revised interpretation of four middle Miocene normal polarity intervals observed between 77 and 63 mbsf at Hole 747A. Oxygen isotope stratigraphy indicates that the reversed polarity interval at 70 mbsf, initially interpreted as Chronozone C5AAr, should be C5ABr. Instead of a concatenated Chronozone C5AD-C5AC with distinct Chronozones C5AB, C5AA, and C5A (as in the preliminary interpretation), d18O stratigraphy suggests that these normal polarity intervals are Chronozones C5AD, C5AC, and C5AB, whereas Chronozones C5AA-C5A are concatenated. This interpretation is supported by the d13C correlations. The upper Miocene magnetostratigraphic record at Hole 747A is ambiguous. Two upper Miocene d18O events at Site 747 can be correlated to the oxygen isotope records at Site 563 and 608 using the magnetostratigraphy derived at Hole 747B. Our chronostratigraphic revisions highlight the importance of stable isotope stratigraphy in attaining an integrated stratigraphic framework for the Miocene.