999 resultados para 119-738C


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The Maastrichtian and Danian intervals of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 738C contain numerous microfossils above the level of their putative extinction, suggesting either (1) persistence of local communities long after species turnover occurred across the rest of the globe or (2) large-scale reworking. These interpretations have very different paleoenvironmental implications, but discriminating between them has proved difficult. To test the competing hypotheses, we measured the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of taxon-specific separates from a number of samples and compared these values both to each other and to expected seawater values at the time of deposition. Our results indicate extensive and pervasive reworking throughout Maastrichtian and lower Danian strata in ODP Hole 738C. We estimate that up to 30% of the mass of foraminifers in any sample can be contributed by individuals that have been reworked.


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An apparently complete Danian section was recovered at ODP Site 738 on the southern Kerguelen Plateau. Calcareous nannofossils are abundant and moderately preserved in the section. A number of taxa common in middle or low latitudes, such as Braarudosphaera, Biscutum? romeinii, Biscutum? parvulum, Cyclagelosphaera, Octolithus multiplus, and Toweius petalosus are absent at Site 738. On the other hand, a bloom of Hornibrookina occurs at Site 738 only slightly (15 cm) above the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary as defined by the iridium peak. Species of Chiasmolithus and Prinsius are very abundant. This gives the nannofossil assemblages distinct high-latitude characteristics and suggests significant latitudinal thermal gradients in the Danian oceans. A Danian nannofossil zonation for the Antarctic region is proposed, which utilizes traditional markers and several nontraditional markers, i.e., the first occurrences of Hornibrookina, Prinsius martinii, and Chiasmolithus bidens, and the last occurrence of Hornibrookina teuriensis. Quantitative analyses of the calcareous nannofossil assemblages from Site 738 reveal four steps of rapid floral changes in the early Danian before relatively stable nannofloral conditions were reached at about 63.8 Ma.


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Neutron activation analyses of iridium and other chemical elements were performed across a 1-m-thick, partly nonbioturbated, clay-rich interval at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in ODP Hole 738C. The results show that the boundary interval holds one of the highest Ir enrichments (320 ng Ir/cm2) of all known Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary layers. Iridium concentrations are highest (18 ppb Ir, whole-rock samples) a few centimeters above the base of the clayrich interval and gradually tail off upsection. Compared with background levels the most Ir-rich interval also shows strongly enhanced concentrations of Cr (215 ppm) and slightly elevated Co concentrations (13 ppm). The Ir-rich interval shows low As (< 15 ppm) and Sb (<0.8 ppm) concentrations, a fact that is congruent with absence of abundant authigenic sulfides in the sediment. Irregularly distributed Fe enrichments and a greenish gray color of the Fe-rich intervals may indicate the presence of glauconitic clay minerals and suboxic, slightly reducing conditions during deposition. Rare earth element (REE) abundance patterns change considerably across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary interval, reflecting either a change in Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary seawater REE composition or the occurrence of different REE fractionation processes due to changing depositional environment. Element-vs.-element ratios of Hf, Ta, Th, U, Cs, and Sc are similar between the most Ir-rich layers of the boundary section and other levels with lower Ir concentrations. This may imply that the clay fraction of the Ir-rich layers of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary interval is made up predominantly of locally derived material. Calculated calcite-free abundances of Hf, Ta, Th, U, Cs, and Sc, on the other hand, are reconcilable with an extraneous origin of the bulk of the clay in the most Ir-rich layers. The Ir in the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary clay-rich zone in Hole 738C is most likely derived from an earth-impacting asteroid; however, the origin of the clay-rich zone remains enigmatic.


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The Lower Cretaceous tholeiitic basalt cored at Site 738, on the southernmost part of the Kerguelen Plateau, shows anomalous Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic compositions compared to other lavas from Kerguelen Island and the Kerguelen Plateau. The strongly negative value of eNd (- 8.5) and high 207Pb/204Pb ratio (15.71) reflect a long-term evolution in a source high in Nd/Sm and µ. These geochemical properties, not observed in the Indian Ocean mantle plumes (St. Paul, Kerguelen Islands), have been reported for alkali lavas erupted in East Antarctica, thus suggesting that they originate from the Gondwana subcontinental lithosphere.


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