964 resultados para 010101 Algebra and Number Theory


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Following ideas of Quillen we prove that the graded K-theory of a Z-multi-graded ring with support contained in a pointed cone is entirely determined by the K-theory of the sub-ring of elements of degree 0.


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It is shown that if $11$, the operator $I+T$ attains its norm. A reflexive Banach space $X$ and a bounded rank one operator $T$ on $X$ are constructed such that $\|I+T\|>1$ and $I+T$ does not attain its norm.


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Suppose X is a projective toric scheme defined over a ring R and equipped with an ample line bundle L . We prove that its K-theory has a direct summand of the form K(R)(k+1) where k = 0 is minimal such that L?(-k-1) is not acyclic. Using a combinatorial description of quasi-coherent sheaves we interpret and prove this result for a ring R which is either commutative, or else left noetherian.


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We adapt Quillen’s calculation of graded K-groups of Z-graded rings with support in N to graded K-theory, allowing gradings in a product Z×G with G an arbitrary group. This in turn allows us to use induction and calculate graded K-theory of Z -multigraded rings.


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We present a homological characterisation of those chain complexes of modules over a Laurent polynomial ring in several indeterminates which are finitely dominated over the ground ring (that is, are a retract up to homotopy of a bounded complex of finitely generated free modules). The main tools, which we develop in the paper, are a non-standard totalisation construction for multi-complexes based on truncated products, and a high-dimensional mapping torus construction employing a theory of cubical diagrams that commute up to specified coherent homotopies.


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Modular arithmetic has often been regarded as something of a mathematical curiosity, at least by those unfamiliar with its importance to both abstract algebra and number theory, and with its numerous applications. However, with the ubiquity of fast digital computers, and the need for reliable digital security systems such as RSA, this important branch of mathematics is now considered essential knowledge for many professionals. Indeed, computer arithmetic itself is, ipso facto, modular. This chapter describes how the modern graphical spreadsheet may be used to clearly illustrate the basics of modular arithmetic, and to solve certain classes of problems. Students may then gain structural insight and the foundations laid for applications to such areas as hashing, random number generation, and public-key cryptography.


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We investigate the group valued functor G(D) = D*/F*D' where D is a division algebra with center F and D' the commutator subgroup of D*. We show that G has the most important functorial properties of the reduced Whitehead group SK1. We then establish a fundamental connection between this group, its residue version, and relative value group when D is a Henselian division algebra. The structure of G(D) turns out to carry significant information about the arithmetic of D. Along these lines, we employ G(D) to compute the group SK1(D). As an application, we obtain theorems of reduced K-theory which require heavy machinery, as simple examples of our method.


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Abstract Let F be a reduced irreducible root system and R be a commutative ring. Further, let G(F,R) be a Chevalley group of type F over R and E(F,R) be its elementary subgroup. We prove that if the rank of F is at least 2 and the Bass-Serre dimension of R is finite, then the quotient G(F,R)/E(F,R) is nilpotent by abelian. In particular, when G(F,R) is simply connected the quotient K1(F,R)=G(F,R)/E(F,R) is nilpotent. This result was previously established by Bak for the series A1 and by Hazrat for C1 and D1. As in the above papers we use the localisation-completion method of Bak, with some technical simplifications.


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We study the continuity of the map Lat sending an ultraweakly closed operator algebra to its invariant subspace lattice. We provide an example showing that Lat is in general discontinuous and give sufficient conditions for the restricted continuity of this map. As consequences we obtain that Lat is continuous on the classes of von Neumann and Arveson algebras and give a general approximative criterion for reflexivity, which extends Arvesonâ??s theorem on the reflexivity of commutative subspace lattices.


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We prove that every unital spectrally bounded operator from a properly infinite von Neumann algebra onto a semisimple Banach algebra is a Jordan homomorphism.


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