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The objective of the present study was to characterize ovarian follicular dynamics and hormone concentrations during follicular deviation in the first wave after ovulation in Nelore (Bos indicus) heifers. Ultrasonographic exams were performed and blood samples were collected every 12 h from the day of estrus until 120-144 h after ovulation in seven females. Deviation was defined as the point at which the growth rate of the dominant follicle became greater than the growth rate of the largest subordinate follicle. Deviation occurred approximately 65 h after ovulation. Growth rate of the dominant follicle increased (P < 0.05) after deviation, while growth rate of the subordinate follicle decreased (P < 0.05). Diameter of the dominant follicle did not differ from the subordinate follicle at deviation (approximately 5.4 mm). The dominant follicle (7.6 mm) was larger (P < 0.05) than the subordinate follicle (5.3 mm) 96 h after ovulation or 24 h after deviation. Plasma FSH concentrations did not change significantly during the post-ovulatory period. The first significant increase in mean plasma progesterone concentration occurred on the day of follicular deviation. In conclusion, the interval from ovulation to follicular deviation (2.7 days) was similar to that previously reported in B. taurus females, but follicles were smaller. Diameters of the dominant follicle and subordinate follicle did not differ before deviation and deviation was characterized by an increase in dominant follicle and decrease in subordinate follicle growth rate. Variations in FSH concentrations within 12-h intervals were not involved in follicular deviation in Nelore heifers. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A series of segmented poly(urethane-urea)s containing 1,3,5 triazine in the hard block and hexamethylene spacers in the soft block was prepared. The hard to soft segment ratio was varied systematically, to afford a series of polymers in which the chromophore concentration varied from 4.2% to 18.1%. Although triazine emission is located in the UV region, the films with higher content of the chromophore emitted a visible blue light (425 nm) when excited at the very red-edge of the absorption band. The photophysical properties of the materials were strongly dependent on the relative amount of triazine moieties along the main chain. Isolated moieties emit in copolymers with small amount of triazine groups, indicating that even though in solid state, these moieties tend to be apart. Two photophysical consequences were observed when the amount of triazine increases: there is some energy transfer process involving isolated moieties with consequent decrease of the lifetime and an additional red-edge emission attributed to aggregated lumophores. The mono-exponential decay observed for the isolated form is substituted by a bi-exponential decay of the aggregated species. The materials were not strong emitters, but since the N-containing triazine moieties are good electron transport groups, the polymers have potential application as electron transport enhancers in various applications. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of thermal and mechanical cycling alone or in combination, on the flexural strength of ceramic and metallic frameworks cast in gold alloy or titanium. Methods: Metallic frameworks (25 mm × 3 mm × 0.5 mm) (N = 96) cast in gold alloy or commercial pure titanium (Ti cp) were obtained using acrylic templates. They were airborne particle-abraded with 150 μm aluminum oxide at the central area of the frameworks (8 mm × 3 mm). Bonding agent and opaque were applied on the particle-abraded surfaces and the corresponding ceramic for each metal was fired onto them. The thickness of the ceramic layer was standardized by positioning the frameworks in a metallic template (height: 1 mm). The specimens from each ceramic-metal combination (N = 96, n = 12 per group) were randomly assigned into four experimental fatigue conditions, namely water storage at 37 °C for 24 h (control group), thermal cycling (3000 cycles, between 4 and 55 °C, dwell time: 10 s), mechanical cycling (20,000 cycles under 10 N load, immersion in distilled water at 37 °C) and, thermal and mechanical cycling. A flexural strength test was performed in a universal testing machine (crosshead speed: 1.5 mm/min). Data were statistically analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). Results: The mean flexural strength values for the ceramic-gold alloy combination (55 ± 7.2 MPa) were significantly higher than those of the ceramic-Ti cp combination (32 ± 6.7 MPa) regardless of the fatigue conditions performed (p < 0.05). Mechanical and thermo-mechanical fatigue decreased the flexural strength results significantly for both ceramic-gold alloy (52 ± 6.6 and 53 ± 5.6 MPa, respectively) and ceramic-Ti cp combinations (29 ± 6.8 and 29 ± 6.8 MPa, respectively) compared to the control group (58 ± 7.8 and 39 ± 5.1 MPa, for gold and Ti cp, respectively) (p < 0.05) (Tukey's test). While ceramic-Ti cp combinations failed adhesively at the metal-opaque interface, gold alloy frameworks exhibited a residue of ceramic material on the surface in all experimental groups. Significance: Mechanical and thermo-mechanical fatigue conditions decreased the flexural strength values for both ceramic-gold alloy and ceramic-Ti cp combinations with the results being significantly lower for the latter in all experimental conditions. © 2007 Academy of Dental Materials.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the roughness of colorless ocular button and four brands of colorless acrylic resins designed to fabricate ocular prosthesis as a function of weathering (1008 h) and different thickness (1 and 3.5 mm). Materials and methods: One-hundred-and-twenty specimens were fabricated and distributed in 12 groups. The analysis was carried out by means of digital roughness meter. Results: Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey test at 1% significance. The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference after the weathering period. Both the Vipi Cril acrylic resin with 3.5 mm in thickness and ocular button with 1 mm in thickness presented the lowest roughness values (0.12. Ra). Conclusion: The roughness of the acrylic resins and the ocular button was not affect by the weathering of 1008 h. However, the thickness of the specimens proved to have a major influence on roughness property. © 2010.
Objective: To describe two successful cases of utilizing refrozen blastocysts by vitrification derived from supernumerary embryos. Design: Case report. Setting: Private fertility clinic. Subjects: Two infertility couple. Interventions: Refrozen blastocysts by vitrification derived from supernumerary embryos. Main outcome measures: Obstetric and pediatric results. Results: Two pregnancies obtained from refrozen-warmed blastocysts led to two healthy babies being born without clinical or genetic problems. Conclusion: These case reports support the notion of safely repeating cryopreservation. However, despite these favorable results, there is still a need for prospective controlled studies on the obstetric and neonatal repercussions of refreezing and of vitrification in particular. © 2010 Middle East Fertility Society.
Introduction: To analyze the contribution of knee range of motion in walking of hemiplegic and diplegic children, considering their asymmetries. Material and method: Twelve children, 6 hemiplegics and 6 diplegics, from 7 to 12 years of age (9.5 ± 1.93) participated. Spasticity was assessed with the Ashworth's Modified Scale and the passive knee range of motion using an electrogoniometer. The task was to walk on an 8 m long walkway, using their preferred speed. Six attempts were made, three of which were on the right and three on the left sagittal planes. Results: The Mann-Whitney's U test found differences in the type of cerebral palsy for knee extension/hyperextension, for the relative angle of the knee at the load acceptance phase and for the knee range of motion during stride. The Wilcoxon's test revealed differences in hemibody for hemiplegics in the relative angle of the knee in acceptance of the load. Conclusions: Children with spastic cerebral palsy use compensation strategies between the lower limbs during walking. These strategies differed according to the type of cerebral palsy. The knee joint has an important function in those strategies, especially in the load acceptance and propulsion phases. © 2010 Elsevier España, S.L. y SERMEF. Todos los derechos reservados.
Orange cakes with addition of inulin and oligofructose to justify a prebiotic claim (minimum of 3 g of fructans in a 60 g serving of cake) were investigated regarding sensory aspects. The sensory profile of cakes with inulin, with inulin/oligofructose and without prebiotics (standard cake) was evaluated using descriptive quantitative analysis. Preference mapping was assessed using multidimensional scaling on data obtained through an acceptability test with a nine-point hedonic scale. The cakes with prebiotics presented greater crust brownness, dough beigeness, hardness and stickiness than the standard cake and lower crumbliness. Principal Component Analysis (69.5 and 10.7% of explanation to the first and second principal components, respectively) showed that crust brownness, dough beigeness, hardness and stickiness contributed to distinguish the cakes with prebiotics from standard cakes. The sensory acceptability was similar for the three cakes and higher when compared to three commercial cakes, but the preference mapping showed that cakes with prebiotics were preferred to commercial cakes. Addition of prebiotics in orange cakes is feasible, based on the sensory results, which may facilitate marketing of this functional food with sensorial qualities equivalent to conventional products. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
The micro and macro structures of the caudal vertebrae and muscles of Dendrophidion dendrophis and Mastigodryas bifossatus were described using histological slides, dissections, radiographs, and clearing and double staining of intact, broken, and healed tails. To analyze the relationship among the frequencies of healed tails we established two populations of D. dendrophis and six groups of M. bifossatus. We found that fractures of the tail in the two species are intervertebral, and there are no morphological and/or structural mechanisms that facilitate the urotomy, which is classified as non-specialized pseudoautotomy. The caudal vertebrae of D. dendrophis and M. bifossatus show minor differences in the shape of the condyle, cotyle, and border of the neural spine, and in the size and orientation of the hemapophysis and pleurapophysis. The absence of bleeding at the moment of tail breakage may indicate the presence of sphincters in the veins and arteries of D. dendrophis. The distal part of the last vertebrae retained in healed tails of D. dendrophis and M. bifossatus participates in the healing processes as a possible source of calcium in the formation of a calcified cap. We found high frequency of tail breakage in both species, which occurs in almost the entire length of the tail, with no specific areas of concentration. There was no difference in the frequencies of healed tails among males and females of different populations of D. dendrophis and M. bifossatus. Juveniles have lower breakage frequencies than adults in both species, except for populations of M. bifossatus from the Cerrado and Pampa. © 2013 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.
The alar base widening is directly related to the Le Fort I osteotomy which could lead to an undesirable facial change if not adequately controlled transoperatively. Several surgical techniques to control the lateralization and widening of the nasal base have been described in the literature. The extraoral technique, first described by Shams and Motamedi in 2002 seems to make this procedure more predictable and reliable. The authors preset a modification for that technique. © 2013 Asian AOMS, ASOMP, JSOP, JSOMS, JSOM, and JAMI.
Strontium isotopes are useful tracers of fluid-rock interaction in marine hydrothermal systems and provide a potential way to quantify the amount of seawater that passes through these systems. We have determined the whole-rock Sr-isotopic compositions of a section of upper oceanic crust that formed at the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise, now exposed at Hess Deep. This dataset provides the first detailed comparison for the much-studied Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) drill core from Site 504B. Whole-rock and mineral Sr concentrations indicate that Sr-exchange between hydrothermal fluids and the oceanic crust is complex, being dependent on the mineralogical reactions occurring; in particular, epidote formation takes up Sr from the fluid increasing the 87Sr/86Sr of the bulk-rock. Calculating the fluid-flux required to shift the Sr-isotopic composition of the Hess Deep sheeted-dike complex, using the approach of Bickle and Teagle (1992, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(92)90221-G) gives a fluid-flux similar to that determined for ODP Hole 504B. This suggests that the level of isotopic exchange observed in these two regions is probably typical for modern oceanic crust. Unfortunately, uncertainties in the modeling approach do not allow us to determine a fluid-flux that is directly comparable to fluxes calculated by other methods.
High sedimentation rates in fjords provide excellent possibilities for high resolution sedimentary and geochemical records over the Holocene. As a baseline for an improved interpretation of geochemical data from fjord sediment cores, this study aims to investigate the inorganic/organic geochemistry of surface sediments and to identify geochemical proxies for terrestrial input and river discharge in the Trondheimsfjord, central Norway. Sixty evenly distributed surface sediment samples were analysed for their elemental composition, total organic carbon (Corg), nitrogen (Norg) and organic carbon stable isotopes (d13Corg), bulk mineral composition and grain size distribution. Our results indicate carbonate marine productivity to be the main CaCO3 source. Also, a strong decreasing gradient of marine-derived organic matter from the entrance towards the fjord inner part is consistent with modern primary production data. We show that the origin of the organic matter as well as the distribution of CaCO3 in Trondheimsfjord sediments can be used as a proxy for the variable inflow of Atlantic water and changes in river runoff. Furthermore, the comparison of grain size independent Al-based trace element ratios with geochemical analysis from terrigenous sediments and bedrocks provides evidence that the distribution of K/Al, Ni/Al and K/Ni in the fjord sediments reflect regional sources of K and Ni in the northern and southern drainage basin of the Trondheimsfjord. Applying these findings to temporally well-constrained sediment records will provide important insights into both the palaeoenvironmental changes of the hinterland and the palaeoceanographic modifications in the Norwegian Sea as response to rapid climate changes and associated feedback mechanisms.
In order to study the modern sea surface characteristics of the sub-polar North Pacific and the Bering Sea, i.e. sea surface temperature (SST) and sea ice cover, surface sediments recovered during the RV Sonne Expedition 202 in 2009 were analysed. To distinguish between marine and terrestrial organic carbon, hydrogen index values, long chain n-alkanes and specific sterols have been determined. The results show that in the Bering Sea, especially on the sea slope, the organic carbon source is mainly caused by high primary production. In the North Pacific, on the other hand, the organic material originates predominantly from terrestrial higher plants, probably related to dust input from Asia. SST has been reconstructed using the modified alkenone unsaturation index. Calibration from Müller et al. (1998, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(98)00097-0) offers the most reliable estimate of mean annual temperature in the central North Pacific but does not correlate with mean annual temperature throughout the study area. In the eastern North Pacific and the Bering Sea, the Sikes et al. (1997, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(97)00017-3) calibration seems to be more accurate and matches summer SST. The distribution of the novel sea ice proxy IP25 (highly branched C25 isoprenoid alkene) in surface sediments is in accord with the modern spring sea ice edge and shows the potential of this proxy to track past variation in sea ice cover in the study area.