990 resultados para 104-642A


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Ostracodes are less common than might be normally expected at Sites 642, 643, and 644, perhaps pointing to the fact that the marine habitat below the overlying Pleistocene ice covers was a severe environment. This explanation, however, would not apply to the Pliocene and Miocene deposits from which ostracodes are just as poorly represented. In the latter case the Iceland-Faeroe Ridge might still have acted as a submerged barrier that did not allow an open ocean circulation of bottom waters. Thus the barrier presumably prevented an exchange of cold subarctic bottom water with that of the open Atlantic and therefore benthic deep-sea migration from the south was impeded. Some Quaternary species are, for the first time, recorded to extend to the Pliocene and/or Miocene.


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The mineralogical and geochemical study of samples from Sites 642, 643, and 644 enabled us to reconstruct several aspects of the Cenozoic paleoenvironmental evolution (namely volcanism, climate, hydrology) south of the Norwegian Sea and correlate it with evolution trends in the northeast Atlantic. Weathering products of early Paleogene volcanic material at Rockall Plateau, over the Faeroe-Iceland Ridge and the Voring Plateau indicate a hot and moist climate (lateritic environment) existed then. From Eocene to Oligocene, mineralogical assemblages of terrigenous sediments suggest the existence of a warm but somewhat less moist climate at that time than during the early Paleogene. At the beginning of early Miocene, climatic conditions were warm and damp. The large amounts of amorphous silica in Miocene sediment could indicate an important flux of silica from the continent then, or suggest the formation of upwelling. Uppermost lower Miocene and middle to upper Miocene clay assemblages suggest progressive cooling of the climate from warm to temperate at that time. At the end of early Miocene, hydrological exchanges between the North Atlantic and the Norwegian Sea became intense and gave rise to an important change in the mineralogy of deposits. From Pliocene to Pleistocene, the variable mineralogy of deposits reflects alternating glacial/interglacial climatic episodes, a phenomenon observed throughout the North Atlantic.


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A 1000-word review of Granta 104 - Fathers : The Men Who Made Us (Allen & Unwin, 2009)


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Contenido: Índice general de autores y materias. Año I, 1946 – Año XXV, 1970


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Mulheres opinam sobre o aborto. Narrador descreve dados da Organização das Nações Unidas - ONU, segundo os quais no Brasil são feitos 10% dos abortos do mundo . Aparecida Shumaher, do Conselho Nacional de Defesa da Mulher, diz que o aborto é questão de responsabilidade ética da mulher, cabendo a ela decidir. Dom Antonio C. de Queiroz, Secretário Geral da Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB), afirma que a igreja é radicalmente contra o aborto. Leonor Nunes de Paiva, da OAB-RJ, defende que a mulher deve ter o direito de interromper a gestação. Diz também que a OAB-RJ entende o aborto como assunto para a legislação ordinária. Deputados da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) consideram que o aborto não é matéria constitucional. José Paulo Bisol (PMDB-RS) afirma que o aborto deve ser tratado no Código Penal, não na Constituição. Eunice Michilis (PFL-AM) sugere o aborto apenas nos casos de estupro, gravidez de alto risco e má formação fetal que leve a uma vida vegetativa. Lídice da Mata (PC do B-BA) defende que a descriminalização do aborto refletiria a busca de articular a lei com os acontecimentos da sociedade e que, para evitar o aborto no Brasil, é preciso implementar políticas de planejamento familiar.


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Experiments were carried out by the method of direct effect of the tested substance on increase of biomass (1,2). Daphnia magna was cultured under laboratory conditions.The author concludes that concentrations of aniline from 5000 to 0.1 mg/1 appear acutely lethal. The disturbance of feeding, reproduction, the disorganization of the nervous system, speak of the toxicity of the substance.