952 resultados para 091502 Computational Heat Transfer


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The alternant heat transfer induced by particle packet and gas bubbles on an object surface in a gas fluidised bed is computationally studied. The particle packet and bubble are modelled by a DPPM (double particle-layer and Porous Medium) model and a hemispherical model, respectively. Different meshing schemes are applied and different mesh sizes are used in meshing particle packet and heated object and a very large geometrical size difference between them was considered. Two parallel solver processes were proposed to perform the simulation of heat transfer for different purposes and implemented with the Fluent CFD package.


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To improve the understanding of the heat transfer mechanism and to find a reliable and simple heat-transfer model, the gas flow and heat transfer between fluidized beds and the surfaces of an immersed object is numerically simulated based on a double particle-layer and porous medium model. The velocity field and temperature distribution of the gas and particles are analysed during the heat transfer process. The simulation shows that the change of gas velocity with the distance from immersed surface is consistent with the variation of bed voidage, and is used to validate approximately dimensional analysing result that the gas velocity between immersed surface and particles is 4.6Umf/εmf. The effects of particle size and particle residence time on the thermal penetration depth and the heat-transfer coefficients are also discussed.


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To improve the understanding of the heat transfer mechanism and find a reliable and simple heat-transfer model, the gas flow and heat transfer between fluidised beds and immersed object surfaces was numerically simulated based on a double particlelayer and porous medium model. The velocity field and temperature distribution of gas were discussed to analyse the heat transfer process.


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The fluid–particle interaction and the impact of different heat transfer conditions on pyrolysis of biomass inside a 150 g/h fluidised bed reactor are modelled. Two different size biomass particles (350 µm and 550 µm in diameter) are injected into the fluidised bed. The different biomass particle sizes result in different heat transfer conditions. This is due to the fact that the 350 µm diameter particle is smaller than the sand particles of the reactor (440 µm), while the 550 µm one is larger. The bed-to-particle heat transfer for both cases is calculated according to the literature. Conductive heat transfer is assumed for the larger biomass particle (550 µm) inside the bed, while biomass–sand contacts for the smaller biomass particle (350 µm) were considered unimportant. The Eulerian approach is used to model the bubbling behaviour of the sand, which is treated as a continuum. Biomass reaction kinetics is modelled according to the literature using a two-stage, semi-global model which takes into account secondary reactions. The particle motion inside the reactor is computed using drag laws, dependent on the local volume fraction of each phase. FLUENT 6.2 has been used as the modelling framework of the simulations with the whole pyrolysis model incorporated in the form of User Defined Function (UDF).


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In this paper a novel computational technique called Parameterized Perturbation Method (PPM) is used to obtain the solutions of nonlinear fundamental heat conduction equations. Three well known problems in the area of heat transfer are addressed to be solved. An analytical investigation is carried out for: (a) the temperature distribution in a fin with a temperature-dependent thermal conductivity, (b) the cooling of the lumped system with variable specific heat, and (c) the temperature distribution of a convective-radiative fin. The validity of the results of PPM solution was verified via comparison with numerical results obtained using a fourth order Runge-Kutta method. These comparisons revealed that PPM is a powerful approach for solving these problems. Also, the results showed that the main attributions of this method are very straightforward calculations and low computational burden compared to previous analytical and numerical approaches.


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Natural convection thermal boundary layer adjacent to the heated inclined wall of a right angled triangle with an adiabatic fin attached to that surface is investigated by numerical simulations. The finite volume based unsteady numerical model is adopted for the simulation. It is revealed from the numerical results that the development of the boundary layer along the inclined surface is characterized by three distinct stages, i.e. a start-up stage, a transitional stage and a steady stage. These three stages can be clearly identified from the numerical simulations. Moreover, in presence of adiabatic fin, the thermal boundary layer adjacent to the inclined wall breaks initially. However, it is reattached with the downstream boundary layer next to the fin. More attention has been given to the boundary layer development near the fin area.


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Numerical simulations of thermomagnetic convection of paramagnetic fluids placed in a micro-gravity condition (g nearly 0) and under a uniform vertical gradient magnetic field in an open ended square enclosure with ramp heating temperature condition applied on a vertical wall is investigated in this study. In presence of the strong magnetic gradient field thermal convection of the paramagnetic fluid might take place even in a zero-gravity environment as a direct consequence of temperature differences occurring within the fluid. The thermal boundary layer develops adjacent to the hot wall as soon as the ramp temperature condition is applied on it. There are two scenario that can be observed based on the ramp heating time. The steady state of the thermal boundary layer can be reached before the ramp time is finished or vice versa. If the ramp time is larger than the quasi-steady time then the thermal boundary layer is in a quasi-steady mode with convection balancing conduction after the quasi-steady time. Further increase of the heat input simply accelerates the flow to maintain the proper thermal balance. Finally, the boundary layer becomes completely steady state when the ramp time is finished. Effects of magnetic Rayleigh number, Prandtl number and paramagnetic fluid parameter on the flow pattern and heat transfer are presented.


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Numerical simulations of the multi-shock interactions observable around hypersonic vehicles were carried out by solving Navier-Stokes equations with the AUSMPW scheme and the new type of the IV interaction created by two incident shock waves was investigated in detail. Numerical results show that the intersection point of the second incident shock with the bow shock plays important role on the flow pattern, peak pressures and heat fluxes. In the case of two incident shocks interacting with the bow shock at the same position, the much higher peak pressure and more severe heat transfer rate are induced than the classical IV interaction. The phenomenon is referred to as the multi-shock interaction and higher requirements will be imposed on thermal protection systems.


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A modeling study is conducted to investigate the effect of hydrogen content in propellants on the plasma flow, heat transfer and energy conversion characteristics of low-power (kW class) arc-heated hydrogen/nitrogen thrusters (arcjets). 1:0 (pure hydrogen), 3:1 (to simulate decomposed ammonia), 2:1 (to simulate decomposed hydrazine) and 0:1 (pure nitrogen) hydrogen/nitrogen mixtures are chosen as the propellants. Both the gas flow region inside the thruster nozzle and the anode-nozzle wall are included in the computational domain in order to better treat the conjugate heat transfer between the gas flow region and the solid wall region. The axial variations of the enthalpy flux, kinetic energy flux, directed kinetic-energy flux, and momentum flux, all normalized to the mass flow rate of the propellant, are used to investigate the energy conversion process inside the thruster nozzle. The modeling results show that the values of the arc voltage, the gas axial-velocity at the thruster exit, and the specific impulse of the arcjet thruster all increase with increasing hydrogen content in the propellant, but the gas temperature at the nitrogen thruster exit is significantly higher than that for other three propellants. The flow, heat transfer, and energy conversion processes taking place in the thruster nozzle have some common features for all the four propellants. The propellant is heated mainly in the near-cathode and constrictor region, accompanied with a rapid increase of the enthalpy flux, and after achieving its maximum value, the enthalpy flux decreases appreciably due to the conversion of gas internal energy into its kinetic energy in the divergent segment of the thruster nozzle. The kinetic energy flux, directed kinetic energy flux and momentum flux also increase at first due to the arc heating and the thermodynamic expansion, assume their maximum inside the nozzle and then decrease gradually as the propellant flows toward the thruster exit. It is found that a large energy loss (31-52%) occurs in the thruster nozzle due to the heat transfer to the nozzle wall and too long nozzle is not necessary. Modeling results for the NASA 1-kW class arcjet thruster with hydrogen or decomposed hydrazine as the propellant are found to compare favorably with available experimental data.


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Numerical analysis of fully developed laminar slip flow and heat transfer in trapezoidal micro-channels has been studied with uniform wall heat flux boundary conditions. Through coordinate transformation, the governing equations are transformed from physical plane to computational domain, and the resulting equations are solved by a finite-difference scheme. The influences of velocity slip and temperature jump on friction coefficient and Nusselt number are investigated in detail. The calculation also shows that the aspect ratio and base angle have significant effect on flow and heat transfer in trapezoidal micro-channel. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is gradually becoming a powerful and almost essential tool for the design, development and optimization of engineering applications. However the mathematical modelling of the erratic turbulent motion remains the key issue when tackling such flow phenomena. The reliability of CFD analysis depends heavily on the turbulence model employed together with the wall functions implemented. In order to resolve the abrupt changes in the turbulent energy and other parameters situated at near wall regions a particularly fine mesh is necessary which inevitably increases the computer storage and run-time requirements. Turbulence modelling can be considered to be one of the three key elements in CFD. Precise mathematical theories have evolved for the other two key elements, grid generation and algorithm development. The principal objective of turbulence modelling is to enhance computational procedures of efficient accuracy to reproduce the main structures of three dimensional fluid flows. The flow within an electronic system can be characterized as being in a transitional state due to the low velocities and relatively small dimensions encountered. This paper presents simulated CFD results for an investigation into the predictive capability of turbulence models when considering both fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena. Also a new two-layer hybrid kε / kl turbulence model for electronic application areas will be presented which holds the advantages of being cheap in terms of the computational mesh required and is also economical with regards to run-time.


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Heat is extracted away from an electronic package by convection, conduction, and/or radiation. The amount of heat extracted by forced convection using air is highly dependent on the characteristics of the airflow around the package which includes its velocity and direction. Turbulence in the air is also important and is required to be modeled accurately in thermal design codes that use computational fluid dynamics (CFD). During air cooling the flow can be classified as laminar, transitional, or turbulent. In electronics systems, the flow around the packages is usually in the transition region, which lies between laminar and turbulent flow. This requires a low-Reynolds number numerical model to fully capture the impact of turbulence on the fluid flow calculations. This paper provides comparisons between a number of turbulence models with experimental data. These models included the distance from the nearest wall and the local velocity (LVEL), Wolfshtein, Norris and Reynolds, k-ε, k-ω, shear-stress transport (SST), and kε/kl models. Results show that in terms of the fluid flow calculations most of the models capture the difficult wake recirculation region behind the package reasonably well, although for packages whose heights cause a high degree of recirculation behind the package the SST model appears to struggle. The paper also demonstrates the sensitivity of the models to changes in the mesh density; this study is aimed specifically at thermal design engineers as mesh independent simulations are rarely conducted in an industrial environment.


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The pseudo-spectral solution method offers a flexible and fast alternative to the more usual finite element and volume methods, particularly when the long-time transient behaviour of a system is of interest. The exact solution is obtained at grid collocation points leading to superior accuracy on modest grids. Furthermore, the grid can be freely adapted in time and space to particular flow conditions or geometric variations, especially useful where strongly coupled, time-dependent, multi-physics solutions are investigated. Examples include metallurgical applications involving the interaction of electromagnetic fields and conducting liquids with a free surface. The electromagnetic field determines the instantaneous liquid volume shape, which then affects the electromagnetic field. A general methodology of the pseudo-spectral approach is presented, with several instructive example applications: the aluminium electrolysis MHD problem, induction melting in a cold crucible and the dynamics of AC/DC magnetically levitated droplets. Finally, comparisons with available analytical solutions and to experimental measurements are discussed.