862 resultados para Água de produção


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A self-flotator vibrational prototype electromechanical drive for treatment of oil and water emulsion or like emulsion is presented and evaluated. Oil production and refining to obtain derivatives is carried out under arrangements technically referred to as on-shore and off-shore, ie, on the continent and in the sea. In Brazil 80 % of the petroleum production is taken at sea and area of deployment and it cost scale are worrisome. It is associated, oily water production on a large scale, carrier 95% of the potential pollutant of activity whose final destination is the environment medium, terrestrial or maritime. Although diversified set of techniques and water treatment systems are in use or research, we propose an innovative system that operates in a sustainable way without chemical additives, for the good of the ecosystem. Labyrinth adsor-bent is used in metal spirals, and laboratory scale flow. Equipment and process patents are claimed. Treatments were performed at different flow rates and bands often monitored with control systems, some built, other bought for this purpose. Measurements of the levels of oil and grease (OGC) of efluents treaty remained within the range of legal framework under test conditions. Adsorbents were weighed before and after treatment for obtaining oil impregna-tion, the performance goal of vibratory action and treatment as a whole. Treatment technolo-gies in course are referenced, to compare performance, qualitatively and quantitatively. The vibration energy consumption is faced with and without conventional flotation and self-flotation. There are good prospects for the proposed, especially in reducing the residence time, by capillary action system. The impregnation dimensionless parameter was created and confronted with consecrated dimensionless parameters, on the vibrational version, such as Weber number and Froude number in quadratic form, referred to as vibrational criticality. Re-sults suggest limits to the vibration intensity


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Este trabalho foi realizado com o intuito de avaliar a qualidade da água em tanques para piscicultura, cujo efluente é destinado para irrigação de forrageiras. O monitoramento dos aspectos físico- químicos do ambiente aquático de quatro tanques povoados com tambaqui, tilápia e pirarucu foi realizado em uma propriedade localizada no Distrito de Bebedouro, Petrolina, PE. A avaliação foi realizada durante 2 meses, com leituras semanais das variáveis: oxigênio, temperatura, pH, condutividade elétrica, salinidade e transparência. Quinzenalmente, foram efetivadas as análises de nitrogênio total, nitrogênio amoniacal, nitrato, nitrito, dureza, alcalinidade, fósforo total, sódio e potássio. Todas as variáveis avaliadas estavam de acordo com os padrões estabelecidos para o cultivo das espécies de peixes existentes.


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Durante a exploração de petróleo offshore (fora da costa), a injeção de água do mar no processo de recuperação secundária de petróleo, ocasiona a produção de sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S) pela presença das bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS), que reduzem o sulfato presente na água em sulfeto. A produção intensiva de H2S tem sido um dos maiores problemas das indústrias petrolíferas, pois constitui-se uma das principais causas de corrosão em linhas de produção (tubulações), equipamentos e tanques metálicos. Os principais micro-organismos presentes em amostras salinas provenientes de tanques de armazenamento de água e óleo da indústria do petróleo são as bactérias anaeróbias heterotróficas totais (BANHT) e as bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS). Atualmente, a quantificação desses grupos microbianos é realizada através da técnica do Número Mais Provável (NMP) que estima o resultado em aproximadamente 28 dias. Neste trabalho foi utilizada a metodologia de produção semi-contínua de sulfetos biogênicos por 15 dias, numa tentativa de correlacionar com os resultados de quantificação de BANHT e BRS através da técnica convencional do NMP. Nesse caso, avaliou-se as condições mais adequadas para a produção biogênica de sulfetos em tanques, alterando-se parâmetros tais como salinidade, temperatura e composição do meio de cultura. Verificou-se que os aumentos da salinidade e da temperatura do meio implicaram na diminuição da atividade biogênica semi-contínua de geração de sulfetos. E conforme dilui-se o meio de cultura, o crescimento de bactérias foi reduzido, assim como a geração de sulfetos. A quantificação de BRS e BANHT foi avaliada pela técnica do NMP de acordo com o método do FDA em 2011 e de Harrigan em 1998. Este último subestima a população microbiana, desconsiderando os limites e erros provenientes da técnica


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A produção de H2S (sulfeto de hidrogênio) é um dos principais problemas na indústria do petróleo, sendo esta uma das causas da corrosão de tanques de estocagem e tubulações. Essa produção é possibilitada devido à injeção de água do mar durante o processo de recuperação secundária do petróleo, onde alguns micro-organismos presentes nessa água, tais como as bactérias anaeróbias heterotróficas totais (BANHT) e as bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS), que promovem a redução do sulfato a sulfeto. Atualmente, o método de quantificação destes micro-organismos é a técnica do Número Mais Provável (NMP) que estima o resultado em aproximadamente 28 dias. No presente trabalho foi utilizada a metodologia da produção semi-contínua de sulfeto biogênico pelo período de 15 dias, com o intuito de correlacionar com os resultados das quantificações de BANHT e BRS através da técnica convencional do NMP. Foram analisadas amostras de diferentes procedências da indústria do petróleo, apresentando variação na salinidade de 0 a 16 g.L-1. O objetivo deste procedimento foi avaliar as velocidades específicas e instantâneas de produção de H2S, sugerindo, desta forma, quais amostras apresentam maior potencial para a produção biogênica de sulfeto e em quais condições essa produção se dá. Observou-se que em todas as amostras a geração do H2S se dá de forma crescente até a estabilização desta produção, sendo esta obtida quase sempre em seis dias (144h) do crescimento microbiano. A produção do sulfeto biogênico se deu de forma mais intensa nas amostras do fundo de tanque de estocagem de óleo e da água de formação. A quantificação das BANHT e das BRS foram avaliadas pelo método do NMP de acordo com a tabela de Harrigan, a qual subestima a população microbiana, desconsiderando erros provenientes da técnica


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The production of petroleum is frequently accomplished with great volumes of water, that it is carried of the underground with the oil. It is a challenge of the present century the development of technologies that allow the use of waste water for purposes that consume great amounts of water and don't demand as rigid as the one of the drinking water requirements. The solar distillation has been configuring as an alternative of clean technology for desalination of brine and saline. Besides causing the minimum possible damage to the environment, it takes advantage of an abundant and free energy source: the solar energy. That study aims to develop a Solar Distillator for treatment of the produced water of the oil wells, to obtain an efluent to use in agriculture and vapor generation. The methodology for collection, conservation and analysis of the physical-chemical parameters obeyed the norms in APHA (1995). The sampling was of the composed type. Experiments were accomplished in the solar distillation pilot and simulation in thermostatic bathing. The operation was in batch system and for periods of 4, 6 and 12 h. The developed Distillator is of the type simple effect of two waters. It was still tested two inclination angles for covering; 20º and 45º. The Distillator presented minimum of 2,85 L/m2d revenues and maximum of 7,14 L/m2d. The removals of salts were great than 98%. The removal of TOC in the simulation was great than 90%. In agreement with the data of energy and mass balance, it was verified that the developed solar Distillator presented compatible revenues with those found in literature for similar types. It can be inferred that the obtained distilled water assists to the requirements CONAMA in almost all the points and could be used for irrigation of cultures such as cotton and mamona. As the distilled water has characteristics of fresh water it can be used in the generation of vapor


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Petroleum can be associated or not with natural gas, but in both cases water is always present in its formation. The presence of water causes several problems, such as the difficulty of removing the petroleum from the reservoir rock and the formation of waterin-oil and oil-in-water emulsions. The produced water causes environmental problems, which should be solved to reduce the effect of petroleum industry in the environment. The main objective of this work is to remove simultaneously from the produced water the dispersed petroleum and dissolved metals. The process is made possible through the use of anionic surfactants that with its hydrophilic heads interacts with ionized metals and with its lipophilic tails interacts with the oil. The studied metals were: calcium, magnesium, barium, and cadmium. The surfactants used in this research were derived from: soy oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil, and a soap obtained from a mixture of 5wt.% coconut oil and 95wt.% animal fat. It was used a sample of produced water from Terminal de São Sebastião, São Paulo. As the concentration of the studied metals in produced water presented values close to 300 mg/L, it was decided to use this concentration as reference for the development of this research. Molecular absorption and atomic absorption spectroscopy were used to determine petroleum and metals concentrations in the water sample, respectively. A constant pressure filtration system was used to promote the separation of solid and liquid phases. To represent the behavior of the studied systems it was developed an equilibrium model and a mathematical one. The obtained results showed that all used surfactants presented similar behavior with relation to metals extraction, being selected the surfactant derived from soy oil for this purpose. The values of the partition coefficients between the solid and liquid phases " D " for the studied metals varied from 0.2 to 1.1, while the coefficients for equilibrium model " K " varied from 0.0002 and 0.0009. The removal percentile for oil with all metals associated was near 100%, showing the efficiency of the process


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The oil industry has several segments that can impact the environment. Among these, produced water which has been highlight in the environmental problem because of the great volume generated and its toxic composition. Those waters are the major source of waste in the oil industry. The composition of the produced water is strongly dependent on the production field. A good example is the wastewater produced on a Petrobras operating unit of Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará (UO-RNCE). A single effluent treatment station (ETS) of this unit receives effluent from 48 wells (onshore and offshore), which leads a large fluctuations in the water quality that can become a complicating factor for future treatment processes. The present work aims to realize a diagnosis of a sample of produced water from the OU - RNCE in compliance to certain physical and physico-chemical parameters (chloride concentration, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, TOG (oil & grease), nitrate concentration, turbidity, salinity and temperature). The analysis of the effluent is accomplished by means of a MP TROLL 9500 Multiparameter probe, a TOG/TPH Infracal from Wilks Enterprise Corp. - Model HATR - T (TOG) and a MD-31 condutivimeter of Digimed. Results were analyzed by univariated and multivariated analysis (principal component analysis) associated statistical control charts. The multivariate analysis showed a negative correlation between dissolved oxygen and turbidity (-0.55) and positive correlations between salinity and chloride (1), conductivity, chloride and salinity (0.70). Multivariated analysis showed there are seven principal components which can explain the variability of the parameters. The variables, salinity, conductivity and chloride were the most important variables, with, higher sampling variance. Statistical control charts have helped to establish a general trend between the physical and chemical evaluated parameters


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The treatment of oil produced water and its implications are continually under investigation and several questions are related to this subject. In the Northeast Region Brazil, the onshore reservoirs are, in its majority, mature oil fields with high production of water. As this oil produced water has high levels of oil, it cannot be directly discarded into the environment because it represents a risk for contamination of soil, water, and groundwater, or even may cause harm to living bodies. Currently, polyelectrolytes that promote the coalescence of the oil droplets are used to remove the dispersed oil phase, enhancing the effectiveness of the flotation process. The non-biodegradability and high cost of polyelectrolytes are limiting factors for its application. On this context, it is necessary to develop studies for the search of more environmentally friendly products to apply in the flotation process. In this work it is proposed the modeling of the flotation process, in a glass column, using surfactants derived from vegetal oils to replace the polyelectrolytes, as well as to obtain a model that represents the experimental data. In addition, it was made a comparative study between the models described in the literature and the one developed in this research. The obtained results showed that the developed model presented high correlation coefficients when fitting the experimental data (R2 > 0.98), thus proving its efficiency in modeling the experimental data.


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During production of oil and gas, there is also the production of an aqueous effluent called produced water. This byproduct has in its composition salts, organic compounds, gases and heavy metals. This research aimed to evaluate the integration of processes Induced Air Flotation (IAF) and photo-Fenton for reducing the Total Oils and Greases (TOG) present in produced water. Experiments were performed with synthetic wastewater prepared from the dispersion of crude oil in saline solution. The system was stirred for 25 min at 33,000 rpm and then allowed to stand for 50 min to allow free oil separation. The initial oil concentration in synthetic wastewater was 300 ppm and 35 ppm for the flotation and the photo-Fenton steps, respectively. These values of initial oil concentration were established based on average values of primary processing units in Potiguar Basin. The processes were studied individually and then the integration was performed considering the best experimental conditions found in each individual step. The separation by flotation showed high removal rate of oil with first-order kinetic behavior. The flotation kinetics was dependent on both the concentration and the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) of the surfactant. The best result was obtained for the concentration of 4.06.10-3 mM (k = 0.7719 min-1) of surfactant EO 2, which represents 86% of reduction in TOG after 4 min. For series of surfactants evaluated, the separation efficiency was found to be improved by the use of surfactants with low HLB. Regarding the TOG reduction step by photo-Fenton, the largest oil removal reached was 84% after 45 min of reaction, using 0.44 mM and 10 mM of ferrous ions and hydrogen peroxide, respectively. The best experimental conditions encountered in the integrated process was 10 min of flotation followed by 45 min of photo-Fenton with overall TOG reduction of 99%, which represents 5 ppm of TOG in the treated effluent. The integration of processes flotation and photo-Fenton proved to be highly effective in reducing TOG of produced water in oilfields


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Produced water has lately aroused interest due to their high degree of salinity, suspended oil particles, chemicals added in various manufacturing processes, heavy metals and radioactivity sometimes. Along with oil and due to its high volume production, water production is one of the pollutants of most concern in the process of oil extraction. PAHs due to their ubiquity and their characteristics carcinogenic or mutagenic and teratogenic even have attracted the attention of every scientific society. Formed from the incomplete combustion of organic matter may be natural or anthropogenic. Some materials have been researched with the goal of cleaning up environmental matrices that may be contaminated by hydrocarbons. Among these materials researched various clays have been employed, of which highlights the vermiculite. The family of phyllosilicates, vermiculite for its potential and its high hydrophobic surface area has been a tool widely used in the decontamination of water in processes of oil spills. However, when it loses its capacity expanded hydrophobic having the necessity of using a hidrofobizante to make it organophilic. Among the numerous hidrofobizantes researched and used the linseed oil was the pioneer. In this study sought to evaluate the capacity of removal of PAHs using the vermiculite hydrofobized with linseed oil and wax also, for it was made use of the 24 full factorial design as the main tool for the experiments. We also evaluated the clay grain size (-20 +48 and -48 +80 #), the percentage of hidrofobizante applied (5 and 10%) and salinity of the water produced synthesized in our laboratory (35,000 and 55,000 ppm). The molecular fluorescence spectroscopy due to its sensitivity and speed was used to verify the adsorption capacity of clay, as well as gas chromatography served as an auxiliary technique to identify and quantify the PAHs in solution. In order to characterize the vermiculite was made use of X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction. The infrared and thermogravimetry were essential to note hydrophobization and the amount of coating of clay. According to the fluorescence analysis showed that the test 12 was the best result in about 98% adsorption of fluorescent compounds, however the high salinity, the smallest particle size, the highest percentage of hidrofobizante and the use of linseed oil showed greater efficiency in the removal capacity of these hydrocarbons, in accordance with the trend followed by the analysis of the major factors of the factorial design. To verify the adsorption capacity of clay using a fixed volume of water produced synthetically, used as the test base 12, at their respective levels and factors. Thus, it was observed that after adding about 1 ½ liters of water solution produced synthetically, about 300 times its volume in mass, the vermiculite was able to adsorb 80% of fluorescent species present in solution


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Seis cabras da raça Alpina, com produção média de leite de 2,5 kg/dia, foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos de três e submetidas à termoneutralidade ou estresse térmico por 56 dias em câmara climática. Usou-se um delineamento estatístico crossover. A temperatura média do ar diurna, incluindo radiação solar simulada, foi de 33,84ºC. Os animais estressados aumentaram a freqüência respiratória, o volume-minuto respiratório, a termólise-evaporativa respiratória, temperatura retal e a taxa de sudorese, enquanto o volume corrente respiratório e o volume globular diminuíram. Houve também perda de peso, redução da ingestão de alimentos e duplicação do consumo de água. A produção de leite e a porcentagem de gordura, proteína, lactose e sólidos totais diminuíram. Os teores de cloretos, cálcio e fósforo não sofreram alteração. Concluiu-se que, para manter a homeotermia, as cabras mobilizaram o sistema respiratório e sudoríparo para perder calor. A alta temperatura ambiente efetiva reduziu a produção e os teores de alguns componentes do leite.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of pineapple cultivar Smooth Cayenne as the physical production and the quality of the fruit when subjected to different frequencies of water dpeth and soil water in Triângulo Mineiro - Uberaba-MG. The experimental area soil is Oxisol, clay loam sandy and soft undulating local relief. A randomized block design in a factorial 4 x 2 with four levels of soil water depth (50%, 75%, 100% and 125%) of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and two irrigation frequencies (1 day and 3 days = F1 = F2) and four replications was utilized. The crop productivity, number of seedlings, mean weight, diameter, and hardness of the fruit, plus water use efficiency were evaluated. Productivity was not significantly affected by the water depth and by the frequency of water applied; however the fruit shell resistance, the efficiency of water use, and ratoon seedlings were significantly influenced by irrigation, the water depth of 50% of the crop evapotranspiration (ETC) provided greater efficiency of water use for the production of pineapple fruit.