990 resultados para 117-731B


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Calcium carbonate and organic carbon concentrations are from measurements made on board the JOIDES Resolution during Leg 117 (Prell, Niitsuma, et al., 1989, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.117.1989). Values are for samples immdiately adjacent to fabric samples, or for Site 723 within 25 cm of the fabric sample interval. Intervals for which carbon analyses were not performed are represented by values in parenthesis which are from the nearest interval of similar lithology. Organic carbon analyses were not performed for samples below 402 mbsf at Site 731. Analyses performed on similar sediments at Sites 722 and 731 indicate the organic carbon concentration is probably <0.20%.


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Neogene sediments from three areas of the Northern Indian Ocean (Indus Fan, Owen Ridge, Oman Margin, ODP Leg 117) were studied in order to determine the amount, type, and preservation of organic matter as functions of the environments encountered. The work consisted of geochemical analyses on whole sediment (Total Organic Content and Rock Eval pyrolysis) and of petrographic studies on isolated organic matter by optical and scanning electron microscopy. In Indus Fan sediments, organic matter is present in low amounts, mainly as lignaceous fragments. A contrasting situation exists in Oman Margin sediments which are generally rich in amorphous autochtonous organic matter. Owen Ridge, located between Indus fan and Oman Margin areas, shows two phases of organic sedimentation as a consequence of the uplift of the ridge. The older phase (Oligocene to early or middle Miocene) is strongly influenced by detrital supply from the Indus, while the younger phase (middle Miocene to Pleistocene) is characterized by relatively high amounts of autochtonous organic matter. From a general point of view it appears that high amounts of organic matter are mainly due to good preservation of marine amorphous organic matter, such as in Oman Margin sediments and in upper pelagic levels of Indus Fan and Owen Ridge deposits. Low total organic carbon contents are correlated with low proportions of amorphous material in the total organic matter due to oxidizing conditions. This leads to a relative enrichment in components derived from resistant materials (lignin, chitin, or other resistant biopolymers) such as lignaceous fragments (Indus Fan) and/or fragments from benthic organisms and alveolate microplankton (Oman Margin).


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Interstitial water analyses made at 12 sites during Leg 117 are used to define the nature of diagenetic reactions in organic-rich sediments on the Owen Ridge and Oman Margin. Minor variations in chloride concentration profiles are ascribed to past changes in bottom water salinity at two mid-depth margin sites and to upward migration of low salinity water at another. There is no evidence for subsurface brine movement, unlike the case on the Peru Margin. Dolomitization is widespread and accounts for the depletions of magnesium observed in pore waters at variable depths at nearly all sites. The mineral occurs both as disseminated euhedral limpid crystals and, in at least one location, in massive stringers. Formation of the latter is suggested to reflect precipitation during sea level transgressions when the sedimentation rate was low, but when productivity was high. Authigenic carbonate fluorapatite is also widespread, the phosphorus being derived from the breakdown of organic matter. Sulfate is quantitatively depleted at depth at most locations but the rate of depletion is markedly less than that observed on the Peru Margin where sedimentation is also similarly influenced by high rates of upwelling. The reason for this contrast is not clear and merits further investigation.


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In Amci Pty Ltd ACN 124 249 485 v Corcoal Management Pty Ltd [2013] QSC 50 Jackson J considered an application for an order under r117 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld) (UCPR) in relation to informal service of an originating process on a corporation registered in the Ajman Free Zone in the United Arab Emirates. The decision appears to be the first time a Queensland court has examined the scope of r117 of the UCPR, and relevant considerations influencing the exercise of the discretion under the rule, when the defendant is outside Australia.


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Contenido: Actualidad de la doctrina tomista de los objetos formales / Octavio N. Derisi – Tomás de Aquino en la Universidad de París / Gustavo E. Ponferrada – La participación de la inteligencia en la experiencia sensible / Mario E. Sacchi – El pensamiento de Tomás de Aquino y los problemas de nuestro tiempo / Carmen Balzer – La existente y el campo específico de la metafísica / Osvaldo Francella –Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Nota del Director: "La presentación de esta revista Teología coincide con un momento de fiesta grande para nuestra Facultad: la celebración del Congreso del Centenario. De allí que este número quiera expresar la alegría que nos produce encontrarnos a hablar de teología, para recordar nuestras raíces, afrontar las exigencias de los desafíos de nuestro tiempo e imaginar un futuro. La teología es un quehacer creativo: pues es hermenéutica del mundo comprendido desde la fe; porque además es profecía, vinculando el presente con el futuro y haciéndonos responsables de las respuestas para hoy y de los proyectos para el tiempo que se avecina; y también es memoria, reconociendo que ella se hace con una comunidad que nos antecedió, es diálogo con las experiencias pasadas y aprendizaje de quienes hablaron antes que nosotros. En este sentido, pensar debe integrar el tiempo en sus dimensiones. Este número de nuestra revista presenta un grupo de textos que muestran esos diversos registros en los que la teología desarrolla su tarea..."


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The feeding of freshwater copepods, especially cyclopoida, has been poorly covered in research so far. The majority of existing special works on the feeding of cyclopoida illustrate this question only from the qualitative side. The food content of the nauplius of freshwater cyclops has not been studied at all, as also the feeding of adult entomostracans on bacteria. Moreover the question of the suitability of vegetable food for Cyclops is not clear enough. This article aims to elucidate as fully as possible the nutrition of Acanthocyclops viridis (Jur.) - a large cyclops, inhabiting the mass of demersal layers of the open parts of the Rybinsk reservoir and its foreshore. The present work is devoted only to the predatory feeding of A. viridis, and includes data from the content of the intestines of cyclops, collected in natural conditions, and also the results of experimental observations carried out in a laboratory during 1958.


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The study of enzymatic activity is of great importance in the immunology of fungi. Indeed, knowledge of biological activity of antigenic structures is important for the elucidation of host-parasite relations as well as in the search for a taxonomic factor permitting differential diagnoses. The authors used Saprolegnia cultures to analyse soluble antigenic fractions arising from the mycelium of cultures of 4 species of Saprolegnia, which are found most frequently in the parasitic state on fish: S. parasitica, S. ferax, S. delica, S. diclina. The authors conclude that in the study of saprolegniasis, the enzymatic approach affords new elements for the examination of the etiology of fungi as well as an element of gravity concerning the biochemical modifications necessary to the change of saprophytism to parasitism.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Whole-core magnetic susceptibility can sometimes be used as a rapid and sensitive indicator of variations in the concentration of terrigenous material. We apply this approach to study the evolution of Plio-Pleistocene climatic cycles of terrigenous sedimentation at Ocean Drilling Program Site 721, on the Owen Ridge in the Arabian Sea.


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Within the framework of the dinuclear system model, the production of superheavy element Z = 117 in possible projectile-target combinations is analysed systematically. The calculated results show that the production cross sections are strongly dependent on the reaction systems. Optimal combinations, corresponding excitation energies and evaporation channels are proposed, such as the isotopes Bk-248,Bk-249 in Ca-48 induced reactions in 3n evaporation channels and the reactions Sc-45+Cm-246,Cm-248 in 3n and 4n channels, and the system V-51+Pu-244 in 3n channel.


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The properties of the Z = 117 isotopic chain are studied within the framework of the axially deformed relativistic mean field theory (RMFT) in the blocked BCS approximation. The ground-state properties, such as binging energies, deformations as well as the possible.. decay energies and lifetimes are calculated with the parameter set of NL-Z2 and compared with results from the finite range droplet model. The analysis by RMFT shows that the isotopes in the range of mass number A = 291 similar to 300 exhibit higher stability, which suggests that they may be promising nuclei to be hopefully synthesized in the lab among the nuclei Z = 117.


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Detection of Li-6 has been shown for energetic solar events, one chromospherically active binary, and several dwarf halo stars. We had previously found a Li-6/Li-7 = 0.03 +/- 0.01 for active K dwarf GJ 117 using VLT UVES observations. Here we present high signal-to-noise (> 1000) high spectral resolution observations taken with the McDonald Observatory's 2.7 m and echelle spectrometer of GJ 117. We have used the solar spectrum and template stars to eliminate possible blends, such as Ti I, in the Li-6 spectral region. Our new analysis, using an updated PHOENIX model atmosphere, finds Li-6/Li-7 = 0.05 +/- 0.02. In addition, bisector analysis showed no significant red asymmetries that would affect the lithium line profile. No changes above the statistical uncertainties are found between the VLT and McDonald data. The amount of Li-6 derived for GJ 117 is consistent with creation in spallation reactions on the stellar surface, but we caution that uncertainties in the continuum level may cause additional uncertainty in the Li-6 fraction.