999 resultados para Óxidos metálicos - Aditivos


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Física Laboratorial, Ensino e História da Física


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Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Materiais, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa,Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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Ammonia is an important gas in many power plants and industrial processes so its detection is of extreme importance in environmental monitoring and process control due to its high toxicity. Ammonia’s threshold limit is 25 ppm and the exposure time limit is 8 h, however exposure to 35 ppm is only secure for 10 min. In this work a brief introduction to ammonia aspects are presented, like its physical and chemical properties, the dangers in its manipulation, its ways of production and its sources. The application areas in which ammonia gas detection is important and needed are also referred: environmental gas analysis (e.g. intense farming), automotive-, chemical- and medical industries. In order to monitor ammonia gas in these different areas there are some requirements that must be attended. These requirements determine the choice of sensor and, therefore, several types of sensors with different characteristics were developed, like metal oxides, surface acoustic wave-, catalytic-, and optical sensors, indirect gas analyzers, and conducting polymers. All the sensors types are described, but more attention will be given to polyaniline (PANI), particularly to its characteristics, syntheses, chemical doping processes, deposition methods, transduction modes, and its adhesion to inorganic materials. Besides this, short descriptions of PANI nanostructures, the use of electrospinning in the formation of nanofibers/microfibers, and graphene and its characteristics are included. The created sensor is an instrument that tries to achieve a goal of the medical community in the control of the breath’s ammonia levels being an easy and non-invasive method for diagnostic of kidney malfunction and/or gastric ulcers. For that the device should be capable to detect different levels of ammonia gas concentrations. So, in the present work an ammonia gas sensor was developed using a conductive polymer composite which was immobilized on a carbon transducer surface. The experiments were targeted to ammonia measurements at ppb level. Ammonia gas measurements were carried out in the concentration range from 1 ppb to 500 ppb. A commercial substrate was used; screen-printed carbon electrodes. After adequate surface pre-treatment of the substrate, its electrodes were covered by a nanofibrous polymeric composite. The conducting polyaniline doped with sulfuric acid (H2SO4) was blended with reduced graphene oxide (RGO) obtained by wet chemical synthesis. This composite formed the basis for the formation of nanofibers by electrospinning. Nanofibers will increase the sensitivity of the sensing material. The electrospun PANI-RGO fibers were placed on the substrate and then dried at ambient temperature. Amperometric measurements were performed at different ammonia gas concentrations (1 to 500 ppb). The I-V characteristics were registered and some interfering gases were studied (NO2, ethanol, and acetone). The gas samples were prepared in a custom setup and were diluted with dry nitrogen gas. Electrospun nanofibers of PANI-RGO composite demonstrated an enhancement in NH3 gas detection when comparing with only electrospun PANI nanofibers. Was visible higher range of resistance at concentrations from 1 to 500 ppb. It was also observed that the sensor had stable, reproducible and recoverable properties. Moreover, it had better response and recovery times. The new sensing material of the developed sensor demonstrated to be a good candidate for ammonia gas determination.


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Bactérias eletroquimicamente ativas possuem a capacidade de transferir eletrões extracelularmente, durante a respiração celular. Esta característica tem sido atualmente explorada para aplicação na produção de eletricidade, tratamento de águas residuais, biorremediação e em diversas áreas da biotecnologia, onde a transferência eletrónica ocorre na presença de aceitadores insolúveis (tais como, óxidos metálicos e ânodos metálicos). Contudo, o número de espécies identificadas, isoladas e caracterizadas até à data é bastante reduzido. Os métodos atualmente disponíveis para deteção de bactérias eletroquimicamente ativas são morosos, dispendiosos e complexos de operar, tornando-se necessário o desenvolvimento de outros métodos mais rápidos, simples e menos dispendiosos que auxiliem na otimização das aplicações mencionadas. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de um sensor colorimétrico de papel utilizando um material eletrocrómico, trióxido de tungsténio, como camada ativa para a deteção destas bactérias. Para isso, foram definidos no papel poços delimitados por barreiras hidrofóbicas, através da impressão e difusão de uma camada de cera. As várias amostras de nanopartículas de WO3, sintetizadas por um método hidrotermal assistido por micro-ondas, foram depositadas nos poços por drop casting. As nanopartículas com estrutura cristalográfica hexagonal, impregnadas no sensor de papel, foram capazes de detetar com sucesso uma bactéria eletroquimicamente ativa, Geobacter sulfurreducens, desde uma fase de crescimento bastante inicial (Abs600 nm = 0,1, correspondente a 0,07 g/L com um rácio RGB de 1,10 ± 0,040) até à fase exponencial-tardia (Abs600 nm = 0,5, correspondente a 0,33 g/L com um rácio RGB de 1,33 ± 0,005), com P <0,0001. O sensor de papel e respetivo método de deteção colorimétrico desenvolvido neste trabalho, revelou ser sensível e específico à deteção destas bactérias, de uma forma rápida, simples e pouco dispendiosa.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais


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El proyecto está dirigido a proporcionar métodos catalíticos para la preparación de productos de Química Fina, ya sea como producto final o intermediarios, principalmente dentro del campo de la fabricación de esencias, saborizantes y productos farmacológicos. Todo este proyecto tiene por finalidad la obtención de datos que permitan en otro desarrollo, el escalado a mayor producción no solamente de proceso (productos) sino en el caso de obtenerse un catalizador sólido, deberá proveerse la técnica de preparación del mismo, para cumplir con requerimientos habituales de las industrias, especialmente Pymes. (...) Otro tipo de proceso está representado por la síntesis vía catálisis heterogénea de ésteres del tipo del acetato de amilo y similares de uso, según su calidad como saborizante y en la industria de la perfumería. En este caso la catálisis involucrada es de tipo ácido. El objetivo general de este proyecto consiste en el desarrollo y síntesis de catalizadores heterogéneos para ser utilizado en reacciones seleccionadas de química fina, estudio de dichas reacciones y escalado de las mismas. Este objetivo general puede ser desglosado en cuatro partes u objetivos específicos: a) Optimización del sistema de reacción para síntesis de catalizadores básicos como: * Arcillas aniónicas; * Óxidos metálicos simples y mixtos; * Metales alcalinos y soportados; * Asbestos, carbones y resinas aniónicas. b) Caracterización de los catalizadores utilizando FTIR, Área superficial, Volumen de poros, Distribución y Capacidad de adsorción de moléculas sonda. c) Empleo de los catalizadores desarrollados y caracterizados en procesos de Química Fina.


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o Pó de Aciaria Elétrica (PAE) é um resíduo gerado em indústrias siderúrgicas que utilizam o Forno Elétrico a Arco (FEA) e a sucata como principal matéria-prima para a produção do aço. O PAE é composto por diferentes óxidos metálicos, entre eles o Zn, Cr, Pb e Cd. Devido às concentrações de Pb e Cdultrapassarem as pennitidas pela NBR 10004(1987), no ensaio de lixiviação, o PAE é classificado como resíduo perigoso Classe I. Este trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo da influência do PAEno desempenhomecânico e durabilidade de blocos de concreto para pavimentação. O programa experimental foi desenvolvido em duas etapas: a primeira. na qual foi fixada a relação água/cimento e a segunda, na qual foi fixado o índice de umidade, fator este relacionado com a capacidade de moldar os corpos-de-prova. Em ambas as etapas, o teor de adição do PAE empregado foi de 5%, 15% e 25% em relação à massa de cimento. Também foram moldados corpos-de-prova sem adição do resíduo (0%), utilizados como referência. Como ensaios complementares, foram detenninados o calor de hidratação, assim como a caracterização mineralógica e microestrutural de pastas de cimento com teores do PAE. Verificou-se que, nas duas etapas, os blocos contendo 15% de adição do PAE obtiveram melhor desempenho quanto à resistência à compressão axial. Para os ensaios de durabilidade, os blocos com o PAE mostraram-se com desempenho igual ou superior aos blocos que não o possuíam O PAE utilizado nos blocos de concreto, bem como em pastas de cimento, retardou os tempos de início e fim de pega. O cimento também pode agir como formador de uma matriz para encapsular os metais pesados contidos no pó de aciaria. Nos ensaios de caracterização ambiental, obselVou-seeste encapsulamento através da análise dos extratos lixiviados e solubilizados, onde as concentrações dos metais pesados, ao longo do tempo, diminuíram. Isto fez com que os blocos, contendo o resíduo em sua composição, fossem classificados neste trabalho como Classe II - não-inerte. Desta forma, a partir de um resíduo perigoso Classe L foi possível desenvolver, através do encapsulamento na matriz cimentante, um produto Classe 11.


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The mixed metal oxides constitute an important class of catalytic materials widely investigated in different fields of applications. Studies of rare earth nickelates have been carried by several researchers in order to investigate the structural stability afforded by oxide formed and the existence of catalytic properties at room temperature. So, this study aims synthesize the nanosized catalyst of nickelate of lanthanum doped with strontium (La(1-x)SrxNiO4-d; x = 0,2 and 0,3), through the Pechini method and your characterization for subsequent application in the desulfurization of thiophene reaction. The precursor solutions were calcined at 300ºC/2h for pyrolysis of polyester and later calcinations occurred at temperatures of 500 - 1000°C. The resulting powders were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TG / DTG), surface area for adsorption of N2 by BET method, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (HR_SEM) and spectrometry dispersive energy (EDS). The results of XRD had show that the perovskites obtained consist of two phases (LSN and NiO) and from 700ºC have crystalline structure. The results of SEM evidenced the obtainment of nanometric powders. The results of BET show that the powders have surface area within the range used in catalysis (5-50m2/g). The characterization of active sites was performed by reaction of desulfurization of thiophene at room temperature and 200ºC, the relation F/W equal to 0,7 mol h-1mcat -1. The products of the reaction were separated by gas chromatography and identified by the selective detection PFPD sulfur. All samples had presented conversion above 95%


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The present work has as objective the development of ceramic pigments based in iron oxides and cobalt through the polymeric precursor method, as well as study their characteristics and properties using methods of physical, chemical, morphological and optical characterizations.In this work was used iron nitrate, and cobalt citrate as precursor and nanometer silica as a matrix. The synthesis was based on dissolving the citric acid as complexing agent, addition of metal oxides, such as chromophores ions and polymerization with ethylene glycol. The powder obtained has undergone pre-ignition, breakdown and thermal treatments at different calcination temperatures (700 °C, 800 °C, 900 °C, 1000 °C and 1100 °C). Thermogravimetric analyzes were performed (BT) and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), in order to evaluate the term decomposition of samples, beyond characterization by techniques such as BET, which classified as microporous materials samples calcined at 700 ° C, 800 º C and 900 º C and non-porous when annealed at 1000 ° C and 1100 º C, X-ray diffraction (XRD), which identified the formation of two crystalline phases, the Cobalt Ferrite (CoFe2O4) and Cristobalite (SiO2), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) revealed the formation of agglomerates of particles slightly rounded;and Analysis of Colorimetry, temperature of 700 °C, 800 °C and 900 °C showed a brown color and 1000 °C and 1100 °C violet


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In this study it was used two metallic oxides, Ta2O5 and TiO2, in order to obtain metallic powders of Ta and Ti through aluminothermic reduction ignited by plasma. Ta2O5 and TiO2 powders were mixed with Al in a planetary mill, using different milling times. A thermal analysis study (DTA and TG) was carried out, in order to know the temperature to react both the mixtures. Then, these mixtures were submitted to a hollow cathode discharge, where they were reacted using aluminothermic reduction ignited by plasma. The product obtained was characterized by XRD and SEM, where it was proven the possibility of producing these metallic particles, different from the conventional process, where metallic ingots are obtained. It was verified that the aluminothermic reduction ignited by plasma is able to produce metallic powders of Ta and Ti, and a higher efficiency was observed to the process with Ta2O5-Al mixtures. Among different microstructural aspects observed, it can be noted the presence of metallic nanoparticles trapped into an Al2O3 matrix, besides acicular structures (titanium) and dendritic structures (tantalum), which are a product characteristic from a fast cooling


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The inorganic actives, represented mainly by microfine zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, have shown great potential to protect against large UV spectrum. The aim of this study is the development, characterization and analysis of stability in the short term of microemulsions containing inorganic fotoprotection agents. The microemulsions identified by the phases diagram containing the metallic oxides were produced by two different methods and subjected to the centrifugation test and thermal stress cycles, and subsequently characterized by macroscopic evaluation, test dilution, electrical conductivity, pH, particle size, and zeta potential. This study highlights the influence of the metal oxides addition in the structure and distribution of micelles in the microemulsions


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Considering the constant evolution of technology in growth and the need for production techniques in the ceramics area to move forward together, we sought in this study, the research and development of polymeric precursor method to obtain inorganic ceramic pigments. Method that provides quality to obtain the precursor powders of oxides and pigments at the same time, offers time and cost advantages, such as reproducibility, purity and low temperature heat treatment, control of stoichiometry. This work used chromium nitrate and iron nitrate as precursors. The synthesis is based on the dissolution of citric acid as a complexing agent, addition of metal oxides, such as ion chromophores; polymerization with ethylene glycol and doping with titanium oxide. Passing through precalcination, breakdown, thermal treatments at different temperatures of calcination (700 to 1100 oC), resulting in pigments: green for chromium oxide deposited on TiO2 (CrTiO3) and orange for iron oxide deposited on TiO2 ( FeTiO3). Noticing an increase of opacity with increasing temperature. Were performed thermal analysis (TG and ATD) in order to evaluate its thermodecomposition. The powders were also characterized by techniques such as XRD, revealing the formation of crystalline phases such as iron titanate (FeTiO3) and chrome titanate (CrTiO3), SEM, demonstrating formation of rounded particles for both oxides and Spectroscopy in the UV-Visible Region, verifying the potential variation and chromaticity os pigments. Thus, the synthesized oxides were within the requirements to be applied as pigments and shown to be possible to propose its use in ceramic materials


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The metalic oxides have been studies due to differents applications as materials semiconductor in solar cells, catalysts, full cells and, resistors. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) has a high electric conductivity due to oxygen vacancies. The Ce(SO4)2.2H2O doped samples TiO2 and TiO2 pure was obtained sol-gel process, and characterized by X-ray diffractometry,thermal analysis, and impedance spectroscopy. The X-ray diffraction patterns for TiO2 pure samples shows at 700°C anatase phase is absent, and only the diffraction peaks of rutile phase are observed. However, the cerium doped samples only at 900°C rutile in the phase present with peaks of cerium dioxide (CeO2). The thermal analysis of the TiO2 pure and small concentration cerium doped samples show two steps weight loss corresponding to water of hydration and chemisorbed. To larger concentration cerium doped samples were observed two steps weight loss in the transformation of the doped cerium possible intermediate species and SO3. Finally, two steps weight loss the end products CeO2 and SO3 are formed. Analyse electric properties at different temperatures and concentration cerium doped samples have been investigated by impedance spectroscopy. It was observed that titanium, can be substituted by cerium, changing its electric properties, and increased thermal stability of TiO2 anatase structure


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Oxygen carriers are metal oxides which have the ability to oxidize and reduce easily by various cycles. Due to this property these materials are widely usedin Chemical-Looping Reforming processes to produce H2 and syngas. In this work supports based on MCM-41 and La-SiO2 were synthesized by hydrothermal method. After the synthesis step they were calcined at 550°C for 2 hours and characterized by TG, XRD, surface area using the BET method and FTIR spectroscopy. The deposition of active phase, in this case Nickel, took place in the proportions of 5, 10 and 20% by weight of metallic nickel, for use as oxygen carriers.The XRD showed that increasing in the content of Ni supported on MCM-41 resulted in a decrease in spatial structure and lattice parameter of the material. The adsorption and desorption curves of the MCM-41 samples exhibited variations with the increase of Ni deposited. Surface area, average pore diameter and wall density of silica showed significant changes , due to the increase of the active phase on the mesoporous material. By other hand, in the samples with La-SiO2 composition was not observed peaks characteristic of hexagonal structure, in the XRD diffractogram. The adsorption/desorption isotherms of nitrogen observed are type IV, characteristic of mesoporous materials. The catalytic test indicates that the supports have no influence in the process, but the nickel concentration is very important, because the results for minor concentration of nickel are not good. The ratio H2/O2 was close to 2, for all 15 cycles involving the test storage capacity of O2, indicating that the materials are effective for oxygen transport


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O uso de microondas no processamento e obtenção de materiais tem adquirido nos últimos anos crescente interesse por parte de diversas áreas do conhecimento como a química e a engenharia de materiais. Neste sentido, aparatos especialmente projetados têm começado a ser descritos na literatura como reatores e câmaras de processamento a microondas visando aplicação na pesquisa e na indústria. em particular o uso de fornos de microondas domésticos em atividades científicas tem se mostrado de interesse dado uma série de novas aplicações, simplicidade e baixo custo. O presente trabalho reporta um dispositivo desenvolvido a partir de um forno de microondas doméstico, capaz de efetuar sínteses e processamentos de sólidos mesmo quando os materiais envolvidos não possuem susceptibilidade as microondas. O novo dispositivo tem sido utilizado com sucesso na síntese de óxidos metálicos e, em especial na sinterização e ordenamento de redes cristalinas de filmes finos.